Hiya, thanks for sharing your new user thoughts, we love to hear what people's impressions are when they're new to the product! With regards to your feedback,
> Vote-for-features is a serious red flag.
I think if you stick around for awhile you'll discover that we use the vote-for-features as a proxy to gauge what users want, not as a divine mandate. As evidence, I present our major feature releases of the past year. Nobody asked for the Idea Execution Funnel. Nobody voted for a calendar. Feature voting provides us useful signal to know what users want, and we season that to taste with our own vision for a tool that blends "simple," "flexible," and "powerful for achieving short- and long-term goals."
> The design wreaks of cross-platform...which, coming from a Mac user, means a Microsoft vibe, which rubs the wrong way. It's neat and tidy, but the colors, fonts, spacings...all UI decisions seem left-brain and unaesthetic
We are wrapping up our design for themes, which should go live within the next month or two and might serve to address some of the shortcomings you perceive. Maybe it is us being "left brained," but our first priority has been trying to create a product that creates unique functional value for the user; from there, it's not difficult for us to style such a product to accord with the tastes of our creative users like yourself.
Had a great time chatting w/ you about this on Twitter! In addition to the next update (tomorrow-ish) removing tasks in locked notes from Tasks/Calendar View, we're also adding a handful more features to expedite the creation of notes from templates. Check out the updated documentation and let me know what you think once these improvements go live? :)
Have you tried Amplenote? We support bidirectional linking on both Web and Android and one of our core values is not locking people in.
If you want to browse and compare alternatives, give Noteapps.info/features a look. Based on your needs, I think I would filter by:
When you connect a note or a tag to a Task Domain, you have the option of setting a Default Reminder for that Domain. Tasks created by clicking on the calendar pane in that particular Domain (that is, tasks that receive a start date upon creation) will also receive a reminder, as configured in the Domain settings.
Let me know if this helps!
Take a look at https://www.amplenote.com/ r/Amplenote which is another PWA with mobile apps that combines everything.
It has hierarchal tagging for docs just like Gmail. Its UI is way simpler than ClickUp but you can combine some subtlety powerful features to get to the same outcomes much of the time. It is not really designed for group collab however, more of an individual tool.
I'm currently trying to decide which to use. I like the design of Ample note a lot more at first, but Id probably get used to ClickUp, and after a trial period Amplenote is only paid (reasonable cost but I'm poor atm).
If you don't mind being a guinea pig, you can also take a look at https://www.organized.ly/ - in prerelease but they give out access pretty much immediately. I personally found the UI the least intuitive of the three.
Hey there u/bazbt3!
Multiple tag selection is a thing! Shift-Click
on tag names to use. Including relevant help article.
If you are struggling to see the utility of Jots, it is likely a sign that your work flow doesn't need them! For what it's worth, the Jots mode was designed as the Amplenote counterpart to the "Daily Notes" feature that already existed in other popular apps - it is meant to hold your date-sensitive backlinks, journaling, or quick brainstormed ideas, only it was integrated with things that makes sense in Amplenote, which are tag hierarchies (to allow for brainstorming on multiple topics/tags) and task resurfacing (to ensure that none of your actionable items get lost in the ever-increasing stack of daily jots). Some of the ideas and motivations behind Jots are explained in the manifesto article about the Idea Execution Funnel.
To address your first point, in the light of my previously stated plea, one good destination for your "default", quick-reminder-type items could be in your `#daily-jots`. On mobile, you can use the quick-add area for tasks at the bottom of the home screen to add a task and pick its destination, and on web you can `Ctrl-O` to `jots` and start typing your task item by pressing `[]`. That said, I still think the default, untagged destination for tasks could trigger other people's interests as well, so please do add it to our feature leadeboard to properly expose your idea to the devs!
To address your point about automatic sharing, tag-based collaboration is one of the solutions that we're considering for this issue! I'm personally very excited to see how this idea will evolve, but it will certainly make collaboration in Amplenote be very seamless and handy.
For your final note, showing tasks in context is a likely candidate for the Calendar release, but here is a related suggestion that you can upvote in the meantime!
