In case you don't know, there is a hurricane (Henri) heading our way. It was supposed to stay out at sea but it turned in our direction yesterday. I suggest stocking up on things you may need.
Connecticut is really good about veteran homelessness. We have technically ended veteran homelessness by federal standards.
Unfortunately that doesn't mean that there are no homeless veterans, as some of them refuse government aid in housing due, often due to mental illnesses like extreme paranoia.
Very pro-gun cop weighing in. As much as the police would really like everyone to handle their own shit, the reality is when they do its often a case of someone gathering up the fortitude to go confront someone over something and that person, who generally lives a life of high drama and no fucks to give, "out-crazies" them and turns the tables creating a worse scene. No one wants their shit fucked with, we all get it, quite frankly it would be really hard to not run someone over if I caught them on my property as I get home at 1 am. But consider the very real consequence of killing these idiots, it will probably make a lot of noise and this state is too small to hide bodies.
Lock your cars, lock your windows (even during the day or when you are still awake).
Double check you've locked your car before bed, its part of my night time ritual at my house.
Keep your car clean, don't leave bags or valuables in plain sight.
Maintain proper lighting.
Cameras are cheap get one more to keep at face level, overhead shots are useless.
Make sure you wear gloves and I'd consider using that clamp tool on a long arm (but with better reviews, maybe) to stop bending down so much and touching something that could have a needle or something
bag of bags I got these a while back. I just bring the pouch with me into the store. When I empty them at home I stuff all the ones I’ve used inside one of them and hang it on the door. It’s worked well so far, and they are small enough I leave one rolled up in my purse just in case I forget.
Here’s a book about racism in Connecticut that actively worked to exclude black people from the beach through property ownership and exclusionary clubs in the 1960s & 1970s
I also stare at monitors all day. Small protip: Check out the program f.lux for windows. It reduces the blue light and adjusts throughout the day based on the sunlight outside to reduce strain on the eyeballs.
I live in Hamden as well.
Are you on People always post missing pets on there, and it narrows the town down into smaller "neighborhoods" - your neighborhood and I think it's the 13 closest neighborhoods will see your post. But the people who live directly in your neighborhood can might be extra vigilant, and more inclined to look since they are very nearby.
Hamden is pretty huge. What is the nearest 2 street intersection from where you live?
We're only gonna get a partial eclipse. This website while partially focused on some new Android release) is a pretty neat site with some details on the eclipse, including a searchable map.
A lot of these things have a pretty wide variance to them. Generally speaking, the closer to New York you want to live, the more expensive it is going to be. Taxes will generally be similar. The further east you go, the cheaper things get, but the further away from civilization you tend to be. Some people prefer that, but it really all comes down to what you're looking for.
The last place I rented was a two bedroom apartment, it cost $930 a month, and the security deposit was one month's rent. It included heat, and hot water, but not electricity, my average electric bill was $40 a month, $60 if I ran the AC, but I tend to be pretty frugal about that sort of thing. This was on the outskirts of Norwich, about as suburban as it gets. Norwich proper doesn't have the best reputation, FWIW. Most of the bigger cities tend to have a good/bad part of town. You really have to call around for this sort of thing because rent, utilities included or not, pet policies, vary pretty widely.
Car insurance depends on what you have, and where you live. I have Progressive, and before I got a new car, I was paying around $90 a month for what I consider good coverage.
I want to say gas is hovering around $2.40 a gallon for regular right now, there are sites that will help you validate that, as there are regional variations. It's been better, it's been worse. I just consider it a fact of life, as I don't have much choice in the matter.
Savings: This is a life philosophy thing more than anything. I like to have 6 months of my baseline cost-of-living in a savings account for emergencies. What that limit is (6 months) and what your baseline cost-of-living is are personal choices. I don't think that amount is awful, but moving can be expensive, and security deposits will put a dent in that too.
How have so many decades gone by without any work from congress at the state or federal levels to improve these systems? COBOL is absolutely ancient in IT terms (hell, C is ancient, but it's going strong). Our financial systems are in the same unenviable position: something like 95% of ATM transactions depend on systems that run on COBOL. That is terrifying for a whole host of reasons (not least because so few people know how to program in it).
