Invading from the Ingress crowd. Hello fellow xkcd fans.
Basically, Ingress is exactly as he put it in the alt-text: "Foursquare with Space Noises." It's owned by Google, so naturally, it's Android-only for the time being. In a nutshell, it's an augmented reality, location-based, international game of green-versus-blue capture-the-flag.
It's in closed beta at the moment, but you're able to request an invite for it on the official website. You can also try to impress the developers on Google+ and Facebook with fanart (which doesn't even have to be relevant to the plot, it just has to be nice and shiny) and earn a code that way.
There's also an alternate-reality game going on simultaneously on The Niantic Project website that gets you in-game goodies and reveals the story about the game.
And yes, in the game, there are space noises.
Seems to mostly be an American suburb or rural thing. Many who play in urban areas can and do play on foot/bicycle. But in most of the suburbs (and almost all of the rural areas), the portal density just isn't high enough to effectively play without using a vehicle.
For instance, the town of Finleyville is about 15 miles south of the center of Pittsburgh, and you have only three portals you can play via walking. That's one whole field. There's a 4th portal about a mile away if you head east.
So, if you live in Finleyville (or any of the thousands of towns like this), and want to play, you pretty much need a vehicle.
Look at how many days the portal has been active and find out what date it relates to. Then head to Google's location history page, sign in, and find the entry for that date, which will tell you where you went that day. With that and the intel map, you'll be able to jog your memory pretty easily.
Get in touch with your local same-faction players they can help you a lot.
Learn to use the Intel map at to find areas with a lot of portals, especially a lot of portals that change hands frequently so you can easily capture grays, and fill out and link into triangles the ones of your color.
Until you have levelled up a bit your bursters (xmp) won't be strong enough to really damage shielded portals.
Try going to a dense area and just linking every portal to it's closest neighbors.
Learn to glyph (the connect-the-dots option on the hack button), it gets you AP, more gear, and progress towards a badge.
>Agents, Your Ingress Scanner will soon be updated to version 1.122.0. The following changes have been detected:
>- Preperations for re-enabling Portal Submissions. - Magnus Reawakens anomaly series updates. - Additional classified modifications to Scanner codebase.
>Checkout upcoming Ingress events at
>Join the investigation to uncover the truth behind the portals at
its a mobile game where to play you have to physically move to different streets. means that you can get several players converging on particularly valuable locations.
(in fact its a rebadged version of an existing game, Ingress )
Ingress article:
Globally? Doesn't make a lick of difference.
Locally, you might want to look at how things are around your area, via I suggest playing for the team that isn't doing so well, portals-captured-wise. (This allows faster leveling via 100 AP per hack on an enemy portal)
I chose Enlightened this way (and also partially because I like green better than blue!)
The whole point of the game is to get people to explore their town and outlying areas. If you're that hesitant to leave your house, then this game probably isn't for you.
But my suggestion would be to at least try it. Spend an hour or two hitting up a few nearby portals. Dunno if you have a car or not, but if your closest portals are somewhat spread out, most people prefer bicycling over walking. It helps to go on first to plan out a route. Any high level enemy portals are only good for hacking, as you won't make a dent if you attack them. As a noob, look for unclaimed portals that are white that you can capture. Also, a great way to get a lot of points easily when first starting out is to look at the map for portals your team already owns that just need to be linked together.
But if after a few hours, if you still don't like it, then go back home and never come out again. :P
I truly look forward to the day you love yourself without any drugs at all, the day you take in nature and are happy to be outside and at peace. You can then remember what path you should be on and what kinds of people you should have around you. You need to avoid everybody around you who uses these drugs and find people who use other things - like games, cars, traveling, cooking, whatever. There's a game, Ingress you can put on your phone which is excellent for getting you out the house and clearing your mind of EVERYTHING.
Either that or you're the best law enforcement officer actor ever trying to make the users here show their colors with your click bait and drama - sure know how to make them fingers fly, detective.
Early grind?
You haven't seen "grind" yet. The doubling-AP-each-level standard gets pretty painful.
Check the Intel map in your area ( and just scout it for parks, busy parts of town, etc where there's a lot of portals, and you can use the level drop-downs to locate clusters of low-level portals. Go for those, and in the meantime, glyph hack portals--particularly enemy portals because of the huge bonus--and you should be level 4/5 pretty quickly.
