Looking at the website, there is an article specifically calling out a new console patch being released. They also mention another upcoming patch for late July/early August.
And they ALSO go on to have a section mentioning issues they are researching.
Assuming they keep up with what they're talking about, that sounds like a pretty standard early access game to me.
This screenshot is from Alpha 11.
Just thought I'd point out that they've moved to more smooth terrain already but still use the block system for material endurance & such.
>Hey guys, I just wanted to chime in and say I am waiting for GUI transparency before I do the video. It will be so much better like that so it will be worth the wait. I didn't want to make a video where I am making excuses this close to release. So be patient, I'll do it ASAP.
>The game is playing insane. Mocaptured HD zombies are a huge game changer. Melee is now viable and rewarding. POI placement is better. RG is improved. There are too many things to list, but the best way to explain it is just wow, this game is kickass now. It feels so polished and sweet, it makes mundane things like mining and upgrading fun. Combat is crazy fun though. Weather can be a challenge too. Wellness takes time now too, antibiotics don't give you wellness any more.
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but MM urged us to keep our pants on:
> Sorry to derail the hype train but it's not that close.
> Edit: I had my first good night without a showstopper is all... we're close but still have guys with 30+ bugs. Some guys don't have any bugs and are now helping others with their bugs. We're working hard, but want this build to great and need more time.
14.6 patch notes here. Notable changes:
> Fixed: endless blood moon hordes.
> Fixed: Add Scrap Function for items in loot containers.
> Fixed: Add the “wear” option when clothing is in a container.
> it's about 3-4 days away from being tight 100% ready to launch
12hrs ago, from madmole who's part of the staff link
That's why I thought I'd share. It is getting noticeably better in terms of graphics.
If you like what you see there, I recommend reading their news posts about patches all the way back to when you stopped playing. They've added some cool stuff, such as:
Plus tons of bug fixes, & other changes along the way. I'm sure I missed some stuff, but the move to Unity brought a lot of new things as well graphically (shader systems, higher resolution textures, etc.)
New Gun System – We’ve been planning on a new Gun system for a few months now and we’re finally ready to start on it. The new system allows players to find whole weapons that can be broken down to yield a specified number of good parts. The parts and assembled guns have 7 quality ranges including broken, damaged, poor, average, great, flawless and legendary. Once the player collects enough good parts he can assembly a working gun. The sum or average quality of all the parts determines the sum or average quality of the assembled weapon. The parts themselves govern attributes like damage, accuracy, degradation rate, scope zoom level, knockback strength, penetration and falloff range. This will allow for hundreds of thousands of permutations of guns. Later this system will also be used for Armor, Tools and Melee Weapons.
Need a hex editor to change a number, it's pretty simple. Make back ups first, etc etc
Note: I haven't done this since A15, so not sure if it still works, so ymmv.
Quote from TFP Dev, Madmole: "IMHO the pine forest was our best biome in pre alpha 7 because those trees actually had 3ds models for branches. So the other biomes are even more improved than this one. Now we have full blown unity trees which sway in the wind and theres a huge variety of them and they are much bigger than the old trees, which is cool because they dwarf the houses now and it just feels so much more immersive. And the framerate is improved so it's a win across the board. The ground instead of a 512 texture is now a 1024 or 2048 so we've got crisp grass when you look down instead of blurred pixels. It's a huge improvement to say the least."
We're still in A16 on PC at the moment I think (it's been a little while). Here is the link to the 16.4 notes.
Basically as you level up you gain skill points which you can use to level up or unlock abilities. There are also certain skills that can't be unlocked until you are a certain level. (i.e. Steel smithing can't be unlocked until you are level 40).
Hope this helps!
I think there waiting for the Alpha 16 patch (Patch notes) to come out. Just scrolling through them it seems like there's some big gameplay changes along with new locations and shit.
Madmole wrote this on the forum 2 hours ago:
> Under 30 and they can wait until post launch patch. We are smoke testing a build now, and preparing a release candidate to test later tonight. If it goes well we might see an evening launch, if there are problems we'll release tomorrow if possible.
>"A11.6 Patch Is Out! Howdy Survivalists,
>we’re busy working on alpha 12 but have some highly requested fixes for you today!
>As always we cannot guarantee its compatibility with old saved games. If experience any problems please reinstall the game and start a brand new game.
