I think what you're meaning to say is that you understand HTML and CSS, but I don't think that you're quite comfortable writing it yet. As with most of these languages, you'll get a lot more comfortable writing them and understanding when to use the appropriate tag/function/etc. the more you use it and the more you see it. Start by looking at the source of websites you like the look of or that use a fun technique that you're interested in learning. Try to visualize exactly what each tag is doing in regards to what it looks like on the site (you can even try disabling the CSS to get a better look at how the raw html is output). From there, you can find website mockups on sites like dribbble and behanced. Take a mockup image and try to code that site using HTML and CSS. It's ok to keep http://w3schools.com or something similar open while you're doing this to reference tags and look things up. You'll find you don't need it as often the more you use the language. Browsing through http://codepen.io and taking your time to read through the code is also a good way to see small snippets of code that people are making interesting things with. As with anything, practice will make you better!
For everyone wondering why w3schools is bad, check this shit out.
Scroll down to the "Insert Data From a Form Into a Database" section, look at that PHP example code. Yes, that's a SQL injection vulnerability right there, and this is what they're teaching everyone to be acceptable. There's no escaping there, no prepared statements, not even any MENTION of anything being wrong with this...
It is really hard to justify paying for HTML teaching when the internet has as much information as it does. Just come up with pet projects, use the internet for reference, try stuff and you will figure it out. I have no doubt. You seem like a smrt cookie.
For reference: http://w3schools.com/html/ + http://w3schools.com/css/default.asp = well on your way. Lesson 1 is: html for structure, css for looks.
OK, I am sorry to tell you this. It is NOT TRUE. You will not earn 75k after 9 weeks of training. These guys are ripping you off. It is a very very unfortunate scam.
Source: I employ software developers and have been running projects and building teams for over 20 years.
If you want to be a software developer (and nowadays almost everything is going onto the web so you are looking to be a web developer), you need to put in your own time to learn html, css, javascript and jquery.
Look at http://w3schools.com and http://codecademy.com and http://nettuts.com - these are FREE, then build some small portfolio websites and then start applying for junior developer jobs paying between $30 and $45k a year. You need a lot of luck to get that first job but then it becomes a very rewarding and lucrative career very quickly.
After 18 months to 2 years as a junior, you can then transfer to a web developer job paying $50 to 70k a year. After 3 or 4 years you can be a senior developer earning between 70k and 100k per year). Then a team lead or project manager earning between $100 and $150k, then a consultant earning $150k to $250k.
Thats the TRUTH. Companies want experience and certainly not a 9 week bootcamp. These bootcamp companies exist to rip off young people. Hopefully you save your money. There is ZERO possibility that what they are saying is true. Please save your money.
Go to /r/webdev and /r/learnprogramming and talk to people who will help you succeed.
EDIT: in case they tell you "but yes we are talking Ruby and that pays better" this is BS. A juinior is a junior is a junior, based on experience regardless of the language.
You don't need to do this:
<div id="nav-container">
<div class="box">Home</div>
<div class="box">Subjects</div>
<div class="box">Contact</div>
<div class="box">Contribute</div>
You can get rid of all the "box" class and target the menu items' div this way instead (in CSS):
#nav-container div { height: 36px; width: 200px; ...and so on; }
<div> is not the only structuring element. Here's a list of possible html tags to use. You can wrap your content with <article>, the post-title with <h1>...<h6>, and each paragraph with <p>. For your main menu, it's more appropriate if you wrap it with <nav>.
Revisit your html and see how many id/classing you can get rid of by using proper tags. The idea is to make your html as slim as possibe. I would write some more, but I don't want to overwhelm you with too many information. So have fun!
I'm not entirely sure what you're asking but I'll give it a shot.
HTML is what is understood by all browsers (for the most part) to show the look of the website. CSS is what describes the styles to use in the layout. Stuff like position, color, size, etc....
Ok, now PHP is there for when you want to generate stuff dynamically. For example, say you want to display a login box if someone isn't logged in, but you dont want to display it if they aren't. PHP can track a Session to track login status and you can add the logic to the PHP code to either display the HTML for the login box or not. None of the PHP code will be displayed on the screen unless you tell it to. PHP also runs through all its code before the HTML is displayed. So it isn't doing anything with the page once the page is generated.