By design you can not use it to scout for unclaimed portals easily.
In addition to the other advice being offered, I'll suggest using the Intel Map to find areas of weak or unclaimed portals. You will have to zoom way in to find unclaimed portals, but it beats aimlessly wandering around your city/town.
Where I live there's a portal called "Pott im Vorgarten" - literally just a small clay pot in some guy's frontyard.
Edit: Intel link with photo.
The game is Ingress ( It's produced by Niantic, which is a small group of developers within Google.
Atm it's an Android only game, but there is very confident speculation that there will be an iPhone client very soon. A couple of the main reasons for that is the interface has been getting smaller recently (to fit on an iphone) and there is talk of a 3rd faction ingame (currently two factions)
There was an event today (known as an anomaly). These events happen at various locations around the world a couple times a year over the span of a couple weeks. The result of the events generally sway the "story" of the game as well. Today's event was the ~~first~~ second time Australia got to be the site of an anomaly (brisbane and melbourne)
Outside the times of an anomaly, it's just general gameplay battling the other faction for control. One of the cool things of this game is that it relies on real world points of interest. And these POIs exist all over the world, in game. When travelling overseas I've been able to play this game using POIs from wherever I may be at the time (china, malaysia, japan, fiji, hawaii and australia so far)
If you live in Melbourne and do start playing this game, I suggest joining the Enlightened (green) faction (because that's me and I'm biased :P) but also because the Resistance (blue faction) have slightly greater numbers in the Melbourne region, which lends them to having a slightly easier time than the other faction in general.
Also today's anomaly event was won overall by Enlightened (green)
Deploying on neutral portals and creating control fields is the way to level.
action | AP yield |
Deploying 8 resonators on neutral portal | 1750 |
Creating control field | 1250 |
Creating a link | 313 |
Use the intel map to find neutral portals. You need to be at zoom level 17 on the intel map to see neutral portals. If you don't know how to get to zoom level 17, then zoom all the way out to planetary view and click the "zoom in" button 16 times OR zoom all the way in and click the "zoom out" button 4 times. I've been having trouble with the "zoom out" button, though. You can also go the the area of the map you want to check, click "link" button in the top-right to get the permanent link, copy-paste that into your address bar, then change the "z=" value to "z=17". This will get you at the most zoomed out neutral portal viewing zoom level.
That HAS to be good for me.
I got to swim with a whale shark! +1 Life Achievement.
Also, I've started playing Ingress, Google's GPS game. Its a heap of fun and I'm using a way to get out a see places I wouldn't normally know was there and to be more active and improve my cardio.
Yeah, Im going to second Berlin.,13.430262&z=11
I would imagine many European and middle eastern cities have significantly higher density due to the much longer history in them.
I recommend getting in touch with your local Enlightened community. They can help you with your questions, and you can share the fun of ingress together.
To see portals on map:
Do you know, that you can look up your area on ? There you can find areas where you can do something. Find the areas the are battled constantly so that they are not fully build up.
Use the Intel Map. Zoom way in and look for unclaimed or low level portals. (Yes, they exist.) Go there. Attack, deploy, link, and field. You'll level up mighty quick. But you will need to make an effort. We've all been there. You can do it too.
Yeah. And identification of duplicates and "uninteresting" portal sites should count too. Both adds and subtracts are attempting to improve the quality of the game.
I don't know if this is typical in other regions, but in my region every crap corporate art installation, and quite a few art projects made by a student of welding, is a portal, and I'm not sure that was the intent of the game. "Mazatlan Fountain", I'm looking at you.
Not to mention portals that are just barely not duplicative of each other. There should be a minimum distance unless it's really warranted. Having a portal on some piece of art + again on the readerboard describing that art is pretty suspect. Basically I'd say if two portals are within resonator/mod range of each other they should probably be considered the same thing.
Ingress It's sort of a cross between capture the flag and geocaching. A mobile phone game that requires you to go outside and explore the city and countryside.
It's pretty social too, there are probably a couple of hundred people playing in and around Dublin, many of us meet up most weeks for a few beers.
If you check it out you will be asked to pick a team: Green or Blue. The answer to that question is Blue, of course.
qr code data:
I'm not going to click it though. I was checking to see if it was a malware phishing attempt.