Alpha 11.6 Release Notes
>This entry was posted in News on 06/12/2015 by rhuenink.
>All of the "BY THE END OF FEB!" and "BY MARCH 15th!!!!" is all speculation. None of it was ever from anyone official.
The "End of Feb" date came from the devs themselves, on their website.
The March date came from Madmole, the lead dev, on their forum.
The date of the 15th was just something Madmole said in the forum also as the date he expected the patch to be released before.
In terms of new content/big changes, this newest patch might be the biggest one they've been working on. In terms of small and big changes, and new things, A16 might be the biggest and varied.
For A13, they worked on Zombies a bit, (textures, animations, knockdown, dismemberment) and patched the game several times in the same month of release
A14 was biome work, they added the skills and perks, added basic quests, and reworked how clothing and armor worked.
A15 was the Trader, more Biome work, Journal tips, vending machines, Blood moon and party rework, Station work tables.
It's hard to gauge what is "too long" for a patch, because I am sure different problems and features might take different times to implement, but considering all the stuff that's coming, I think it's easy to see why this new one is taking a while.
Madmole wrote this on the forum yesterday:
> We're removing tedium and introducing real balance and choices. Coffee was simply better than water before now water is better at hydrating you, coffee is good for stamina boost and it warms you up, which is beneficial or bad if you are wearing a lot of gear and are in a hot climate. Red tea cools you down (yes another new item). Now there are specific beverages for specific needs, rather than just super beverages all over the place. It's much more balanced and each item has meaning instead of just pour on the sugar and get fat mentality. > > Later we'll add addiction to the more powerful chems in the game.
Unfortunately very little concrete information was told. Only thing for sure is the price and the active players, but that doesn't really help either. So we will have to rely on rough approximations.
I March 2014 they said they hit the 250k mark. Luckily for us, the game was pricecut around that time, so we can roughly calculate (with taking an average price, since most of the sold units were on steamsale) an approximate 30 * 250000 = 7 500 000$ GROSS (not counting tax and dev costs) profits untill March 2014 (not bad for the first 4 months of the game).
With our continued luck, we can use Steamspy to determine that right now it has sold 1 212 260 units, deducting the previous 250k amount and calculating with an 20$/per unit (to kind of account for steamsales) average we can approximate a 20 * 962 260 = 19 245 200$ GROSS revenue.
So our approximation landed on 26 745 200$ GROSS
I would say, to account for errors, that is between 20m and 30m dollars of gross income, not bad under 1,75 years.
Edit: Oh, I forgot the 507 612$ Kickstarter and probably other money from other investors, but it doesn't really change the conclusion.
Edit 2: u/Jeradox pointed out that steam takes a 30% cut, so our approximation lands at 18 721 640$. So the ballpark is around 14 mil to 21 mil instead.
> there is nothing indicating this behavior in game
Land Claim Improvements
Eh, repost below.
Honestly, a good place to start with these ridiculous IP laws is to go back down to 28 years duration. Not just for the sake of a better Star Wars but also to give Nintendo a real competition on their franchises once their IP expires.
Think about this: How many zombie games are sold, and how many studios make them? But how many Pokémon games are there?
There's a lot of potential to make good games here. The idea is to open up the use of these creatures and characters, just like using the age-old zombie ideas.
If we could make money off of the Pokémon, for example, the creativity would go sky-high. Despite losing such rights, Nintendo would probably still do well; in fact, they might do better because of how much public attention they're getting. Instead of waiting for a possible disappointment, I could finally get artists, game designers, and storywriters together and say, "We're going to make the best damn Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game because we haven't gotten it from them."
And at that point, Nintendo just has to do better than everyone else whether it's through marketing, skill, or nostalgia. If they're losing and requesting IP again, tell them to fuck off. Letting a loser run the show is like saying The Fun Pimps shall control who makes zombie games until they die.
Honestly, you may not care about this example, but your money doesn't have to buy this.
This post is covered by CC by 4.0.
You're looking for the game 7 Days to Die. It's open world survival zombie game with a similar crafting system to minecraft in an apocalyptic world. Unfortunately it's still in development, but if you don't mind a few bugs, it's good.
It's on steam by the way.
