This right here. Also it's stupid simple to roll your own homeserver (synapse) and web client (element) using something like Yunohost.
Keep your shit in-house by being your own cloud provider.
If you're a first-timer, I'd recommend using a pre-built platform like YunoHost or Cloudron. Both of those have essentially one-click installers for self-hosted applications, and automatically manage things like setting up an email server, SSL certs, and so on. If you're already familiar with the process of self-hosting, consider working from the ground up with something like Proxmox (or even just Ubuntu Server + Docker). u/FuzzyMannerz wrote a guide a few years ago on their website (linked) on how to get started from scratch, so maybe take a look at that too.
Hope this helps :)
I've been looking into going Google free, including Android. It's possible, and the only thing I think I would keep is Google Suite for my business, and Google Maps.
To get close to 1:1 functionality though, you really need to build your own cloud. That's pretty easy with projects like YunoHost thankfully!
I've started the transition, and I've been pretty surprised by how many apps and self hosted services are better than the Google and Microsoft things.(NewPipe, MarkText)
I'm adding to my free resources site as I find them, if anyone is interested in following me on my journey.
I also have a ThinkPad buying guide (best laptops with best Linux compatibility) there too, in the top section. It's actually the guide that /r/ThinkPad uses.
Du kannst dir einen Raspberry Pi dahintersetzen und dann selbstverständlich auch über IPv6 ein VPN aufziehen.
Da das Präfix allerdings wechseln kann, würde ich einen Dyn DNS Provider wie no-ip empfehlen und dann über den Hostnamen via AAAA Record verbinden.
Würde yunohost empfehlen:
THe most important is to think about your current level of knowledge and what do you want to control/understand.
In exemple, you have a project called Yunohost which help you a lot to selfhost somes services. This is very helpful at the beginning but in the end : do you really understand how it works behind the stage ? And it's the same thing for every docker-like app.
My recommendation, and still depending of your current level, is to test on a RPI, or maybe a VM and push it to the limit by avoiding the fear of crash everything.
But if you want to quickly get a specific service, try docker or Yunohost. It will be up quickly but the interesting side will be to recreate this service from scratch in a VM.
And beyond that and above everything : think about your safety and BACKUP
I am a contributor to YunoHost. I think this Debian distribution covers almost all your requirements, except the self-registration part.
The project aims to automate various services and integrate them with the same LDAP server when possible. Have a look at the apps list, I think you can find everything you need (and it's flexible enough for you to manually install services we have not integrated yet).
You could make a Pihole. Get an external hard drive and use OpenMediaVault. Or push it to it's limits and run yunohost.
The pi is a gateway drug for homelabbers...
Check out YunoHost ! Its memory impact is very low, you can manage multiple domains, install 80+ working apps (including Nextcloud, Dokuwiki, Wordpress, Wallabag...) on any of your domains in just a few clicks. You can then manage which user has access to each app. It can easily be installed with DO, and requires a Debian 8 install.
For my part, I self-host Matrix on a VPS in Canada for my personal needs. It's been easy so far with Yunohost.
Yep totally, I'm doing it. You just have to mount the default Jellyfin directory to nextcloud as external storage. Or define another directory for Jellyfin. Either way it's not complicated.
You'll get the same user account to access your jellyfin and Nextcloud, everything will be display in a simple dashboard.
You can even setup Sonarr, Radarr, Jackett and Transmission to automatically grab some movies, but that's another story.
Here is a list a Yunohost apps, there is a notation score that indicate if app is well package, maintained, support automatic backup, etc...
It makes your Nextcloud instance easily accessible from outside networks via a domain name you control. Plus you can install and run other apps like Bitwarden or Wordpress to be increasingly self-sovereign
Depending on what else you might want to run on this Pi I would recommend yunohost. It was incredibly straightforward to install navidrome once flashing yunohost to the Pi 4, and it's been working really well for me
If you want to dive right in, there's a great, less technical approach called YunoHost. It's an OS that makes it very easy to self-host very popular services, with great guides for using your own hardware and hosting in the cloud.
I also don't care about home server, rented server, NAS. You have to solve the same problems. Projects like are interesting but you loose 99% people the moment you get to the number 3 of their instalation - connect to your webserver with SSH.
