Need to close some annoying pop-ups but this is the site I watch all my shows.
Here you go. U can watch anything here for free just make sure u have a pop up blocker or youll have to close them mannually as there are a few poo ups every time u click a video.
Hello refugee, welcome to r/Drama.
In order to continue posting, please submit a timestamped photograph of your anus (known colloquially as 'bussy') to one of our immigration officers for detailed inspection. Failure to do so would mean immediate deportation
^(I am a bot for posting links.) ^(<em>github</em>) ^/ [^(Contact for info or issues)](/message/compose?to=\/u/LightUmbra)
Sloth took your sealegs? It's bound to be a cam, so no sea bitching, not that ye have good taste anyway wanting ye old comic smut slobbering scallywag
> Loving the Dean Martin Variety Show currently.
Haha, I enjoy that show from time to time. Always get a kick out of Dean-o pretending to be drunk. "What's My Line" is another great 50's-60's show with loads of episodes on YT.
Anyway, you're welcome, and for Blake's 7, check out this site for streaming episodes. Turn your ad-blocker on, of course!
Been using for streaming nearly 100% of my content for a long time. Even sometimes when the content is on something I have an account for. It's just easier having everything in one place. Just finished watching S5 on it.
There's a bunch of episodes here And the other alternative for the rest of them is using torrent
With a warning, this is a bootleg site. You will require pop up blocker, ad blocker, good virus software. Don't click on anything you shouldn't be clicking on.Some if the links are dead but I started clicking to watch one and I got to a good link on the pilot episode by the 4th link.
People say that the streams on here are very decent -
I wouldn't know from personal experience, of course. - It's great, the one I use the most - Also good - Many servers and links
And I also use the apps BeeTV and Cinema for Amazon Firestick.
Usually these pages and apps are able to cover all the shows I watch, but Naked and Afraid of Love is not being updated anywhere...
This is my to go to site when it comes to watching a lot of obscure 80's movies
Not yet, Covid seems to have effected that, which is probably why it's already on the pirate sites. It was supposed to get released last June. Enjoy the pirate site before reddit removes my comment, I saw it a few days ago...
Do you have a VPN? If so: change your country.
Or if you have an AdBlock: could be an option as well (wouldn't recommend it without an AB though because you'll be bombarded with pop-ups).
This site is also pretty good but they upload kind of slowly.... I'm waiting for the show that aired last night to be uploaded but I think it may take a while... ;-(((((
there's few youtube channels that'll upload it, like WILTY? Nope!, That Mitchell & Mack Collection
and you can find it in reddit favorites Primewire
I found that whenever you try to watch an "R" rated or an adult movie, the site requests you to login, and requires you to enter credit card information.
Here's an example of an "R" rated movie that just got added. Please verify I can watch this movie without using a credit card.
I've never seen a site requiring such confidential and personal information like this before.
Thank you!!!
For anyone else, find a website like ( look up the show and pick a link. Then when you open the video, at the bottom it will say "upload subtitle" or something like that and choose the file u/sandpilot has provided. Viola!
Remove the "R" from the link.
I don't know. I never use pay streaming. I got all the seasons here. Except a few from the first season which is really the 3rd season because season 1-2 dont count. Season "3" is where you start and a few episodes are missing on this site from season 3 but I found the missing ones on daily motion by just googling the episode I needed. Here is most all of what you need to watch Aus Survivor.
I love Australian Survivor! The first two seasons don't count. I started with season 3, and that season was the weakest but seasons 4-6 are great. There are some great players just as great as the favorites of US Survivor. I love the sportsmanship of the Australian Survivors compared to US in general. Even though I'm from US. LOL
I downloaded seasons 6 and I download each episode of Season 7 all stars which is going on right now. The earlier seasons I found a site that streams everything. Any episodes I can't find on this site I just do a search for that episode. Like season 3 has some missing episodes but I found them on daily motion.
Start with season 3 and know that it's by far the weakest as far as the players on it.
My new favorite player isn't even a US player anymore. I'm all about "The Golden God" LOL
make sure to have popup blocker/adblock
Pushshift is currently having an outage at the moment, so removeddit links will likely not work. In addition, the archiving system for has partially changed. Archives likely still are made, but the URL points to the wrong place for now. Sorry. :(
I am just a simple bot, **not* a moderator of this subreddit* | [bot subreddit](/r/SnapshillBot) | [contact the maintainers](/message/compose?to=\/r\/SnapshillBot)
I'm not sure what the rules are regarding links, but you can watch it here:
Just choose a link that works for you
Yeah, the Prime thing seems to only work for the US, at least from the countries that I've tried (I use a VPN too). If anything, this site seems to have most of the older episodes and from the ones I checked out the links seem to be working too