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The tutorials on the Unity website are the very best I've found. As long as your computer can view Youtube videos you should be fine to watch them. You can find them here:
> I have planned out how it could work in my head logically for several years...
Wait, what?
> could anyone give me a brief description of the types of script I would have to understand.
Perhaps someone with much more experience than me will actually answer your question, but I'm going to venture to guess that most folks will just suggest you start with the basic tutorials on Unity's website.
Its likely to go ignored, but I created a spreadsheet in Google Docs that compares the features of some 2D Engines/Tools for Unity...
Touch me, you know you want to
2D Toolkit and Ex2D are highlighted, because, in my mind they present the most viable options right now. Certainly for the price.
I ended up going for 2D Toolkit based on a couple of things. It being open source certainly helped, along with having a polygon collision editor and better animation support than Ex2D.
I think your question is related to how game engine works. I'm not sure if there's a specific course that does this with regards to Unity, but if I were you I would look at the C# libraries that you import with unity and see what they give you access with respect to the Unity Application.
You may need to double check this, but I don't think Unity is open source so you can't do a deep dive. The most you can do in this scenario would be to check out gamedev logs of people who've tried to build their own game engine see what problems they came across, and try to infer what Unity Engine devs did to solve them.
Another resource you can check out are books on building game engines.
I think it’s wonderful you want to make games and the other suggestions for how to get into Unity are also great. However, I found the best way to get my kids into learning game development was to start with Scratch and once they get the hang of it, then move to more complicated engines like Unity and C#.
It is quite common for beginners to ask about how to leave a bullet mark right after they’ve learned how to shoot to have that "AA" game feel.
In this video, I attempted to get straight to the point under 4 minutes so that you can use the rest of your time to actually focus on making a good game.
There are two ways to do this, this video focuses on the Rigidbody's technique.
I will be exploring another technique next week.
There are pro and cons to this and other techniques, it always...ALWAYS depends on the game you are making.
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Shoutout to fellow Redditors that have been following this series:
db_mew, DancingEngie, apieceoffruit, Clockw0rk, Rnonimouz, chevymonster, AsusWhopper, and Pingly, B2D235, combatdave, bFusion, leuthil, combatdave, zeidrich, xelu
Some people learn better with books. If your son is one of those, and they don’t have much programming experience, I’d recommend the Harrison Ferone Learning C# by developing games with Unity.
If your son has programming experience, I’d maybe recommend a Unity certification exam guide. Certification exams are a good challenge that make sure students have a well rounded understanding of unity. I helped a high school student pass the test last year, though they were not a beginner programmer.
Try this It's free, it's simple and they have some good tutorials. The only downside is that you might not need to program at all with this addon =) And if you are required to write some C# then official tutorials is a good start. Especially the ones about UI
I only recently found your website and I haven't found any 'big' backlinks to it. Idk if you've tried to submit your articles to Gamasutra and similar websites, your tutorials would make a great fit for the technical sections of websites like Gamasutra that are more often than not, deserted. Also, you can try writing to Unity, they actively try to dig up nice tutorials to add to their official website. There's basically nothing there on procedural generation.
Depending on your skill and how much you want to build yourself, I'd say just use the Mapbox Unity SDK which already does much of what you'd need.
You can of course also just pick a map data provider and use their APIs to get back serialized data conforming to their data model / specification, e.g., open street maps, and then parse and generate your own geometry from that.
Decompiling is pretty hit-or-miss; it isn't a push-button process, it takes some understanding of the structure of a compiled executable, and specific software (which is only very rarely free). Additionally, comments are almost certainly going to be truncated, along with a number of details on variable and field names, depending on the compiler. If you're lucky, you've got a development executable; if you've got a release executable, then even more will have been truncated. It's generally likely to be easier to just get the source project from your partner.
For an actual suggestion, you might consider investing in .NET Reflector, which can decompile an exe into C# or VB.NET, but note that you'll lose lambdas, constant names, anonymous methods, iterators, async/await, and of course comments. Additionally, it's going to be a pile of source files (including for the actual built-in engine) and maybe resources, not a Unity project, and you'll be spending a hundred bucks for a basic license. That's not usually easy to navigate, unless you do this stuff for fun. I mean I do, and I still get lost sometimes.
If you just need to change something simple, you might consider looking into a free hex editor and finding out a bit about PE (exe) structures, then editing byte-by-byte. Basically find the important code and Game Genie the thing, same concept. I wouldn't exactly drop something like that on Github though!
If you want to try an open-source decompiler, look into ILSpy or dnSpy. I think that they're open source, though their performance lags behind Reflector. It might make a nice middle ground?
The current Unity UI is a good start but certainly isn't a complete system. However it does provide a good framework from which to build controls for your UI from, the one's deployed by Unity should really only be viewed as examples rather than fixed controls.
A fair few have built new controls or simply enhanced those provided by Unity (since the source for the UI system is open source) on the UI Extensions project.
Still there are a few areas (like Text) where it falls short, so it will get you about 90% the way there as it stands but a little work is needed to get your UI right and a little more to make it responsive.
Went to bed before I could answer yesterday, but I think I know whats going wrong. I uploaded some corrections here
Let me know if this works and if you have more questions.
well bugger, the plan was to make one of those toys that have a library of low budget games(kind of like this:\_1\_2?dchild=1&keywords=Pacman+Arcade&qid=1634417805&sr=8-2)
Follow tutorials like Brackeys
Take notes with a pen and paper, review them away from the computer. Make some written notes /sketches of how you think code might work. Then work it out on the computer, when it goes wrong google.