Amplenote launched bidirectional linking today, including a discount for Roam importers. Here's a rundown of how it compares to Roam in general.
Amplenote creates a Jot for the current day if you start editing the current day's empty Jot (the one that is always at the top in Jots mode). The tag that is applied to that Jot will always be the one that is selected in the sidebar when you start editing the note.
By default, the selected tag in the sidebar is daily-jots
(we call that a "Default" Tag Shortcut). Here's what it looks like when daily-jots
is a Tag Shortcut. If it were a Default Tag Shortcut, the star symbol next to the tag name would be yellow.
You can click on the star next to a Tag Shortcut to make that Shortcut the "default" one. Default Shortcuts are automatically selected when you switch to Jots mode, which means your Jots will be automatically tagged accordingly.
More on Tag Shortcuts.
That's a good suggestion! Will forward this to our design team.
As far as adding tags to newly created notes, you can do that by prefixing the title of the note with the tag's name and a slash sign. Using this mechanism, it's possible to add an arbitrary number of tags to a note by using commas to separate them. Relevant help page.
To complement u/Locatino_Paul's answer: you can bring over a note or a section from a note by typing [[=
followed by the name of the note (relevant help page). This mechanism is equivalent to copying and pasting the contents manually, however, so updates in the source note will not reflect in the destination note.
Apologies for my delayed response!
Keeping completed to-dos inline is currently one of the most popular feature requests, so we're actively figuring it out behind the scenes.
As far as creating tasks that don't appear in Tasks Mode, here are a few possible suggestions:
. Then, when in Tasks Mode, simply select the tags (Shift-Click
) that you want to see to-dos from. In fact, that's the main purpose of tag filtering! It is unrealistic that you want to see every single task you create across all of your notes. So, as long as you don't select your "ignored" tag, those to-dos are not going to show up. Note that you can also create a Tag Shortcut to quickly jump to your most frequent tag selections.Let me know if this helps your use case.
Quick update here: Inline Taggging is now live! Other potentially interested people from this thread: u/craha and u/LibrarianSufficient3.
Quick update here: Inline Tags are now live. Tagging other potentially interested people from this thread u/mangelito, u/czph_ and u/Komatik.
I'm browsing the backlog of mentions of "GTD" and "inline tags" among other things, so I think this might be of interest: Inline Tags are now live.
Great question, Paul! The way to prevent adding the currently selected tag to new notes is to add a tilda ~
sign after your double brackets [[
. I've centralized the various ways in which auto-tagging works in Amplenote in this help section, but at your suggestion I'll brainstorm some ways to make this info easier to find.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Hey there! Sorry for my late reply. The most recent update we've added was Inline Tags! Check out the help page about this. TLDR is that inside your tasks you create a link to another note using the double-bracket [[
linking syntax. This note can act like an inline tag and you can then browse all of the tasks with a particular combination of tags (i.e. particular combination of links to notes) in Tasks and Calendar mode.
Let me know if you have any questions.
Tagging u/Locatino_Paul and u/benf101.
As a semi-update to this thread: here are the instructionsfor setting up an Apple Calendar sync using Google as intermediary. Hope this helps somewhat!
Hey there u/cjrecordvt!
I'm afraid we still don't have an ETA for this feature. It's not currently among our top-of-mind features to implement.
Would you please share your favorite things about the ideal "native share" functionality? Given the various third-party automation tools that are available as well as the beta Amplenote API, I could (at least) write up a decent proposal for how such a functionality would look like.
Update: sending multiple images to Amplenote is now supported. Make sure to download the latest Sharing Shortcuts from here.
I'm going to recommend Amplenoteif you are looking for software. It's still very early days but I have had some great times using this app. Here's a blog post you might find helpful on Amplenote. I would also check out Mark Forster's Autofocus system. It's so simple but I find it completely addicting and freeing to just jot ideas out, scan them, and check them off. I use Amplenote and Outlook Calendar for longer-term things that I'm not quite ready to look at yet.
Hey there! We have existing suggestions for both of the items you mentioned:
There is no timeline for these (here is what we do have a timeline for), but we do plan to eventually get to them.
> notes are not "unique" in the sense that multiple notes with the exact same name can be created and still be "different" objects. Am I correct?
