Frost for Facebook and Caprine would probably be next. The community was able to get youtube-dl back but this seems to be a legal battle and Facebook has no shortage of powerful lawyers. At this point, I'm just hoping Tim Cook would make them cry again with some new privacy feature in iOS.
literally my life changed when i deactivated my facebook. Right now i am so pissed at them, i am switching to Signal and telling my friends that if they want to connect me - signal or mail
There are several ways of being notified:
Option two is the easiest. In the future, I will be adding my own updater in the github releases, so those who don't use F-Droid will get updates too.
ETA for the next release is in 1 -2 weeks, as there are other major problems to address.
I've been trying to avoid depending on google services for that reason. Other than the pro features, my app depends on nothing. In fact, I have automated release builds on github if you want to check
Can you provide more information? Where did you download it from? What version is it? What is the report?
As far as I'm concerned, there should be nothing within Frost that would trigger malware. It's just a web browser with no special permissions, though it does inject javascript to theme the view and add native features.
Currently, the only official installation source is my Github, and just recently F-Droid. Anything from anywhere else is unofficial and not guaranteed to match my source. Do note that Frost is completely FOSS, which does unfortunately mean that it's pretty easy for others to recompile the build and add whatever they want to it. Any developer is free to check the source to verify that there's nothing sketchy going on
> Uber & Lyft
>> You can just use the website instead of the app
>>> How well does this work?
I actually haven't tried it myself. But people on /r/privacy seems to be using it fine. Since they don't like using apps that need Google Play Services.
> I have never heard of this. It seems like Frost claims to be fully open. I wonder if they are interested in getting on F-Droid.
>> They do have an IAP option in the GPlay build, which is how I assume the developer makes money. So I don't know if he cares about it being on F-Droid or not. But it's a well-polished app.
Found this in issues page. Looks like the dev wants to use Google Play to keep track of purchases.
> I love Forecastie and I have been trying to help out among other people (10 pull requests atm), but it seems to be abandoned... Only 2 people can actually make the commits and accept pull requests but they are both pretty inactive.
>> If that continues, perhaps it needs forking....
Yeah... I'd love to do it myself, but I don't really know coding much. I can only help a small bit here and there :/
Looks like I spoke too soon. I thought they may have done something in the background but it turns out it's actually a feature in the website as well. I've added this to my todo.
This is nothing to do with the frost app and is a known issue
Facebook removed support for legacy chats / messages which had been accessed from Facebook mobile websites, so nothing frost can do about it.
This has been an on going issue since last year and can be viewed on the Frost GitHub page.
Let's see this objectively. I have my old school friends, friends from my undergrad uni and also friends from my postgrad uni on Facebook. I only have phone numbers of my closest friends and even if I were to take the phone numbers of all others, I'll be chatting with them on WhatsApp because believe it or not, that is still the norm. Still not out of the Facebook ecosystem huh. So if by plenty of other ways to keep in touch with friends you mean SMS and Email then sorry, we are in 2021 and no one responds to those anymore. What other way is there? Most people use Facebook and Insta for socials and WhatsApp for chats, that's it! And all of them are owned by Facebook!
Also, it's not like I haven't taken steps to limit what Facebook gets out of me. My network has a Pi-Hole implemented so most nasty trackers are taken care of then and there. Second, I haven't posted anything in years. Third, I only ever open Facebook inside Mozilla Firefox's Facebook container on my linux machine and via Frost (an open source wrapper app) on my phone (so no funny business with cookies and stuff).
There are some settings in newsfeed. If they don't work, they are either broken and need to be updated (this happens a lot with web wrappers) or aren't yet supported. There have been some requests and you can see them in the issue tracker
I'm unable to either download it or update it despite having the paid version from the Play Store. If it's of any help, I'm using now "<strong>Frost</strong>" and so far seems to be an alternative just as good or even better than Swipe.
eh I feel like you're talking about a whole different app here, facebook on mobile browsers does all it can to make you install their app while in Frost I can five a whole list about why it's just way better :
Lastly, I can't see how you can access on mobile browsers, I can't seem to find login fields there so it's probably only for desktops.
wow thank you for the very interesting info !
I don't think you ll be interested but to read my private facebook messages on my V20 I use "the bluer app" that's been discussed here : (they also say it might be risky to give your password to such a wrapper app ... )
Facebook a fait sauté la page pour les utilisateurs européens afin, a priori, de pouvoir respecter la RGPD.
diaspora* exists as an open source decentralized alternative to Facebook, however its user population is quite small and generally restricted to "geeks". Decentralization means you pick your home community ("instance"), and I would assume instance admins have some control.