Well you know for build 11 they're "maybe" adding a motocycle that you'll have to find part to repair and fuel it. Not sure but it's on the their list.
The good news is that everything is very moddable. Someone has already gone through and did an extensive overhaul of the game to make it more hardcore. The mod is called "Better Than Giant Bees: Hardcore Survival". With modding there will be many ways to address things that may not be perfectly suited for a particular play preference which is great.
I have a couple that I would like to see:
Mod the oven and wallOven in blocks.xml to allow them to be upgradeable to a version of the block that will act like a campfire. forum post with details
Mod the empty jar in items.xml to also fill with water when focused on graniteSink and cabinetOldSink.
I'll noodle on some other ideas.
Nope. If you want them to even have a chance of seeing your post, you have to post on the official forum (aka Fun Pimps Safe Space). Beware, if you dare criticize the game, you'll be torn apart by ravenous fanboys and moderators, or even banned for like if you dare argue with them beyond your "correction", like what happened to a friend of mine.
I've even had madmole even reply to a few of my posts there. Meanwhile here on this subreddit, there's like 2 staff members that even post anymore, one of which is primarily involved in the console ports. Someone will argue with this post that madmole used to come here, but he hasn't in years.
The problem with the console version is that MS & Sony get very annoyed if your game breaks on their console. They get less annoyed at early access games but Telltale kinda fucked up and 7D2D is NOT early access on console (your $30 or whatever gets you what was in Alpha 14/15 [it was a weird hybrid], anything else is a free bonus). So the console devs (Iron Galaxy) have to try to be careful and avoid massive bugs.
Clearly they've had issues based on the hotfixing they had to rush through when the console release happened, but they are nowhere near as bad as TFP have been on PC. Scroll to the bottom of this and look at the Known Issues when they officially declared Alpha 16 was being ready for everyone. A number of those issues were big, such as the sleeper spawning, concrete not drying, the Null Reference Exception issues (those can be a killer if they happen in the wrong way). And in the past TFP have had major issues with RAM usage and lag, which are things you cannot afford to have on consoles because their specs are lower than a typical enthusiast PC.
Telltale and Iron Galaxy have stated that their goal is to port stuff across to the console version when it's working properly (or close to it) on PC. That will probably take a while for individual new features because PC is still in Alpha, and Alpha in software development is supposed to be when you're still chucking in new features and not when you're supposed to be making them work perfectly. It likely will not come across matching specific Alpha releases on PC, just as the console release had some Alpha 15 stuff in it before PC had Alpha 15 released. But, if they are true to their word and their long-term goal, it will come across eventually.
I would skip 7DtD on Xbox if you have a PC that can run it. I have it on both and PC is way better. PC just got alpha 15 with NPC trading villages along with a bunch of new stuff. The XB1/PS4 release isn't being handled by the devs and they have said it probably wont get content past alpha 14.
Edit: sorry this was supposed to go on the post above this!
Edit 2: Alpha 15 patch notes
You could probably get decent performance with ARK, but you'll get great performance with 7DTD. I have a laptop and I can run 7DTD with about 25 FPS with everything on low. I'm sure you could get much more with an i5 and a 970 and A13 is set to drop in November which will change quite a bit of the game. I have put 100+ hours and considering you can get the 2 pack for 7DTD for 18 USD rather then one copy of ARK for 20 USD I would definitely recommend picking up 7DTD as it's more optimized and it's very fun for survival whether alone or with friends.
Edit: I decided to add the 2 preview videos for A13 it's not the only things they are changing in game and I hope you forgive the low FPS in the video. I think it's probably his recording software that makes it run like that.
Video 1
Video 2
Wife and I have avoided building any minibikes because we don't want the heartbreak of one disappearing. I hope they release the new patch soon. Madmole posted it's coming soon on the official forums:
Temperature "heat" is not what they mean when they say "Heat Map"--heat is a colloquial term meaning activity. Think a "hot stock" on the stock market, or "things are heating up out on the ball field." Actual warmth is not what attracts zombies to cooking fires and forges, it is the consumption of the fuel--hear that "cachunk" sound when fuel is taken up by each? That sound marks when you are adding to the activity signature of the area, aka the "heat map".