That's where javascript (JS) comes in. JS allows you to control the page using the user's computer's resources. For example, let's say you have a calculator on your webpage. Every time you click the "equals" button, you don't want to have to reload the page and have PHP calculate the value. Instead you will have clicking the equals button trigger a Javascript function that will do the operation the user requested and display the result.
That's the best I can do. I hope this explanation helps. If you want to learn about all the basic web languages, I recommend checking out W3Schools.com
<a href="YourUrlGoesHere">The Text that you want the URL to show up as goes here</a>
So simple it would be a crime to charge, go here for more info
You said money isn't an issue but FYI you really don't need to spend money to learn sql or vba. Good tutorials can be found on the web for both and for free. I'm good with sql and great with vba and I learned everything from google.
W3schools.com is a great place to start for SQL. You can likely find something similar for VBA as well.
Sorry if the link doesn't work I'm on mobile.
What are you using for your database? Is it a cloud solution like Firebase or is it a local database like MySQL? The exact process will vary slightly depending on which you are using, but the methodology is the same.
You will end up submitting a POST request, either synchronously (standard Form behavior) or asynchronously (using AJAX). You have a route, or URL, that you will hit when the button is clicked and the server will take the POSTed information and do something with it.
Using AJAX, for example, you would do something like...
$('button').click(function (event) {
url: "http://example.com/form_submit.php",
success: function (result) {
Using the standard Form functionality, you would just set the "method" attribute to POST and your "action" equal to your route. For example, <form method="POST" action="http://example.com/form_submit.php">
Technically, this can also be a GET request, but that involves reading query strings from the URL, so I didn't include an example here. Check out W3 Schools for more information!
Edit: I assumed you were using PHP for a server language, but the process is the same regardless of your server side language. If using a cloud service such as Firebase, you should have a route provided that you will POST to. Also, this uses jQuery's AJAX methods. Other ways include libraries such as Axios, ES6 Promises and your standard XHR requests.
Since Bootstrap, I've not used much custom CSS. Although sometimes CSS is needed. It's very easy, spend a weekend and you can master it: layout, position relative and absolute, border, width, height, margin, padding, pseudo (:hover), font family and size, background repeat or no-repeat, z-index layer, blah blah... probably http://w3schools.com/ in a weekend is all you need.
If you use Windows, try WAMP server. A server is really just software that serves webpages to users.
If you're using Linux, I would recommend just installing MediaWiki. It will install the server software, and wiki pages are easy to create and edit. You can also use this on Windows, but I have not yet tried that.
HTML is the language of most webpages, and I found it easy and fun to learn. You can even view the source code of practically any webpage out there to learn from! Once your server is set up, HTML files (which are text files) in the server's directory will be able to be loaded as webpages, assuming permissions are right (which is fairly easy to do).
Let me know if you have any questions. I'm excited that you want to learn this!
php is probably your best bet. Although, given your familiarity with VB, you could always try ASP and use VB as the back-end (Assuming you're running a Windows server, of course).
http://w3schools.com/php/default.asp That's a great starting place for php.
If you have an interest in doing web work, go to the certification page of W3schools.com. Each certificate has a Read more... link. On the linked page is a quiz for each of the disciplines. Don't pay for the certifications, just read the tutorials and take the quizzes until you can pass them. At this point you will have enough knowledge to do web stuff that can lead to jobs where you actually have some job satisfaction.
Alternatively, you can watch online instruction for a variety of generally left brain topics at Kahn Academy.
Take it from someone who's been there, a job that consists mostly of figuring out how to kill time is not worth it. Use that time to improve yourself and/or find something else to do. Life is too short.
I'd pick some language you want to learn and then set out to program something, like a hello world program. Any problems you encounter you can probably find an answer to on stackoverflow. When looking for some basic definitions w3schools can help. And geeksforgeeks can help with explaining some algorithms you might want to use.
It's awesome that you're thinking about your future career so early, so props to you. But then you've got time left so enjoy yourself, don't stress too much (yet!). The one proactive thing I could suggest is to see whether or not you enjoy programming and that sort of thing to see if SE or ECE or CS would be a good fit for you. Theres a ton of great resources out there, like Khan Academy or w3schools in which you can start looking over that stuff.
If you want to go into web development, w3schools has pretty good basic tutorials for HTML, JavaScript, CSS, PHP and all that that I used when I first started out. They also have windows for you to write your own code and edit theirs in for practice, which is really nice because you can actually do things and see how your ability is progressing.