I think design is so important because there is nothing else projects are missing. You have super capable devs and technology. In fact it is the same technology the commercial projects use. There are capable designers who would love to design for open source. The problem is nature of design.
Successful commercial projects have prototyping phase they start with a plan and certain philosophy. This period is completely missing in OS. OS projects grow organically you start with basic idea and grow from that slaping new and new stuff on there, changing the course many times on the way (because - no plan).
Design is not modular. Design is about the big picture and about consistency. You can't make libraries and little pieces of design glue them together and have good design. 2+2 does not equal 4 in design. This also means that it is hard for small contributions. You need to have people who are thinking deeply about project as a whole.
The person who implements stuff is calling the shots (meaning the programmer). In usual company the programmers are implementing what managment and designers cooked up. They often don't agree but good design team always have reasons for their decisions and often different insights than the programmers. In open source this is very hard. You can't blame the programmers. They are making the stuff for themselves and i would also have hard time spending free time with stuff i don't agree with. Thats why mostly only OS commercial projects have designers honestly.
I have spent last two years thinking about how to solve this because i believe it is a key for open-source to be more mainstream and popular.
But it is hard problem and not technical... its social.
That is indeed a very nice video!
From what I can tell NethServer is not just a webinterface, but a more convenient way to manage the server as a whole, which often requires deeper control down to the distro level. There are many different ways one can spin server management panels and I think this is just about which projects targets which kind of users. NethServer appears to cover a good middleground here, whereas others like or focus on exposing even less technical details in my opinion. Generally I am very happy to see such projects getting better and better to cater to various different kinds of users.
Probably Yunohost (if you don't mind running Debian):
I used to run everything in Docker containers, but at some point I got sick of configuring webservers and fiddling with certificates. Yunohost just automates everything, which is how it should be in my opinion. It's definitely not perfect and I'm looking forward to arkOS, but for now, it's working well.
ok thanks, any more suggestions? I was looking for something more "hand holding".
Don't get me wrong, i have the knowledge to setup everything from the ground up but i am looking for something completely out of the box to keep maintenance as low as possible.
The best i found so far is: but i have not tried it, just played around with their demos.
Pretty much. Create a debian 10 $10 droplet and you can visit and run the install script. It installs many FOSS things from source without any containerization overhead. I have a test instance and production instance hosting a couple of things and haven't run into any major issues.
There’s a list of apps with various degrees of support.
You can deviate from it and install other stuff, but in that case you’re mostly on your own, they may or may not work as expected.
If you are relatively new and just getting into it, planning to self host a project and have it exposed to the internet.. (and at least that last part I’d assume you are, just from the title of your post) I strongly urge you to take a look at something like Yunohost or close alternative.
It’s a fully developed “ecosystem” that lets you learn and get familiarized with many different aspects of hosting, it has plenty of social network apps that deploy with 2 clicks (all open source) and they’ve got some pretty great tools to help you host whatever you’d like, even jamroom like you’d like. They’ve got a simple custom-webapp-app that you can just drop your files into and go.
And you get the peace of mind of learning about security and hosting safely, while also already having those things.
Honestly not sure how to help you here since I have no Docker experience, although Docker+Nextcloud on an NAS is my next project so maybe in a few months I could be useful.
If you want something that "just works" and has plenty of documentation and a good community, I suggest trying Yunohost.
This might be a little overkill if all you want is Nextcloud, but that can be for you to decide. Very easy Debian-based OS with plug and play functionality for apps.
There's YunoHost. It manages a debian server and offers integrated applications, adapted from upstream to use a single sign-on system. I don't think it has many fediverse apps integrated yet, but I use it for email and matrix and works really well.
I can't recall ever seeing preinstalled yunohost vps's. Only the the images themselves
I have ran the installer command on couple of vps providers including vultr, digital ocean, and hetzner without facing any issues.
You will have to initially secure the vps yourself. Quite a few articles out there how to do this. Then you can use yunohost tools to manage the ports and keep everything updated.
I am just a simple user / small contributor on the translation. it is an operating system to facilitate the deployment of web applications (mails, site, media, ...) the documentation will answer your questions
do you want a throwaway newbie server? Laptops are frown upon for servers because it may suspend etc with no expectation for reliability but you can still mess around with it. You can learn the problems first hand.
You can try yonohost.
Learning is never linear.