Yes, it will be expensive to replace it with something newer, but what is the alternative? Wait until everyone who knows how to maintain these systems dies? Then you're going to have to replace it anyway, and very, very quickly. Humans are shit when it comes to long-term strategy, even the alleged smart ones, at "the top".
"Only the most ignorant people can close their eyes to the bourgeois nature of the democratic revolution which is now taking place. Whoever wants to reach socialism by any other path than that of political democracy will inevitably arrive at conclusions that are absurd and reactionary both in the economic and the political sense." -- Vladimir Lenin
New Haven has stuff like the Peabody Museum. Also the Yale Library rare book section is really cool. They use marble panels to let in diffuse light in order to protect the books from direct UV light from the sun.
On any given Sunday you can find classic car shows and auto-crossing events if you are into cars. Places like Greenwich and Fairfield often have Concours de Elegance(sp???) that have awesome classic cars cars(ie million dollar 60's Ferraris, '53 Corvettes etc).
If you want something "ethnic" you can get some good Caribbean or Vietnamese food in Bridgeport. I really like this place for ice cream. It's not in the best part of town but if you go midday on a Saturday there is nothing to worry about. The best ice cream mix is coconut and guava.
> I’ve lived in CT my entire life and while our summers have always been hot, they haven’t been oppressive, the way it is now
Not really true. Out of my own curiosity I've just gone back and looked at temps from the same week from 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 years (and a few in-between years) for the week of July 20th and it was always plenty hot and oppressive. I've grown up in New England and summers have always been hot and humid, especially by this time of year.
Looking at the chart there's a full 8 days in July '95 where temps didn't get below 90 degrees with dewpoints almost 80!
You can look at historical data for any day here.
Dude! You've gotta get these game changers!
And if you wanna be a pro, get these too
I use mine all the time. Snowblower, leaf blowing, lawn mower, etc
A few of my friends have gotten a WiFi Oil Gauge on Amazon that seems to work well. I have not personally tested it, but I have heard good things.
There's a Goodwill on Wolcott Road and Lakewood Ave that tends to have a decent selection of housewares. I've had some decent finds from there in terms of clothing as well.
for all the proponents of the 'pitbulls are just misunderstood' argument, here's one that attacked another dog AT A FUCKING DOG SHOW. y'know, where people bring DOMESTICATED dogs in for judging? pitbulls are as dangerous as their short-sighted owners, neither of which have any place in civil society
those animals are SO fucking dangerous
Thanks, OneLawWorld. I tried to think of something witty to say in response, but I couldn't. I am genuinely thankful.
The talk is about Changes in Teaching and Technology, put on by the Yale Library association. A non facebook page with info can be found here. I'm speaking sometime after 10. It starts at 9:30.
The working title of my presentation is "The Big Change, and why we need to embrace it". It isn't about menopause.
Just for you guys, I'll put up my presentation as I am working on it. Here you go. I have the speech fairly well planned, and the presentation is really supposed to me more of a graphical guide to move the discussion along and give me something to talk about. Comments are welcome - and be prepared for some reddit love!
I'll be there till around 3, and if any redditors come up to me, I'll give them a big hug or something. Thanks guys!
> What is the cord attached to? A microphone?
I'm willing to bet that it's a 12V socket extender, here is an example of one with a smooth wire.
There is a Columbia professor who is arguing for legalizing all drugs, including heroin.
I don't agree with his argument, but I do think there is a good argument for broader decriminalization.
Click on ETH then in the dropdown in the top left select 3D (3 day) and look at the graph. Do the same for BTC and you'll see that ETH is not as bubble like as BTC. There are plenty of coins. Do your research on them. I'd recommend you understand cryptos enough to be able to explain them to someone confidently before you get into speculating on them.
This needs to be higher.
I'm slowly getting everyone in my life to start using signal for everything because of shit like this.
Not because we have anything to hide, but to help mask people that have a legitimate need for privacy.
the cliff part is like right on the corner of Phelps and Quarry road in North granby. great place to hang out.
