You need to get some professional support for this, to help you process the trauma and move on. This is not something you should do alone. It is possible to heal, but with guidance.
In the meanwhile you may want to check out r/CPTSD and you should read this book if you can.
That would be great to have. Upon looking a little more, I also found this 2009 report from COPAA that lists many cases in the appendix, but something more recent and detailed would be better.
I think it would be really hard to create, though, given how many even normal public schools have special education programs with abusive practices. Plus, child privacy laws often prevent us from knowing much about the victims of this kind of thing (don't get me wrong, I'm fully in support of protecting victims' privacy and I'm very glad such laws exist; I'm just saying it makes it difficult to get much info on many cases.) Still, a list like you're describing of at least a few bigger cases/facilities that have made the news would be a fantastic resource.
You’re 18, so still very young, with too many hormones making things harder, and a rational brain that hasn’t fully formed yet (7 more years), so everything feels way stronger than it should, without taking autism into account. It’s a really rough age and I personally also struggled up to my mid 20s.
Eventually you’ll have to make a decision on how you wish to live your life, and self-acceptance is pretty much a prerequisite, unless you want to spend a lifetime in self-hatred. Autism makes it “easy” to pick on something, but NT simply find different reasons to hate themselves: not good looking, smart, witty, rich, thin enough, to name a few. Others, like I did, hate everyone else instead, including life, and become very destructive. Either way, it can be tough.
This is a very good book on self compassion. - it’s important to keep in mind that while all our feelings are valid, it doesn’t mean they’re accurate or that they don’t need addressing.
Focus on who you are as a person, not what you do, be it kind, honest, generous, helpful, etc.. and slowly over time, hopefully self compassion will grow. I have had an abusive upbringing too, it makes it harder, but we can learn to be happy. Take care.
I think I found it! That and mastica chios which is apparently a tree sap from Greece, but they look like exactly what I need! Thanks for the tip, I hadn’t been looking at gum at all because it’s usually so squishy.
Supportive communities are important. Exposure to positivity is important, as well as shielding from excess toxicity (pretty much why I don’t watch the news and avoid YouTube or all social media apart from a handful of real friends and a few academic channels).
However, it is also important to learn to find peace from within and not let random strangers or anyone really who isn’t in our circle of trust to influence us, or you’ll be guaranteed a lifetime of struggles. You have to know deep inside that you are a good human being that has every right to be here, to happiness and to love. If you truly believe that, no one can take that away from you, and most definitely not some trolls or ignorant idiots.
Trauma, pain, upbringing can hinder our ability to self-love and care, but the good news is that it can be learnt. You don’t want to be one of the haters, even if the hate is directed at yourself. You’re better than that. If you don’t know how to do this, seek a good therapist specialised in ACT or DBT. If you don’t mind reading, this is a good book
Once we know how to appreciate and take care of ourselves, we also learn how to manage our emotions so that they don’t hurt us as much. Life becomes easier. Take care.
Heya! I’m sorry for your recent trauma ❤️ I hope you’re finding time, energy & ways to make sure you’re okay!
It sounds like she’s very impact stimmy. I’m the same, I punch my legs, or I rock myself hard, or I flap my hands super hard. Maybe you could help her redirect to other stims? If it needs to be punches, maybe she could punch her hands, or your hands (like in a martial arts studio) or you guys could get a re-breakable block like this for the car? You could hold it, she could punch through it, and then you can just put it back together? Also, try asking this in r/askautistics as well for visibility, just in case some people are subscribed there and not here!! You sound like a very good partner to her & I hope her mental health improves soon!!
Boy oh boy do I have the stim toy for you. You can find them cheaper elsewhere but for convinces sake I’m going to just list Amazon so that you know what I’m referring to. I found it for way cheaper elsewhere though. Its not technically a stim toy but I use it as one. I think I have a video of it on my page
I use these Corsair headphones and they work really well for me. They filter out fans and stuff, but I can still hear when my husband tries to get my attention.