Just don't bother with their certification tests or anything since they cost money and if they have any value at all it's negative.
Also, Codecademy is pretty good for a variety of languages.
I just played around with this for a few minutes, and even though the functionality is pretty basic, it seems like a neat service. It's definitely nice to be able to see what your code looks like when rendered in a browser, with this website reminding me of w3Schools.com's "Try It Yourself" interface.
I think the ability to have and use multiple files would be nice, though I understand that the whole point of CodeCast.me is to be simple and easy to use, which it certainly is!
I like w3schools.com because you don't have to set up anything to try it out. You can practice simple SELECT statements and get familiar with the syntax. Really all you need to get started is an install of SQL Lite (free), the AdventureWorks (AW) Database (or some other free dataset, but AW has lots of good word problems already written for it), and practice.
Install a database and just start mining the data. Ask yourself questions that you are curious about, manually solve the question for a few records, then see if you can recreate those results in an excel query. In AW for example, try finding all the customers who bought an item on a given day... Now do it for a date range... Now narrow the product down... Now see if any of those customers have bought other items from AW... and just keep learning pieces of SQL.
I have been doing SQL development for 3 years now and am constantly adding to new functions to my tool-belt (and even writing some custom ones myself).
The skillset I had to get my first SQL job was barely more than knowledge of SELECT, JOIN types, aggregate functions (I.E. GROUP BY and HAVING). I took 1 SQL class in college (got a C+), and worked in a helpdesk where SQL queries were rarely more complex than a single record delete or a 2-table join.
Don't be afraid to show up to a Junior Developer job without exact syntax knowledge or experience. Understand the concepts, be able to at least get close to the correct syntax, and show that you are excited to get better at SQL. In my experience, your resume and work experience will get you the interview, your passion, ability to learn/be teachable, and your confidence will get you the job.
TL;DR: Learn by doing, practice, get excited. That's how I fell into my role and I love my job!
No need to tweak HTML, PHP, or really even much Javascript as reddit handles the majority of the functionality. CSS is the majority of what you'd be working with, and we're using Naut which automates a great deal of it.
So mostly what I've done is a few tweaks on top of that theme to change things. After this initial revamp is worked out, I certainly wouldn't mind an extra set of eyes or someone willing to experiment with some alternative features.
If you want to get some decent experience quickly, I'd highly suggest heading over to http://w3schools.com/ and working on their examples and tweaking them to suit your tastes. If you're already comfortable with that, I suggest checking out /r/Naut or some other themes and playing around with them to familarize yourself with how reddit's CSS works (names of divs you would subclass, that sort of thing). If I feel a bit short on time and terrSC agrees, I'm sure we'd welcome any help to improve the sub.
It depends on your goals, but in your place I would learn PHP and how to use PDO (part of PHP) to execute SQL statements using MySQL database.
Install XAMPP on your PC - it gives you a full web development environment with Apache and PHP/MySQL included and configured. (or MAMP if you have a MAC).
Look at one of the many tutorial sites like http://w3schools.com and learn a little about html and then a little about PHP, then create your first web page, then create your first web page that connects to a database and outputs some data into the web page.
Good luck.
PS - there are some php haters out there, also some w3schools haters - just ignore them and keep learning. PHP is still the dominant web language and well worth learning but stick to the later versions (5 and above).
http://w3schools.com is good.
Basically, you have named variables that store values:
var name = 4;
You can manipulate these variables:
var other = name * name;
Functions perform tasks and can return variables:
function square(variable) {
return variable * variable; }
var squared = square(4);
You can use if statements to check conditions:
function is_4(variable) {
if (variable == 4) {
return true;
} else {
return false; } }
var name = is_4(4);
You can perform loops:
var value = 0;
// var i = 0; declares a new variable. // i < 10; means "while i is smaller than 10". // i++ means increase the value of i by 1. // So the loop increments i until it is no longer smaller than 10.
for(var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
value++; }
// value now equals 10.
And declare arrays of variables:
var array = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60];
var value = array[2];
// value equals 30 (indexes always start from 0).
Of course it goes a lot deeper as you know, but that's basically the main gist of it, from here you just need to learn what the different predefined functions and features do, it doesn't take long to learn enough to achieve a lot. I'll help you if you want, feel free to PM me.
