Ok, try this.
Put them inside a bottle with cotton, so they don't rattle, and use velcro
and cut them both down to a size that will fit the bottle and support it, and then put one side of the velcro on to the back of a drawer of a desk, nightstand, or dresser.
I use this to hide shit all the time, it's a great spot, you have to fully take the drawer out in-order to get access, and nobody will be randomly pulling your drawers completely out.
Here's a picture of mine (yes i know the bottle is scuffed af)
I don't use cotton, so instead I use a bottle of supplement pills in the same drawer to explain if someone where to slam the drawer and cause a pill sound.
Edit: glad everyone likes it, lol.
especially if you put some Flavacol on it. it’s the secret ingredient all theaters use to make their popcorn taste better than microwave popcorn
I respectfully disagree. Heroin and Cociane have been proven less harmful than alcohol and the vast, vast majoirty of people using alcohol use it just fine. I've seem fare more people ruin their lives in cheeseburgers and World of Warcraft. The problem is mental, not the drugs themselves. Methamphetamine is sold as a prescription under the name Desoxyn to treat obesity. So at some point Meth is less harmful than fat. Everyone has a friend who fucked up their life on something....heroin, booze, gambling, sex, overeating, video games. It's not the substance that's the problem.
Also with regulation and proper study of other drugs we can drastically improve the safety of them. Overdoses on opiates are caused because someone doesn't know how strong the thing he got was, regulation fixes that.
You should read Sapiens, the author explains how the agricultural revolution was a horrible thing for mankind.
tl;dr : We stopped eating diverse foods, which were then more prone to parasites, began to live together and spread diseases among us, stopped running like our bodies are supposed to and began working with our backs curved, which gave us hernias and stuff, etc.
The book isn't just about the agricultural revolution, it's about the history of our species from the first homo sapiens to right now. Amazing book, very trippy.
It is the deepest mystery there is. I dedicated a big chunk of my life to just DMT exploration, and it gets really, really wild, like way beyond anything words can do service to. I'd just say that it's real, there are really alien intelligences, humans are not alone here, somehow life matters deeply, and we evolve to whatever we put out minds to.
There have been some really good studies of the DMT experience that have come out in the past couple decades or so. Rick Strassman's research that was presented in "DMT: The Spirit Molecule" was really important. Most of his participants came out talking about other dimensions and non-human entities. And there was an even bigger study of ayahausca, by Professor Benny Shanon, which he wrote about in the book "Antipodes of the Mind." Probably the best book on DMT, imo, was "Supernatural" by Graham Hancock. Strongly recommended.
Also, for anyone REALLY interested in the subject, check out this 50 page technical article that takes the experience very seriously and analyzes it from a scientific perspective: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew_Gallimore/publication/277281153_ESSAY_Building_Alien_Worlds-_The_Neuropsychological_and_Evolutionary_Implications_of_the_Astonishing_Psychoactive_Effects_of_NN-Dimethyltryptamine_DMT/links/5565af3808aec4...
Dude, get one.
something like that, if you do your research and have a little experience you can make out all the shit weed could have been cut with, sand, glass, sugar water, fertilizer, brix, hairspray etc.
Also it's just the best if you're high as shit and look at all the sparkly trichomes on real good shit. Really makes you appreciate this beautiful plant more.
I guess some of them are, this is probably the most common type of pencil I used in school lol. We did have yellow ones with erasers on the end too, as well as various other colours
Here's the first draft. I haven't revisited it since I wrote it all in one sitting. Now that I think about it, I really should go back to this...
Try and figure out which part of the story I wrote while tripping.
EDIT: I should add that this story is NOT the ten page stream of consciousness. It was adapted from that piece and this story only has about 1 page of that work in it. I'll post the actual 10 page stream in a bit.
EDIT #2: Here's the stream of consciousness piece. WARNING: it's just one big block of text.
Waterpik. I am a licensed crazy ass. You want this more than a toothbrush if you experience periods of unhygienic depression.
I swear that thing will change your life.
Amen! Our bodies are 55% - 60% water so it's important to stay hydrated BUT it's not always so clear cut:
Water Issues with MDMA use: Dehydration, Over-Hydration
tl;dr: You sweat away salt, so you can actually get water poisoning if you keep chugging water. Keep your electrolytes up with Gatorade and similar drinks.