Only noise and smells at this time increase the "heat" of a given area. Noise can be anything from opening containers to setting off pipe bombs. Chopping trees, digging ores, shooting guns all add heat. Smells come from killing animals and not cleaning up the remains and raw foods not kept in containers.
Here is a rundown of the effect of each action:
The relevant bit for this discussion: "Forges only create heat when using a new fuel piece - 2% generated per fuel piece used The same occurs with campfires, only when a fuel piece is used is heat generated, in the same amount as a forge."
Click Madmole's name and follow his comments and answers to questions throughout the thread.
The reason why I didn't mention it in the dev diary is because those concerns don't really have a place there. It's just for talk of feature implementation/mechanics/gameplay specifics etc,.
I asked the bees and dog question a while back and got answers that the reddit server removes those but other then that no one actually told me how to. I would love to know this as well and I hope you get answered.
Also, I've always thought it was stupid that a zombie smacking a concrete wall was enough to break it so I am also interested in this answer.
EDIT: Just tried it now and it works with the latest build at least for me it does. I haven't seen a bee or dog in a while and no crashes either.
No, not really to be honest. If I were you I'd maybe check out "Sir, you are being hunted" and definitely "The Forest" when it gets released later this month.
Here's a link to both of them:
EDIT: 7 Days to Die might also be something you would really enjoy. You can absolutely play that single player. It's open world, you scavenge and build bases to survive the night:
Here ya go, update notes for 16:
and 16.2:
Just an FYI for the future, you can view new info on the game by finding the game on Steam! Hope this helps!
for PC:
you can either host in on your own machine, or pay for a service/company to host the server for you.
more information can be found here
I have always used Blue Fang Solutions as a paid service. but any of the services/companies listed here will be just fine if you go that route
for Console:
xbox/ps4 only supports peer-to-peer connections i believe, so who ever hosted the game would need to remain in the game for anyone else to remain connected.
In this image you can see the elevation in the box in the upper-right corner is +64 meters. When you dig down as far as you can and are standing on bedrock, your elevation is -57. I think they tried to make an elevation of zero to be roughly ground surface elevation.
> Changed: Ore distribution 2.0 + Updated surface ores. All biomes have iron ore and a rare chance for all ores. Each biome has a predominate ore which can be seen in small piles on the surface and found in that biome near bedrock. Special ores per biome are nitrate in snow and wasteland, lead in the maple and pine forests, coal in the plains and burnt forests, and oil shale in the desert. You can also look for light brown gravel spots on the ground or the map and dig down from there to find the resource veins. Clay can be seen as a medium brown spot on the surface. ~source, Alpha 15 Release Notes
They have a comment in the 14.7 release about known Mac issues.
"OSX: Default build crashes, use the latest_experimental_u52 (stable_u52 when non-experimental released) build from Steam."
"OSX with Intel GPU and most likely some Linux systems with Intel GPU: black terrain"
I don't agree with that at all.
Where is the suggested 8 player limit posted? It's not on their steam store page. It's not in the game itself anywhere. The server application doesn't limit you to 8 player servers, nor does the game client itself. If TFP wanted to limit it in that way, they could. I don't think it's reasonable to expect players to unearth some old post from the TFP forums to figure out the acceptable multiplayer player limit.
Even more damning, and back to a point I made in the previous post, TFP advertises server rentals, both in the game itself as well as on their website. If you click through to any of the server providers they recommend, ALL of them let you run 20+ slot servers. In fact, only 2 out of 8 advertised providers even let you run a server with as few as 8 slots; most have a 10, 12, or even 16 slot server as a minimum order. Since these are the providers that TFP suggests we rent from, this serves as an implicit endorsement by TFP that there is no 8 player limit.
Here you go.
> Or... you could wait for the next patch which has day and time implemented into the main hud.
> Thanks man. We're busting ass on bugs harder than ever, and hopefully another evening patch will hit today. Testing it now :)
13 will be my first "release", I started in early A12. Any place I can look at a list of changes, anything to know?
ETA: Ugh, sorry I became the person I hate and asked before Googling! Here's the release notes I found, in case anyone else is curious! Notes
Looks like we're starting to get it in this Alpha 13 patch.
"New Audio Mixing System – We’ve added a brand new audio mixing system for mixing all game sounds and setting custom falloff, digital signal processing effects and so much more. We’re just scratching the surface of its capabilities but you’ll immediately notice a big improvement in footstep, zombie audio and general mixing right away."