If you go by numbers of recruits, Resistance end up way ahead, possibly due to biases in the way the backstory is presented, the naming of the teams, and the order of the choices, not to mention roughly 44% of people name blue as their favourite colour, with green being 12%. In the big events in the USA the RES participants have outnumbered ENL by 3 to 1 in some cases. But your own town might be a local pocket of opposite-day.
When you join, there is a brief window of time between completing training and choosing your team, when you can view the map for your area at and see how the balance is sitting where you are. Check the map out on your computer after finishing training but BEFORE deciding on a team.
I am just around 24 million AP and a bulk of it comes from rebuilding a farm area where I live. There are 60 or so portals that we keep linked up and I frequently have multiple keys for them all. There are plenty of fields made when linking it all up. So taking the dog for a walk I can easily gain 150k AP in about an hour. And that's even on the low end of things. It's not uncommon to see 300k AP in under an hour and a half. So, depending on your area, it's not difficult to get some bigger numbers.
The area I'm talking about is in Silicon Valley and the farm area is kind of centered around this portal:,-122.116968&z=17&pll=37.378332,-122.116968
You may have to join up with higher levels during a farming event. They'll often be more than happy to get more support in the area so they'll often let you capture or place the first few resonators on a portal to get you leveled faster. Sometimes they'll even let you throw links to complete fields since that levels players like crazy!
Use this to find your local faction group:
Also, in general the bursters that you fire off are generally only effective up to two levels above their level. So you being an L2 with a max of L2 bursters will generally only want to attack resonators that are L4 at most. Also, not sure if you know this, but you can hold down the Fire button and wait for the pulse to gather around your arrow to get a damage bonus (the closer it gets to your cursor the better—up to +20)—I didn't actually know this until I was level 4!
I've recently discovered the Android game Ingress. Can be mainly played solo (interaction is encouraged but optional); you need to get out and about in your city and stop by various landmarks and public spaces. Great way to get fresh air and exercise while seeing parts of the local area you may not know well.
I am a high level Austin Enlightened player.
The game has definitely helped me with exercising and getting out of the house.
While you can play other ways, the Austin enlightened team has a huge focus on walking.
I have met many decent people that I would not have otherwise met due solely to this game.
This game has also taught me about a lot of the local history and culturally significant areas of Austin (and surrounding cities/places).
* Our "leaders" are simplely individuals that suggest an idea or tactic
* I joined the Enlightened because we are the underdogs (both locally, and globally)
* In Austin, during the last "major event", our team was outnumbered approximately 1.72 to 1
* Because we are outnumbered, the Austin ATX team does tend to be more organized in general.
* This game in general does encourage team work, regardless of team.
In short, we will gladly accept any new players and help them as much as we can. It is the enlightened way.
* TLDR: If the idea of leveling faster and being an underdog interests you, choose Enlightened
Post P.S. If you do not believe that we are outnumbered, take at look at the Austin Ingress map: HTTP://,-97.622&z=11
It's based on the septicycle. you can track them (offline) here:
in the game, if you load up the intel tab, you can see the remainder of the septicycle. The score is based on the whole septicycle so far. given that we're on checkpoint 31 of 35, your new checkpoint score is averaged into that.... the two lines along the bottom show where ENL and where RES are for each checkpoint as they pass. you should see a noted increase in the green marker for the most recent checkpoint. when you average that into the rest of the cycle's CPs, you don't get a big change.
The scores reset to zero at the end of the cycle (currently due in ~19 hours).
If you want to more directly see your affect on the score, go to intel ( ) and, after logging in, go to your cell, and click on the regional score drop down, between your name and the global scores at the top. Find the most recent Checkpoint, and you can get a breakdown of the current checkpoint scores.
So, to recap: the intel screen on the scanner shows the global/regional cycle score. The cycle score is the average of the checkpoints so far, averaged out. Detailed, per-checkpoint numbers can be found on the intel map, and if you do the math, you can determine your cell's cycle score by averaging out all the checkpoint scores.
What keepcalm is referring to, is that at this point in the cycle, your 10k represents a normalized (across all checkpoints) 322 bump in score.
Wherever you live, get in touch with your local Ingress G+ community - you can start at , and also talk in COMM to get people to meet up with you. I'd be interested to see what would happen when he sees people with you that are all in the "enemy" faction while you will probably be enjoying your company. Ingress is much more fun when you play with others!