For you opiate users out there: Ever been on the toilet so long that you start alternating which way you lean forward so to minimize the leg numbness? Ever have such an intense bowel movement that you start sweating? Ever had that happen but can't even take your shirt off because what remains of your dignity is wrapped in latex and inserted up your asshole — and you had to chip away at feces so deprived of water that the pieces acted like little sponges as they hit the toilet bowl water?
Oh right, I haven't even mentioned the blood, because there will be blood. Nobody gets a Fecal Impaction without some hemorrhoids to join the party.
I'd also like to note that it works the opposite direction for certain people too. Sometimes less is more with Melatonin. I've found that really small doses work best for me, and large ones actually keep me awake...
So just be aware you need to experiment both directions. I take 300mc
Anyways, some other tips after you take the Melatonin:
Come up with a nightly bedtime ritual. It absolutely takes some dicipline, but if you can stick to some sort of nightly ritual to 'unwind' it can make a big difference. So much of this might be in your head, and doing stuff like this can eliminate that even thought it seems kind of silly. Make some sleepytime tea w/ honey in it... take a shower... brush your teeth. and just make sure you stay away from electronics.. light from any kind of LCD or AMOLED screen is going to keep you awake longer, and make it harder for you to sleep. The exception to electronics would be music, if you have some decent ambient music to put on, or even rain noise it can help.
I can't help myself. I'm addicted to my PC... and i know it keeps me awake at night. But everytime I force myself to abstain its way easier to fall asleep.
Edit: I should recommend Flux which can help dim your LCD screens at night when you should be sleeping to help lul you to sleep when you absolutely can't muster the discipline to stay away from your phone/computer
Please consider donating if you're able and have benefited from his research.
Direct donation: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=34HNMNU387EXA
His books sold by Transform Press: http://transformpress.com/
Seriously, ik your all sorts of zonked, but we are trying to save your life. All of us.
Get a sitter, drink some water and then go to bed. Make sure they know how to check vitals, you are going to go full nosferatu for at least a day and that is no good for the brain.
Fuck yes.
About three weeks ago I started running again for the first time in ages. It was because I wanted to improve my Cooper-test results.
The feeling you get when running is great. Especially outside. I find it really easy to "disconnect" and forget that I'm running. Almost like a trance. It's also a great way to forget things that are bothering you, such as cravings, like the OP says.
At first it might suck a little, at least it did for me, but after running 3-4 times I found it a lot easier. Yesterday I tried the Cooper-test by myself and I had no trouble finishing it.
I recommend anyone who is interested in running to track their runs with the Nike+ Running app, or any other app for that matter.
>Under the experimental conditions, the highest yield to D9-THC was obtained at 110 °C and 110 min
I think it's better to say methamphetamine is neurotoxic, which it is^1, rather than say it kills brain cells. That rhetoric is just too loaded in anti-drug propaganda to be seriously considered by scientifically minded drug users.
Monetization for the creator, ad free, censorship free. Spread the word and let people post their videos on here so YT cannot censor and fuck with peoples revenues from ads.
Ps. Yes, sounds like a pornsite. Isn't one.
Your point would be more convincing if food addiction, sex addition, and gambling additions didn’t exist.
What you are talking about is called physical dependency.
There are no mass shootings in Portugal over decriminalized drugs. There are no shootings at the Coor’s Brewery over 6 packs. There are no gang slayings at Ivy League schools as college kids load up on Adderall.
Eliminate poverty, you have eliminated the majority of violent crime.
The more violent crime, the more overtime. What incentive is there to eliminate violent crime? None. There goes your overtime.
Would HIGHLY suggest start here, it’s an excellent read on the drug war: Chasing the Storm
He’ll lays it out, paragraph by paragraph, how the drug war was used to attack the African American community. Detail by detail, far better than I can.
Really required to understand the Drug War strategy and how it was implemented.
As the chief cop from Baltimore is quoted, “we went for the poor kids, easy pickings, we knew no one would care. No one.”
Chasing the Storm
It does have to do with willpower, but "just have more willpower" is not a followable instruction, and being a stubborn person doesn't protect you. Willpower is biochemical as well and affected by sensory input. There's a book called "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg that goes into this some.