You don’t have to use the mic part since it’s detachable, but if you do it comes with a little puff thing that filters out breathing that works really well.
I was doing a version/was inspired by this. Made something I would personally wear ☺️
Autism Gold Titanium Samarium: Weekly Autism Journal 6x9 111 pages
The Original Fidget Retro: The Rubberized Classic Controller Game Pad Fidget Focus Toy
here's the exact one I got! i highly recommend it. I got the fidget cube but the cube shape made it impossible to hold comfortably in my hands, this one is a lot like a tiny remote kind of, but it fits in my hand way better and I feel like its actually a thing I can carry around and use discreetly.
Hey all, my book is now launched and it's FREE now through Wed 11/23 - here's the link to buy it for $0
After you read it, please consider leaving a review. Thank you!
These are expensive. If I find any that are more affordable I’ll update
Is is! here's the link to it for android it's got free backgrounds and backgrounds you have to pay for, the background I'm using is a free one and I think is the default for the app!
Just tuck the wires under your shirt. Fish the earbuds through the neck hole and on your ears. If the earbuds fall out, use a headphone clip to fasten it in place to your shirt. Once you get the hang of it, look into buying some better earbuds. Your ears will thank you. Get more details about earbuds or IEMs here r/inearfidelity
I hate to link to this site but these are the two that I have. Any time someone sees mine, ND or NT, they want one so I’ve given several as gifts.The first one is better (for me at least) with calming down sensory overload and the second one is more interesting. Good luck!
Cats, because my parents literally introduced my diagnosis to me through the book All cats have Asperger Syndrome by Kathy Hoopmann.
The book is now rebranded as All cats are on the autism spectrum.
It’d be funny if we had multidirectional moving ears. It’d probably be nice to be able to purr too.
My cat is obsessed with any little noise coming from my apartment building’s hallway. It’s just the neighbors, but I suppose it’s super mysterious to him because it’s forbidden territory.
He’s funny too because he sees his reflection in the glass door of my bookshelves but doesn’t understand what he’s seeing. He’ll just state at the glass for a long time. It’s more interesting to him than toys.
I’m very excited because the new, fluffy bed I ordered for him is arriving today. I can’t wait for him to enjoy it.
It was honestly really expensive, but I saved up because I could tell how much it was gonna help me (and I was 110% right about that).
Basically it's like an inflatable canoe-shaped pod that you sit/lay down in and you're squished in from all sides. It's honestly a miracle for me, I can be on the verge of a panic attack and climb in that thing and feel like a swaddled baby haha.
Miswak might be one of your best options! You can also search "African chew sticks" or "licorice root sticks" and find various flavors of wooden sticks made for chewing that you can even order from Amazon
Since you did not seem to have a link yet I decided to search for you.
Couldn't find the exact one, but one like that with more colours:
Yeah, it can be hard sometimes, but you can always just let them rave on about whatever it is and wait until they are done. Just ignore what they are saying. I do that if I feel it rude to interrupt. Make sure your "not interested, bye" is quick though. Don't want to give them the chance to keep you with them.
8 breaches is probably better than my emails 😂 I have three main ones and I think all of them are on there more than 8 times. Phone is also on there a fair bit. But I've dealt with actual hacking before and I know when I'm solid and when not. Oh also I totally forgot to mention Two Factor Authentication. Duh. Enable that where ever you can. It's a huge pain in the ass, but, like I said, having dealt with actual hacks (on the receiving end and on the end of being a support employee recovering accounts) TFA is invaluable.
I'd say you don't necessarily have to upgrade NordVPN or Avast to paid plans, certainly don't have to if you feel like it'd put a financial strain on things. It'd probably be one of the last things I'd do, personally.
Also your password safety sounds good, but I still suggest investing the time into a password manager. It makes things so easy much easier. You have a better idea of what accounts you have and generating new passwords and even in some cases auto changing passwords for you, is a fantastic thing to have. Can't recommend them enough. Oh and they're also great for secure documents like copies of your passport or ID, car registration, etc.
I second Neurotribes.
