I love painting minis and putting together model gundams. Tacro hands can definitely get in the way so I picked up something like this to help hold parts steady
Pretty sure this is what I have or very close: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PLMGC9C/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ENRQ5D963RY4RWAV0106
It’s not perfect but it was good enough to get me through the first week of sleeping at home.
Hi. I just wear sunscreen when i go out but i hardly do so these days because of the pandemic.
I love this one for my face because it feels so light and does not break me out. Almost any Japanese sunscreen has high SPF level but I've only really tried Biore.
Hi! To answer your question, very high risk. Don’t want to scare you but give you some feedback.. 1)Quarantine yourself. Do not go anywhere where there are people. I understand that for mental sanity you need to breathe air, so taking walks etc is acceptable but wear a mask if possible(N95) and don’t chat with neighbors.
2) food shopping, medication etc, find a way to have it all delivered to your doorstep. When it arrives, spray the containers with Lysol or wipe it down with disinfectant wipes.
3) wash your hands the moment you walk into your home for any time that you leave it. Like a reflex, just go straight to the sink before touching or doing anything else.
4) Any human contact should be done with a mask. I say this simply because you cannot control the behavior of others, you don’t know where they go or what they do. If it’s a family member and you know they aren’t going anywhere, it’s ok. The 6 foot rule they advertise in the US is useless. If someone coughs in the air and leaves or touches a surface and leaves, they infected that space. The space is infectious for a period of time (currently unknown how long) so best to wipe down the surface with wipes.
This is a tracker for worldwide cases if you are interested in following BUT just because these are reported cases does not mean they are the only cases. There are people who have not been tested, waiting on test results, or non symptomatic who could have it. The virus is transmittable before symptoms.
disclaimer: My qualifications extend to being an EMT and an undergrad science degree. I am not a doctor or prescriber. Definitely check with your physicians as well.
Yes! However, we haven’t been able to pinpoint the cause. I’m on 2mg tacro plus 500mg cellcept (mycophenolate) twice daily and no longer any prednisone. My doctors said that low magnesium can cause or worsen RLS symptoms, and I am taking between 12-16 133mg magnesium supplement daily. It seems like my bad flare ups aren’t quite as frequent as they were, but when they drive me insane this Heated Leg Massager plus a heating pad on my lower back/sciatica area helps me not lose my mind. Hopefully there is some more permanent relief or a better solution on the horizon, but I hope that helps in the meantime. I’m interested to see what the correlation is!
(Sorry if it’s wonky, on mobile.)
Haven't got a transplant yet (hopefully soon) but still taking plenty of meds on dialysis. I use a similar one. It's got 4 compartments per day of the week and you can take each day out of the holder. Pretty handy. It's similar to this one except instead of icons it has MORN, NOON, EVE and BED text.
I did it the same way as you for the first year. Once the total count went down it was much easier to manager. Now I put all my meds in a container like this: https://www.amazon.com/Compartment-Medicine-Dispenser-Organizer-TS/dp/B01FYG1NE6/ref=zg_bs_3776431_31?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=33Q1WTJ7APVY2HA45KJA
and use that to fillout an AM/PM organizer on Sunday nights.
I have a small plastic case I put my morning meds in to take with me to work and use the Medisafe app as a reminder on when to take them.
IMHO I liked my iPad so I could watch some shows. I lots a ton of weight. I'm 6ft 5 and 300lbs but I lost about 120lbs (liver tx). Lots of my weight when I went in was from swelling and I guess other things my body decided to stop doing/couldnt do.
For me;
Also best of luck eh.
I take it you're from Pittsburgh?
To make up for the evil hand sanitizer and soap, get him some good lotion. Not just random lotion, but good stuff. I've always found that Vaseline Intensive Care has some good lotions (they change their actual names every now and then, so I don't want to suggest one actual type). The Body Shop Almond Hand Butter/lotion is also good and has a nice neutral scent.
He will likely come home with a pill organizer, but you may want to see if he wants another one that suits him better. While he won't be going out for a while, we've found these to be helpful as well: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B075WTB4BD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1h
Another thing I bought my husband was a clipboard with storage inside. He will need to take his paperwork to clinic each week and may find this helpful.
While my husband wasn't in a lot of pain, he wore sweats for the first two months or so. So finding some nice comfy ones (or pajama pants) might be helpful.
I hope he has a speedy recovery!