Don't forget the W3Schools tutorial on JavaScript (and all its other content). You definitely need to know HTML/CSS if you want to start integrating JavaScript into your webpages, especially for DOM manipulation. I did the Codecademy courses back in November 2012 and am a full-blown, paid web developer now. Codecademy is great for learning the language, so definitely stick with it, but you'll need to look elsewhere when it comes to DOM manipulation and using JavaScript practically in a web environment. Codecademy focuses more on the actual programming aspect moreso than the web aspect. BUT, if you stick with the whole course, you'll be a relatively adept JS beginner, and learning the DOM manipulation / integration into a web environment will be a breeze. And lastly, don't forget jQuery!
Start with an easy computer language like Python (http://www.learnpython.org/), then if you feel like it move on to coding websites via http://w3schools.com (as noted in another comment people say it's bad but honestly they're just hipsters the site is great and you can learn everything from there, it's how I learned and I'll kick the fucking shit out of anyone if it comes to a programming challenge).
All languages are essentially the same except for some low-level ones like C++ and assembler, it's just syntax that changes.
But just go to this site http://www.learnpython.org/ follow the tutorial and enter your code in the box at the bottom of the screen, good luck.
just go through the stuff here. Introductory web design is much less complex than other aspects of computing, and buying a book on it usually leads to this overexpectation on the complexity of the topic. The books are often really cheesy and quickly out of date. You don't really run into anything you need to think about until the second header about JavaScript (and scripts in general). Then you might want to think about buying abook.
But, you know, after you try the web resources on the subject, if you need a bit more helping hand, i guess o'reilly's book on the subject? (they're well regarded for their computing reference books, and my introduction to computing was through one of their books, i didn't think their intro series was particularily great, but it's a standard to judge suggestions by.) here
HTML is a very easy language to learn. My suggestion is that you download a bunch of free HTML templates, and build a lot of your own "websites" out of those. With HTML, they don't need to be uploaded anywhere for you to view them as they would appear on a website. The more comfortable you get with that, then you can begin to branch out from there. PHP and SQL are a little more difficult to learn. I would check out w3schools.com or I'm sure there are thousands of youtube videos designated for front and back end design. If you live near a community college, they usually offer some online, in-class, or hybrid classes in web design. However, from my experience, there is nothing like learning on your own. You should check out [/r/webdesign](/r/webdesign) here as well.
HTML and perhaps even HTML5 and Javascript are always the greatest to start out with. If you find that programming is your calling, then you can move on to a more object oriented type of language further down the road, but I feel that starting with HTML has made learning more advanced languages like C++ and Java much more manageable. No worries, there is no such thing as a stupid question here.
How much knowledge do you currently have of CSS? It is fairly easy to get started in css following some easy guides like http://w3schools.com/css/default.asp
Feel free to ask me for any help you might need as I work with web languages all the time.
Also this looks to be the css for this subreddit. http://www.reddit.com/r/Purdue/stylesheet.css?v=09322deeccfadb5b478d1e1c7e207ced
I'd recommend picking up a copy of Web Design in a Nutshell from O'Reilly. It's a bit dated, but all the concepts are there.
Once you've got a handle on it, W3Schools is a great online resource and reference guide. I go there every few months to check up on the latest standards.
Well it depends how you have it italicized: with <i> tags or some other tags that are defined as italicized in the css. Since you didn't provide any source code, you'll have to look through it yourself. Nevertheless, you would do something like this(put inside the <head> tag):
If it was just <i> tags:
<style type="text/css"> i{color:#FF0000;} </style>
If for example <span class="ita">italicized text</span> was used:
<style type="text/css"> span.ita{color:#FF000;} </style>
The color is a hex value, red in this case. You can look up more at for example http://www.2createawebsite.com/build/hex-colors.html.
If you have any interest towards web design, do get into css. It's very, very simple. Here's a good tutorial.
Try Python, MIT has Open Courseware classes fo free.
While you're doing that, getting a good basis in database theory will be a big help. There are free tutorials in SQL out there.
Check out w3schools.com too. What they call a tutorial is more like a reference, but they're free and cover a lot of topics.
Yes, there is better advice out there than mine. Post it if you've got it.
Ajax is not a program. It is more, a way of doing things. Basically when you submit a form on the net it posts the info to a server. Then the server sends back a message to the browser for you to see.