You mean government jobs or private employers? I would think government would still be a no because pot is still federally illegal. Private employers would be able to chose if they want to include pot in their drug tests or not.
Here is a groupon for 3 days for $18 or 7 days for $48.
Lot B (now called lot 2) is at $10/day or $60/week. There are 2 other lots that get down to $30/wk and if you are staying longer than a week it can be worth the savings. But like i said, especially in the winter I like to get there to find my car cleared of snow and running when the shuttle gets to the lot.
There are a lot of options. Check out AllTrails ( ) and also google <insert town name here> trails.
Keep in mind Middlesex county doesn't have the most strenuous trails I've ever walked but it's something.
So you're saying I should just read what is written right on it? I guess that's why you're the lawyer! OK so it seems it was made by "Deal". That is quite hard to Google... but I do turn up a few similar ones for sale, like here. And of course, like every thing else under the sun, you can get then at Alibaba.
;_; We live in the same building. Not last night, but here is a storm rolling in from the poolside.. High-five for being one of few apartments with a nice little backyard area.
Check out I joined a group that during non-winter months played weekly (in fact, a few different days a week). There's also stuff in there about winter games in some indoor park (maybe Farmington Soccer Arena).
I just learned about this location today so I'm definitely no expert. I did drive by an entry for People's State Forest close by. Maybe decent hiking trails if you are into that.
Ollies - it’s like an ocean state job lot
Looks like Amazon has something similar if you don’t want to go hunting Wembley Wanderlust Collective Inflatable Narwhal Ring Toss Game 7-Piece Set for Summer Pool Backyard Parties, Great for Kids and Adults, Swim and Water Games
I live in New Hartford. sprayed this stuff twice last year. had no problems with ticks or mosquitos.
Although it’s not legal to teach him in a parking lot without a permit, you’ll be fine. My dad taught me to drive on the Shelton Intermediate parking lot starting when I was 14. Even when there were police around there wasn’t a problem. As long as your son doesn’t get in an accident, CT police won’t care and won’t even bug you.
I recommend getting this sticker for your kid, it will keep them safe during the entire process of learning to drive.
I've actually been maintaining a list of (cheap) things to do in CT, organized by town. Most of the suggestions are from redditors - I commonly peruse threads similar to this one and write down things that look interesting. I would love it if everyone would help me flesh out the list! It may be a little sparse and doesn't include a lot of bars/beer/wine because I'm not a big drinker.
Anyways, here it is, take a look and if anyone has something to add/correct, please speak up!
It's like ever since it got into the 60s in early March - - Mother Nature has been Lucy pulling the football away from us (Charlie Brown).
That chart shows it got into the 70s later in March. But it kept rolling between times like that and 30s as a high. And similar rolling temps in April -
Weather Underground has a historical meteorology data tool. You can look at daily, weekly, or monthly data ranges. It includes temperature and precipitation as well as wind speed.
They cost $1 each, right now, even on Amazon.
I provide them for my staff and my family. I'm doing the best I can.
I’m no meteorologist but weather underground is calling for 5.8” of snow in Fairfield for Thursday
Anything more than a 2-3 days out is HIGHLY subject to change
Wait for the leaves to really start changing color. Park your car here. You'll be able to find some trails going up the hillside, follow them. It's a bit of a hike but once you reach the ridge you're in for a treat.
Eating, I'm a big pizza fan and in my travels across the state I've found that Mystic Pizza (both locations) has purely the most delicious flatbread pizza I have ever had. I wish I lived close to them.
Based on current cloud coverage and the way it's clearing northeast through NJ, you might be fine somewhat locally. Maybe just move West and North if you want a more uninterrupted view.
They also own everything of value. You can't get blood from a stone and most of America is for all intents and purposes broke.
If you want more of a moderate hike that’ll get your blood pumping with a great view at the end for foliage, I’d recommend the Mattabasset and Mt. Higby trail that’s in Meriden:
Check out this trail on AllTrails.