In the case of drug addictions, often people have to learn what they do and don't have the ability to choose about - that often by the time you're faced with an opportunity to use a drug, it's too late for free choice, but that there are "upstream" choices like what environment you're in and what people you spend time with that affect your "downstream" behavior. So willpower is something you can build, but it isn't the same thing as stubbornness, it's a lot more complicated than that and involves figuring out how to steer your brain from a distance.
I truly look forward to the day you love yourself without any drugs at all, the day you take in nature and are happy to be outside and at peace. You can then remember what path you should be on and what kinds of people you should have around you. You need to avoid everybody around you who uses these drugs and find people who use other things - like games, cars, traveling, cooking, whatever. There's a game, Ingress you can put on your phone which is excellent for getting you out the house and clearing your mind of EVERYTHING.
Either that or you're the best law enforcement officer actor ever trying to make the users here show their colors with your click bait and drama - sure know how to make them fingers fly, detective.
You should read The Immortality Key
It details the ancient church’s relationship with drugs - mostly psychedelics and opioid type drugs. Happy reading!
Look for “I contain multitudes”, by Ed Yong. Incredibly informative and well written book.
Here’s him talking
Pretty sure this is the original paper as it has all the same universities listed that the article does
Brave is even better than FireFox for protecting your privacy online, and it is based on Chromium so it has the same compatibility with websites and extensions as Chrome.
It can optionally block all ads, tracking, and fingerprinting natively (with no extensions) too.
Eventually they are going to launch and optional advertising system where you get paid for all the ads that appear in your browser. If you opt-in, the tracking for that is done locally in your browser and, since Brave is open-source, you can verify that your data is not being shared with anyone.
my old band wrote a song a few years ago called "diphenhydramine lies" after an insane experience my buddy and i had involving it. notice the lyrics "nothing but a bunch of motherfucking bugs"
HPPD is uncommon. John Halpern and Harrison Pope, Jr. wrote on article on this awhile back. They interviewed over 500 Native American church members who had undergone the effects of Peyote well over 100 times, the results were inconclusive.
They went on to say: >"the data do not permit us to estimate, even crudely, the prevalence of ‘strict’ HPPD."
Hey, not sure how your conducting your study, but could you check out http://www.dedoose.com? I am the lead developer, it's an online app for conducting qualitative and mixed methods research, and this is an interesting study. Our team would be happy to provide assistance all across the board, and if you are willing to make the dataset public (de-indentifying the data of course), we will happily provide everything for free. ~ JT
In addition, you could get seizures once GHB's dopamine rebound kicks in, which in combination with methamphetamine could lower your seizure threshold(http://www.wikiwand.com/en/Gamma-Hydroxybutyric_acid#/Pharmacology) to such amount that you could actually get seizures.
Not to say you cant combine GHB with stimulants moderately safely, but it is better to watch your dose of both substances and if you can, take the GHB whilst on the comedown of the stimulant, not when peaking.
Eyeballing meth is a no go. A piece of meth the size of a grain of rice is enough to produce very strong effects if you don't have a large tolerance, it's super potent stuff.
He stopped recording because it was becoming too stressful/difficult for him.
His solo works are pretty highly rated on RYM (anything above a 3.5 is considered "above average" on there), which is one of my favorite music review sites https://rateyourmusic.com/artist/syd-barretta and he is well regarded on subs like /r/LetsTalkMusic
I think he really nails the acid comedown vibes on those solo albums but yeah it's not for everyone.
Those moments of absurdity are what I love about LSD. It makes you realize that everything we do in life is pretty much pointless and we are just doing random shit to pass the time until we inevitably die. Absurdism is the philosophy that is more or less based on exactly what you experienced on the ski lift.
Brave browser is working on being able to tip users directly with BAT coin, while also blocking ads and paying you BAT to you to see a few if you choose.
Never thought I'd be shilling something for free but here I am, lol.
what drugs? what chemicals? what the fuck are you talking about? https://www.amazon.com/AmazonBasics-8-Sheet-Cross-Cut-Credit-Shredder/dp/B00YFTHJ9C/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=paper+shredder&qid=1623311375&sr=8-1-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPUEyRkNRMVE2VTdIVUMmZW5jcnl...
Assume all SMS, phone calls, internet history etc is being logged by the NSA. Because they are.