AJAX is where you dont need to actually submit and reload the whole page. When you do things it's as if little sections of the page send the info to the server and back and those sections can update 'on the fly'. (ie instead of having to hit a submit button and reload the whole page)
AJAX is less a program and more a way of doing what i've described above. Mostly, but not exclusively, it uses the Javascript scripting language (coupled with something server side).
Good starting point for more info: http://w3schools.com/ajax/default.asp
and to quote from there:
>AJAX = Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. > >AJAX is not a new programming language, but a new way to use existing standards. > >AJAX is the art of exchanging data with a server, and update parts of a web page - without reloading the whole page.
http://w3schools.com is pretty good for getting started if you wanna make some websites. If you're an INTP you'll probably get the basics downpat really fast.
It's pretty exciting to learn too. I remember when I first started coding how cool it was to see how the lines of code translate into actual elements in a website.
If you need to learn about CSS, w3Schools.com is a great place to start.
If you find a subReddit with the look and/or options/features you like, add stylesheet.css to the end of the URL to see the CSS and see how they did it. Sometimes they may have comments in the CSS explaining what that particular block of code is doing such as replacing up/down vote icons. Plus you can copy pasta the code, if needed, to save some initial design time. For example, to see R/Favors CSS, it would be:
Also, if you search Reddit (or intertubes), you find a lot of posts/articles showing tips and tricks for design and layout of subReddits.
If still having problems or can't find answers to certain questions, PM me and I will help as much as I can.
Good luck.
http://w3schools.com has some decent beginner tutorials and examples for PHP and ASP as well as MySQL.
But the best recommendation I can give is to get a free web host. And try to make something. ANYTHING. You learn as you go.
As others have mentioned, you'll get better with doing projects but it light be intimidating starting with zero experience. This is what I did. (So far I've seen html and css. I'm currently learning js)
I used both tutorials on freecodecamp and codecademy to get the basics. Try to do simple projects regularly with what you're currently seeing. Doesn't have to be pretty. Don't even worry about the design at first until you start seeing css.
Mozilla and w3schools are great resources for any particular topics you might have questions on.
Personally, I loved learning Css and liked the challanges that came with doing a specific design.
I recommend CSS diner to learn about many css selectors, that weren't even in the courses I took.
And to challenge your self with css, CSS Battle gives you a design that you have to recreate only with css.
Take a look at www.w3schools.com. It's a very good place to learn JavaScript or any other web dev languages. Another thing you'll need is constant practice for you to be able to master js. You can check out charming desk blog for beginner friendly projects guides you can build.
Set up a raw text editor that does formatted highlights like Notepad++. Then, play around on w3schools and try to test what you'we learned in your editor. And then, yes, start digging in on css-tricks.
You can save yourself time and credit hours by going to http:/w3schools.com/html. And then do http://w3schools.com/css once you get the hang of html. It's how I learned the basics and it will give you a semester's worth of knowledge.
Yeah freelancing is definitely as unstable a field as video game design can be, so that's why I said to maybe take up freelancing to supplement whatever you end up doing (:
But I have definitely found w3schools to be my bible of sorts when it comes to learning/brushing up on HTML/CSS; however, using Right click > "Inspect" in browsers to view a page's source HTML/CSS has been very helpful as well! I would say that in addition to slowly teaching yourself using resources, I would find maybe a free HTML5 web template (I can't think of any off the top of my head) and play around with it. I found that throwing myself into a HTML5-based project for my internship was extraordinarily helpful--but you can thankfully learn at your own pace, since working on a deadline definitely got me flustered at first ! Envato Market has a TON of html5 templates, and the one I've been using was a mere $16 for all the things you get included in the package--definitely worth every penny!
I would also recommend the 30-day trial from lynda.com because that's been my other bible at work as well (: (the company paid for my subscription, but using lynda in any way you can--I think--is helpful)
Visit this awesome website: w3schools.com, and DIY. You do realize there's a whole fucking CAREER in that, right? It's not like you lack motivation (guessing here), when you already have an honorable project to develop.
If you can do HTML, CSS and javascript, you are a GOD, I tell ya. Next: Python!
EDIT: Also, if I were you, I'd remove the word "silly" from your GIThub page. It scares away the very people who need to read it the most. Putting them down is literally the worst way to "convince" them.
