I looked into using them before, so it's worth pointing out Jottacloud isn't infinite/unlimited, it's up to 10TB. Look at their terms of service:
> Individual Users with an unlimited subscription plan may use the Service for normal individual usage. Although Jotta does not limit bandwidth or storage on Unlimited Subscription plans, we reserve the right to limit excessive abuse. The Users total storage and network usage may be deemed excessive if your usage greatly exceeds the average usage of Jotta customers. As an example, we would define storage consumption over 10 TB as excessive and beyond the scope of normal usage.
I use JottaCloud personally. Cryptee would be my first choice for security and privacy, but it lacks certain features. Jotta hits a good middle ground for me, and while it doesn't have end-to-end encryption, they do offer a privacy guarantee
I use Jottacloud. It's not free, but for $9,9 per month you get unlimited storage.
They also have an Linux Deamon and CLI
Here's a picture! He's the blue one.
My parents originally bought him for my older brother, to replace his worn-out plushie (the gray one in the picture). My brother didn't want any replacement and gave the second one to me as soon as I was born. I have since adopter my older brother's plushie as well, since he didn't care about it anymore. The bed they're sitting in was made specifically for my plushie by my late grandfather over 20 years ago. The socks they're wearing were gifts from my wife, who also love them both :)
The application works just like Dropbox.
They encrypt everything and only the user has the key. Also, all the data is stored in Norway which has strict privacy laws.
The limit has since then been removed from the TOS, now they operate with an "fair use" policy.
I quote:
Users with an Individual account may use the Service for normal individual usage. Although Jottacloud does not limit bandwidth or storage on Unlimited subscription plans, we reserve the right to limit excessive use and abuse of the Service. If a user’s total storage and network usage greatly exceeds the normal usage of an average Jottacloud user, and/or indicates that the Service is being uses for other than normal individual use, this may in some cases be deemed as abuse of the Service.
To bad there is no support in Rclone for Jotta.
That is weird, but you gave me some idea and I was doing some research on that myself. Your info about kidnapping attempt makes me think - maybe in other cities were unsolved cases of murders by strangulation of girls similar age? After eliminating cases with strong suspects and cases without sexual assault I got two cases left, but one in particular get my attention. It's the case of Linda Weldy, 10 y/o killed in '87 - only one year before April, in the city 2h away of Fort Wayne. She was kidnapped when she was walking alone down the road and for sure her killer had a car, moreover her body was found not far from usual road you take heading to Fort Wayne; Most important is that all three (April, Sarah and Linda) were quite similar looking - when you take a look on their pics. This is just an idea, I don't have any strong arguments to support that. But I'm curious what do you think?
What about https://www.jottacloud.com ?
$99/year - unlimited data
Works via Duplicati (so, works on any platform).
Any thoughts?
EDIT: Same question about https://hubic.com/en/offers/ ?
Which is 10TB for 50€/year
Although I notice that when you select USA, the price changes to 99$, while I pay 590 in Norwegian kroner (equivalent to 70$ atm).
Their privacy warranty is also worth reading:
Ive been using copy for a while and it works well so far for me. I don't think copy/barracuda will shut down at one night if they'll ever go out of business. They would announce that months before and that would be enough to move your files to another place.
I might suggest 2 other companies as well;
jottacloud: https://www.jottacloud.com/ from Norway. 5gb but you get extra 5 gb per invitees you invite up to 100 gb. I got 100 gb free that I shared invitation link on a public forum. Also syncing program is nice on pc. It has its own upload/download manager.
hubic: https://hubic.com/en/ from France. 25 gb free. big/trustworthy company specialized on data/storage and other related services.
If you're interested in cheaper alternatives, then check out jottacloud, as I already mentioned. I have no personal experience with them, but read many good things. They have truly unlimited storage, but throttle you at 5TB. That gets progressively worse as with more data, but not unreasonable for a home connection as long as you don't upload more than 25TiB I think. Download is unaffected. You can have a look here. A table with their throttleing policies is here.