If you want to keep your shit private download TextSecure and Redphone on Android or Signal on iOS. They're compatible with each other, use the same protocol and servers, and come from the same developers. There was a leaked NSA slide that said Redphone alone was "catastrophic" for their surveillance efforts. If NSA can't monitor it the cops certainly can't do shit.
For general web browsing use a VPN based outside of the Five Eyes. I like AirVPN.
Several reasons based on the mechanisms of action of each drug
Nicotine and amphetamine both release dopamine, so an interaction would further increase dopamine stimulation
Nicotine also weakly inhibits dopamine reuptake, which enables more dopamine to build up in the extracellular space in your brain. This mechanism along with the increased release of dopamine significantly increases extracellular dopamine in the brain
Amphetamines are bronchodilators, so smoke seems less harsh. More can be smoked comfortably, both in a single pull and over a session due to less irritation
Tobacco also contains mild MAOI's, which inhibit the breakdown of monoamine neurotransmitters (serotonin, melatonin, adrenaline, norepinephrine and dopamine). This increases the overall availability of these neurotransmitters, so the interaction with amphetamine causes more to be produced
Similar to the interaction affecting dopamine, the interaction causes increased glutamate levels in the brain. Nicotine releases glutamate and amphetamine blocks the reuptake causing the increase
Edit: Just found some cool research on the effects of amphetamine on tobacco consumption. Small sample size but very interesting discussion section
"In the cut" primarily refers to a location that is secluded or hard to find. It can be used in both urban and rural areas. In a metropolitan setting, a house or store that’s “back in the cut” would be in a place off the main drag, perhaps in an older or run-down neighborhood. Likewise, in the country when someone’s house is “out in the cut” it generally means that person’s house is off the map (far away from town, gravel roads, etc.)
Livin “down in the cut” isn’t necessarily a bad thing. You can throw some bangin-assed parties when there’s nobody else around to complain about em.
Man that is the most annoying part of social cocaine use right? By the time you need a bag that person that you brought with you because they wanted to try coke for the first time so you cheated them out of an extra 50$ cause they don't know how much white costs. You have to hang around them to let them continue sniffing the blow you want to take home. I had nowhere near that kind of addiction but its the same regardless.
This song by El-P helped me find some solace at a point in my life.
Sex is illegal. In a car, in the ass, loud sex, oral sex, minor sex, with an chicken, etc.
Depends on the state of course, but most states are stupid.
Don’t turn to drugs to dull the pain. It won’t go away, and it will dull the good emotions with it. Try to get over it sober, it will benefit you in the long run.
The long but right answer that goes far deeper than enjoying weed, but weed will definitely be amazing once you understand what I'm talking about for yourself:
If you really want to enjoy it, learn how to become lucidly aware and enjoy the present moment without weed first. I know this is kind of random, but I have had similar issues as you, and once I read a book called Waking Up by Sam Harris, I really started to have lucid glowing highs after a successful meditation. Basically, the problem is that weed tends to amplify the voice inside your head which is constantly judging your surroundings and yourself rather than accepting them. Most people accept that they are this incessant stream of thoughts because they haven't experienced an alternative. Meditation is an attempt to realize for yourself that this feeling is an illusion, and once you experience the moment prior to arising thought, you "awaken" from the ego (the feeling of identifying with thoughts, the feeling of being a separate self). Smoking alone is good advice because you won't have thoughts that others are judging you (paranoia) , but it's possible that you may still not have a good time and be unconsciously judging yourself even if you are alone. Learn to transcend thought altogether by experiencing the moment prior to the arising of thought, and the happiness of being alive will flow through you in every moment, or at least until you unconsciously identify with the next thought :) takes practice. Or just take a bite of some tasty food, listen to music, take a hot shower. Just do something that feels good, and embrace it. :)
He is actually talking about freedom from addictive thinking, which is the realization of detachment from thought and being aware of awareness itself through living in the now. He's speaking about Eckhart Tolle which is a western teacher of awareness, somewhat like buddhism. While this has some links to psychedelic states of being (namely one-ness with everything), it has absolutely nothing to do with any kind of drugs. Though anyone mildly interested in freedom from compulsive or excessive thinking should look up some videos or read The Power Of Now, it is a very well written method and it is free of religious nonsense (hi r/atheism).