Although they get lots of hate, I don't think there's anything wrong with dabbling around w3schools.com. They're not the definitive source of all development training by any means, but their tutorials are easy to follow and are interactive. You can skip around, go to another tutorial at any time, and it doesn't get too heavy with anything. Again, you're not going to become an expert by using the w3schools tutorials, but you'll learn the basics about a bunch of different technologies/frameworks. And totally free.
If the students actually have to learn to write Javascript, I cannot recommend W3Schools enough.
They have a massive amount of information and tutorials on a wide range of languages, including JavaScript. If you want to test your Javascript snippets, use JSFiddle.
Be careful though: Javascript is not Java, so make sure you're looking for the right language. Javascript is awesome for web development, but not so much if you're trying to code a piece of software. Java would be your language of choice to write software.
AFAIK W3 Schools don't do Python, because they're aimed at webdevelopment. While Python can be useful for web development, it's not used that often. PHP is much more common for use by webdevs.
That's what I'm thinking, at this point. I can't seem to find an in-depth explanation of how HTML5 video works, just information on its usage, adoption, and the same format and codec compatibilities you saw.
This got me really curious, and I run multiple browsers, so I figured I could at least see if there were any differences. This image is a side-by-side comparison of the same basic HTML 5 embedded video element, on the same page in Chrome and Firefox.
There's an obvious difference in style. I did the same side by side comparison of a .mp4 video on my own computer, showing the same difference in style.
This is really looking like the HTML 5 video element uses a video player built into the browser, which reads the tag as an indication to use that player. Compatibility issues are due to some organizations not writing in the functionality, or having some reason not to.
http://w3schools.com has a bunch of info on everything to do with HTML, CSS and Javascript. There's also Codecademy where I learned from. Positioning in CSS is a pain sometimes, I have a lot of issues with it, but enough little things and it'll go where you want.
I would suggest something very light and interactive such as hhtp://codeacademy.com/ supplemented with a more basic learning approach such as that of http://w3schools.com/. I got decent at HTML after doing that for a while and playing around with some of my own projects.
Don't spend money on a book when there are so many sites and vids on teaching coding for the web. You can start here for an easy well presented course on HTML and then the HTML5 additions. http://w3schools.com/
Try to find a mentor (just ask for one on /r/webdev or /r/learnprogramming and see who replies) - this will massively help you when you get stuck.
Watch some youtube video tutorials where you can see the code being entered and also see the result. Try to flick around related videos on html tutorial, css tutorial, etc. and find a presenter who you can connect with.
I still send beginners to http://w3schools.com because their tutorials are very easy to follow and have a Try it now button where you can experiment. Criticisms on reddit (like w3fools) are out of date as they have updated their site and content. I have had many trainees in my 10+ years developing web systems and all of them have used w3schools to help them get started.
Good luck!!
I'd start by learning simple scripting (e.g. HTML/CSS/Javascript). http://w3schools.com has some great intro tutorials.
If that interests you, move on into simple back-end web coding (PHP or Java or Ruby)
Then if you really want to get into the meat of programming, learn Android/Java or C/C++ or Objective C/iOS.
Ah, thank you for reminding me! I had this code left over from the weekend and I knew there was something I was missing regarding the header and footer. I'll change that next time I get.
I was having trouble with the CSS and having the navbar display inline and horizontally, so that's why I have it the way I do but I'll mess with it more.
I didn't know about the readability tip though. That will help me when naming classes. Thanks for that!
I also did not know there is a main element lol. So no need for a div there? Just place it all in <main>? Within that main element though, can I place other elements? For example, within that large main element, I want maybe like a sidebar or an aside or other elements that will display text. Is that possible? Per W3, the main tag is not supported on IE. How would I fix this so that IE will properly display my webpage when using <main>?
Analyzing sophisticatedtaxicab
trust score 113% ^tell ^them ^your ^secrets!
Fun facts about sophisticatedtaxicab
Other than that, practice makes perfect. There shouldn't be courses geared towards designers. A web designer should know graphic design (hopefully, there's a difference between designer and developer), and should be willing to learn how to adapt graphic design concepts and methods within web design.
they have awesome tutorials for all you need
HTML/CSS: HTML HTML5 CSS CSS3 Bootstrap JavaScript: JavaScript jQuery jQueryMobile AppML AngularJS AJAX JSON HTML Graphics: Canvas SVG Google Maps Server Side: SQL PHP ASP ASP.NET VBScript XML Tutorials: XML DTD Schema XML DOM XPath XSLT XQuery RSS WSDL WEB Building: Web Building Web Statistics Web Certificates
This is a big question. Where to start.... Well it depends on what you want to learn and use. I am going to keep this as brief as possible but it is going to still get long :/.