That's right!
> What's the logic of having multiple "thoughts" with the exact same name ??
Great question! This is mostly a byproduct of how we envisioned Daily Jots. As you might have noticed, you can create a Jot for any node in your tag hierarchy (or more appropriately - Amplenote can create it for you automatically).
Jots are meant to be a landing pad for your ideas and tasks, and just like with other networked-note apps, daily notes are very fit for "content that categorizes itself": you can drop a block of text in a daily note and as long as you reference the appropriate notes, everything gets categorized automatically without having to think about (tags and) hierarchy.
In addition to this use case for daily notes, in Amplenote you can have a separate thread of daily notes for each of your tags/projects. In reality, most users only use a very small number of tagged Jots; for example, I added journal
, work/journal
and fitness
to my Tag Shortcuts, so I can quickly start jotting on any of these projects.
This comes with the side-effect of having multiple Jots with the same title if you use daily notes in two or more life areas. Behind the scenes, we've been toying around with how to reduce the resulting confusion. In the future, we will try to make it unambiguous which Daily Jot you are targeting when linking to a note, moving a task, viewing your Domain notes and so on.
> if I want to write today a note that references a "daily note page" in the future, how do I do that?
Here is a section in our help page about Jots, describing how to create future Jots. Let me know if this helps.
Hey there u/n9n9n9n9n!
Your point inspired me to update the help page on search queries with new info. That is - you can search for group: untagged,taskLists
to see a list of all of your notes that are untagged and have tasks inside them.
Note that you can also click on the Tasks
button on the sidebar twice to see tasks from all of your notes, including untagged ones.
You can actually sign up and sneak into freemium mode https://www.amplenote.com/freemium_beta_plan
Compare note taking apps with free versions https://www.noteapps.info/features?feature=169
I believe Remnote is one recommended for students/study
Hey there Ben!
Use the Domain options (which appear when you click the sync indicator) to disable showing *all* scheduled tasks. Disabling this option will only display tasks from notes that you explicitly add to your Task Domain.
Hello u/FunkyParticles. Have a look at the Amplenote Pricing Page. If you create an account using the web app, Amplenote will charge you with the US-based pricing.
Keep in mind that for the mobile stores, we are actually relying on the pricing schemes that Google/Apple are providing, which means that often times there are additional taxes introduced automatically on top of the price in non-US countries. For what it's worth, we've now updated the scheme for the iOS store to conform with a more recent exchange rate, which starting November 5th will have the effect of lowering the monthly price of Basic in the UK ever so slightly.
Let us know if you have any questions!
Hey there u/Hareel78!
Thanks for reporting this! Forwarding this to the team. When this issue gets fixed, you should be able to remove the daily-jots
tag from the list of Tag Shortcuts. However, this tag will still appear in the list of tags, because Amplenote treats it as the default container for Daily Jots.
In the meantime, to make sure that it doesn't get in the way, you can make your inbox
tag the Default Tag Shortcut.
I've just compiled a more compact version of the Keyboard Shortcut page. Check it out here.
Tagging u/Common_Lake_2011 too.
Hope this helps!
And windows? And iOS? In a printable format? The only lists I found are just not easily converted to something I could print to have as a reference on my desk.
The full list is on the AN help page here: https://www.amplenote.com/help/keyboard_shortcuts_and_markdown_syntax_examples
I had thought about extracting the info to something more compact but haven’t gotten around to it.
The way I separate projects is somewhat different than this, but I envision a few strategies that could let you get a smooth flow for switching between projects.
> I frequently have projects with notes and tasks
That’s what tag hierarchies are great for. Example `todo/project-a` or `todo/project-a/milestone-1` if you want to get detailed. The help page linked above does a reasonably good job of illustrating the use of tag hierarchies to quickly swap between projects. Let me know if you have ideas on how to improve it? We also posted on Twitter today a new Shutorial on setting up Task Domains, which dovetails nicely with the use of tags to organize projects.
> as well as items where I’m waiting for others
When you’re waiting for others, hide the task. We offer lots of ways to do it. When they respond to you, you can unhide to mark it complete, or just wait until it pops out for you to take action and mark it complete then (my usual preference—always nice to have a task come out of hiding and send it straight to being a completed task that proves how much got done today :)).