Is this what you're looking for? Https://www.erowid.org Also a mobile app is available for erowid on android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.erowid.navigatorandroid
EDIT: Added link to android app
I haven't tried it, but I've read up on some studies that it does work for some people. Web md actually has a entire webpage on k. https://www.webmd.com/depression/features/what-does-ketamine-do-your-brain (Idk how to do links on here) and also cross check the information on the psychonaut wiki or erowid. Personally i thought about trying it for depression but shrooms have worked for me which I'm really happy about. Just remember that if you do try it, even in small doses, practice good harm reduction just in case. I hope you get better!
Meet the Fockers, during the old people sex yoga scene.
EDIT: Why the downvote? This is the scene.
Go ahead and do it yourself, though with a quick readthrough the article seems pretty conclusive on the increase in cortisol.
"safety of LSD" as a chemical to put in your body?
or "safety of LSD" as an experience modifying your behavior?
http://scholar.google.com/ <-- search "lysergic acid diethylamide"
http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_death.shtml#behavioral <-- this is a real danger.
If anyone is interested, I recently had the opportunity to speak with Nicholas Blackston, one of the recipients of this treatment. You can hear our interview here
This paper speculates that "oxytocin release, stimulated by MDMA through 5-HT1A receptors, may play a key role in the prosocial effects of MDMA and underlie some of the reinforcing effects of the drug." As an introvert and occassional socially awkward penguin, I'd be interested in anything that could be used as a social lubricant without intoxication.
Good news: You're fine, you're not going to die. You have nothing to worry about. I'm assuming you read online that withdrawals can be fatal...this is true, but that is always due to chronic, prolonged use over the course of months/years. People that take 6mg a day of Xanax for a year then abruptly stop will be at risk for seizures and other health complications.
A week of a completely normal dose? You're fine dude! Just try not to take it everyday. As for what you're feeling tonight, it's either due to actual anxiety that you're now noticing since you have been relieving it with the medication all week, or because you've become accustomed to using xanax as a sleep aid and are now struggling to sleep without it. Probably a combination of both.
My advice would be to not lay in bed trying to fall asleep, but walk around for a bit, sit down and read a book until you get tired again (but avoid staring at your phone/computer screen unless you install an app like f.lux), and get into your bed only when you're ready to fall asleep. It's harder to fall asleep the longer you lay in bed. It loses that "comfy" cocoon feeling that you initially get once crawling in.
I don't quite buy that weed is unconditionally an antipsychotic. I think some strains have far greater antipsychotic properties than others. There's some evidence that this ultimately comes down to the ratio of CBD to THC in a given strain, since CBD has been shown to reverse the social withdrawal that rats exhibit when dosed with THC, as well as compete with atypical antipsychotics in effectiveness for the treatment of schizophrenia.
Then again, that range in psychoactive profiles is just another strange thing about weed. For what it's worth, I don't smoke it anymore, but I still think it's a fascinating little plant.
Except the label "all natural" is not regulated for foods other than meat and poultry. Source.
Uh, where are you finding a scale that measures down to the microgram? That's not the method anyone uses to make this kind of measurement.
Read this: https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_chromatography–mass_spectrometry
>It has some stimulant properties, but because these are not as significant as its other effects it is generally classified as a psychedelic hallucinogen.
> The basic way to calculate your maximum heart rate is to subtract your age from 220. For example, if you're 45 years old, subtract 45 from 220 to get a maximum heart rate of 175. This is the maximum number of times your heart should beat per minute during exercise.
The one where Stan wants a promotion and sends steve to private school to be with his boss' daughter. Roger ends up going to the school and partying with the girl and gets her kidnapped by drug dealers. Its on hulu
edit; FOUND IT: http://www.hulu.com/watch/229045/american-dad-school-lies
For anyone seriously interested in learning more about Mycoremediation I'd suggest reading Paul Stammets seminal text Mycelium Running. His TED talk, 6 Way Mushrooms Can Save The World, is great 16-minute primer that will introduce the viewer to specific areas of research and application on the beneficial uses of mycelium to remediate degraded land bases.
Why did you not mention Escrow? Then You dont have to worry about a "lost Order" or scammer because you get your money back when the order doesnt arrive .
And Bitcoin isnt really insecure for a buyer. If you are so paranoid, use a bitxoin Mixer. And use a local wallet which you have on your pc or usb, like Electrum.