Keep in mind that the bandwidth stated there is for one upload stream. You can have 6 simultaneous uploads at any given time. And you are sitting in the UK, so latency and bandwidth to them will be acceptable. That's just an idea, as it's around half the price what you pay at aws. Also no ingress/egress costs.
Edit: spelling
Here are more pics: https://www.jottacloud.com/share/ja3orl2e6tib
I bought this on a whim along with some other keyboards and would like to convert it to USB but no idea on that connector. I might be able to tap onto the matrix if I can't work with the connector but would be nice to know my options. It has linear switches that aren't my thing but they do have a nice feel and sound.
Take a look at https://www.jottacloud.com/ - for a privat account you get unlimited data for €7.5/month. And you only need 1 month, right?
I don't know your upload speed, so this could determine how long time you're going to need the account. FWIW I was able to flatline my fiber's uplink (560Mbps) during my upload :-O
So, I recorded 60 seconds of this. Ran it into Audacity and sped it up by 400%.
Turns out it's Radiohead's "There, there", slowed down.
Not sure if this link will work, but let's try:
> Jottacloud may establish or amend general operating practices to ensure availability of the Service and to prevent abuse. As a part of these practices, we reserve the right to monitor our systems to identify excessive consumption of storage and network resources and to take such technical and other actions, as we deem appropriate. Limitations on bandwidth and the number of api calls may occur.
> The subscription Jottacloud Personal, with unlimited storage space, was created to provide customer predictability. Unlimited refers to available storage space. If the storage space exceeds 5 TB on a Personal subscription, the upload speed will be reduced.
Below 5TB | Full Speed |
5-6TB | 20Mbit/s |
6-7TB | 15Mbit/s |
7-8TB | 12.5Mbit/s |
8-9TB | 10Mbit/s |
9-10TB | 8Mbit/s |
10-11TB | 6Mbit/s |
11-12TB | 5.5Mbit/s |
12-13TB | 5Mbit/s |
13-14TB | 4.5Mbit/s |
14-15TB | 4Mbit/s |
15-16TB | 3.5Mbit/s |
16-17TB | 2Mbit/s |
17-18TB | 1.5Mbit/s |
18-19TB | 1Mbit/s |
29-20TB | 0.5Mbit/s |
20-50TB | 0.25Mbit/s |
Above 50TB | 0.1Mbit/s |
I have been using Jottacloud for several years and i am very happy with them. https://www.jottacloud.com/en/
Unlimited storage for 7.5euro/month. Clients for most OSes including a docker image which I am using to backup my unraid server.
Here in Norway I use a service called "JottaCloud".
I also got 50% discount with them, so I pay around $38 a year for it.
What I like about the service is:
Hello and thanks for your post.
I have a WYRD connnected to a PC over USB (USB signal cleaner) connected to a MODI Multibit which is then connected to VALI 2 tube which are connected to two active speakers.
Sound is great and pure from the speakers, however when I connect my headphones in the VALI 2 to the speakers of course fall silent and sound moves to the headphones but the speakers cracle and hiss.
Here's a video showing what happens. https://www.jottacloud.com/share/7o6d9ac83dd0
i think i have to set a mountpoint in the shell:
$ sudo mkdir /iocage
$ sudo zfs set mountpoint=/iocage Freejoostpool/iocage
But im not sure yet, will continue to read. Hope someone can confirm this!
so i reinstalled freenas. this part went ok. i have 5 disks. One for boot, two ssd with a pool called softwarepool (new) and two hdd with data that i did not do anything with. when i boot, the webinterface is visible. so far so good. since i did not have a backup i went to the shell. i tried zpool import -d /dev. then i saw my freejoostpool.
imported it with import -d /dev Freejoostpool. Wheb i entered zpool list my freejoostpool is visible (screenshot)and running, together with the newly created softwarepool. However when i enter zpool status i only see software pool (screenshot 2). in the web gui i only see the softwarepool so i think the cli import is not visible in the gui. im not sure what to do next. Do a cli export and then a gui pool import?
tnx for the tips sofar
I received an AOC Agon AG273QX yesterday and I just wanted to check with you if it's me thats missed something or if it's a production error on my monitor.
