This app was mentioned in 49 comments, with an average of 2.41 upvotes
As people have said, most banks have good abilities to send money.
If you're looking for a way to splits bills/dinner/drinks/occasions though, I've had have good experiences with Splitwise !
Used it for 2 years with my flatmates, but that was a year ago. Don't know the current state of the app.
I think this would best be done outside of YNAB since it really isn't the purpose. Personally, it is the same thing as splitting bills as roommates then. I suggest Splitwise
Basically, just enter in the expenses into the app and who it is split between. It will show who owes who money overall so you only have to do one transaction.
Geht leider nicht so weit ich weiß - jedoch kannn ich dir Splitwise (Android) empfehlen.
Hier kannst du alle Rechnungen eintragen und dann am Schluss (mit meistens einer Zahlung an eine Person) die Rechnungen begleichen. Vielleicht zu umständlich jedoch hat man am Ende nur eine Zahlung, anstatt bei jeder Rechnung eine.
hmm looks like a more generic thing, I think there's room for a specifically drinking-related one, maybe with a bit of humor.
Why don't you use Splitwise? It's available for both ios and android, you can split your bills with get with ease using the all and she will get notifications and she will know exactly how much she owes you as you can keep reminding her about the balance so she knows that she owes you money all the time. That's better than this unorganized mess that you are in.
Here is the URL for Android:
Cette application pourrait plaire à certains qui sont intéressés par l'idée, on l'utilise dans notre couple depuis 3 ans maintenant en version gratuite et on est très satisfait : Splitwise
Going forward, I recommend this app:
Whoever pays the bill can include a screenshot of a receipt, and the other tenants will be notified that they need to make a payment.
My GF and i are using Splitwise, you can add expenses, categorize them and split up who pays how much of each item (default is 50/50). We've been using it for almost half a year now and love it, you can even get a monthly summary report and export to excel!
EDIT: and you can see how much you owe to the other person
I'm a little unclear as to exactly what type of app you're looking for, so sorry if I've misunderstood.
If you're looking for an app that just shows you how much you and your SO owe each other try Splitwise. I haven't personally used this app but it seems to do what you might be after.
If you're looking for an expense manager that allows you both to add expenses, try Wallet. This one I have used and is a nice looking app that works really well for multiple people to share and edit expenses from each others accounts.
Hope this helps!
This is one of the most useful apps on my phone. Saved a lot of money and awkwardness.
For friends, use this Android App called Splitwise -
You can use splitwise on google play store. Not sure if it is available on apple store.
Splitwise | 4.4 rating | Free with IAP | 10,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Splitwise is the easiest way to share expenses with friends and family and stop stressing about “who owes who.” Millions of people around the world use Splitwise to organize group bills for households, trips, and ...
Splitwise | 4.4 rating | Free with IAP | 10,000,000+ downloads | Search manually
> Splitwise is the easiest way to share expenses with friends and family and stop stressing about “who owes who.” Millions of people around the world use Splitwise to organize group bills for households, trips, and ...
Splitwise creo que te puede servir.
Why don't you use SplitWise
Estoy de viaje con amigos y está app nos simplificó un gran aspecto
Something like this bill splitting app would be handy in restaurants.
You might find the Splitwise app to be useful. This is the link.
use splitwise you can keep tracker of every expenses you do
It is for managing shared expenses with friends.