Yes they are all poison, instead of spines the cactus uses poison to deter predators. What they said in the show was accurate. And yes the dose makes the poison, don't worry Im not shitting on mescaline.
a substance that through its chemical action usually kills, injures, or impairs an organism
Does mescaline not impair you? Yes it does
At least a few of them will probably ignore the ban. Since marijuana is technically illegal in Holland, most police have been looking the other way regarding coffee shops for years. I think I'd rather go to Portugal for narco-tourism these days anyway.
EDIT: Yeah, I was right.
For those who didn't read the article: Those were all generated by a computer and the research had nothing to do with psychedelics.
Nationwide stop and frisk? Where the hell do you live? Whenever I need to hide my stash, usually going through security at a festival, I use this brilliant gadget ⬇️. Got it for my birthday a few years back and it’s a game changer.
Man i respect your advice but you've got me totally wrong. I don't do psychs or smoke cannabis to get away from reality, i do them to provide a more quality of life. I am diagnosed with anxiety, depression and BPD(Borderline depressive disorder). What works for me is smoking weed and doing shrooms atleast once a month. At a young age your brain is more vulnerable to change and with shrooms i have almost completely got rid of all my anxiety. I have read many books on the subject, most recently ; Search Inside Yourself by Chade meng Tan.
I used to be really ignorant, i was a polydrug user. Just taking what i could get my hands on. But one day i got my hands on some very potent liberty caps, i ingested 3.5 g and it opened my eyes, it showed me that i don't need to do drugs to numb myself. I saw that psychs and weed could help me.
if anything.....grind it to a powder and cook it into some chocolate like this: http://allrecipes.com/recipe/magic-mint-chocolate-bark/
at least you can rule out the customs agents from giving you a bad day. Now all you need to worry about is trusting your friend!
Listing - https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/15758095 . Hoping this isn't old content, I found it curious the property owner (who seems to be pushing the news story) fails to mention the location was a drug lab. Isn't there laws requiring disclosing this information, at least when selling a property? Oh yeah I forgot: fuck Krystal Cole
I do not know a whole lot about chemistry but googling I found that in general flour is not soluble in water since it is made up of multiple things The multiple things are as follows source:
Glutenin: Not soluble in water but soluble in alcohol
Gliadin: Which is partially water soluble but is alcohol soluble
Albumin: Is water soluble
Globulin: Is water soluble
The problem though is when Albumin & Globulin mix with water they form Glutenin which like I said above is soluble in alcohol.
Basically if you mix ur shit with water or alcohol your just going to get rid of like 15% of it.
Here's an article about how Cameron is working towards an opt-out filter.
http://www.zdnet.com/article/uk-to-automatically-filter-adult-internet-content/ >UK Prime Minister David Cameron has announced an agreement signed with the country's four largest internet service providers to have home network-based internet filters switched on by default for subscribers by the end of next year
Cameron's overall comments through the article are pretty disturbing. It seems like he's really trying to sell this filter:
>"No more hassle of downloading filters for every device, just one click protection. One click to protect your whole home and keep your children safe."
Also, about your phone, you should look into getting the filter turned off:
>In addition to this, all UK mobile operators already have adult content filters on phones automatically that can only be deactivated with proof that the user is over 18 years of age.
I guess the whole discussion of filtering doesn't really make sense from my perspective coming from the States. Over here, there are a lot of conservatives. There is no discussion of internet filters being mandated by the government going on at all, yet it seems every ISP in the UK offers a filter.
if anyone is interested, here's salvador dali's take on phosphenes as related to "intrauterine memories":
Definitely worth reading - its a short easy read. I read it in a book combined bundled with "Heaven and Hell". His other more popular works particularly Brave New World and Island are well worth investigating as well.
I'm guessing you'd like Alan Watts as well if you're not already aware of him. Here is a great starting point.
It never used to be methadone or nothing, before the war on people, it was prescribed to addicts, and there are some who still have a prescription after trials in the mid 90s (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0740547296001559). Another trial here
As an analgesic, you would be very unlikely to see it given outside of a hospital, because of its addictive nature and the stigma which would no doubt follow such use.
And Kid Cudi -talked about doing DMT on the Joe Rogan Experience
Makonnen's songs are very psychedelic and he talks about shrooms,
A$AP ROCKY who is very mainstream talks about acid and having orgees on it (even has a song L.$.D.)
Action bronson- raps about acid and all kinds of crazy shit.