Also, if you want to learn more about the game, check out there are lots of tutorials out there. Also check Youtube: Here's one:
Just remember one rule: Close the Field. You can make links big or small, all over town. just remember, if you see temptation to throw a 20km link, think about how to close it into a field.
Spraying links without any rhyme or reason just blockades your other teammembers.
use You can use it to plan out your neighborhood or town for linking.
I'll start this off; I was able to level up (level 5 now!) and actually capture a significant amount of portals in a populated area on Ingress this week; I was able to even obtain some mind control fields.
Moto X does have the always-listening thing and a couple of other features. Nexus 5 is more powerful and the LCD screen won't burn in like AMOLED screens do. It really depends on what you're looking for in a phone.
I really wanted an LCD screen. I got Ingress burned into the screen of my Galaxy Nexus.
Even though it's in closed public beta, I'm going to say Ingress.
Augmented-reality game involving a subtle alien invasion, where anyone you meet could be either helping the aliens or trying to fight them off? Hell to the yes.
As has been said before, asking for invites is considered bad form. have your friend sign up on Ingress and Niantic, and follow the Niantic Google+ members for a better chance at receiving an invite early.
Troll the IRC if you're really dedicated, but don't ask for them; this subreddit would be full of people begging for invites if that was encouraged.
Wow, that's bad if Hanke isn't even a serious player. Geez, get a Pogo+ and just wear it all day.
I can understand Niantic fighting spoofers, and trying to stop scanners and other methods of finding rare Pokemon. The IV stats aren't magic, and a lot of players clearly care enough about it to spend a lot of time figuring out the stats.
I'm also surprised the Pokemon doesn't have their own version of with a live map that shows who owns each gym, where to find Pokestops, and even when raids are.
If you don't know anyone playing, it's best to choose the underdog team. Open the app and pick an agent name but stop before picking a team. Then go to and look at the map for your area to see which team if any is dominating.
>conspiracy theories on how it maps your houses and things.
The cat has been out of the bag for years.
Ingress was the predecessor for it. In the game, players collect a resource called XM, which occurs based on maps of cellular data usage.
In other words, that data had already been collected and is available for whatever nefarious uses a conspiracy theory probably claims. Pokemon Go and Ingress are probably just fun, innocuous ways to monetize that data.
Passcodes can be entered on the intel map. Look for a button in the upper right corner that looks like a padlock.
The Android scanner also has a Passcodes tab among the tabs that appear when you press the ops button.
yep it was a special ingress event - these tend to happend around once a year in London, though there's something similar every couple of weeks in different cities around the world - the next close one is in Edinburgh next month.
They tend to attract players from a wide area, I hear that some came over from the netherlands for it.
Valley Forge National Park, one of the best forms in the Philly area. I'm pretty close to Newtown which is my favorite L8 farm (because it's blue and fun to smash). 90 portals or so, always rebuilt in a day or 2.,-74.93678245115007&z=15
Try to get in touch with the local Resistance, maybe someone can come to you. Also use (better: IITC)to check for weakened portals, if you have portals you can hold for a while don't recharge let them decay and rebuilt.
Also consider a trip to another city (if public transport is available), you can do a lot of leveling in an afternoon if you have a good location. And once you reached L6 you should be able to take don't their portals.
Also I like to say getting L8+ is completely possible by playing on foot.
>1.How is it against the spirit of the game?
>3.How would trading\selling items in ingress be any different then in any other game?
It's not, selling items is against the rules of nearly every virtual game in existence.
Yeah, three layers. Northern anchor is Cape Mendocino Lighthouse by d0gboy
Eastern anchor is Ballart by immaeuru and denoche
The three SW anchors are at Point Sur Lighthouse by Lopaka17
First off, there's the "official" Intel map here:
Now, meet IITC (Ingress Intel Total Conversion), your new best friend!
A set of GreaseMonkey scripts (for Firefox) or Chrome plugins that makes the Intel Map much much much easier to use.
On a good day, we Chicago ENL get to hold on to this as an 8 farm.,-87.712835&z=15
Known in these parts as "the caterpillar", lately the RES won't let us keep it green or 8.
That's from the intel page on the Ingress site, which is not as well publicized as it should be. Easier to use on a laptop than a mobile device, good for planning your portal-hunting trips.
