This app was mentioned in 45 comments, with an average of 3.13 upvotes
Not an expert, but I believe there are security reasons why you might prefer to keep your bootloader locked.
Certain rooted devices can freely unlock/lock without wiping with this app:
It's been a while since I've had a phone I felt I needed root on, but I had an app called BootUnlocker that could relock and unlock the boot loader. Requires root, of course.
What device? Bootloader unlocked? TWRP? Root? We need more context.
You'll need a PC unless you have a pre-2013 Nexus. If you do, grab BootUnlocker and grant it root. I have tested this. It will not reset your device. Now see "Bootloader Unlocked".
You'll need root to flash TWRP. Flash it from the jmz TWRP app or Rashr.
Download the zips on your phone, boot into recovery, wipe system/data/caches (some devs don't require all, but do it just to be safe), install the zips and reboot.
You need PC or root. If you have neither, it isn't possible right now. Maybe use a friend's PC to get TWRP?
PokémonGo working here!! Thanks an old app for Nexus devices, called BootUnlocker for Nexus Devices that allows Bootloader and Tamper Flag status change without wiping.
Nexus 5 + FakeNexus Nougat pixelized ROM + SuperSU 2.78SR1 + SUhide 0.55 + RootSwitch 1.29.1 + BootUnlocker from play store
So, on bootunlocker app, I just clicked the "Untamper" button. I left the bootloader unlocked.
On rootswitch, stop all su daemons were checked.
Disabled root and PokémonGo worked.
If you have a locked bootloader (the small lock icon on the power on screen), there's no way around wiping all data on your phone, except if you're able to run a root exploit like KingRoot to get root access. If so, you can use the app BootUnlocker for Nexus devices, and install Marshmallow without deleting anything.
It's not going to get security updates so your phone will be vulnerable to any security flaws present. I'd strongly suggest you upgrade to the latest stock and use GravityBox instead; it has virtually the same features anyway and you can upgrade without losing any data.
First, if your bootloader is locked unlock it using BootUnlocker. Then go to the bootloader and flash system.img from the latest hammerhead factory image. Now flash TWRP if you've restored the original recovery for security. Go to TWRP and sideload SuperSU 2.68 and Xposed 80. Boot up the system and once it's booted you can install GravityBox from the Xposed app.
Once you're done, restore the original recovery and lock the bootloader for security. When you need to, you can temporarily reinstall TWRP using Flashify and unlock the bootloader with BootUnlocker but you should keep them secure when you're not using them.
It fails because Systemless root modifies the boot image. You need a stock boot image to take the OTA. Or you can unroot through SuperSU, and that will hopefully put your device back to complete stock.
Or you can use Boot Unlocker to unlock your bootloader without wiping.
I found this app which does locking / unlocking of bootloader, on the fly, without clearing data. But somehow, I don't feel comfortable with it. Better to be safe than sorry.
This is probably the easiest way to check if you're rooted.
Also allows you to lock/unlock the bootloader without wiping all the data.
This used to be my go-to, but it's not actively supported anymore and not for any new devices :(
> Nexus 6 and newer devices contain security measures in their bootloaders, connected with factory-reset protection. These measures make it very difficult to use root to lock/unlock the bootloader, and as a result it is unlikely that Nexus 6, Nexus 9, Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P will ever be supported.
The tamper flag can be reset on the OPO using Bootunlocker, maybe this would work? However OP has already removed root so unless willing to re-root and try this they may be SOL.
PokémonGo working on my Nexus5!! Thanks an old app for Nexus devices, called BootUnlocker for Nexus Devices that allows Bootloader and Tamper Flag status change without wiping.
Nexus 5 + FakeNexus Nougat pixelized ROM + SuperSU 2.78SR1 + SUhide 0.55 + RootSwitch 1.29.1 + BootUnlocker from play store
So, on bootunlocker app, I just clicked the "Untamper" button. I left the bootloader unlocked.
On rootswitch, stop all su daemons were checked.
Disabled root and PokémonGo worked.
There used to be an app that would allow you to lock and relock your bootloader with the touch of a button. Is something like that available for the 6p? And if so, would simply relocking the bootloader fix all this?
EDIT: I mean an updated version of this:
I'm pretty sure its actually zero. If you want to test, flash twrp to your phone, using twrp, delete /data/system/locksettings.db, and then boot your device. Your phone has no lockscreen anymore :/
Plus, if you can flash twrp yourself because the bootloader is unlocked, I think you can just copy all the files off anyways.
I wish bootunlocker worked for the newer devices too, because you could lock/unlock bootloader with root.
Locking and unlocking via fastboot will wipe data. Doing it via BootUnlocker for Nexus does not wipe data.
So whats to stop from relocking the bootloader after you have root. Seems to work for some people if they use xposed framework and root cloak.
Also there is this: that allows you to unlock and re-lock the bootloader without it doing a factory reset.
Worth mentioning, there is an app called BootUnlocker that allows you to lock/unlock bootloader WITHOUT wiping your data. This saved me when I had to update from 5.0 to 5.1.1
I believe it does on the 6, but it definitely does not on the 5. I've done it several times. Also, if you're rooted, you can use BootUnlocker to easily relock and then unlock again without wiping.
I don't know if there is a way to obtain root without an unlocked bootloader. If there is, you can unlock the bootloader once rooted with this app.
At one point, this was possible on the nexus 5. Haven't looked much on the nexus 6, though.
If you use this app you won't lose data.
You can then flash recovery, back up data, flash factory images and then restore data
It's been a while since I've had a locked bootloader, but I thought you could install things from TWRP still? And that an unlocked bootloader was only for flashing things via fastboot?