Finally my favorite Killer Mike and LP or Run The Jewels take shrooms while recording then rap about it. check out http://genius.com/1913333.
Peer reviewed articles are the best places to look for evidence of the possibility of physical damage due to an ingested substance...erowid has links to some articles that might be useful on the MDMA page, although lots of them are outdated. a quick google search of MDMA neurotoxicity brings up these results:
I'd recommend posting this question to askscience, I bet they'd have much better sources than this google search. And then you wouldn't have to do the legwork yourself
I'm scared to watch that for many reasons... I liked how when we were overseas the follow up was advertised as "Bad Trip 2".
Memory is such a weird unreliable thing. I watched a part of the muppet movie on youtube where they take a left at the fork in the road, and my memory of it was completely different to what I (re-)watched 30 odd years later. Same concept, completely different visual representation.
Peter Garret also has a short memory.
The only time I think I'll take benzo's from now on is for long haul flights and I don't see too many of those in my future anyway.
The paradox of addiction is that you want the thing more and more, but enjoy it less and less. Heroin is obviously the extreme but this is true of pretty much everything. A pretty neat article about it.
Glad you had this realization and are able to use it to help yourself.
When these type of threads come up, I always mention liver flushing.
I abused ecstasy (MDMA) a few years ago and then one night I got this horrible pain in my gut. It didn't go away, even after about a year, and I felt sick all the time, like you described.
I went to the doctor. She told me to consider coming in to have my gallbladder taken out. That scared me, so I went home and typed gallbladder cleanse or something similar into Google.
Basically you eat vegetarian for a week, and drink a liter or more of apple juice per day. The malic acid in the apple juice is helpful to dissolve the gallstones in the liver and make them smaller and easier to expunge.
Then the 6th or 7th day, you eat less and drink a mixture of olive oil and grapefruit juice, which stimulates the gall bladder to dilate and produce lots of bile to empty out the liver. Most of the gallstones are actually in the liver, not the gallbladder, although some are also there.
The next morning you'll wake up and poop out stones. It's pretty fucking wild. For me, as soon as this happened, the pain in my gut went away for the first time in 1 year. And I don't feel sick anymore. It was insane.
If you want to learn more, you can buy the book, or I can upload the ebook.
Here it is on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Liver-Gallbladder-Miracle-Cleanse-All-Natural/dp/1569756066/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1426107626&sr=1-1
I have the book because it's easier for me to read it in print versus a pdf. But I'll get you a link.
Here's the PDF http://www.filedropper.com/theliverandgallbladdermiraclecleanse
Yo it is really easy to take on the plane- just hide it well.
I just tripped at Angkor 2 months ago on shrooms I had found in Thailand- great experience.
Also it is really easy to find drugs in Siem Reap- I could score most everything quickly and I believe there was a restaurant called euphoria? that sold mushroom shakes for ~5 bucks.
If you are traveling as a young person i would recommend this hostel-
Nicest place I stayed over 5 months of travel. PM me if you want any other info.
If it really freaks you out you can go the ultra paranoid route and use Tor it's a proxy web browser and can be downloaded here. A few things though, google will not work with Tor, because they don't let proxy networks (which is what Tor is) use their website. Also, it's way slow.
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.
Sadly, most people come with small minds and they enjoy talking shit about others. I was in your place before, my advice is you need to find a new group of friends, people that you are comfortable with and give you the best of times.
All the best.
My typical order from Amazon...
I love the way it lingers... makes it smell like home to me. If I go to another person's place and it has the lingering smell of incense, I feel comfortable as if I'm home.
Edit: If I go to someone's home and it smells like children... shakes head ... It's like being in some alien world.
Fuck drugs nigga, read a book.
"When Breath Becomes Air" by Paul Kalinithi
"Being Mortal" by Atul Gawande
Death is just the final chapter of our lives, and a very important one at that. Our society has a sick tendency to approach death with apprehension and anxiety, which is completely normal but wrong. It takes a lot for someone to come to terms with death and dying and I would HIGHLY recommend not taking psychedelics before you do.
OP, I'm sending good vibes your way. Self awareness can sometimes be a curse, you know?
Look into meditation and mindfulness
Mindfulness in Plain English is a solid way to get started http://www.urbandharma.org/udharma4/mpe1-4.html
Meditation does require practice every day to see any of the benefits.