Mine is very similar but fewer bottles. I have a hard case the days latch into not a soft bag. A Ziploc bag for my 5 bottles that sit in a cardboard box my meds came from. I like these travel cases. I'm only on Tacro for rejection now so I fill them up to keep one in my purse. They stay closed very well. https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Briefcase-Medicine-Storage-Container/dp/B075WTB4BD
If I know I'm going to be out for awhile I use Aveda's sunscreen and a uv reflective umbrella if I'm directly in the sun. It's chemical free and even offers pollution protection. It does make me look a little dewey but, oh well. . Sunscreen: https://m.aveda.com/product/17737/40347/skin-care/spf-protection/daily-light-guard-defense-fluid-broad-spectrum-spf-30 . . . Cuby UV Sun Umbrella Compact... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07R8K6GMG?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share . . It's not the cutest thing in the world but I'm not going to take any unnecessary risks. I also check what the uv index is wherever I'm at to make sure I'm not outside very long depending on how high it is. . I'll probably get some uv resistant clothing soon but I won't wear them during the summer - it's too hot!!!
Oh wow, this sounds a lot like my transplant. Spent about 4-5 weeks in hospital, then had to spend about 3 months near the hospital. Had one rejection episode (everybody gets one), but over all the recovery went well.
The first year or so is going to be a rollercoaster. Prednisone in high levels can royaly screw up your emotions and your ability to process them. You might struggle with it, and that is ok. Everyone goes through that on prednisone, and it will get better as the dose goes down.
Your body is also going through a traumatic, albeit necessary, change. It might take a bit to adjust to this new norm. Give yourself time and lots of patience. Physical therapy and seeing a psychologist can do wonders for helping you in your recovery. Anxiety and PTSD are incredibly common and incredibly treatable, and most transplant recipients deal with both to some degree.
It will really help to get yourself on a schedule, for meds and appointments and such. Try keeping a journal or calendar of some sort. Find a way of carrying your meds that works for you. If you don't like carrying the pill boxes around, try mini boxes in a pouch like this: Pill Organizer
All that aside, the three months after you leave the hospital would be a good time to find a hobby, or continue one provided its safe. It keeps the hands and the mind busy, so the body can focus on recovery. Take up knitting, model building, even just coloring in a coloring book, something to keep the mind happy and working. This recovery is about you.
Let me know if you have any specific questions. Best of luck in your recovery!
My college roommate had a transplant several years ago and goes on insane hikes all the time now. He uses a seatbelt cushion to pad his hiking pack belt. Kinna like this one - I think he uses two actually, one on each side.
I use these, but I purchased enough for 31 days and bought stickers to put the day of the month on each one so I can fill a month at a time and make sure I know if I took meds. I can take just how many I need in a plastic bag for short trips. I have a backpack with built in cooler compartment for longer trips. Just keep my meds in with my laptop and such.
I only use am/pm compartments these days. I take all except my cellcept 6-8am/pm and the cellcept at 8-10am/pm.
I'm also diabetic so I have an insulated case that I use to organize my strips/meter/pens/etc and there's room for one of these pill cases. I load that up every day to take to work in that cooler backpack.
We have that one and liked it except I have rheumatoid and fill my husband's pill case. These ones are really hard for me to open. We just upgraded to this one: Ezy Dose Weekly (7-Day) Pill Organizer, Vitamin and Medicine Box, 2X-Large Push Button Compartments, 4 Times a Day, Clear Lids
I use this one. Set out my pills for the week on Saturday evening and then just grab the day I need throughout the week and take it with me. Sometimes if I’m throwing it in my purse I’ll put it in a little plastic bag in case one of the doors opens.
Ezy Dose Weekly (7-Day) Pill Organizer, Vitamin and Medicine Box, Large Pop-Out Compartments, 4 Times a Day, Assorted Colors https://www.amazon.com/dp/B001CDZPN6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_PYVJDKVPN138ASD1EA1H?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the sorter I use. I just take that days meds with me. If I am traveling over a week, I take the whole thing plus my medicine bag. I sort my meds every Sunday morning.