I have spent several hours yesterday trying to mount the base and it wont snap in. It seems like a normal construction, where I first slide the tree "claws" at the top into place and then just pivot down until the retractable claws at the bottom snaps in. Just that there are two metal bits extending higher than the rest of the back of the attachment slot of the monitor that are in the way.
You can see how it looks here:
The metal bits seems solid, like they are part of the backing plate under and don't seem to budge at all, and there are no holes on the attachment of the base that would allow those metal bits to go. Is it supposed to be like that? I seriously feel like an idiot now.
Really depends on what type of backup you want:
A couple of other providers that offer quite large amounts of storage are IceDrice amd Jottacloud - they're closed source though of course.
Icedrive offers E2EE on their paid plans, and have a good privacy policy, and have apps for all major platforms including Linux. They're a very new service though, and are based in the UK (but they're E2EE claims to also encrypt file names, so where the service is based is arguably irrelevant).
JottaCloud offers lots of storage, but isn't E2EE. It's based in Norway (pretty good privacy laws), runs entirely on renewable energy, and offer a privacy guarantee. They only have a command line tool for Linux though. Like most other providers, they do use automated tools to compare the file hashes of what you upload against known illegal content as well.
and fml... " User accounts that store and/or share illegal or copyrighted material on the Service will be terminated. " https://www.jottacloud.com/en/terms.html but to share it, wouldn't you have to store it first?
unless you can feed the uploader encrypted copies of your files to hide all content in some weird janky "cache" folder thing...
"Unlimited storage space"
"Jottacloud may establish or amend general operating practices to ensure availability of the Service and to prevent abuse. As a part of these practices, we reserve the right to monitor our systems to identify excessive consumption of storage and network resources and to take such technical and other actions, as we deem appropriate. Limitations on bandwidth and the number of api calls may occur. " https://www.jottacloud.com/en/terms.html
make up your mind
Have you tried jottacloud? Seems they have a storage limit now too bad. When I subscribed I paid about 70 eur for a year and unlimited devices. Just had a look at their site but it seems they have a cap now. https://www.jottacloud.com/en/pricing.html
A VPS is almost always the most expensive solution when you’re talking storage, especially at the 1+TB sizes.
I would probably host it at home for a fraction of the cost, and do offsite backups I.e. to Jottacloud which offers fast cloud storage up to 5TB for $99/year.
First submission to this subreddit, got lots to work on. I used to write in cursive until high school, but stopped doing it, I want to learn to write cursive again.
You could give Jottacloud a try. I used it in the past with decent speeds, ymmv, but abandoned it due to no Linux support. I see that they've released a cli version for Debian now (v0.4 but still).
the unlimited storage isn't what they actually say. You can find this in the Terms & Conditions:
"Users with an Individual account may use the Service for normal individual usage. Although Jotta does not limit bandwidth or storage on Unlimited subscription plans, we reserve the right to limit excessive use and abuse of the Service. If a user’s total storage and network usage greatly exceeds the normal usage of an average Jotta user, and/or indicates that the Service is being uses for other than normal individual use, this may in some cases be deemed as abuse of the Service."
So basically they can stop your account anytime under the “abuse” reason which means... when they decide to.
Also nothing is locally encrypted.
File sharing options : just a link. No possibilities of password for the link, no possibility of creating a time limit share.
Looking online I found that (which I didn’t even take the time to double-check so feel free to look more into that) :
“Jottacloud has your files stored on their servers in Oslo, Norway or on leased servers across the globe. They don’t mention anything about redundancy backups, so we don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes.”
Btw, terms and conditions are here : https://www.jottacloud.com/en/terms.html
“Jottacloud reserves the right to conduct virus checks and may block certain files from being uploaded.” So what ? They will read my files like Google read my emails ???
🤔 it’s not for me anyway.
Good idea to keep a small partition at the start of the disk to safeguard for situation like these! I will remember that.