> Multiple tasks in various phases over time, all tied to a project and set of notes
I think this is mostly a summary of the points previously made? If “phases” means something that I didn’t already capture, holla @ ya boy
On mobile, you’re using the app yes? Usually the easiest way to quickly add/schedule a task is using the mobile quick bar https://www.amplenote.com/help/tasks_and_todos_create_list#How_do_create_a_todo_list?
It allows you to pick a time that the task takes place along w the note. If the note destination is in a task domain then it would be on your calendar, but regardless you should get reminded about it if you have notifications enabled
Hey there! Apologies for my late reply to your question.
The way Amplenote supports working with templates is limited to duplicating notes in their entirety (as see on this help article), so there is currently no support for inserting templated content into an existing note.
The good news is that a lot of workflows that require repeating content can be achieved by using task commands, namely the very handy !copy
command. Here is a guide I wrote a while back on how to implement a workaround to templates (that has since been deprecated by the actual template implementation, but can still be used for the use case you are describing): Daily templates workaround.
The most relevant bit from the guide above is the "Daily Journal Template" note. Assuming you can fit all of the relevant data for your template inside a list of nested tasks, you can just !copy
the parent task to whichever note you are currently editing!
Let me know if this is helpful.
It's not just you. The share sheet Shortcuts mostly work though, with limitations like photos not attaching, tweet IDs as note titles… but even with the limitations it's a good start.
Hey u/M1ckey,
The number displayed underneath the search bar (when no filter is active) is the current number of notes that are not archived. That number is going down because of the auto-archive feature.
You can see how many archived notes you have by typing group: archived
in the search bar.
Hey there--templates were a common theme of emails I was receiving, so I wrote a help page about them a couple weeks ago: https://www.amplenote.com/help/using_note_templates_via_duplication
Maybe that approach serves your needs w/ less steps?
Just to double-check, and also based on your e-mail to support, are you copying the HTML code generated by Amplenote into the body of the Wordpress post, after switching to the HTML view inside Wordpress (as per these instructions)?
Hello again! I take that back!
TIL: you can set up custom weekly recurrence patterns, including weekday recurrence. I've added a section on the help page about this: https://www.amplenote.com/help/tasks\_and\_todos\_recurring\_due\_dates#\_\_\_Advanced\_weekly\_recurrence
Hello u/pantalonesgigantesca!
The simplest way to work with template notes in a sane way would be to tag them differently, as you implied in your post. As an example of work flow/good practice, you could keep all of your personal todos under the personal
parent tag (and similarly for work
stuff), while your templates could be under a tag called templates/personal
(or templates/work
Now when you are in Tasks mode, you can browse only the personal
tasks by clicking on the tag name, which would gather up all to-do's from all of the notes tagged with personal
or a sub-tag of that tag. This would also make sure to exclude your template tasks (since they are filed under a different hierarchy under templates/personal
For the above to work, one would simply have to get in the practice of tagging the notes that contain relevant tasks with the proper tag. Also, the best way to work with Tasks is by using tag shortcuts, because if you're a prolific tag user, realistically you'd only have actionable tasks under a small number of tags, and you'd presumably want an easy way to reach those.
As a closing thought, I'll mention that if by chance your template only contains tasks (such as for a backpacking checklist or a launch plan task queue), you could emulate templates and avoid duplicating notes by using the !copy
task command. Assuming you'd have a template note like the one in this example, you could copy the root-level task to the relevant note for a quicker, keyboard-only alternative.
Thanks to u/pixel8ed and u/lukkes. Perhaps Amplenote should consider putting that on its list of shortcuts or perhaps even its list of favorite shortcuts.
Hey there u/cjercordvt!
We've recently changed occurences of "due date" to mention instead "start date", in order to fit better semantically with the recently released Calendar mode, which is why some help pages are behind right now and still mentioning the "due" terminology. Apologies for that!
We only offer "start dates" as a property for tasks, but that start date can be "soft" or "hard", depending on how you view your tasks.