Forge Ahead is gone in 12.4.
From the release notes:
Players must first find and read the minibike book. Then craft a chassis and place it in the world. Next craft minibike handlebars, seat and find wheels, battery and small engine adding them to the chassis. The higher quality the parts the better gas milage, speed, protection the minibike offers. You can interact with the Chassis by pressing or holding <E> which displays available radial menu options. Drag parts into the chassis window to add them. Click on the parts names to remove them.Optionally you can find and add a shopping basket and padlock for storage and locking. Locks are invulnerable for the first version of vehicles. You can also activate the headlight with <F> and the horn with <X>. You can give zombie both large pains and ragdoll deaths if your going fast enough if you’re not they might stop you.
From Alpha 11.1 Release Notes: Changed: Decreased non central wasteland hub spawning to 5%
I believe this now makes it the rarest biome (excluding the 0,0 hubs that are guaranteed)
Honestly, a good place to start with these ridiculous IP laws is to go back down to 28 years duration. Not just for the sake of a better Star Wars but also to give Nintendo a real competition on their franchises once their IP expires.
Think about this: How many zombie games are sold, and how many studios make them? But how many Pokémon games are there?
There's a lot of potential to make good games here. The idea is to open up the use of these creatures and characters, just like using the age-old zombie ideas.
If we could make money off of the Pokémon, for example, the creativity would go sky-high. Despite losing such rights, Nintendo would probably still do well; in fact, they might do better because of how much public attention they're getting. Instead of waiting for a possible disappointment, I could finally get artists, game designers, and storywriters together and say, "We're going to make the best damn Pokémon Mystery Dungeon game because we haven't gotten it from them."
And at that point, Nintendo just has to do better than everyone else whether it's through marketing, skill, or nostalgia. If they're losing and requesting IP again, tell them to fuck off. Letting a loser run the show is like saying The Fun Pimps shall control who makes zombie games until they die.
Honestly, you may not care about this example, but your money doesn't have to buy this.
This post is covered by CC by 4.0.
Currently, armor does nothing, it just changes the way you look. Best way to (slightly) increase your physical defence is by increasing your "wellness".
But I think the next update (A11) will change that.
Most of these are implemented, but the list as a whole is what the plan is for the finished product. If you're curious as to what the game currently has, look up lets plays, or read the news archives here.
RANDOM GEN POI Expansion Pack V2for A10.3/10.4 or 7 Days To Die HUGE Prefab Pack 50+ Prefabs!
> Drivable Minibike –We’re adding a drivable minibike. Players must gain mechanical knowledge through books and skills and then find parts to craft and assemble a chassis, break and throttle cable, small engine, gas tank and more.
Yes it does. I had a row of named storage and I was cautious of this as well, but it worked like a charm. Here is the thread that gave me the idea.
7 Days to Die doesn't use mouse acceleration. It's raw input only.
You may be experiencing input lag. Try turning down some visual settings and see if that helps.
Someone here discovered that their mouse settings (outside the game) somehow had enabled mouse acceleration via the mouse software. Perhaps check into that if turning down the video settings such as view distance and LOD distance doesn't seem to affect it.
In any case, the game itself definitely does not use mouse acceleration at all, so, it has to be either input lag due to your processor/gpu bottlenecking and not being able to keep up, resulting in a delay between input and it being processed and displayed (most likely imo), or mouse settings in third-party software with your mouse, or in windows mouse settings, or something like that.
"3 minerals per layer. There is stone and iron ore in every layer. The third mineral changes every twenty layers down starting with coal, then potassium nitrate, then lead, and finally tungsten"
TLDR: "Why does the Fire Axe suck so much? Because unlike most of the other tools and weapons in the game it has a headshot multiplier of only 2, compared to 4 for the pickaxe and 5 for the barbed club."
From Joel Huenink (aka madmole): > As for PVP... we all know this game is currently meant to be played single player or coop with friends against zombies.
They know some people insist on making every game be PvP.
> PVP is slowly getting better, but we always wanted the zombie apocalypse to be so nasty that it would be difficult to PVP. Zombies aren't a serious threat in every other game and that is how we wanted to stand out.
