Hello! This game was made by Amanita Design Studios. It's great that it is getting exposure here on reddit.
However, Amanita is a small independent company and can actually be damaged by piracy. So if you want to play this game (especially in your own language) please go to http://machinarium.net/ and pay for a download. It is only $10 and it deserves every penny.
I don't represent Amanita Design in any respect, I'm just looking out for the little companies.
I take the chance whenever I get to talk about all of the work of Amanita Design. Their work, all of it, is completely beautiful and relaxing and none of it has a ridiculous price tag on it. I've played through everything they made with my ex and I don't regret a second I gave them. Check them out!
EDIT: But seriously, if you haven't paid just $10 after trying the free demo of Machinarium, what are you even doing with your life?
Machinarium is a future classic, an absolutely brilliant adventure game with a charming story, gorgeous art style and challenging puzzles. It's available for many different systems, not just Android. There is a Flash demo on the official website.
Edit: I've just opened the demo in another tab and the astonishing sound design alone is already convincing me to complete it again.
We as a team play a lot of Flash games, in part because we're always looking for new games from other developers to keep fresh content on our portal while we're busy working on our own stuff.
Machinarium is an absolutely amazing game that happens to be built in Flash though you would hardly know it.
Cursed Treasure is in my opinion one of the best Tower Defense games out there, if you're into that.
And Nitrome makes a ton of really great games with awesome artwork.
Cool thing is, you can play a demo of the game within your browser: http://machinarium.net/demo/
It's a very unique setting that makes Machinarium a very atmospheric point-and-click adventure. Puzzles can be pretty hard every now and then and the pacing is on the slow side. But just play the demo and see for yourself.
I'm self promoting here, but Dinos in Space!... it's a (so cheap it's almost free) logic puzzle game that got good reviews all around.
As far as other recommendations for great indie mac games... there are actually quite a lot. Many of the games coming out on the bundles are cross platform. An absolute classic, and one of my favorite's available on Mac is Machinarium
Limbo is fantastic. I am a huge adventure games fan too like others here. A few of my favorites:
Samorost2 and Machinarium both have online Flash demos. The bundle essentially just gives you the soundtrack for free, so I'll probably just pick up Machinarium and Botanicula seperately.
It's from machinarium, if you have even a cursory interest in point/click adventures you should give it a try. I think I got it in an indie bundle a while back, played through the whole thing and enjoyed it quite a bit.
Try these on your laptop at least, they're flash-based!
If you want to endure horrible events be my guest, hope you find something to enjoy at them though :p
Machenarium and the sound track is exquisite! instrumental kinda glitch/trip hop/ambient beautifulness. It is a point and click puzzle game with an A++ soundtrack. Had to own this on wax!
For some reason, this (Well done!) painting reminded me of Machinarium, a very good adventure game that I recently played through. It's not too long, but otherwise you might want to consider recommending it to your sister.
I love point and click adventure games.
You should try Machinarium together if you haven't yet. It's quirky, the illustration style is cool and the soundtrack is pretty sweet.
I've also been saving threads about adventure games when they come up. From this one you can find revamped versions of the old King's Quest, Space Quest and Quest for Glory games. And this one has bunch more.
Braid (PC and 360 marketplace) is an excellent puzzle game that bends your mind in new and pleasant ways, and it has a cool story line. Maybe three cool story lines, maybe none. Actually, if you can work out the story line you're smarter than me. But great puzzles and a enchanting feel, it's a must-play.
Also Machinarium, it's another beautiful, heart string tugging puzzle game, and you can play the in-browser demo here
Another beautiful game by Amaniita is Machinarium. It's about a robot in a city populated by them. Very good, and an amazing story as well.
That's some awesome mech design :) I think the not perfectly straight and vivid pen lines really lends itself to the style. Almost as if it was something out of Machinarium or something :D
Regardless i think it would make the theme more consitent, but since it is your vision you should go with what you feel like. Your game kinda reminds me of Machinarium,which is totally a good thing.