If you're in Tasks mode, you are likely looking at an auto-sorted list of tasks and you're interested in the ones that have accumulated the most score. Tasks that start on the current day receive a boost of 10 task score points, but sometimes that might not be enough to bring them to the top of the list.
If you're in Calendar mode, switching to the day view will display all tasks that start today, "bypassing" the task score sorting (assuming you have set up Task Domains). Another option that achieves the same thing is to sort by "Start date" in Tasks mode.
Let me know if the above addresses your use case!
Hello u/Senior_Custard_8162!
We're sorry to hear you're having a hard time with figuring out the Calendar mode. We're still learning about the best ways to document this.
Essentially the only thing that stands between your notes and your calendar is a "Task Domain". Since you might end up with hundreds of tasks in your notes, we designed a way to allow you to choose which tasks should go on the calendar and which should not. If, for example, you have a tag called work
and you want tasks from all notes tagged with work
to appear on the calendar, you would set up a Task Domain (called "Work"?) and add that tag to it. If, however, you tend to keep all your personal tasks in one or two notes, you might consider creating a "Personal" Task Domain and only add those specific notes as task sources.
Our help center is not yet searchable, sadly, but here are a bunch of useful reads that should explain in very good detail how to get started (and how to set up varying degrees of advanced use cases): Using Task Domains, The Calendar View Explained and From Jots to Calendar.
Hey there u/ChrisAugustineO!
Make sure to add this suggestion on our feature leaderboard to make it easier for the team to consider/prioritize it.
While there is no time frame for when such an improvement might arrive, we are aware of many mobile-only features that we want to eventually bring, and automation is likely to be one of those.
In the meantime, please check out how to set up iOS shortcuts for Amplenote using the mail-to-note workaround; mail-to-note allows you to set up adding tasks or notes to your Amplenote account with pretty high granularity (and you can automate it or use typical iOS triggers for these actions).
In case you're looking for the least disruptive capture flow on web, make sure to try out Amplecap, which allows you to quickly jot down thoughts without leaving the web page you are on.
Unfortunately, RemNote exports check boxes as normal list items, which means they look the same as all other blocks that you will export. Unless you find a way to automatically "distinguish" all of those tasks in some way, the only option would be to manually recreate your todos in Amplenote one by one.
The somewhat good news is that you probably would have wanted to reorganize your tasks anyway, given how different Amplenote and RemNote are, as far as the approach to note formatting, tasks, daily notes, tags and calendars. A good takeaway would be the fact that recreating your task list from scracth will make for a great opportunity to experiment various ways of managing your notes and tasks in Amplenote.
Good resources to start are: Shu Omi's video giving an overview of Amplenote, the help article on tasks, Bill Harding's video explaining Task Domains and the Calendar view.
Hey u/lisapparition!
It is not possible to alter text alignment, since Amplenote only supports Markdown-like formatting. There have been requests for enabling users to use custom CSS for their notes (which is theoretically applicable for published notes as well), so there'll be a solution for centering text when the team gets to implementing this.
For embedded notes, if you have your own website, you are able to embed a note and add a custom CSS styling to that note, which means you can also choose text alignment.
In the meantime, here is a recent discussion on this subreddit about customizing Amplenote appareance (locally) by using browser extensions.
Hey u/tylertul!
Check out this section from the help page on mail-to-note. To summarize, you can obtain your Amplenote account's email address (by extracting it from whichever one of your note's email addresses). Any email you forward to that address will be converted into a new note titled after the email's subject.
Hey u/tylertul!
For any task, you can only add footnotes while editing it from the containing note.
An alternative is to add tasks via the mail-to-note functionality, which supports adding the contents of an e-mail as a footnote for a to-do in one of your notes. For both Android and iOS, here is a useful page explaining how to set up the mechanism for sharing content from mobile using mail-to-note. Let me know if you have any questions about that as I'm still refining the language on the guide.
Hi all,
I didn't find u/skeptical_optimism's "Sorting by Due Dates" request in Featuring Voting, so I've added the suggestion here.
