This app was mentioned in 22 comments, with an average of 3.05 upvotes
Take each item out of your wallet and tap it to the back of the phone. If none of them trigger it, try the empty wallet itself.
Once you've found the item with a tag, try NFC TagInfo to see if you can learn more about it.
If you have an NFC enabled Android smartphone, this app might give you an indication if the chip can still be read.
Try turning on NFC and holding up your ID card while NFC TagInfo is open. If you get a result back other than read error, it's possible you can clone the card and broadcast it using Android Beam.
Chances are, mentioned by someone else, they just have the card stuffed in their phone case. Most of these cards are encrypted and can't be easily read by consumer devices.
You may want to give this app a shot, I've seen others using it at /r/amiibros, but the sub is kinda dead.
Also, if you need any help, I'm all down for it. I have 20/29 amiibo right now.
Here is Mario amiibo first pages.
Data taken using this app, hope the is accurate
For android the one I have used and just retried to confirm before posting here is...
Note passport must be open and you scan the inside of the back cover. You can not scan a US passport when it is closed.
I think the biggest problem with buying wristbands that way is fear of the purchaser claiming theirs was stolen and having it reissued, thereby deactivating the old one.
If you're just worried about it being a counterfeit wristband with an invalid RFID tag, once you've verified that it registers on the website, you can scan it with an NFC-enabled phone (most are) to compare the unique ID number to the number you used to register it. If it scans and they're the same, you're good to go. NFC TagInfo is great for Android, I'm sure you can find a similar app on iOS.
One simple way would be to install NFC Tag Info, tap a contactless card and see what happens - if you tap an old card and get an error saying the Mifare Classic is not supported, it's ok though.
> Except this is demonstrably wrong because only the android app can update cards in real time because android allows both read and write to NFC cards while apple only allows read
Try it yourself, nowhere to write to:
For testing use an app like this one:-
Then you can read info from a credit card or maybe a kiddies skylander toy or pretty much anything else with an NFC tag in it.
This is the only only way to test NFC for sure, there isn't any self-diagnostic.
From the lower part of the post:
>These character IDs can be acquired by using a NFC capable Android phone and this app and looking at Pages 21 and 22 in HEX (each has a series of 8 numbers). > >I am compiling the list here. Feel free to check this against any Amiibo you have and verify that I have them all correct!
OK, I think I'm beginning to understand.
I was thinking, say you have 25 tags. Tag#1 would store string#1 into variable#1, and then run whatever task you wanted, Tag#2 would store string#2 into either variable#1 or variable#x.
In this case you would have the string stored in Tasker ahead of time and the variable storage would then be triggered by the tag. I'm guessing that this will not work though?
If that is the case, and there are many unique tags that identify unique visitors by a string/ID, then nfctaginfo might work. I'll have to look into where the text files are stored. You could have Tasker then monitor this log file and pull the tag info. I'm just spitballing, though.
Thanks! I'll keep this in mind. I hadn't thought about NFC, but I do have NFC TagInfo on my android phone. I'll see if anything pops up too. If you happen to have a way of testing a real one too, I'd be happy to have more info to cross-reference.
Not the OP but I've been dabbling in this for a little bit.
I would guess OP has it read the Amiibo's ID number. Each one is unique so they have to be entered individually, even for the same character.
Amiibo have something around 126 pages that data can be written to, with character data seeming to be on pages 21 and 22. As for the game data, that would be a lot more information and a LOT more complicated to figure out.
I got some of this info from /r/amiibros but that sub doesn't seem too active.
EDIT: Forgot to mention that you can read this data using this app:
Long answer: Mayyyyybeeeeee, depending on the protocol and frequency used.
See: Host-based Card Emulation
Short answer is still no.
Try this to see if the card is readable by your phone.
Hi, I' writing a bachelor thesis about nfc based platforms in gaming with a software project based on amiibos. (As it is for sientific purpose, I do not know if I could release the android library/app I'm working on in the future.) But I would need at least one nfc tag dump from every amiibo in order to propperly integrate it within the library. (from the log i can extract, the character/edition/series/etc. and inform the user about which amiibo got scanned) Therefore I would realy nead your help please. (with the following amiibos: Luigi, Rosalina&Luma, Bowser, Lucario, Sheik, Ike, [Shulk, Sonic, Mega Man, King Dedede & Meta Knight])
How to get an amiibo dump: * Do you have an android phone with an integrated NFC chip and API Level above 10? (Gingerbread_MR1 2.3.3) * If so, you can continue with the following steps: ** Enter the device's setting and head to the network settings. Click on the More... button ** As you can see there is a checkbox preference called "NFC" (enable/check this) ** Please install this app on the device (if you can nor use the google play store, let me know, I tell you how to install it otherwise) ** Once the app got installed start it and tap your amiibo at the nfc chip's location within the device. (depending on your device it is located elsewhere, e.g a samsung galaxy nexus has it on its bottom, whereas a htc nexus 9 has it below the camera ... therfore just try moving the amiibo, if you hit the nfc chip the device vibrates shortly and a progress dialog is shown) ** Shortly after that, the app finished reading the amiibo's nfc tag (you will be informed about a successful transaction) ** Now you need to enter the app's option menu. (depending on your device, you either have to press the device's menu button, or an overview button in the bottom right corner) ** Now select the "Save tag to file" entry ** Please select the directory you would like to save the dumped amiibo data within. (best way is to select the SDCard, as this is easy to access lateron) And please keep the .xml suffix (.txt would work too) ** After you dumped an amiibo, connect your android device to the pc. ** Locate the saved amiibo-dump files and upload them to dropbox, google drive, etc. or paste the xml file's content into (either way please share the links within this thread or at )
In case you would have any further questions (or if you do not have an android device) please contact me, I'll help you by explaining how to dump an amiibo. Thank you very much.
Here is the app I suggest to people in my data collecting:
(As mentioned somewhere down there), I use NFC TagInfo and its companion app, PassportImageDecoder.
Install , scan your card and share your screenshots. Then we can see what kind of card you are using
Or you could just download this NFC Taginfo App which will read passports. Works fine on my S8.
I use NFC TagInfo and its companion app, PassportImageDecoder.
The app is called NFC TagInfo