Collecting and storing license plate information for players does make you a creepy stalker, yes. Here's a couple of bits out of the ToS, so you can be clear.
- Unwanted videotaping or photographing of other players or bystanders? Insults or obscenities directed toward other players or bystanders? Are you kidding? No - don't do it.
- Harassment: Never do anything that would be perceived as harassment, stalking, intimidation or inciting others to do the same (see the Terms of Service). Violations can result in the loss of your account.
What I've found locally is certain elements of the community encourage this behaviour in the same way that you're justifying it. It's a bunch of nonsense whipped up by obsessed players to enable their control freak impulses, and it's often the tip of the iceberg as far as them being bad actors.
People who get away with justifying that kind of crap are one of the main reasons the community is so screwed in this game. That, and Niantics complete lack of meaningful moderation of their game.
It is possible to make an account, choose an agent name, then quit the app before you choose a team. Then you can go to to look at the map for your area. This can help you get a sense of the team balance in your area. However, keep in mind that balance can fluctuate back and forth over the course of several days or weeks.
One of the best things about Ingress and orher ARG's is that in order to play properly, you needa get your butt outside and do some travelling.
You are likely to find a tonne of portals to play with in your nearest major city/town.
If you want to look them up, visit the Official Ingress Intel Site and you can look up portals on a map in your area.
Depending on your interest in games and your tolerance of people who take games too seriously, you could download and play Ingress.
I don't play much anymore, but it's how I've met some of my closest friends (and a bunch of real turds).
Check out Cultivate in Ypsi. Their social calendar is often pretty cool.
Yeah.. Ingress players just started submitting everything they could think of. Niantic couldn't handle the amount of crappy submissions, so they shut it down completely. They're still working on a new system though.
side note: If you ever wonder about areas with (probably) lots of Pokestops near you, make an Ingress account and check out . There you'll find a map with every portal worldwide. Not all of them will be Pokestops but it should still give you a general idea
I can't speak for others, but I don't think the soft ban will be triggered if that's all that you do. You'll tap hack the portals on the way to/from work, so hopefully that is enough of a difference so that you don't trigger anything. Try and deviate from your normal day once in awhile, too. Look at Intel and find a park close to you with more portals that you can hack.
Second-ing this. I was an avid Ingress player for awhile. Verizon gave me data coverage nearly everywhere, including up on the mountains. My data coverage was absolutely insane...
...except for near the Target by Harmony and Zeigler. Nothing seems to reach that dead spot.
There is a large community of Ingress players in Astoria. Join the resistance and play with us! You can find Ingress on Android and IOS.
Ingress: New York City Resistance: Reddit:
Links can not cross, so your links will block anyone else's links. This can have advantages and disadvantages... Your links may block your team mates from making fields, however your links will also block the enemy from making links.
I live in Washington D.C. and there are portals EVERYWHERE. If you also live in a portal dense area, the best way to build up AP is to make short links and small fields. Many of my links still go across the street or down the block.
If you're making larger fields, it helps to plan. Use the intel map. Zoom it in on your area. It will help you plan your links. Also hook up with players in your area and swap keys. Higher level players can also offload their lower level gear to you.
PROTIP: When hacking, sometimes portals will give you a Portal Key. If you already have a key for that particular portal in your inventory, it will not give you another. If you have a capsule, you can place portal keys in there and they don't count as being in your inventory. You can also drop keys and hack to get a new key, then pick up the old key on the ground for multiple keys. Dropping is risky, as anyone can pick it up.
Anyhow, as you know, keys are used for remotely recharging a portal as well as creating links. When you use a key to make a link, the key gets used up. It helps to have multiple copies of keys, especially in portal dense areas and for areas you frequently visit.
It's a BAF (Big Ass Field) and they're a part of the game. Bigger fields mean more MU which if they make the checkpoint, count towards winning the cycle. If you check your area on you'd probably be able to find the anchor portals.
Edit: corrected URL
You might want to give Ingress a try. It's like geo-caching with your mobile and there's a chance people are playing it at your area (players are almost everywhere). If this is fun for you, you'll find a community to join.