To be fair, adding a d to words ending in own/oun is a longstanding English process. "Sound" used to be "soun." It does make him look silly, though.
people that are invested in it generally cannot be trusted because they have a personal stake in it. They're of course going to say it's wonderful and the currency of the future. No one wants to be convinced that they bought snake oil.
Miners tend to have the best perspective on bitcoin because they have to pay close attention to key factors that influence the bitcoin market, such as the rising difficulty and the cost of ASICs.
People that just went to an exchange and bought bitcoin generally know very little more than what they learned on the exchange websites and the bitcoin main website, both of which sources are of course very pro-bitcoin. They also tend to rely upon internet calculators, such as this one which make inaccurate projections because they do not account for a rising difficulty.
There is so much misinformation in the system that it's hard to get to the facts unless you've actually been a miner and watched the entire system closely. Then you see all the flaws come out and get exposed for what they are.
I cut the cord last year. I live in Bridgeport and an antenna in my apartment didn't work for local OTA channels. My setup is Plex, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime and WWE Network. I have a Roku 3 in the bedroom and an Xbox One in the living room.
As for standard news programs, I watch Newsy, CBS News and BBC all on the Roku for free. The CBS News channel is great because it's 24/7. As for sporting events, T-Mobile is giving away MLB TV Premium to their subscribers this year, and I usually watch HD streams of any other sporting or live TV events online. /r/cordcutters is a great place to start.
This. At least you can get out some of the water if the power goes out. Or get a bicycle and build a motor and peddle peddle peddle!
1) Dude, what dictionary are you using? Every dictionary will describe obligations as moral. They are literally synonymous. Need and obligation are literally synonyms. As are ought and should.
2) Okay, so do you agree then that people ought not be terrible? If so then this is a purely definitional disagreement and you've just got a bizarre idea of what those words mean.
Just so you know, it's definitely "she". You don't have to look any closer than those nipples to know that.
If FB and Reddit don't get you a definitive response, you can also post to Nextdoor for your defined neighborhood, which is how I find out about most of the bears in town (other than from talking to the neighbors in person, that is, but we don't do enough of that).
I got the same form letter email today also. Blumenthal will not get my vote.
Privacy is more important than ever, in these days of Kim Jung Bunker boy and his henchman Barr, and his private unmarked armies in the streets of America.
Ironically, I am watching the Netflix documentary on Trump's party pal Jeff Epstein, where the federal government had a chance to stop actual child sexual abuse, and failed miserably by quashing the investigation.
So the "protect our children" is bullshit. We dont protect them in this country, we cage them.
Signal encrypted text messager is one of the most downloaded apps these days. Join us here:
while you still can.
^ This. I think the basic fundamentals can be created in Javascript and use a relevant API to have it functional in MetaMask
one tool my wife and I have been using for a while is a site (also a smartphone app) called Map My Ride. you can search for routes that people have logged around your area using zip code or city/state. Gives you the option to upload routes to your phone or GPS, so if you see one that looks good, you can take it with you.
If you're in Fairfield County, try Sound Cyclists bike club. We just did their Bloomin' Metric three weeks back. It was challenging--TONS of hills. If you put "bloomin metric" into MapMyRide, you'll get past years' routes, too. Very scenic--tons of HUGE ~~houses~~ mansions, and again, very hilly.
You'd need to be a bit sneaky, but..
See if your area has a Nextdoor forum - they have a treat map feature for Halloween that lets you tell your neighborhood if you'll be giving out candy. Not sure if you can see other areas' treat maps if you're not a member of that community, though.
Wife and I have found a dozen or so awesome places from this book:
Edit. Mansfield hollow in ct is out favorite place. Easy launch from the boat ramp, go under the road through a steel tube out into the lake. Head towards the dam then go left and up the river. Easy fun tons of cool stuff to see in the river. At the end of the river when you can’t go any further get out and follow the river on foot for five minutes to see a bunch of old ruins and cool rock walls , old bridges. Takes about four or five hours.
I bought a 10x10 sheet of this for a pair of binoculars. I ordered through Amazon and came in 2 days. much faster than they estimated.