Also, the Illustrated Guide to the Brain does not focus on autism, but contains many discussions of autism:
Ah, I get that. I used to use press kits as well, as I’m affected by carpal tunnel and mild shakiness as well. An arduino kit like this one, for example.
Alternatively, Raspberry Pi’s can be a blast too! They can be built around with connectors, hooked up to most displays, and if you don’t know much about Linux, it can act as a good desktop test bench, so to speak.
Sorry, don’t know if these suggestions would help at all. I’m also a tech geek, so I hate seeing someone unable to pursue this when they’re passionate about it! 🙂
Happy stimming friend!! I also recommend the magnetic fidget rings
This was the closest thing I could find after about five minutes on Amazon
I found theese not sure if they are the same as op mentioned.
GloFX Color Therapy Glasses – Chakra Mood Light Therapy Chromotherapy Glasses
Here is where I found them (I apologize mods if I'm not allowed to post links, feel free to delete if needed) :
Red Instead Autism Shirt Autism Acceptance T-Shirt
If you think condoms might be part of the problem, try a non-latex condom. I've got a latex sensitivity to the point where they actually make me almost painfully uncomfortable (from a woman's perspective). Lifestyles "SKYN" is what my husband and I use, and he says they are a million times better than latex condoms for him too:
If the urges get strong, you could use a nail biting repellent or just keep a basic coat of nail polish on your nails all the time. I do the latter and its been like a month since I've bitten mine.
I have no idea.
I know it's a subject that I've always been interested in, but behavior in general has always been interesting to me. Both human and other animal behavior.
I didn't recognize that my oldest son was autistic until his teacher brought it up in 3rd grade.
I was diagnosed with ADHD myself until years later. And looking at myself (and from what my son thinks) with greater knowledge I've gained from females with autism, I believe I'm on the spectrum as well.
But, I do want to recommend this book by a female autist who is a psychologist, and married to an autistic man, and didn't realize that she herself was autistic until well after she was studying autism- Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder by Sarah Hecdrickxs
This is the DVD you probably watched!
I was in 2nd grade when I first started watching hamtaro, I have a few other items not listed in the video from that time period, like a hamtaro beach towel and a hamtaro fannypack. I have a tattoo now as well.
I also had an obsession with twirling ribbons and got one to “practice” while I watched the surprise party episode where they revealed they found Sandy’s long lost brother, Stan! I had the gameboy color game Hamtaro Ham-Hams Unite, the gameboy advance game Hamtaro Ham-Hams Unite, and later on the other gameboy advance game Hamtaro and the Ham-Ham Games, though ham-ham heartbreak was always my favorite.
A regular meditation practice can really help manage anxiety. Think about it as a workout for the brain. Insights Timer and the 10% Happier apps are good and have short guided meditations, even only 5 min, that you could do by listening to your phone, whenever you have a short break. Over time, it all adds up.
Medication and/or therapy can help. There are also natural supplements (herbal or nootropics) that can help if you don’t want to take meds, let me know if you want any suggestions.
You can get what they call “invisible earplugs”, which are tiny and/or transparent earplugs that reduce the noise, but you can still hear everything, just with less interference, like these ones
Finally, if you’re comfortable with it, see if you can ask for some accommodations in terms of hours or breaks.
Infinity Fidget Cube for Children and Adults Stress and Anxiety Relief Cool Hand Mini Kill Time Toys Infinity Cube for ADD ADHD If you want one too : )
I've always struggled with sleep, but something that's helped, if you have a schedule that allows it, is not worrying about sleeping at a "normal" time if that's not what your body wants. I've struggled most of my life with trying to fall asleep by 11pm, only to lay awake for several hours before finally falling asleep. Over covid and quarantine I've finally been allowing myself to go to bed when I actually feel tired, and if that's at 3-4am then so be it, but I'm actually sleeping now and feel a lot better for it. It's not feasible for everyone, but listen to your body if you can. I've never been able to force sleep.