If you want to give it a try I can hook you up with an invitation since the game is invitation only. Just pm me. I got about 70 invitations left so no worries if you uninstall it after checking it out.
here the list of problems out of the post:
so my first idea SPORT which would solve:
push ups, run a bit around in your neighbourhood or just walk it really works wonders you could try Ingress if you like tactile gameplay.
third idea Teamspeak:
Or if you cant get out of your hole alone just look around for some people witch can reach under your arms and help you out of there.
As /u/Sn0opy said, make links and fields. Those keys you collected are what allows you to make links. When you make a link, the key to the destination portal is consumed. When you connect three links in a triangle shape, you create a field. Links and fields are worth considerable AP.
Links cannot cross, so your options may be somewhat limited if the portals are already linked up. Use the intel map to look for areas that you can link up.
Also, consider using the FACTION tab in the Comm to reach out to your teammates. They may be able to help you further by showing you around or providing extra keys to you.
> I'm guessing you already have your black though
Nope, gold.
lol how the fuck do I still have a portal in Sydney
Ratava -- have you heard of a smart phone game called Ingress? ( For Android and iOS phones, you basically have to move around in the real world to specific locations and interact with them on your phone, based on your GPS. I've been playing it for a year now and I've done more of the same, gone out of my way to different parts of the city. Give it a try, join the green team. :)
That said, I've seen those protractors while playing, and I've thought about it but actually thought it was something done by the city. It seemed so uniform, like they were there for a specific reason. Thanks for sharing that link.
Space Marine monument.,-89.856655&z=16&pll=35.005451,-89.856655
Also, nearby, life sized space marine action figures.,-89.857171&z=16&pll=35.00447,-89.857171
Walk around fighting virtual villains playing capture the flag and learn a ton of city landmarks: [] - Android only, for now.
See Houston from a different angle: Kayak the bayous [Houston Kayak], [Park Services Page].
I've never imagined portals as being something that you would actually "see" in the real world. I always imagined the scanner portals as being representative of real-life objects that acted as portals, like the statue with the AR overlay on
That's just my interpretation, though...
I used to play Google's Ingress and TGM was my go to playlist for running around the city (in real life!) hacking landmarks and setting up vast digital nets that spanned miles, I think they fit this mood very well. I know they're in the trailer and since it was licensed for that I hope they licensed it for in-game use as well.
I hear what you're saying, but I think the standards are lax enough to get most worthy things though as is. Some things that generally go through that aren't explicitly stated:
1) Gazebo's everywhere
2) Plaques of just about any kind
3) Named parks (even if there's not a sign)
4) All manner of unique gravestones
5) pubs and bars
6) Cannons (although they must be referred to as "defense systems systems")
What I suggest is to look at areas near where you are that are just big blank spots. That generally implies there aren't going to be active players in that area. Look there! I just found a bus route in Boston that has all kinds of murals and churches and statues along it that aren't portals. If I can find stuff like that in a town as active as Boston, odds are that there are still portals to be found near you.
Just probably not 5000 of them.
I think that might be an interesting idea, but the amount of work that would need to go into that is just unimaginable. Software that would generate terrain from Google Maps or anything of that scale, would have to store it in a database, which is unfeasible. Sidequests of that amount would be just insanity...
I think your main idea is an MMO of massive scale, but the thing is that it would require so many resources..
If you have an android device, Ingress might be up your alley, though.
All the portals are maintained with military precision by the local Enlightened. All (most of) the L8 portals are on a driving loop through the city. Any portals which aren't on the route are ignored. It gets attacked a lot more now, but this L8 farm has been standing for what must be over a year now.
I went there once at about 6am, we loaded up a van and a car full of L8 players and helped them to fully deploy (before they had 8 local L8 players). They drove us around the city and told us which portals to deploy on. I think we made about 60 L8 portals that morning.
It was a great day.
EDIT: (I changed factions, I was green before)
^ Den Haag :P
Same goes for the east.. Zwolle, Deventer, Apeldoorn.. All the inner cities are stamped as hell together :P
Too bad this one is green, but an example:,6.095593&z=16&pll=52.513098,6.097949
Ingress. Because if you're not out wandering dangerous IRL back-alleys at 3am, then you're a goddam casual.
I've given over a year of my life to this 'game', I think nothing of detouring for an hour with the whole family in the car to attack a portal, and I've been known to spend days or even weeks planning for Operations. Go Resistance!
Not a club, but he could check out Ingress. Mobile game for Android devices, has some social aspects where you meet and coordinate with other players.