They also know most people understand this isn't built for PvP yet:
> I'm sure about 90% of our players play solo or coop and don't PVP.
So take it for what it's worth. Pvp is not the priority and Survival MP is being designed mainly for PVE whether solo or coop with friends.
>Looting, Mining and Crafting – Loot and mine a multitude of items and ingredients to create hundreds of items including melee weapons, guns, traps, generators, motorized tools, motion detectors, landmines, auto-turrets, salves, potions and more using our 5×5 grid Crafting System.
It says right on the official website that it features auto-turrets... Tower defense survival is the reason I bought the game...
Light levels don't affect spawns in 7DTD, but the idea that they're just busy chasing other players sounds likely! 9.2 patch notes says that clearing an area of zombies prevents them respawning there for a few days, which could also be contributing
7 Days to Die might be what you are looking for. It has both PvP and PvE servers and just had a huge patch with random gen worlds. It is more like Minecraft got twisted, as building is a large part of the game.
The major problem is once you reach the endgame and are manufacturing your own personal arsenal there isn't a whole lot left to do at the moment, but there are big plans for the future.
No problem! I've been on a survival building game kick for a while now and have played most of the games in the genre. Most of them tend to be lackluster and fall way below what they were hyped up to be, but I must admit that I was pleasantly surprised with 7 Days to Die.
Its current state in Early Access is a lot more polished than some of the more well-known survival games, with the devs adding new things into the game rather frequently. The next major update brings random map generation which makes it a lot more challenging to navigate your way about. You can check out their Steam community hub, website or their dev blog for news on updates.
>And to answer the big question, no this isn't like Rust with prefab wall sections you still place one block at a time.
>The big issue I have with the game and the reason for doing this is you just grab rocks and build a cobblestone fort on the first night and pretty much be at end game with nothing to worry about and no feeling of progression. Anyone could craft the best weapons in the game without any learning curve or experience. This all needs to change so the game has a slow rewarding curve.
Seven days to die is an example of a voxel game with structural integrity. And yes, buildings do collapse. Buildings collapse in my voxel game too, though it is quite simple since it only collapses floating structures.
Edit: Also, red faction did destruction by connecting many small parts together to make structures. These small parts were programmed to be able to break apart from other parts with enough force, so there is a representative volume, just not a voxel one.
Page 6 should have the a sort of up to date map
Of course, always back up your data first before you try this. I screwed it up the first time.
If you rebuild the entire map, it should wipe out player structures and reset it back to 'vanilla'.
If you want to repopulate and areas loot containers and return that region to new, check here:
The map in the first post is for an older version but the idea remains the same. I believe the updated map is further along in the thread. Sorry I couldn't provide that one as well, but work calls.
I am investigating now if we can save the world or not. Madmole recommended to restart a new world. I will update ASAP.
IMO the best place to post them would be the official forums.
/1. This one lets you create reinforced concrete blocks that are moveable and are already dried. No waiting for cement to dry. Uses same amount of materials that it would take to make one from scratch from a wooden frame block.
So worse in terms of materials than rebar frames or even the already wet concrete block but slightly faster since you dont have to dry them.
/2. Seems small and niche enough for people who care about that.
/3. That seems useful.
/5. That seems like the best one IMO. I dont think farm blocks ADD anything to the experience besides being annoying. I wouldnt mind something like a tiller like in darkness falls that just makes the block you till a "farm block" and you can plant that way, but this is good enough as well.
That was fixed in October (v16.4). Zombie AI is still messed up, but I haven't had a problem with spontaneous respawns for the past couple of months.
Yeah, I think default is 60 too. But seriously, give it a try, these guys hunt you longer. Much longer. Ran totally out of sight, hid under a bridge crouching so I could see the 'hunted' icon, rolled a smoke and halfway through (and a smoke lasts 6 minutes) the gang appears. Fastest ones first, then the staggers, then the crawlers.
Did a bit of a search:
"Known Issues [..] Once you are hunted, it takes along time for them to lose interest and your position."
That's the sentences. Doesn't say what about 'the position' but assuming they'll know it.
Blood Moon Horde Party System We have added a partying system that groups players together into parties of one or more players within a minimum distance. These parties will now each get their own blood moon horde.