If you have anxiety, I would recommend at least having a good understanding of how to be mindful before taking psychedelics. It's an invaluable skill.
As other people have mentioned, taking a magnesium supplement that has high bioavailability, like magnesium glycinate, may help to reduce your anxiety
Seriously, meditation and mindfulness are literally mind hacks. It can change your life in ways which you cannot imagine unless you experience it for yourself. When you practice mindfulness (the quality of mind cultivated in meditation), you are literally playing your mind like a video game. There are heightened states of awareness which will provide the deepest insights into human psychology. There are also states of boundless love for all sentient beings. I really encourage you to read Waking Up by Sam Harris. The power and potential of the human mind, sober as well, is FAR more amazing than most people will ever realize.
Meditation definitely isn't a uniform concept in that there are many traditions that approach it very differently as far as what you're doing when you sit. I just picked up meditation myself, and the book Mindfulness in Plain English was perfect for getting me started. It focusses solely on vipassana or mindfulness meditation, so do a little research on the different types, then decide what's best for you.
Hey man. Didn't read the enitre thing. But just wanted to spread the knowledge that many of the positive aspects of the psychedelic experience like awareness are possible to transfer over to everyday life through meditation. Read the book Waking Up by Sam Harris for a guide on how to do this. Really life-changing stuff, at least for me.
You're right, on my phone so linking proof is a hassle but i did a final project on it. Makes sense if you think about it, people who do drugs do them regardless of legality. It if self medication logotherapy style. Logotherapy conceptually makes sense via definition but proper awareness of its use is through reading Viktor Frankl's, "Man's Search for Meaning"
So, years back, I had one of my first psychedelic experiences and realized that I had no control over my mind. My emotions dictated how I felt, not the other way around. I was being led around on by my internal state like a leaf on the wind.
So, I read a book called "Mindfulness in Plain English" and it taught me how to meditate and why (this book is online every, just google the title with "pdf" after.) And I read some of BKS Iyengar's work and taught myself to do yoga. And I read the Tao Te Ching, and it taught me to let go.
Yoga and meditation are practices that I still haven't incorporated into my every day, but I try to do them as much as I can. Times when I forget, I feel anxious and worried about the smallest things. Times when I remember and practice, I feel like I effortlessly flow through life with a smile on my face.
I truly hope this helps you on your journey, friend.
It was an editing decision to keep it simple... I wasn't part of the editing process... and YES. We absolutely can differentiate between them (and over 200 other substances) with the eight reagents we currently offer. Want to browse through the reactions? Check out bunkpolice.com/browse and through our Bunkleaks Android app
I've started making a list of videos to watch while high or tripping. It's a big range of stuff with some of them being better than others, though I'm still working on it.
Was going to just make a youtube playlist but a lot of these I found on vimeo so yea.
You've never heard of Krokodil (Desomorphine) have you?
Yeah that's serotonin syndrome.
Don't do that again, that's honestly dangerous as fuck. You gotta research these drugs before you do them man.
The only thing i found is called "Alprazolam Intensol", link there are also pictures of it on the "images" tab. I think that's for the US? Not sure
> I'll have random pain
What type of pain and where?
>I take Adderall because I'm otherwise completely paralyzed and bedridden.
Were you like this before you ever tried stimulants? Because if that's the case it sounds like you've been relying on the drug's euphoria to motivate you. Taking amphetamines can mask depression for awhile...until tolerance gets bad.
>adderall works randomly and some days I'll be up and out with tons of energy and complete bliss. This sometimes occurs for two weeks every two months or varies day to day. It makes dosing incredibly difficult. Some days I'll be unnaturally paranoid and paralyzed and that just started a few months ago. Before, no paranoia occurred ever.
That timeline I bolded is pretty significant. Does the same thing happen for depressive episodes? Have you been checked out for bipolar ii? You'd probably know if you had Bipolar i because true mania is a lot easier for doctors to spot than bipolar ii's hypomania. My doctor didn't even spot bipolar, I had to bring it up. He put me on lamictal and 3 weeks later I started feeling much better. After years of trying various anti-depressants to no avail, I was finally comfortable in my own skin. It's worth looking into if you haven't already!
Hello, I'm a bot! The movie you linked is called Planet Earth II, here are some Trailers
Here's a link to a bunch of articles on this very topic - not bro science at all