Root of the game involves having your phone GPS on and physically going to points of interest in the city to interact with them.
Go Enlightened!
The KGW Pioneer Square Weather Cam in Portland Oregon shows the Animated Weather Clock portal and, in the distance, the Attractions Sign portal.
Not at all. Check section 3:
Edit: well, maybe "not at all" isn't exactly correct. By itself, just part of the game, though if someone was genuinely bejng harrassed, it could count against them. It's all publicly logged, though.
At the Eiffel, yes. But there are tons more portals around the city looking upon it.,2.315328&z=17&pll=48.864121,2.315328,2.314262&z=17&pll=48.864656,2.314262
And my favorite pic of it:,2.321956&z=17&pll=48.864461,2.321956
Also if you have an android phone and don't mind doing something 'geeky', you could start playing Ingress.
The local community is full of open, friendly people and many of them are Swiss. At least for the "Resistance" faction I can confirm this. You essentially can meet up and play the game for a bit, then go for a beer. Definitely a way to meet new people.,-121.898085&z=18 Milpitas City Hall its portal numbers fluctuate due to adds and removals from both sides but its currently an 18 portal farm in a perfect 5 min walking loop, in one place you can stand and hack 7 portals! as far as density goes thats about as dense as you can get, there are a number of other larger farms in our area that have more portals and in some parts can be just as dense.
I think there was a delay near the end of December. I have been submitting 2-3 ever other day, and I had no response on any portal I had submitted between Dec 17th and January 15th.
I am back to getting a portal accepted or rejected every day now.
BTW last portal accepted January 20th was this:,-80.250181&z=18
And I submitted it on December 5th
The N5 will attract more custom ROMs. The Moto X can do that thing where it listens for voice commands all the time without destroying your battery, the N5 only does that when the phone's screen is on.
The N5 has a faster processor and better screen. The Moto X has some interesting features. It really depends on what you care about. I wanted the speed and an LCD screen. I wound up with Ingress burned into the AMOLED screen of my Galaxy Nexus and I didn't want that happening again.
Actually it is grounds for ban:
Read the whole of section 2 then read letter a in section 2.
And considering the previous fiasco with iOS Ingress and the fact that this appears to be the exact same or modified version of that unofficial client, I can almost guarantee there will be bans going out, maybe not now, not this week, not this month but its coming down the pipe for sure.
Edit: Further see keldog's post in this thread, he was banned for using the unofficial client.
There are only two ways that I've heard of:
Find out from someone who is already active in your area.
After you have gone through the tutorial on the phone app and it asks you to select a side, go to the Intel Map and as a default view it will show you as Resistance.
I haven't verified the second option, but I've seen posts about it.
First, use the Ingress Intel map while zoomed in rather close and pan around your area to see if there are any unclaimed portals. Common places to check are libraries, museums, fire stations, statues, murals, monuments, art installations, etc. I'm not guaranteeing that you will find anything, but there may be portals around that just haven't been discovered yet.
Secondly (and everyone should be doing this) take pictures of interesting landmarks; things such as what I mentioned above. If you have personally been to a location in your area that fits one of the above descriptions and there are no portals to be seen, take a picture! Make sure GPS is on, and that photos are tagged as such when taken. Share them with "NIA Super Ops" and hopefully they'll appear in your area sooner than later.
It's kind of ballsy that these guys are doing this with this game. When you think about it they have to factor in these variables for game playability:
1-Hardware age
2-Android Version
3-Manufacturer implementation of Android
4-Device limitations (there is a lot of radio tx/rx management on every Android device to try and keep the battery suckage to a minimum, which is high on even the best devices, like my Galaxy Nexus)
5-Data latency (oh shit, I was down to 3% battery, but I just wiped out that portal, then my phone died. did it upload?!!)
6-Overall coordination of data sources (folks chatting on, phones in the field, people redeeming codes, etc)
Overall, this is the ballsyest game I think I've ever seen, and I put my gaming start date back in the Sierra On-Line era.
Invites can be requested through the Ingress Website, or by asking someone on the unofficial IRC server. From what I've been told, if you hang out on IRC for 1/2 a day, you'll find someone handing out invites. I got mine from a guy who made a post in this subreddit.
