This app was mentioned in 11 comments, with an average of 1.73 upvotes
Torque pro lets you customize the interface however you want. You can add and delete thing you don't need. There is also DASH -
I mean, daca vrei sa fii hater nu te opreste nimic.
Eu astept sa integreze mai multe functionalitati si sa ia date de la motor, cred ca versiunile noi asa sunt.
Foloseam Dash pt asta, dar iti trebuie un OBD Bluetooth:
Pareri su OBD2 cercasi:
sto pensando di acquistarne uno (tipo questo), magari da lasciare sempre collegato. Però ho letto che non si spegne allo spegnimento della macchina e continua a "succhiare" la batteria.
C'è qualcuno del caffè che c'e l'ha? Pensavo di usarlo con l'app Dash
Se non si hanno problemi con l'auto è utile?
I have dash setup in my wife's car. I prefer it to torque because it's linked to ifttt so whenever she has a check engine light I get notified.
I used to use Torque, but found dash to be a lot better. It rates your driving style, estimates gas expense, etc. It will also let you clear codes but I haven't used it yet, I guess I've been lucky this month.
Daca ai asa ceva, iti recomand si asta:
Thats Dash. Works really well.
I was using because I was also interested in like the trip data and the fact it's free
Android Auto and Apple CarPlay are two systems for in-car entertainment software. Tesla was able to update its cars' firmware to improve gas mileage.
OBD-II is the current standard for on-board diagnostics in cars, which is used to monitor various systems on the car and is even used in some mobile apps such as Dash. Some insurance providers offer an ODB dongle that monitors how you drive and gives you discounts for driving well.