Merci !!! Je suis hébergé sur un VPS chez infomaniak depuis un an grâce à Yunohost, mais je réfléchis à déménager chez Hetzner pour payer moins cher (mais je redoute les aspects techniques qui sont loin d'être ma spécialité !). Concernant le guide d'autodéfense, je vais le rajouter dans les liens utiles "pour aller plus loin", je n'y avais pas pensé merci !
I would look into matrix-docker-ansible or yunohost. The former was a breeze to set up and if nothing else has documentation on exactly what you’re after.
I know I'm in the minority but I self-host it in a part of Yunohost and have the complete stack for free. But if I wasn't I'd pay for sure. Just recently I realized it has the ability to set 2FA TOTP per sign-in service and I'm setting that up as often as I find it's available. Secure, private, e2e encrypted, FOSS, and works on all devices I use. It's up there with Standard Notes and Firefox as some of my favorite software.
I think you might like YunoHost, although it’s SSO uses LDAP. Installation as easy as flashing image or running curl | bash. Been using it with 5 users on Pi 4 (4 GB ram), without an issue
Hey, I’m running YunoHost ( )
It’s very easy to setup ( flash image, create admin user and install apps from web interface ). I’m running Instagram and WhatsApp bridges using it.
You install Synapse and then install all the bridges from the web interface of YunoHost.
The bridges themselves don’t need to be exposed to the Internet if you’re running on a local server. For my YunoHost setup I’ve only given permission to local users to be able to access it. Check tulir’s repos on GitHub/GitLab for some bridges and how you can run them. The chats are stored in an encrypted database and you do not put your username password in a config file, you invite the bridge to a chat room and login in the conversation. There are also options to encrypt using E2E for the bridges
I'd recommend Yunohost its soo damn easy!!! it takes 2 terminal commands like 5 min to install Yuno then in yuno you can launch any of the fediverse apps and auto install them its really simple
Take a look at Basically a Linux Distro to self host multiple apps that you can one-click install. Very clear instructions, and you can use your domain.
Comes with an email server by default.
Quick update. Yesterday I brought a quick proof of concept site online.
A few notes:
>videoPrivacyManager.deletePrivacy(2) // Remove Unlisted video privacy
>playlistPrivacyManager.deletePlaylistPrivacy(3) // Remove Private video playlist privacy
If I made any more progress I'll respond to this post once more. But I suspect my Linux admin skills aren't good enough to implement a private instance, assuming that developing a new plugin is what is needed.
Just want to piggy back off this.
If you're into Linux at all and know your way around a command line enough to install packages, check out Yunohost. I use this to self-host my Bitwarden and Firefox, among other things, on a Pi.
Give a look at Yunohost then. You install Debian on your VPS, install Yunohost (one line script execution), and then it handles everything else from there. You get a simple web interface where you can install apps (including Nextcloud) and it handles updating the app, the server, etc.
If you truly want to set something up and have minimal hassle on ever thinking about it again, that's the best way to go. Just log in to the web interface once a month, check for updates, tell it "yes", and then don't think about it again for a month.
If you do not want complicated and IMHO* bloated Matrix, you can also try XMPP.
There are nice clients nowadays for Android, Windows, Linux.... okay iOS is still suboptimal - but I think it is for most things suboptimal ;)
There is also conversejs if you happen to need a quick way of using it in your browser.
If you want xmpp and email for your own domain, I suggest you have a look at
Which is an appliance on top of debian that will take a lot of the pain away. You just need to do some DNS setup...
*)I still don't understand Matrix good enough, for me it is much more Ressource intensive than xmpp with - for me - no benefit.
J'utilise actuellement Yunohost monté sur un serveur kimsufi pour gérer mon cloud perso. Je m'en sers pour stocker/backuper des données (nextcloud), héberger des sources de projet perso (Gitea), et pour faire un peu de gestion de projet (Kanboard). J'ai aussi des boites e-mails, etc.
Mais j'en ai un peu marre. A chaque fois que je fais une mise à jours du système ou une mise à jour d'une app, il y a une chance non négligeable de casser quelques choses quelque part. Je n'ai plus le temps ni l'envie de m'en occuper.
Qu'est ce que j'ai comme alternative ?
C'est correctement fiable pour du particulier & associatif, mais pas pour du professionnel.