Demo, playable in browser (requires Flash)
The surreal quality comes from how even the dogs, birds and insects are sentient machines with no explanation of how they work, and there's absolutely no trace of humans at all or even a hint that they were ever there.
The machine city is surrounded by a bleak garbage dump similar to Earth in WALL-E, but pretty cozy inside. There is gorgeous hand-drawn artwork throughout the game, further giving the game a unique feel.
Platform: Steam, Win. I want to suggest Siseon ... i think it's far more trippy than it looks at first sight! Of course a lot of people will already know it, but i also want to mention Machinarium, as it is the best attempt ever to create a trippy/mesmerizing point and click adventure! I am looking forward to try the game! Looks very interesting! EDIT: formatting....
THANK YOU for posting this! I absolutely love the game. I bought it for the PC, then bought it for my Mac, and I didn't even know it was out for iOS, so this has made my day. I'm getting copies for my family, too.
In a sense you're right. By programming a game using directx you save lots and lots of time. I presume that money saved by using directx is better than potential money gained by using opengl and creating a multi-platform game. Investing 50% more resources into development to go for just ~10% of the market doesn't seem like a viable business plan.
And frankly I am actually happy with that. That gives space for indie games. the community is willing to help pay for them (or when they are on pay what you want model they usually get far more then expected). And their quality is usually much higher than of mainstream games. When was the last time you saw/played a good adventure/logical/puzzle mainstream game? The only one I can remember in a very long time is portal . Sure I play some PC games but there are very few actually worth playing (and paying for) and they are in a sea of crap games that are regarded as awesome games by the general public. Within the indie community the amount of really good games and original games is much higher (my favourites are : machinarium, introversion software games (mainly uplink and defcon)
TLDR: I'm really really high and just went on a rant... sorry :)
Amanita Design (my favorite game studio) has some really great puzzle/point and click games. The art and music in each are amazing, so far theyve released 3 games:
Machinarium (newest), Samorost 1, and Samorost 2.
Well it's actually $10 for 2 flash games, and I don't think that there is anything fundamentally wrong about the engine, I mean machinarium is a flash game and that has several awards as well as universal acclaim.
Alpha, the Power Rangers robot.....
Robin Williams robot (Bicentennial Man)
Mars Space Rover
2 robots from Machinarium
Wheatley (Portal 2 talking head)
Kryten (Red Dwarf)
Henry the cocain snorting Vacuum
The dog predator robot from the movie Mars..
PeeWee Hermans Boombox robot
Borg Queen
Evil Bill and Ted Robots
The Android (android phones) Robot
Calcutron from futurama
Golde female Robot from spaceballs
Well, you certainly live up to the name Snarly - but you're being too hard on yourself.
then you go into a bla bla bla. I skipped that bit. Sorry, did you say something there? I basically got "surprisingly cute" - I've seen enough flash games to know the exact sentiment you're feeling with that one. I love being pleasantly surprised by a game's "sweetness" or something about it.
Off the top of my head, I can't remember the last 'free, web playable' flash game that's done that for me by name, (when it comes back to me I'll definitely post it for you) ... but this game: http://machinarium.net/demo/ immediately came to mind as being an absolute shock and delight. I picked it up as part of the humble indie bundle 2 and just completely loved it.
Anyways, based on your review, I'll give Mindy a try. I saw the icon when it came in on my 'new games' list and probably would have passed it by... all said and done though, I appreciate the effort in trying to introduce the game and let people know what they're in for :)
I feel like there are some pretty good counterexamples to this trend-- as someone already mentioned, Machinarium is pretty good, and Braid has notably gorgeous visuals and music.
machinarium and Samorost 1&2, all amanita design. Absolutely love the games. It's about finding things to click, right order, etc. It's actually quite hard, but I only once had to peek into the walkthrough. :)
This soundtrack is absolutely gorgeous. Make sure you pick up the free EP with some bonus tracks that didn't make the soundtrack here. It's got the robot band tune and "By The Wall" which I think has to be the most beautiful song in the game...so peaceful.