Instead, try improving the conditions of Facebook(-owned platform) users. There exists open source clients for Facebook platforms on Android, notably Frost (for Facebook) and Barinsta (for Instagram), that attempt to reduce tracking while maintaining (or even improving) experience. (Meanwhile, Apple's $99/yr admission fee simply does not allow these open source app to exist on iOS.)
i recommend use Frost is a well made third party app and open source. You can set to open links on your default apps (Firefox in my case) or choose between browsers
About the choose one browser do you have some as default browser ? If yes clean the selection and every time you'll choose one to open instead opening directly
Disclaimer: I have zero experience with FB or Frost, so YMMV below.
If this were nearly any other service, I would say it is safe. However, this is Data Lord Facebook, so I cannot verify that claim. My two cents would bet you would be fine, but this thread indicates that a small number of people have received phishing/blocked account messages from FB while using Frost:
I've only skimmed the thread, but it may be that a configuration within Frost is causing Facebook's internal systems to trip on a false positive.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable than I can chime in on this.
Tinfoil hasnt been updated in 2 years, which is worrying tbh. However, its found on f-droid, aswell as github. I currently use Frost, which is about the same thing - a wrapper for facebook. I cant speak for Disa, as I havent tried it, but I enjoy Frost to be able to keep up with friends etc on FB before I eventually delete fb altogether. here's a link to Frost's github page, if youre interested in checking it out aswell.
Looks like a new change on Facebook's end. Others have reported it and I will be tracking it here, but unfortunately I have not had time to work on Frost lately.
Dev here. A fix has been submitted in 2.3.2, which is available on Github, and will make it's way on F-Droid. I also made a lengthy post on reddit in r/Android. Id you still have the F-Droid variant installed, you will need to uninstall it to use the github build. If you want to keep the F-Droid build and get an auto update when it is released, then stop using the current build and install a test build. The one linked is the same as 2.3.2. Test builds are just created per commit so not all of them are stable.
Dev here. A fix has been submitted in 2.3.2, which is available on Github, and will make it's way on F-Droid. I made a lengthy post on reddit, though it is currently filtered as it is a self post. If you come from F-Droid, you will need to uninstall to use the github build. If you want to keep it and get an auto update for now, then disable it and install a test build. The one linked is the same as 2.3.2. Test builds are just created per commit so not all of them are stable.
Hello, dev here. In short, I have no idea what is going on, but I'm open to suggestions. You can follow updates through this github issue and this github PR. There is currently a test app in the PR where you can enable web only mode in settings, which will disable all non web based activities (including notifications, marking as read, etc). You can test that out to see if it resolves it.
For user agents, it does change depending on what page you use, but that is required to enable certain features. I'd be surprised if Frost is the only app that switches to allow the most features possible.
If you have other questions or comments, I'm most active on Github or through email, but feel free to reply here too and I'll try to get to it.
Added a new issue:
I think before you used to get a notification for friend requests too. I'll take a look at parsing it when I have time.
It currently isn't possible. I will be tracking the feature here:
You can uninstall all Facebook stuff following this guide. I'm not too sure on exactly how the Facebook app works but it's been a real resource hog on my phone. I then installed Frost as my Facebook client and it helped my battery a lot cause it isn't actually the Facebook app itself but a nice looking web version of it.
Frost has nothing to do with the developer platform, so those terms don't apply. The terms by Facebook itself are outlined here. There's no way for me to guarantee that you won't be banned if you use this third party app as is. I wouldn't even be able to guarantee that you won't be banned if you used nothing but their official app. What I can do is outline the features provided, show you the entire source, and allow you to make a decision as to whether or not it is "worth" using it.
Just to give examples: * Is using an adblocker in your browser a violation of the terms and conditions? * What if you used a browser extension that removes tracking ids from the urls? * What if you use a different user agent to view the message page on your phone, when it is only enabled for older devices or non mobile devices?
Frost incorporates all these features.
Is using the reddit enhancement suite a violation of reddit terms, given that you have the option of auto loading new posts and adding multiple accounts? You can go on and on with these questions.
My point here is that while I'm not actively doing something malicious, or anything that you couldn't do yourself in a browser, it is still the user's responsibility to assess the app before using it. This software is offered as is, and you being banned by using it is not under my responsibility.
If you want to read more, here is an example of a third party dev who has been in contact with Facebook due to legal troubles. The solution was to not depend on the dev sdk, which is hardly useful anyways due to its extreme limitations.
Hey, I think I found the issue. It seems like Facebook will always add posts it deems worth seeing, regardless of whether it is recent or not. I'll be setting up a method to filter those posts in the next build, and I'm quite confident that it will work for you. The only worry may if it filters too much, but so long as you see posts I don't think that's an issue. I will link a test build once it releases, or you can wait for the next beta release.
Edit: Assuming all goes well, the test app will be located here. I will be back in a few hours to do some testing myself
I'll add this to my todo but I have a few more higher priority bugs to fix. My searchview is native so I can add whatever query suggestions I want.