🙏Please, visit the suggestion page and cast your vote. ❎
Both Jots and Tasks mode support choosing your own "tag shortcuts" that you can use to quickly access jots and tasks across your tag hierarchy. The daily-jot
tag is the default tag shortcut for Jots mode, but you can change that using the star-shaped button next to the shortcut's name.
You can read more about setting shortcuts and default shortcuts on this help page, but let me know if you have any other questions!
Hey there u/skrama!
We'll make sure to have some help pages on the new Calendar view once we get to releasing it to all Amplenote users. In order for tasks to show up in the Calendar view, one has to set up Task Domains (recent blog post about this).
If your "Personal" tasks mostly reside in a note called "Note A" and under a tag called personal/todo
, for example, then you can assign the note and the tag to the "Personal" domain in your settings. This will make all of the tasks fron "Note A" and from any note tagged with personal/todo
to appear in your Calendar (as scheduled if they already have due dates, or as unscheduled otherwise).
You can currently set up to 3 Task Domains (and hide or rename them as you please).
Let us know if you have any other questions!
Hello Sai!
Mobile share sheet is not yet implemented. Make sure to upvote this feature request!
In the meantime, you can quickly set up an alternative way of sharing content from your mobile that is just as easy to use by following the steps in this help article. It involves setting up a set of iOS Shortcuts that will appear in the phone's share sheet and that will facilitate sending content to Amplenote (by making use of Amplenote's mail-to-note feature). Please let me know if you encounter any difficulties!
For anyone else interested, the linked article also references a guide for achieving the same results on Android.
Hey there u/WasteDiscussion2!
Thanks for taking the time to write this.
We are considering ways to offer opt-in vault notes without individually converting them, although we don't yet have a timeline for this. As a way of keeping track of user interest and potentially encourage this item on the roadmap, I do encourage you to leave this as its own separate request on the feature leaderboard (optionally mentioning your idea about tag-based separation which sounds like a very appropriate one to me)!
Vault attachments is probably a feature we will try to prioritize from this batch of security items.
To anyone else curious about the details of Amplenote's security design, this help page is a great resource on it. In case you would rather way for more security optiongs before jumping into Amplenote, the best ways to stay up to date with upcoming improvements to security are via Twitter and the blog.
Hope this helps, but reach out if there are any other items we can address!
I've been studying the security design document and I've chatted with the dev team about it to make sure I can give you a valid answer.
My previous response was partially wrong (will edit to point this out), in that Amplenote does have access to the encryption key for standard, non-vault notes. You correctly deduced that indeed Vault notes introduce an additional layer of security by not sharing the encryption key with the servers.
So, to summarize:
We also rephrased the blog appendix message to avoid the ambiguous claim ("by default" vs Vault notes), so thank you for pointing this out.
Let me know if I can clarify any further and apologies for the errors in my previous reply!
Hey there u/I_just_read_it!
Check us out at r/Amplenote? We poured a lot of thought into building a notes app fit for turning ideas into actionable to-dos. We do a global auto-sorted list of all the tasks from all of your notes, with the most actionable ones climbing to the top as times goes on (on task scoring).
We built Amplenote determined to have a tool that allows people to be at their most productive accross multiple projects and areas of their life. We think notes and tasks are better together, and our app is our way of unifying the various places in which productive people scatter their ideas.
If you're interested in checking us out, a very good place to look first is this video about Amplenote, which covers very interesting use cases including a Customer Relationship Management system, work flows for managing projects and content writing/research.
Hey there u/skeptical_optimism!
Indeed the transition from RTM or other apps that are "due-date-centric" - for lack of a better term - can be a bit disruptive!
By design, task management in Amplenote encourages you to decorate your tasks with priority, duration and due dates (and to use the task hiding feature) to have a daily feed of all tasks that are actionable in a certain project (by selecting a tag hierarchy / an area of productivity). In this way, the most actionable tasks will show up at the top daily, even if there are no tasks with a hard due date for that day, and ideally to-dos that are temporarily irrelevant will be hidden away. The task scoring system ensures that on the day a task is due, it receives an extra +10 score points, such that it will make its way higher on your list of tasks.