I know very well the importance of having backups and have been twitchy about not having a good solution for a while, which is why I started backing up all my stuff to Jottacloud* half a year ago. Unfortunately we moved to a new place with a super slow internet connection around the same time, so I only got to back up my internal HDD over fiber (finished in an hour or so). 4TB of data is to much data to back up over a 15 kb/s upload connection, so I put it off since we will get a fiber connection here later.
What I should have done was to buy a new 4TB disk and set up regular backups in the mean time. Lesson learned the hard way!
* It's a reasonably priced Norwegian Dropbox-like service with no storage limit. They recently made available a linux client and a CLI. Great way to keep a continuous backup going to somewhere which is not my house.
I have actually never used own/nextcloud. Would you say it's close to Dropbox in Linux functionality? Dropbox's Linux support might suck but it sucks the least of all sync providers I've tried (Dropbox, Google Drive, Seafile, pCloud, + something I forgot).
Yesterday I came across Jottacloud because someone on Reddit mentioned it and it seemed really interesting, but when actually trying it out and reading their forums their velocity seems really low. Their Linux CLI client does not have sync, just one way backup from your machine to their servers. So there goed another candidate :-(
(Wrt own/nextcloud: I don't want to run my own servers so I'd need so external party offering support for it.)
I just started a JottaCloud subscription which works perfectly. Just pick out the folders you want to keep synchronised and it will do just that, from whatever drive you have it on. Only issue I have encountered is that while backing up it creates a temporary alteration to the FLP file, so you are not able to save for a minute. I usually turn the sync of while working on projects where I save for every little thing I do, and turn it on again when I'm done. No biggie.
Bitrate is 135 MB, with YI color and medium sharpness. WB is on auto and same with ISO. Resolution is 4K with 60 PFS. It's exported in Premiere Pro with the youtube 4k setting and bitrate on 135MB. I'm not quite sure what causes it.
Link to some raw fotage: https://www.jottacloud.com/p/velocis/ad6de96db3964611b2445769feba38e0
I have around 19 TB backed up with JottaCloud, a Norwegian backup company.
But beware, their "unlimited" subscription is actually limited to 10 TB.
Take a look at https://www.jottacloud.com/en/ if you are interested in them.
Take a look at Jottacloud: https://www.jottacloud.com/business/
It's based in Norway, so very little to no NSA spying. That's different from OneDrive, Dropbox, or Google, where Uncle Sam can view all your stuff.
Have you looked at Jottacloud? I use them myself and have no issues to speak of.
~8$ will get you the following:
Unlimited storage.
Great speeds. ( I get 30Mbit + in Italy and 40+ in GB (80+in Norway))
No file size / time limit. (That I've found so far) (All my Blu-ray rips were uploaded without issue)
Great privacy. (If that matters)
I use the Norwegian service Jottacloud. It has unlimited storage for EUR 7.50 per month. Had it for a about a year now, and it has worked great for me. You can try the free version first to see if you like the way it works.
I'm starting to get that feeling. A while back Jotta Cloud teased a Linux client but we're still waiting. It's probably so their user number stats look good! Not that I'm using them, but there based in a Swiss country so would be preferable over Dropbox et al!
Love the colors in this photo! =D
I cleaned it up a bit, and then converted it to vector for a slightly more simplified approach.
JPG version (5000x2500px)
PFD version (editable vector)
I'm using JottaCloud to share the vector version, shameless referral program plug (10Gb free storage).
I have 16GB and will delete mine soon (need to configure the new sync folder for me and my parents first).
Look into Jottacloud, 5GB out of the box and if you follow this referral link both you and me will get an extra 2GB so you'll be at your 7GB.
Just a tip, I don't mind if you use the official signup method or settle with another service, I personally think they're great because they're based in Norway (both their servers and HQ) and have a pretty straigtforward privacy policy.
Spideroak seems to be another alternative, you can encrypt your files through the app, but they're US based and only offer 2GB for free so that's kind of a downside for me personally.