Blood Moon Dynamic Difficulty We have also added a Blood moon horde dynamic difficulty system. At runtime the game calculates the spawn game stage difficulty group for each party based on the criteria of number of players in the party, each player’s level in the party, each player’s current days survived ratio in the party and the hosts global difficulty setting. These things work together to output a game stage number or dynamic difficulty number for each party.
Higher game stage numbers have harder enemies F.E. Game stage 10 might only have base female and crawler zombies while game stage 20 might spawn those plus Dogs and Feral Zombies. Higher game stages will also have higher spawn limits meaning more total spawned not more alive at once to keep the games framerate consistent. New players can join the game just before the first Blood moon and only get a game stage 1 horde if they’re the only party member. The plan is to use the dynamic difficulty system for static spawned and screamer hordes in A16.
It surprises me that it's out on console as it's still in Alpha and wasn't very well optimised. They released a massive patch in October which fixed a bunch of performance issues and added new content. It's very playable now. Alpha 15 Release Notes
I could make one and make a video of it if you'd be interested. Be a decent time investment though so I guess I would need to know how much interest there would be in that.
EDIT: NVM found this though could still make a video if wanted:
Sorry, I guess "doesn't require logins" is sort of misleading. You do need a +login anonymous
in there somewhere.
I don't feel too bad since TFP used the same wording in the Alpha 14 patch notes :) > Downloading dedicated server no longer requires login with Steam account it is free to use.
edit: To be clear, this should work:
$ /home/7days/steamcmd/ +login anonymous +force_install_dir /home/7days/server +app_update 294420 -validate +quit
An admin will have to do this. But share it around as this bug is stupid frustrating for us admin.
7 Days to Die is right up there. Has both a prebuilt world called Navezgane and a precedurally generated random world, just have to choose the one you want to play. The in game crafting is pretty good and getting better. Base building can be a task, but it's a lot of fun.
When I first started playing, it looked like ass, but the foundation of a really good game was there, it was fun even with all the quirks. Now that the foundation is in and pretty solid, alpha is still going, but they're adding a lot of new things and discarding stuff that doesn't work. Right now, we're all rubbing our hands together waiting for A13 to come out.
Do you remember which Alpha you were playing. Might have been Alpha 10. Lots of changes happened since then.
Alpha 11 Introduced a new Graphics Engine Unity 5. And a Cave system. Gathering Ore no line required to dig in your base and hope you find ore.
Alpha 12 introduced Minibikes for Transit, more patterns that you have to find, and a redefined Biome system.
if you haven't seen: the patch notes are usually very detailed and just going through the last couple of them line by line (which probably takes days...) would fix a lot of wiki errors. example for patch notes of last major release:
i'm usually not so systematic and just fix stuff when i notice it while looking something up.
see you on the wiki!
Those spikes will not last long. The spikes you want are LOG SPIKES. The spikes you put down will be overrun and destroyed by any significant horde. Good luck!
For heat map info:
And to your last question: no. If they come up over that ridge they will drop in on you and eat you for lunch. You need a roof.
I think you're mistaking a normal wandering night horde for the feral horde, since post A11 7th day feral hordes have been buggy and not spawning regularly. An actual 7th day feral horde is supposed to be able to detect you no matter what.
From the patch notes: "Added feral night hordes. Once per week or every 7th night zombies get really hungry and become feral. These feral night hordes can sense players and will find them regardless of how well they are hiding. Every week the horde grows in numbers until the 7th week."
The 7 Days to Die forum has a dedicated area for multiplayer, servers and community stuff. I would recommend using that for advertisement, and finding a server.
Forum: Servers & Community
There's also a sub-forum for preferred server partners, related server questions and promotions.
This subreddit seems to be more about servers than the game. About 2 months ago The Walking Reddits moved to their own subreddit because people were not wanting to see conversations, community stuff and server information about it on here. But nothing has changed really, bar not many Walking Reddit server posts, it just seems like the same few servers posting adverts and people still looking for servers to join.
Unless theres a subreddit dedicated to server advertising and LF server posts then I'd advise go to the official 7Days forums instead. Posts get downvoted here, you will not stop people from doing so just by saying, don't do it, especially as you say from competition not only because of the repeat posts.
Dude - 7 Days To Die. It's in alpha right now, but you'd barely know it. There's a really active and helpful community, heaps of Let's Plays, and the developers are awesome about releasing new versions on a regular schedule.