Either way, use this app to unlock your bootloader:
Yes! I did it because I couldn't be bothered with the whole ordeal on the PC. I think its only possible with nexus phones too.
First, you root with towelroot (an app that you have to download the apk for online), then install nexus bootunlocker to unlock the boot loader. After that, you can install TWRP via an app so that you have a custom recovery, then flash the in recovery so that you're rooted 'properly'. This will also install the superuser app.
I hope this works for you :)
Edit: towelroot download
You can update without a computer by following the tutorial here. It uses a combination of Towelroot + Bootunlocker + Flashify to install a custom recovery like TWRP. From there you can either install a custom rom or a flashable stock image from here.
The OP of that thread says he'll update to the latest LMY48M image soon ~~but you can install the one posted there, do an OTA update, and then root from recovery. Remember to always unroot from SuperSu before applying an OTA.~~
Edit: corrected
You can unlock and relock your bootloader easily with this tool: BootUnlocker. It doesn't wipe data.
If you're still rooted, use this app to lock and unlock whenever:
Yes it can.. if your already rooted...
There's an app called BootUnlocker I think. That will lock the boot loader for you
what about bootunlocker?
Works with oneplus one and some fastboot devices
So I found this. However I have NO idea if it works or if it can brick your device. Tread carefully.
Not working? give us data to find a way.
EDIT7: Thanks to u/zapahacks again!
|||INFO for users of Samsung Galaxy S6 and 7 / S6 and 7 Edge & TMO Note 5|||
*What is working: Root + Custom Rom/Custom Kernel/Stock Kernel/Permissive/Enforcing + Pokemon GO *What is not working: Until October 22th, there is NO WAY to make Xposed Work on our phone models, at least I have tried all possible combinations with no luck. *Files you will need: // // MagiskManager-v2.1.apk // phh's Super User app from Play Store // Your Rom files and TWRP 3.0.2 (only if you decide to start from zero) // Arter Kernel (only if you want to change yours)
EDIT6: u/Alexthepink95 who was unable to make it work finally succeeded. Here at the steps he did follow:
device: htc one m8 rom: cm13 recovery: twrp with multirom more info: i dont have it s unlocked(s off) so when i boot into hboot it says modified software (basically saying im running unofficial shit)
EDIT5; Nexus user could give this if nothing else work
EDIT 4: some more tests from u/zapahacks
>EDIT 1: I took one step closer and flashed Arters Kernel...and...It is working EVENTHOUGH my SELinux is now permissive :). All this last week I was thinking it was impossible to play Pokemon Go with a Permissive SELinux Status and in fact it is possible haha Next step...flash SuperSU in systemless mode + suhide + root switch (maybe is a Custom ROM thing what is triggering the failure)...I will report back. EDIT 2: So I flashed SuperSu 2.78 + suhide 0.55 + root switch 1.29 with daemon checked --> didn´t work, then I tried the same but with different versions of suhide and root switch (0.54 and 1.24 respectively) --> didn´t work either. So I just restored my apps with titanium backup (this saves a lot of time), then I flashed the uninstaller of suhide, then I rebooted and unrooted with superSU app. BUT then, it didn´t pass safetynet. So I had an idea and flashed superSU back again and in the unroot proccess I selected yes to eveything the apps asks (about restoring original/stock boot to receive OTAs bla bla bla), I usually never did this because the app would crash (I believe because this option is only meant to work if you are running a stock rom), but this time it worked and when rebooted I could log in again. From this I can tell 3 things (only from logic, I don´t have anyknowledge about how SuperSU/suhide/stockbootimages work :) : 1- The problem is related to superSU or suhide. It is not related to custom recoveries nor to kernels with SELinux permissive state. 2- When uninstalling SuperSU IT IS MANDATORY to press yes to the "restoring stock boot bla bla bla questions", otherwise it will be as if you didn´t uninstall anything at all and Pokemon won´t work. This makes me wonder what part of the superSU/suhide flashing procces is trigering the safetynet failed response. I would say that the clue to this is hidden in the way SuperSU restors everything back to normal when root is uninstalled within the app (stock boot image?). Like, could a switch be made to emulate what superSU does when uninstalling it? :). Also, the part affected (and the one that trigers safetynet) is not affected by custom kernels/custom recoveries, it is only affected by superSU. 3- You could, until the present moment, go back to stock, flash TWRP, flash your kernel, flash superSU, debloat your stock rom/restore titanium backups/do any root modification you want, and THEN, uninstall root (again, pressing yes to the questions) and play with a non-root spoofing app. Add to this the possibility of just making a full nandroid backup and changing between your normal amazing/fast/batteryfriendly Custom Rom and your boring Pokemon Go Stock Rom. Battery will be hurt with all the flashing, but if you happen to be able to have a dual boot option available, you will probably won´t have to worry again if Niantic/Google update their "safetynet diamond" My next steps are to try with Magisk, again, I will report back.
EDIT 3: Seems another redditor may have found something there
EDIT 2: It seems to be a story of dm-verify (present on newest phone), check this
You actually can unlock the bootloader without wiping anything if you are rooted. Just use this
So, lock the bootloader. Fortunately, since you have a Nexus device, it can easily be locked and unlocked without wiping.
BootUnlocker might work to unlock your bootloader without wiping.
On top of these I also use BootUnlocker on my N5.
Should be able to do both.
User towelroot
Then you can unlock your boot loader
If you're rooted, you can use BootUnlocker to unlock the bootloader without erasing the device.