Pour savoir si c'est utilisable chez Scaleway, pose directement la question à Scaleway ou à Yunohost :) Mais la réponse est oui (c'est une surcouche logicielle)
Take a look @
It integrate "almost" everything you need :
Portal, webserver, mysql, ldap, mail server, etc..... with lots of apps including nextcloud.
You just need to add another VM for OO.
If security is important, keep it on VM only.
T'as vérifié que ton DNS link bien vers ta nouvelle IP ? T'as essayé en accès IP direct ?
J'utilise seafile perso, ça marche très bien. Et niveau certificats, c'est nginx qui gère, pas seafile. Nextcloud à l'air d'être une grosse usine à gaz. T'as regardé les alternatives ?
Sinon, regarde YUNOHOST. Si tu veux de l'auto-hébergement sans te prendre la tête, je crois que c'est le plus simple et efficace.
I've actually never heard of Sandstorm, looks neat. I have used Yunohost a few times myself, which is pretty nice. You just get your server set up (it needs Debian 9), and then you run a script, and it installs itself. From there, you have a nice web interface to set up any app it supports, as well as your domain/DNS, etc. Really nice experience. All free/open-source.
Maybe u/hexydes could describe what their pain installing PeerTube boils down to. Preferably in the form of an issue on our tracker.
Some software have a "one-click" install, and there are reasons (boiling down to production-readiness) why we don't have one. The closest you can get is via YunoHost, which has a package for PeerTube and provide a near-one-click install that is ready for production.
Bitchute is proprietary and centralized, and AFAIK so is dtube, so I wouldn't really call them a valid alternative to youtube.
>Peertube, which is the only software of this type that you can install yourself, requires more knowledge than is necessary to install, for example, Wordpress on a shared hosting. This means that many people, especially the majority of Youtubers who are probably one man bands, will not bother to install an instance.
You might wanna check yunohost and out.
Btw, nice post, consider posting it on r/PeerTube, if you haven't already ;)
If you opt out of the package survey at your instalation the base Debian install won't report a single thing privacy wise. And it's reasonably secure as well even without a firewall.
Here's a few tips for security:
1. Disable root login.
2. Use a password manager. Bitwarden is a great option.
3. Encrypt your file system.
4. Set your filesystem to be read only.
5. Encrypt your data before you back it up. Some backup services do this for you, don't trust them, encrypt it yourself.
6. Stick to FOSS as much as you possible can.
7. Install and use a firewall, like ufw.
8. Read Don't Break Debian.
9. Get Off Google, look into self hosting.
Self Hosting Links:
Self Hosted by Jupiter Broadcasting
I never tryied Softaculous or cPanel, so may be it's not what you are searching for, but you should take a look at yunohost :
It's a self-hosting oriented linux distribution based on debian with a good catalog of applications you can install in one click.
>Next Cloud Pi
Did not even know about this! Looks great! On their website it says:
>You can install NextCloudPi in any Debian Buster system, by using the curl installer.
So yes, this is going to work! Just install Debian Buster and run the single line command given on the website.
In general, the board I linked got a "normal" x86 cpu, so it is basically like any other common pc: You can install every os you can install on a regular pc. I am running Arch on mine, kind of a bad idea, just to lazy to migrate atm. If I ever get my lazy ass to migrate: I think I would try an easy to use server os, like yunohost! There are a couple of distros like this, meant to make self hosting easy. Would have to do some research first though, yunohost is just the last one I stumbled upon, no idea how good it is.
Someone last week introduced me to Yunohost I started out with playing with it on VirtualBox and I am going to try it on an old server I have laying around. It doesn't have a ton of apps, but it has the popular ones and they have an app wish list. Good Luck!
Hi, I'm a contributer to this project, and I never experienced that. Sadly I don't have any answer for you, but you can easily ask for help here:
On the forum, IRC or RIOT chat room
Hope you will fix your issue, and enjoy Yunohost
Je relance avec Yunohost. Sur un serveur chez soi, ou un petit VPS àpacher, on installe Debian, Yunohost va ensuite installer pour vous tout un tas de services très utiles, dont Nextcloud. Fingueur in zeu nose. Version de démo sur le site.
If you want to throw something together quickly then Docker is probably the best way to go, just run the commands for each service and you're good to go. You'll find plenty of resources here for tutorials on getting basic services setup, has docker containers and instructions for pretty much all the things you want. If that's to much effort maybe try something like which you just install and it does the rest.