Hacking works by selecting the portal in the Ingress app when you're within proximity to it, and clicking "Hack". It's that simple. You obtain loot from hacking portals (friend or foe). You use this loot to capture more portals, or take them down. You can hack a portal once every 5 minutes 4 times, then it goes on cooldown for 4hrs.
Départ et arrivée vers le portail CGT,2.415729&z=15&pll=48.854171,2.415729
> I guess it means that in Germany the game is for "All Ages."
Does Germany get a different Terms of Service then? Because the only one I know about still has the "13 and Up" clause.
You are unmoving, but that doesn't mean you should choose to let your thoughts go to the dark side. Not having a GF/BF is the day-to-day reality for many people; I understand if you're not used to it, but many, many people live with no GF/BF, and they carry on loving themselves and pursuing their life goals. Maybe you will forget your ex soon, which would free you up to take in happiness again even more.
Art is like plants that flower every few years. Artists are not like lawyers or auto mechanics. You have to be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to have nothing if you currently have nothing. When I'm like that, I like to have some kratom, and I get the red kind if I want to peacefully get drowsy. It's legal. Substances aside, the value of the artist comes directly from his/her self esteem, strength, and general sense of LOVE. Anything you could do that encouraged love to sprout and grow in your spirit is time well spent. Sometimes, listening to Pandora all day while taking in reddit or u-tubes is medicinal for me. I especially enjoy the u-tubes of risk takers like Magnus Walker.
Love yourself. Be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to take the time to feel better. Artists are almost completely software, which means that healing and protection of the spirit is job #1 after you've taken care of primary needs. You will produce when the time is right. Why not go to the gym? Lift and increase your testosterone; it helps everybody. One more thing: The game, Ingress, is excellent for getting you out of the house and clearing the mind. Besides, you might meet new people with it.
The only way we can really say for sure is if you give us a time frame when he was there and the location of the portal. We could check out the Intel map and scroll back a bit to see if it was captured and can even give you his agent name. But that would be revealing a lot about yourself to people...
I wonder if you can download the app to create an account but then not choose a faction yet...and then log into the intel map, would that work?
Supposing you aren't L8+ yet, socializing isn't a huge issue. However, being a competitive player eventually means acquiring lots of high-level gear. Hacking L8 portals (P8s) is the best way to do that. It takes 8 agents to make a P8. Players naturally congregate at events to "farm" lots of gear, because it's easier to meet up than get around randomly bumping into P8s.
So, yes, it's common to meet up.
PS: See also: anomalies. They're events set up by the game makers, Niantic, and we just wrapped a series up. Find more here. Essentially, you sign up online and roam around a city with strangers. They're quite fun.
If you have a Android or iPhone smartphone try playing (go Enlightented). It's a very social based and forces you to learn the geographic area, since it is a augmented reality geocaching game. This gives you a reason to get out and travel to various points of interest. Great for when moving somewhere new.
Jump on that and look for areas of either:
a) Grey portals you can build and link. b) Friendly portals that aren't linked up that you can link together.
You can link existing friendly portals together and make fields which are the highest AP/hour earner.
When I checked out the Intel Map I found a lot of neutral portals and claimed as many as I could using crutches, so I am not terribly discouraged, the local enlightened community has not responded to my request however. Kinda like a lone-wolf out here but it's still fun.
Check out Ingress - - no cost other than gas (free if you walk or bike) and there is a meet up on the first Saturday of each month recently. As of this writing, that would be tomorrow. Lots of players willing to show people the ropes.
On a desktop/laptop computer, goto: ;)
It'll probably work on your handheld device... But it's usually quite slow and laggy (lots of data on screen at one time), hence the desktop or laptop suggestion.
You might be surprised... Download it and see if there's anything around... Then go to you'll be able to see what's near you and if it's worth playing (you will have to download the app and create an agent account before you will get access to Intel though)
the application that i want to see most quickly realized is pairing it with something like ARIS, so that location-based mobile games can be augmented by HUD.
(This would also work for games like Ingress, but that's not actually elearning - just a nice demonstration of some things that can be used to provide a particular experience in a particular elearning project.)
You've hit upon a key point, there. You need to be cool with whatever changes you make for the long haul. If you don't like what you're doing, if you're constantly feeling deprived or put upon, then it's really all for naught. As far as more exercise goes, have you heard of Ingress ? I've never seen so many fatties like me motivated to go walking around than with this game.