Also ideally you shouldn't use a phone at all in bed, but if you're like me and feel bound to scroll or read at least a little before trying to sleep, get a screen filter app like Twilight to filter out the blue light. Blue light is what messes with your circadian rhythm, by reducing your exposure to blue light a couple hours before bed and help ease your mind into winding down.
This one is my favorite.
I’ve tried a lot of different masks, and this one is by far my fav.
My son uses this one instead -
Yea my etymotic earplugs do get a bit uncomfortable (they have a super deep fit), but the isolation is amazing. You may want to try some IEMs tho, since they have great isolation, but don't get super uncomfortable at all, at least for me. these are the IEMs that I use.
That’s very cool!! I’m an academic in the humanities but since diagnosis autism is a new special interest and I’ve been reading a lot about it. And I’m working on new projects that look at autism in relation to my field.
If you like reading about autism. I would suggesting checking out authoring autism . It is a book by an queer autist scholar M Remi Yergeau. It’s an academic book that discusses the rhetoric of autism and autists. Its a beautiful fuck you to the way medicine, science, and humanities research has pathologized autism and autists and removed our agency. It literally calls out the giants of autism research and how their theorization has hurt the community. Its my favorite autist written academic book about autism. I felt so seen reading it and it reframed the way I see myself. It may not have the same effect on you but it will def give a helpful foundation and things to think about as you pursue a career in psychology specializing in autism.
Good luck! Ps sorry to be suddenly in teacher mode! I just got excited reading that you want to pursue education for the purpose to help other autists. We need more autists doing work on autism.
Here's one UFREE Large Mechanical Rocking Horse Toy Bounce up and Down, Ride on Walking Pony for Children 6 Years to Adult ( White Mane and Tail, Height 44 Inch)
You can also cure egg yolks in a mix of salt and sugar. They become firm enough that you can grate them over dishes as a garnish!
u/HeckityHeckity have you seen Michael Ruhlman's book on eggs? It has a chart that sorts all the different ways of cooking eggs (e.g. hard in shell, hard with no shell, whole, separated, etc). It comes with a pullout poster of the chart! Plus it has amazing recipes--and all the chapter headings follow the chart. If eggs are a SI, I think this book will make your heart happy!
You aren't wrong for wanting to toilet train. Someone on here may have a different experience, but the only sensory issue I've ever even heard of regarding using the toilet has been from people who can't take the sound of the flush.
My parents got a larger portable potty chair, and plopped me down on it (without pants or diaper) in front of the tv during my favorite show. If I stayed on through the show, I'd get a few m&ms. If I did my business I got a whole funsized pouch and plenty of praise. Once I started getting the hang of going in the toilet at all, the diapers were replaced by undies (not pull ups!) and mom and dad just dealt with the ensuing mess. Once the concept of the toilet was there as a second option to just going in my pants, having the immediate feedback of wetness drove home that the toilet was the more pleasant option. Essentially, bribery and a comfortable environment were key to getting me used to the toilet, and the discomfort of soiling my 'big girl panties' drove home that it was better to use the potty. I remember this happening in a house we lived in when I was 4-6, so I know it happened later on.
Just be aware that some of us with ASD are simply not able to tell certain things about our 'internal situation.' If potty training isn't working, a factor may be that she just isn't getting any sort of signal from her full bowel and bladder. Unfortunately, if that's the case, diapers will be a long term thing. It's impossible to act on feelings of fullness that just aren't there. If that's the case, there are reusable diapers available in larger sizes that will help immensely with the cost factor.
I got a couple tangles at a learning store a while back. Best investment ever. The textured ones are so satisfying to my brain.
You just reminded me that these things exist, and I'm SUPER excited! I'm linking ones I found on amazon that have polished lava rocks and tiger eye. I hate that they appear to be tied into the whole essential oil and 'my special rocks release ions' pseudoscientific malarkey, but the variety of textures looks like it's right up my alley for a fidget.