I'm sure you can find people that you can pay but if anything goes wrong or you need to update stuff you won't have any idea how it's put together and will end up paying again and again for any changes.
A Debian base with soo much prepackaged stuffs for building a home server. Best way to learn afaik because you can choose how deep you want to go in the software and still have apps working pretty quickly.
J'utilise trois Raspberry Pi 3:
Avec Nextcloud, j'ai une expérience très proche des cloud propriétaires. Je peux sortir n'importe quel document administratif en 10 secondes.
Les instances Syncthing sont connectées ensemble, pour copier les sauvegardes importantes entre elles et avec des montages Rclone chiffrés vers GDrive, HubiC, Mega (c'est overkill, mais ça marche donc je ne touche PAS). Prochaine étape, tester l'object storage pour être agnostique vis-à-vis du support.
J'ai une tinker board chez moi, et je fais de l'auto hébergement de tout un tas de services type nextcloud, WordPress, gitlab, mails... En passant par un projet Open Source: Yunohost, projet initié par des français, n'hésitez pas à aller voir si ça vous intéresse !
Ça fait maintenant 3 ans que j'ai ce serveur qui tourne chez moi (avant j'étais sur raspberry pi 2).
That is correct. You would first to need to make a Yunohost package.
If you need to install a very simple app like a flat file CMS, you can do it by installing the Yunohost app called « web app with sftp access ».
In this case, take a look at YUNoHost, it's a one stop shop for self hosting, all you need is an old machine at home or VPS that you can wipe clean. Install it, access the admin panel and go crazy. Take a look at the supported apps:
I use nextcloud on a Pi 3 and it works fine, only myself and family using it though. I easily set it up using Yunohost server but you can install it by itself on a Pi too...
Il y a effectivement une interface admin pour gérer l'install, l'upgrade, backup/restore, les comptes utilisateurs/mails etc...
Tu peux aller ici pour essayer la partie utilisateur et la partie admin:
C'est parce que je fais pas beaucoup de pub sur ce sous ;-)
I've been testing a self hosted Matrix/Synapse server on a Raspberry 2 on my YunoHost server for a week now with about 10 users and it works great so far. It was also very easy to set up.
I selfhost almost everything with the project. It's really easy to install and configure. The community and devs are very active so all regular web users will find what they need through it! (Why You No Host?) is an operating system designed to be an easy way to set up hosting - although both NginX and Apache servers are fairly straightforward,,, give em a go
You can get cheap servers for about $5 per month (I use OVH; the $5 server is more than enough for one user). The larger cost to consider is your time. You can check out /r/selfhosted for exposure to that community. For an easier way to manage & install services on your server you can also look into YuNoHost; I've never tried it though so you may have to manually configure things.
Also note that if you're going to setup your own server for Matrix you'll need a domain name so that users from other servers can talk to you through your server, which is another cost.
I'm not saying MITM attacks are not possible. (Is that what you are fighting against with your post from Cisco?) I'm saying certificate trust architectures are designed to avoid that.
Yes, if the user ignores the SSL warning when connecting to his bank, he's letting you hack his connection. It's the same as the guy installing the malware by himself clicking yes to the non-forged UAC prompt.
I did not know trusted certificates were that easy to get. That's quite scary. I assume though that it was not a top domain but a small sub-domain that is rarely used? I'd be happy to hear more about it. Edit: the first article you linked says this too. I will read more on the topic.
Deploying your own VPN is not that difficult with solutions like YUNOHOST. ( A normal user would probably not be using a VPN. But with a bit of interest and motivation it's quite easy to have a box at home through which will route all your traffic. Then you're only vulnerable to attacks on your home line connection (or server hosting company depending on the case).
You should try it, the big plus of Yunohost for me are:
Also, you can add CozyCloud to your list of things to try, very cool but have a different approch of self hosting (most of app are "cozycloud only").
i can install them fine, but when trying to access the web app, it keeps redirecting to yunohost admin page.
it seem that I can only open the app installed through yunohost.
my default yunohost web apps are located on /var/www/ folder, if i clone lychee github and placed them into www folder, it doesnt seem to recognize it.
my yunohost is running using nginx and mysql (install instruction i follow on their website) -