This $16 piece of foam on a handle I bought last year has been an absolute game changer-- my wife (5'3") can clean off her van in like 30 seconds with it:
No excuses for anybody.
Cut the cord well over a year ago. We have a ClearStream antenna on the roof of the house. We get WFSB, NBC30, FOX61, and plenty of other random channels perfectly fine, but we rarely watch it.
We have Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu subscriptions for main media, and use /r/nhlstreams for watching hockey. Other options include YouTube Red. We cast to our TV's with our phones and tablets to a Chromecast or use the HTPC depending on what room we're in.
Thank you so much!!! Here is the link:
I've always been super captivated by the whole story. The hanging hills themselves are such a beautiful area to hike too.
You'll want to get a snow brush. Make sure you get one with the ice scraper on the back there.
AWD will absolutely help you, that's a good start. You can probably wait on the snow tires if you don't want to cough up the money for them just yet.
Pepe's in New Haven is the classic spot along with Modern and Sally's (also in New Haven). I know absolutely nothing about the New London area but I'm sure someone who does will chime in. Connecticuters (yes, that's one of our demonyms) are all very opinionated about pizza.
If anyone's interested in watching it it's available on Amazon Video (free with Prime):
Go read the book Kochland and you'll tell me calling him a fascist is the most polite description of this creep. He's a criminal and a murderer
Frankie Macdonald is a published author and meteorological legend. He even has an action figure sold in his likeness.
Red Sabre OC/CS spray.
I have a friend from my Navy time that took an AK round through the shoulder for his purple heart.
We were messing around drunk and sprayed each other with that stuff.
He said he would rather get shot again than sprayed by that stuff.
In 2022 Hartford daily highs ranged from 31 to 72 mostly very close to exactly between them
Note: the 31 degree day was in the last week.
We don't be insulted if you reconsider.
Pretty sure we were still hitting 60s into November last year because it was shredding my snow tires. It maybe hit the 30s in the middle of the night but the days were still relatively warm
Here's October 2021 weather for reference
What if I told you that the cost savings are statistically insignificant?
> We don't deny domain names, web hosting, email addresses, or other typical web services to unpopular opinions
Yes, hosting companies do block unpopular opinions. Read the terms of service for various hosting providers. Companies have the right to control the content on their servers. Example:
There's a difference between what you subjectively consider to be a human right to free speech, the legal right for speech to be free from government interference, and the right to be free from the consequences of speech.
As a matter of fact 8/16 of the most recent school shooters have had a criminal background. So 50%! And the individuals who aren't criminals have severe mental health issues.
I'm not saying that they have a black market dealer on speed dial. I'm saying that it's not difficult to find a source for ANYTHING illegally. And if someone really wants to get a gun, they'll find a way. You are correct in that many get them from sources whom attained them legally.
My point is we should be investing more in mental health in this country, background checks, etc. Because limiting a magazine to 10 bullets for instance is just a measure to make the public feel safe. If someone is radical and insane enough to shoot a school full of children, it won't matter to them whether they have 10 bullets per clip or 30.
Quick Edit: I also don't know how you correlated me saying "if a criminal wants to shoot up a school" = "all school shooters are career criminals". I do want to hear your opinion though since I can really see both sides of this argument
How strenuous are you looking for? There are a ton of beautiful, relatively easy trails around Mystic. One of my favorites is Barn Island, which loops around the coast, a salt marsh and the woods:
The only thing about backpacking the metcomet is that there’s not really camping at terribly convenient junctures on it, there’s one site at the north and two at the quite southern end. This CFPA article describes the current camping available:
You could do a nice weekend loop along the Mohawk trail and AT in the NE part of the state, lots of lean tos:
Gotta do this one tomorrow: Best view in CT, so good the Bass Pro Shop in Bridgeport has a wall-size photo of it.
I've used this Everest Gym Bag as my carry-on for years on multiple airlines. Big enough to fit my laptop, a change of clothes, pair of shoes, medicines, snacks, water bottle, etc. with plenty of room to spare, and it fits perfectly under the seat.