First the database, if you are using mac and want to develop locally i think the easiest would be MYSQL which has a ton of resources for people starting out. This is just a google search away. To learn I would suggest something like http://w3schools.com just to get a working knowledge so you can start building your datasource. You should try to read some things about the design of databases because there is a lot of reason out there for why things are done certain ways.
Now your backend, this can be written in a bunch of different languages just depends on what you want. For mac (which I dont have nor use) i would code a ruby on rails only because a few of my friends seem to enjoy it and I have heard it is great for beginners and quick prototyping. I personally use C# or Java just because its what I know but I myself want to explore ruby and even node.js eventually. Node.js might be an option because you are going to use Javascript anyways on your front end so just learn the one language to have a quick start.
For the front end you want to use HTML/CSS/Javascript. w3schools has some good run through on all three. The real challenge is going to be understand how it all works together correctly which requires lots of reading and experience. My first eCommerce solution was laughable but i learned a whole lot.
Well that is a point in a direction... but there are thousands to choose from so just keep that in mind.
Keep asking questions! dont get discouraged if it blows up and you have to start over it just means more fun!
TL DR Start reading and learning!
Script Blocks are defined pretty well here on this site (click) and Javascript is a very commonly used language for script blocks. It is mainly used to create dynamic content for users, as Javascript can change content after a page is loaded.
The reason Arabic looks weird pasted elsewhere is because of its character set, usually. UTF-8 is a common example of a character set. ISO 8859-6 is an Arabic set, and Shift-JIS is a Japanese set.
If you have other questions, I'd be happy to answer, but reading some code (usually you can see code in the developer tools in your browser) and poking at w3schools.com are good ways to learn more.
If you'd like, I could assist you in moving elements around with CSS. If you'd like to learn how, I'd suggest you check out http://w3schools.com
Only been playing the game for a couple of minutes, but it seems that progression is rather slow.
Usually, the first thing I do is have a nice long shower - I hate showering at night because my hair tends to dry funny while lying down. After that, I tend to check in on Skype if I'm working on a project with my friend. I move straight from that to reviewing the previous days work, and any changes my partner has made (thanks god for that changelog file!). After checking out the new things, I start my own designing - I work a lot with PHP and MySQL, so I usually have w3schools open as well for reference (awesome site). Obviously, other stuff goes on, such as having lunch, but mainly I'll be in front of my laptop. 10PM is usually when I decide I should get some sleep, because it let's me get up at 8AM feeling really refreshed and ready to go.
Making a calendar is probably harder than you think. It's probably helpful to google around for a good pre-made calendar, download it, and open it up in notepad to see how it works.
As for making things without hand holding, there are many tutorials around that are easily found searching around. My favorite is w3schools
I really don't care if I will "fare well" under your corruption.
The reason I told you to learn English is because I am not being cruel to readers, unless that reader happens to be Zuckerberg. I believe what you're referring to is an example. It wasn't directed at you or anyone. Although, I should've quoted it.
To answer your other question; I'm not volunteering as I have more complicated problems to solve, and I lack the two skills you actually require -- dealing with you & picking colors. CSS is just a format, like MLA except less elitist. If you can write a essay you can figure out CSS.
W3SCHOOLS. Teaching people to write crappy code since 1909.
Seriously, their intro php/database tutorial teaches you to write code using mysql_* functions that is vulnerable to SQL injections
$sql="INSERT INTO Persons (FirstName, LastName, Age) VALUES ('$_POST[firstname]','$_POST[lastname]','$_POST[age]')";
if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); }
If the hex conversion is too much, consider using RGB(r,g,b) or HSL(h,s,l) (or rgba()/hsla() ) alternatives to the hex codes. w3 schools link. They are just different ways of writing the same thing.