SHD Weekly Pill Organizer 7 Day (3 Times A Day) Case Large Compartments Medication Box for Vitamins Supplements Prescription Travel Pill Container - Rainbow https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D8N4K78/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_PKC3RMMKYGTWXMMT6SX9
I use these opret ones I found on Amazon. They stay shut in my purse. I have morning meds in one color and evening meds in another. The other I keep filled by my prescription bottles to grab and go if needed. When I travel which is rare, I take my big seven day box and keep it in a large Ziploc bag. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07MHNC9F7/ref=cm_sw_r_oth_api_i_FYTH01JXYPHVR477QBFJ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have this one, I love it! Makes it easy to keep them on hand! pill case
Waterproof Shower Cover Shields for Dialysis Port Picc Line Chest Catheter PD Peritoneal Dialysis Chemo Port Feeding Tube G-Tube Patient Shower Protector, 8"x8"(Pack of 25) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091Y76WVW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_EANWGN6WRJ4FJMR0NGB5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use these shower shields from Amazon, truly a god send. I just place a piece of gauze the size of the area I want to cover so the shower shield doesn’t stick to that area for easy removal. Once you take away the protective plastic, it feels like second skin and doesn’t peel at all in the shower.
It's a lot of changes medicinally. There may be unexpected issues now and in the future. You guys can and will overcome them. Keep a positive attitude.
There are a lot of obvious heart health cook books and resources. Personally, I don't care for them.
I try to eat healthy, but I allow myself the occasional fried chicken or steak. Not daily though!
I highly recommend Persian food. It tastes fantastic! When I met with my dietitian for my second transplant, I told her I was eating lots of Persian food, and she said, "that's great, keep doing that!" They use lots of sour flavors and not much salt, but you can use even less than the recipes suggest and you won't miss it. Joon is a good entry cook book, as well as any book by that author. Bottom of the Pot is also good. It can be hard to find a Persian restaurant in some towns, but most large cities have them. Go check them out. The Persian ice cream (saffron with a little rose water and pistachio) is amazing, but only once in a while!
Smart Essentials 14 Day Pill & Vitamin Organizer 2 Weeks AM/PM 4 Doses a Day Travel Case Handy & Portable, Black, GM8283 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07D6WHQJL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8K92Y8JEDR3AH0BRBDVK
It's pretty pricey, but it's done wonders for my hair, even before I started losing it. My hair is soft, shiny, and doesn't frizz. It feels fuller and overall healthier. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0892TRRRK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RYB3M6W2D5AMV96SS7BC?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I bought the following book after someone on /r/dialysis recommended it. It's more specific to kidney failure but there are a few chapters discussing the patients perspective about what kind of meds you need to take and why, side effects, etc.
I have the same problem. I bought a water bottle that tracks how much I drink and glows to remind me when I get behind on fluids. It's been great to know exactly how much water im drinking day to day.
Here is the link to the shower chair on Amazon that the hospital recommended to me. It worked perfectly!
Medline Shower Chair Bath Seat with Padded Armrests and Back, Supports up to 350 lbs, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01MSISJKG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_T8RY6GGYV2H4VFK7P59W?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Also, here is the toilet seat
Essential Medical Supply Elevated... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CW811LK?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I donated on behalf of friend, and he gave me a bracelet similar to this as well as a coffee mug that says “of course I’m a kidney donor..who wouldn’t want a piece of this?”
A friend also gave me a t-shirt that says “I donated a kidney and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”
Hi, I've been on medication since I was 7 and always hated swallowing pills and sometimes I really struggled. I put up with taking one at a time for years until a couple of years ago I got endocarditis where I was throwing up for days on end but I had to find a way to keep my meds down. I found chucking them all in my mouth in one go and swallowing them with a massive gulp of water was the best way and I still do it now. This was before my transplant and the meds are even stricter now so I'm glad I finally thought to do this!
Also perhaps have your bf think about getting a watch or even a fitness tracker that has silent (vibrating) alarms so he won't miss his meds, and the best thing ever for managing meds is a weekly organiser - I would be lost without mine. I set up my pills for the week and I can just glance to see if I've taken them - in case get distracted during my alarms. Before I had it I was sometimes unsure if I had taken them at all which is not good! So it's really a must for meds that you can't miss even once. Mine is like this one which I've found is the best type. Good luck to you both and you're a really amazing lady for doing this!
I'm going to be lazy and copy paste what I just told someone else.
Think about getting a watch or even a fitness tracker that has silent (vibrating) alarms so you won't miss your meds, and the best thing ever for managing meds is a weekly organiser - I would be lost without mine. I set up my pills for the week and I can just glance to see if I've taken them - in case I get distracted during my alarms. Before I had it I was sometimes unsure if I had taken them at all which is not good! So it's really a must for meds that you can't miss even once. Mine is like this one which I've found is the best type.