You want to check out the book Spooky Trails and Tall Tales Connecticut by Stephen Gencarella. It’s exceptionally well researched and pairs all of the folklore with the actual trails they’re associated with.
I do it all solo, 24' round. Well my son helps get the cover on...
Cover costs about $60 and I get 2-3 years on it. The closing chemicals cost me $50+/- (opening chemicals about the same, plus salt and some water from the well)
I did buy a cover pump which I use to draw down the pool level, that was about $40 and is on year2
Overall I find this much better.
I do the daily/weekly clean up, bought a robot on Amazon to keep the bottom clean which was a game changer, and overall have kept our pool costs low doing a little outdoor work myself.
Best example is just the general Amazon basics 40W lightbulb -
It happens with pretty much every item, or at least I haven't found ones that aren't on the longer ship time.
Maybe it's an issue specifically with my address. I'm not thrilled with the idea of doxing myself but I can certainly try with some other addresses.
For people that stay home: Coloring, (also great treat for a bag), board games, making Halloween cookies and watching movie together...
The ones I have don't seem attracted to LED lights, so I doubt that would work for me.
I just use this thing, which works pretty well as it makes it so that I never need to touch them and they don't release their stench.
I have found that the best way to deal with them is this stupid product called the "bugzooka". It avoids crushing them, which is what causes them to release their stench.
If you live in an older home then there is just no way to prevent them from getting in the house.
Are you say 2010 was consistently 5 degrees throughout January?
Here is January 2010
Temps got really cold a few times that year but not unlike what we've seen this year.
As someone that does martial arts and regularly practices on a Bob as well, this is a fucking hilarious turn of events.
This is the same one, I would buy another while it’s available. Can always return it if found.
South east corner here. I go riding almost daily. You should check out this is a link to a google doc that shows all the riding partners. Add yourself!
I've seen tons of CT riders online... although not a single one is in the south east part of the state :(
I’ve done all the above with the dog, and just did Prydden Brook Falls in Paugusset State Park last week. Also just bought this book - it’s actually beautifully set up and full of good info:
I started using these every morning. They help a LOT. (I don’t like the way medicines make me feel.)
Neti Pot Sinus Rinse Bottle Nose...
Ponaris Nasal Emollient 1 oz
It looks like a few applications have been approved
In Connecticut, communication and electric towers are under the authority of the Connecticut Siting Council. Any proposals to add, take down or modify are in their records.
If you have a Samsung, try to force it back to 4G using Samsung Band Selection
You can buy mesh nets to go over your head. You can stop the bugs from landing on your face or getting into your eyes/nose/mouth/ears.
There are plenty of decent dash cams for less than that. I have this one which also has a rear camera too. I tell everyone who will listen to get dash cams installed ASAP.
Yeah, I just noticed that past couple days. Went to turn on the hose near a bush and got blasted with a swarm of Aphids. I normally have a ton by my garden and tomato plants but it’s all over the yard.
Maybe from the moisture and rain.
Last year I bought 3000 live lady bugs from Amazon
It was not as exciting as I thought it would be releasing them into the garden.. slowly trickled out and disappeared. Plus they were Asian lady bugs.
Yup, I think most of his victims were found near West Farms mall. And he frequented the Berlin Turnpike. This book was written about him by a woman in the town I grew up in. Book
Do mean an actual mini bike, like this?
Coleman Powersports CT100U Gas Powered Trail Mini-Bike | 98cc/3.0HP | Red
I haven’t seen one of those in many years. My Buddy and I had them growing up in the 80s. We thought we were the Hell’s Angels.
The few times a policeman was bored enough to pull me over, I was just told to walk it home. One ahole tried to “scare me straight” by saying he could write me a citation that would prevent me from getting a driver’s license until I was 18. (I was like 12 at the time.)
Riding on sidewalks isn’t cool. Assuming it’s just kids having fun where you are, I suggest flagging them down and letting them know you’re cool with them, but would appreciate they stick to the road/off-road. Had one neighbor do that with us and we had no hard feelings. Did as asked, and never had any issue.