Be careful, though, as you won't actually be able to escape from Hex codes due to their overwhelming popularity.
if the html is not mangled, i would use lxml. it is alot faster and not heavy on the cpu.
also you can use xpath which makes web crawling/scrapping easy.
this code will return all the links on the page, but would be easy to change to only look in the div.
from lxml import etree tree = etreeHTML(html) for link in tree.xpath('/html/body//a/@href'): print link
http://w3schools.com/php/default.asp I found this tutorial helpful for starting out. Just go through step-by-step and read each page.
For practice, definitely get XAMPP, or MAMP/WAMP, they are very easy to set up and will let you practice locally.
Notepad ++. This is my favorite free program for coding. If you're using Windows, it's just a sexed-up version of Notepad that makes it much easier to write, edit or debug lots of code.
If you're planning on pursuing web design more seriously, I would strongly recommend learning HTML, PHP and CSS. There are no WYSIWYG programs that can parallel a comprehensive understanding of code. You'll especially want to get more comfortable with PHP and CSS if you're going to be using Wordpress a lot more.
W3 Schools is typically what I recommend for people just starting out. There are a lot of great resources there if you're the type to analyze a lot of information and retain it. I think the best way to learn is through experience, though. Set up a subdomain or an IP address with your host and use that as a dev site. Install Wordpress, find a theme you'd like to play around with and just start mucking around with the code. It's a lot easier to handle than you would think.
I know that most people don't put too much stock in w3schools anymore, but it's a good place to learn the basics, they have HTML and CSS tutorials, and try it yourself editors so that you can practice.
Google should answer other questions you might have.
Edit for clarification/correction.
CBC is in part tax payed. They should serve the people the tax came from. They should discriminate against user just because they use linux.
Flash is a crappy not-even-standard, which is why non-adobe flashplayers fail alot. If a company takes on the responsibity of a web-wide used file format, and don't allow others to use their code. they should be held accountable..
Of course this is in part due to this apparently still doesn't work well enough.
My pleasure!
For basics, I learned through w3schools.com. I am not functionally a web designer and often use Wordpress frameworks to make my life significantly easier.
I'm finding though that the biggest thing for learning web design is to just steep yourself in it regularly so it has time to set in. It can be incredibly confusing, but it's so vital to learn that I kick myself frequently for not getting into it sooner!
Did you try setting the font-size using *em*s?
h1 {font-size: 2em} /* or any other value */
should do it.
// Edit: Here's a short explanation: http://w3schools.com/cssref/css_units.asp
I think it's pretty much a reddit thing. If the other site allows for html , then it would be <a href="the link you want">What you want it to show</a>
As far as a reference, I always used W3Schools. Textbooks won't do you much good past the fundamentals imo - you can find tutorials on the internet to do other cool things, but the next logical step would be to learn Javascript or PHP to do more interesting things (both of which you can also get an intro to from that site).
I'm afraid I'm not sure how to direct you because I've never seen anyone who fits into your category of current qualifications, motivations, and goals. http://w3schools.com/ will give you some familiarization with how some basic web technologies work, so you might want to start there.
Best of luck!
I personally think getting into "programming" starting with some simple HTML is a great way to start. Go to http://w3schools.com/ and you can learn a LOT fo different online programmnig languages easily, and for free. I reccommend a little HTML, then CSS, then jump to PHP. That will definitely get you started. Is Angelfire or... what was that other place I had all of those animated gif's... it had the word house or town in it or something...
For those that don't know about W3Schools, have a look.
I basically just wanted to point out both of these awesome resources, though I like Tutorialspoint a bit more, mainly because they offer Python tutorials. The Python + MySQL tutorial is one of the better Python ones IMO.
As a bonus, here's another great tutorial website which covers a good array of topics, including another great Pythong+MySQL tutorial:: http://zetcode.com/
Maybe this will help. You can put only style sheet info in the external style sheet; no html. I'm a noob too, so I can't help much, sorry. That site is great and has info about external style sheets in the "CSS How To" section.
Yes, while w3schools has been a great css reference and a helpful introduction to javascript, I can see where it would seem somewhat confusing to a beginner who chooses not to follow the lessons in order.
Of course, you don't really need to know what the var keyword does until you actually know about any scope other than the global scope http://w3schools.com/js/js_functions.asp, but yes, perhaps they should have introduced this concept earlier.
It would certainly be a (one - singular) grievance against an otherwise very helpful, comprehensive resource for web developers had they omitted it entirely. Which they did not.