I've seen some fidget pens and jewelry marketed for adults, but don't know any specific ones off the top of my head. I've also found some plain wood and metal "puzzles" at the dollar store that work kind of like the rainbow tangle things. I like rubbery pencil grips with different textures (usually can be found at office supply stores in more adult styles), and plain beaded bracelets or springy hair ties/key chain things (this kind of thing LGEGE 6PCS Stretchable Wristband Wristlet Keychain Wrist Key Chain Wristlet,Spring Flexible Spiral Wrist Coil Wrist Band Bracelet Key Holder Key Ring for Sauna Gym Pool ID Badge and Outdoor Sports
There's a program called Flashpoint which archives thousands of old web games which you can download on to your computer and play offline. They have the specific game you're talking about, I looked into it. Check it out:
If you like passive noise canceling headphonesthese are my all time favorite headphones. The mono/stereo switch and the volume knob are great for fidgeting. The do play music so they might not be for you. I absolutely adore these headphones and have had my pair for a couple of years. They have held up really well for me, and I tend to be rough with electronics. I can’t recommend them enough, especially for the price compared to other headphones. You can also look into headphones made for the shooting range, or car racing, or any other loud activity. I hope this helps!
I've only really tried this one, but from what I can tell it's good quality and obviously it works very well for me!
Here's a link to this specific one. If you search around a bit there are other options, such as adding weights to it or designs that look more like typical clothing, but I thought this was a good place to start and I wasn't disappointed. :)
I ordered it on Amazon from a store called Special Supplies. There are ones that are weighted as well, and even ones that look like normal clothes to an extent, but this was honestly a great place to start and wasn't horribly expensive.
Here's the specific one I'm wearing.
I have the same problem with water and gloves. I've had good success in the past using cotton gloves like the one's I've linked here.
There's a lot of other fantastic advice from others in this thread. Ultimately, what helped for me was finally moving into a house with a dishwasher! Ha ha. ^I ^still ^have ^a ^full ^sink.
Do you not have a knife or something? If you're having trouble cutting tape it's not your weak hands, you knife is dull as shit.
I break down a lot of boxes and use one of these It's amazing how easily they cut through tape and should they get dull just get another one, they're cheap as hell.
I'm not a guy, but I recommend Utility kilts. They have pockets! And it's typically considered a bit odd, but ultimately acceptable to wear them in public regardless of gender/gender identity. You be you, OP.
I got mine from a local store at $15 for 10 but here’s a listing on Amazon for the same thing. I’d try and find them somewhere locally though because that’s kind of expensive. They are microwaveable I think, clean super easy, and they have this little vent thing on the lid. I use them for every single meal and they’re great for taking lunch to work or school! I just realized this sounds like an ad for these things lol but they’ve seriously changed my life both in serving size of things and with being able to eat without multiple plates or anxiety that it’ll touch. These things have lasted me years so far and they don’t get that gross white looking stuff that normal Tupperware gets. Amazon link of the same product for reference if you’re looking for them
Edit: Here’s some on Amazon that are more reasonably priced. same thing still
I've never tried rose tint, but I only wear yellow tinted glasses. Yellow is effective for blocking blue light, something produced by fluorescents and LEDs. I get mine as a prescription with a 60% tint, I've been wearing them daily for years, and it's been awesome - like I noticed I rarely have headaches anymore.
Knowing you mentioned the money aspect you could always find a pretty cheap pair on Amazon to try out - worst case, they do nothing and you're only out $20, but best case they help out and you can look into getting a better pair.
Here is the book. It is brilliant, very well written, researched and informative. Funny too, in some cases.
The ones I have are exactly 7 feet long, here's the link to the exact ones I purchased:
Ok, then you will like psychodynamic because it’s very much about childhood and the past.
There are various schools of thought about this. Some say: does it really matter to know why you’re anxious about this? Is it not more important to know how to fix it? Knowing that your school bullying gave you trust issues doesn’t change the fact that we need to fix your trust issues. Others believe that it matters to know and understand the source of the maladaptive thought.