It's open-world, crafting and zombies. The whole point of it is literally what you asked for: barricading against zombies. Everything in the world is craftable or changeable, and you can build forts or caves or anything you want. I highly recommend checking it out.
And one more thing, if you're making custom recipes, you really should be using Bloodslingers Advanced Recipe Editor.
I think this link will help don't forget to restart the server after making the changes.
Just finished putting this video together of my latest 7d2d multi-player base and end of 7th day horde encounter. My co-workers and I built the base in pretty good time ( just before the 7th day). Sadly as this was taken new years eve, I had to fight the horde at the end of the 7th day solo. I'm considering extending the night though, as the horde just showed up as day break hit (20% night) and switched to walker mode instead of running.
The original base was the hobbit pre-fab, which we heavily mined out and fortified. I call it Fort Baggins now.
There is suppose to be an outer mote filled with water, but as you can see in the video... water physics still don't flow very well to fill gigantic holes. I guess I'll fill it in with a bucket later.
I think you can also dig a pit out and line the "ground level" of it with cobwebs. I think the zombies will consider cobwebs to be "solid ground" and walk willingly onto it, thus falling into the pit.
This thread from the official forums has more details. I'm definitely curious to try it.
Regarding feel and game play, I VERY briefly saw a video by PsiPsyncidate and ISS looks more like an ARMA/Battlefield/CoD type FPS game. On a very personal level from me, 7 Days to Die is what I went to when I wanted a more hardcore version of Minecraft. It suites me just fine. Your Mileage May Vary.
edited for formatting
Madmole stated if all goes well a patch could be tomorrow.
It seems this happens to a lot of people. I was reading through the forums to see if anyone else had a solution. Found this:
The 4th post on that page has a temporary solution that worked for me.
madmole 10min ago:
We're ready to give birth to this 10 pound baby build.
i'm guessing it will be hours. so it might drop in EU before 10pm. australia will see it on sunday morning.
I wish I was...
If you look at the next couple of posts of his, he says no way in October, and November is everything goes smoothly.
So yeah. Sorry man. Can I have your stuff?
Exactly. This has no place here either. If you want to report a bug, then report the bug where you can get the developers attention, not in this sub.
I run both and will say that while the Windows version is more stable in general --meaning it has less problems between updates-- the Mac version is (usually) just as good and actually runs the game at lower GPU temps for me.
Plenty of discussion about the Mac version/bugs exists on the official 7DTD forums. Worst case scenario, run Bootcamp.
Anyone here played the game 7 Days to Die?
Ive been playing for a bit and have a house(only on day 5) but I have been REALLY enjoying it. Very fun, and very scary.
Also, anyone want to play Payday 2?
This is probably due to the Searching Recipes UI bug,
> As far as I know, this happens when you use the search function of your inventory. If you close the inventory with the cursor in the search bar, it won't open again. Neither will the map.
I don't know if this was already posted but maybe not... hope I could help.
Graphics are not as good as Dayz, but it gives the player the option to build/craft their own supplies, such as weapons, tools, barricades, and building supplies. Buildings are put together in a Minecraft style, but require proper support to sustain themselves. In addition, players must eat and drink to survive.
I'm not really going to much indepth right now, 'cause I'm actually about to jump into a game of DayZ with my friend (irony), but I like 7 Days a lot more. It's still early release, like Dayz, but they update much more frequently (they're about to release a big update).
Are you running OS X? I ask because the same thing happened to me, luckily someone posted a solution here.
>To play on Mac browse Local files then show package contents on 7DaysToDie app then navigate to /Contents/MacOS/ and run 7DaysToDie
Ok, I found it on the website They do show them running very briefly, I see your point though, its kind of an ok trailer, it probably wouldn't make me want to get the game if I wasn't already interested.
Yes, is was designed for multiplayer servers. What information are you looking for? The download link is actually the info page for the server manager, so loads of info there. There's also a thread about it on the official forums with info and feedback from other users. Its in the multiplayer section (I'm mobile right now and on the move...) Let me know if you're looking for something specific.
I was going to ask about this same thing. I've used about 12 gas drums and can't find anything other than rocks. Tried in both N of Deersville and in the desert.
Seems ores are now near the surface according to this post.