Rocking a healthy combination of hierarchical tagging and task scoring features should ideally make for a great way to manage your tasks, especially if you have a large number of to-dos spread accross multiple projects (or so we believe - so do get back to us to report your experience!).
Now to address your ideas, showing due dates for tasks is a popular feature request and I think you're definitely right that it would improve task experience.
Finally, supporting shortcuts to arbitrary periods of time was suggested before, however this is most likely an item that will first make its way into Amplenote alongside the Calendar view in the upcoming couple of months.
Hey u/JingQiShen!
It's possible that what you are looking for is an app that allows for task hiding or start dates (in addition to due dates). We built Amplenote with this exact thought in mind - tasks are auto-sorted by their accumulated priority and you can hide tasks when they are not actionable / when you don't want your list to be cluttered.
Accumulated tasks can quickly become intimidating, which is one of the reasons classic to-do lists tend to fail their users.
I jumped in and don't regret it so far. Their credo or whatever you want to call it mentions easy exporting of your notes. My impression is the company doesn't seem to take a grow-at-all-costs approach and appears rather conscious of what they want the app to be. Quite frankly with my past experience I'm just as worried about an app becoming bloated and buggy with half-baked features as I am about staying power.
Hey u/Phylael,
Sound like Amplenote might work for you. You can attach images, highlight text and add what we call "Rich Footnotes" to any part of the text, and the latter works alongside all other kinds of text formatting too. Note organization is achieved through hierarchical tags and bidirectional linking.
Here's what they say about offline mode
I haven't fully experimented with it but it seems to work relatively smooth. There will be conflicts if you use more than one device, none have internet or and create a new note with the same name or edit an existant one. There's a comment on their site how the service manage note conflicts.
They have a feature list where users can vote on, I believe dark mode is under construction. I don't think folders or notebooks are their focus. The strength is tasks, reoccurrent reminders and backlinking (the latter makes notebooks and even tags less important).
Give Amplenote a look. Some of the things it can do, based on your requirements:
We are new and we are slowly growing /r/Amplenote, so check that out for more discussion around the app.
Give Amplenote a try. It's similar to Roam in a lot of ways but it's focus is more on the productivity side of things. They have support for rich reoccurring tasks and views that allow you to measure and track progress of habits and goals. Seems like it might be a better fit for your use case.
I'm not affiliated with or even someone who uses Amplenote. If using it blows up your life don't blame me.
While a share extension is planned, you can simulate it right now with our mail to note feature, which allows you to email content into any specific note, or a newly-created note for each email. It's not as seamless as a share extension will be, but also allows for a diverse set of workflows to get content into your notes where we don't yet have dedicated options.
>As a Product Manager at an E2EE SaaS: you can't overestimate how hard is to implement features with end-to-end encryption
Agreed! And yet, Amplenote has quietly built a product that does that, along with bidirectional linking and help setting/reaching long-term goals.
We're not active on Reddit/Twitter so no one talks about us, but we would love to start hearing more ideas on what to build from new users.
You might want to try Amplenote? It does bidirectional links and has an Evernote importer. Was heavily inspired by early Evernote.
Hey all - if you're really hard up for a web version of Bear, one option to consider lives at https://www.amplenote.com. Disclosure: I'm the CEO of the product. However.
We've been dogfooding Amplenote for the past year among our friends and family. We recently announced it on the Evernote subreddit and had a couple commenters mention that Amplenote reminds them much more of Bear than it does Evernote.
This wasn't a surprise, since both myself and our CTO were big fans of what Bear created on iOS. We agree with their intuition that a notes editor should provide essential markdown formatting, but doesn't need the full Microsoft Word set of formatting. We strive to be _ample_, which we thought was a welcome contrast to Evernote, Onenote et al that try to do everything, but poorly. This, too, looks to be common inspiration between Amplenote and Bear.
A few ways we differ:
While we've been dogfooding the tool internally for more than a year, we only soft launched to the public a month ago. We still consider ourselves "an advanced beta." The apps aren't in the public app stores yet, but we send you an email with instructions on how to install via the Beta sections of mobile stores.
We wish Bear the best on the development of their web app. Creating that level of polish & refinement in Chrome is surely a daunting task, but they seem to have some great developers on their team.