I used to think revisiting the past was important, now I’m much more solutions focused. Nevertheless I did enjoy psychodynamic therapy much more than CBT. CBT was too dry.
I personally prefer MCT, metacognition therapy. it’s a different approach and my brain responded to it better (
ACT is Acceptance and commitment therapy. Again, a totally different approach. It’s more of “ok, yes it sucks, we are not going to pretend it doesn’t, but let’s figure out how to make it suck a bit less”. I liked the practical approach of this one too. If you want to explore it before seeking a therapist, this is a good book
DBT is dialectical behaviour therapy. It was originally designed to help those with BPD but is used by others too now as an alternative to CBT. CBT focuses on identifying and change maladaptive patterns of thinking and behaviours. DBT focuses more on regulating intense emotions and improve interpersonal relationships, as well as problematic behaviours. I haven’t tried this one but I know of a few who had and found it useful.
I hope you’ll find the relief and support you need from psychodynamic therapy but if you don’t, do try other types too. It’s sadly a lot of trial/error and more often than not it’s really about the therapist. Take care.
Also have you tried out these kinds of earphones?
Remax-ultra-thin-earphones & Bone-conduction-earphones
Sound quality takes a toll but these literally do not touch the inside parts of your ear at all. I've never tried one though so no idea what it actually feels like.
You betcha dude :)
Comes in multiple different colours! (Face mask and headphones not included lol)
These are the earplugs I use: Earlove Classic Hi-Fi Earlplugs by Etymotic Research (discontinued)
New product: Etymotic Research ER20HD Safety High-Definition Earplugs $14
Lol :) a “must swear less” account :) brilliant. I just have a second account I use for happy subs like awww and eyebleach for when I just want to look at a long stream of puppies and cute animals.
Re sensory issues, it’s an old book, but my favourite on autism (all my senses are impacted pretty badly). Worth a read if you’re into books
Oh see adhd and impulse control lol.
You will love these.
I just them for extension cord organization but they are exactly what you are describing
I'm a 35-year-old dad both my wife and I are neurodivergent only diagnosed a couple years ago. We both have one of these and our little 2-year-old daughter also loves playing with them when she gets upset. I enjoy it not sure if it's what you're looking for
This isn’t something I personally experience but I work with patients who can’t control their bladders.
We use reusable, washable cloth bed pads. If you search “washable hospital bed pads” you will likely find some for sale (here are some for sale on Amazon to show you what I mean). They are waterproof on the bottom, cloth on top. They’re usually about 3 feet long by 2 feet wide. If you put them between you and the bedsheet, they will help prevent you from having to change all your sheets if you wet the bed.
A spin ring might help. There are also these things.
I know it’s bizarre but it might sort of be a good substitute.
She's venting. She's getting out her frustration. What you could do is get some gloves. They make these throw away plastic gloves to cook or clean with.
Maybe they will help so that you can do some things around the house here and there when you can.
Not sure what your budget is like but I bought these the other day and they seemed to have good reviews. I ordered them and they just got to me in the mail and I'll be able to try them soon.
I have both diagnosis. I no longer have emotional meltdowns. Sometimes a PTSD flashback, but I was finally able to stop that one too, last time it happened over a year ago.
I would recommend these 2 books: and
Therapy would help if you have access to it. I found meditation, breathing exercises and ashtanga yoga incredibly helpful to learn to control my emotional response.
I use these. They’re quiet enough but not so quiet I can’t hear (at a whisper) what’s generally happening around me (chartreuse 27 dB):
For sound reduction, I use Vibe earplugs and Howard Leight ear protectors. There are ear protectors that reduce more sound, but the bigger ones tend to hurt my head and jaw if I wear them for extended periods of time.
In terms of barefoot shoes...that really depends on what you mean by barefoot, haha. I wear Converse a lot (flat bottom) and I recently got a pair of kung fu shoes with rubber soles from Cool East Market (Canadian retailer).
This one is worth the read:
You may enjoy the TV series “Lie to me”. It’s all fiction but fascinating at the same time. I’ve watched it on amazon prime.