Know your rights (posted before,should be in a sidebar)
know your rights-criminal justice and garda powers
while since i read them but to my knowledge misuse of drugs+ offensive weapons act= you have 0 rights, comply and be polite.
They're the shit
Get a box of 50 books from Amazon, you get 100 roches out of each book & they're only about a tenner a box.
Beats ripping up packs of Rizla by a mile
PGP encrypts your messages to the dealer, as you only want them to be able to see your name and address. If a drug market's server or dealers account ever got taken over by the law or scammers you don't want any of your personal details on it available for them to see. This explains how it works
Tails is an operating system like Windows 10/Mac OS Sierra/Linux etc, but it doesn't store information on the dodgy stuff your doing. When you shut your computer down it erases all the bad stuff. The awesome thing about it is you run it from a regular usb stick plugged into your computer, so you wont have any dark net related software (like tor browser) actually on your computer. There is also no record of you accessing tor or the drug markets* on your computer as its all done from Tails, which doesn't store that information as mentioned earlier. Tails comes with bitcoin wallets and the tor browser preinstalled and you can (should) encrypt the usb stick too so that no one but you can access it ever.
*Even with running Tails, unless you are also running a VPN (check darknetmarketnoobs for recommended ones), Eircom/Vodafone/Virgin or whoever you get your internets from will be able to see you are accessing the dark web, but they will not be able to see what you do once you get there.
If I were you I'd get some kitchen scales that have high accuracy so if the unthinkable happened you might be able to pass them off as actual scales you do use in the kitchen. Leave them in a kitchen cupboard beside the flour or rice. Use a folded piece of card to do your weighing on and make sure no residue gets on the scales itself. People do have digital kitchen scales in their cupboards but they don't have little small ones that only weight up to 100g in their bedroom drawer.
E.g. :
I don’t want to disagree with the post above me , however that’s a bit of hokus pokus , your buds might not get much bigger depending on strain and circumstances. What you essentially really need to do instead of looking at frost and all the other things , get a scope for e.g
Then check the trichomes , you ideally want a amber/milky white mix , harvesting to early might rob potential , leaving too long same thing. Don’t go by an outside look , you essentially need a microscope for best time to harvest , it could be 3 weeks , could be 6 weeks to go
What problem were you having with Tails? Did you start here:
In situations like this you don't want to be the low hanging fruit if things go belly up, so I personally would follow the advice of the expert's advice strictly. Some people don't and nothing bad happens to them, but that doesn't mean it won't happen to you.
If you can get Tails to work and you PGP encrypt your communications you should be good, but Im no expert.
Here you go bud. Would highly recommend it, still living at home and it keeps all my stuff nice and safe and keeps the smell at bay too!
If you look at the trichomes on the bud itself with a magnifying glass you'll have a good idea. You want them to be mostly cloudy with some amber. Something like this would work (
Going by the pistils I'd say another few weeks. How many weeks into flower is she? What was the guidance from the supplier?
I wouldn’t get pH strips if you care about being accurate with this. Just think, a few points difference in pH could mean you lose the whole crop, it struggles the whole way through or your yield is greatly diminished. Get one of these and get a bottle of pH 7 buffer solution so you can regularly calibrate it. Anything other than a good pH meter and you’re basically safer off just guessing.
Ztoone Solar Powered String Lights, LED Copper Wire Lights, Fairy Lights, Indoor/Outdoor Waterproof Solar Decoration Lights for Gardens, Home, Dancing, Party, Christmas (5M)
If you go through a lot it might be worth getting but I don't have too many
This book will certainly teach you, also I recommend growing autos to start, take much less time to produce and with this book you'll get 3-5 ounces per plant 😁
I had one bad grow with a shitty LED 😅 but Invested in a decent spider farmers LED and I've been getting 3 to 5 ounces per plant 😁 I also put it down to using this bookas my grow bible
This is the tent:
This is the light (unavailable) but I'd opt for a light from this brand that fits in a 30x30 tent. The key thing is that it has to be dimmable!
I got all other bits (filter, soil etc) from growtent. Was delivered in 7 days :)
I grow in coco, wasn't having this success until I picked up this book changed my grows substantially, the smell is grand really, it doesn't stink the whole house out, the tent tends to kinda keep the small light, I started with the sf1000 which consumes 100 watts which is perfect for 1 plant, just stepped up to the sf2000 just so I can have to plants no hassle 😁
I recommend this book for growing in Coco 😁, it's an autoflower just took 10 weeks total.only took 4 weeks to go into flower 😁
Think the tents 4x2, using sf2000 by spider farmers, I also grow in coco, got great results by using this book really recommend it! 😁 Years man, happy growing 😁
You should also use a vpn. ExpressVPN is what I’d recommend. Once you connect over a vpn, launch Tor. There’s a subreddit dedicated to dark net markets, also might be around still? Should be fairly straightforward form there, but you’ll obviously need to buy some bitcoin before you can purchase anything. Also when it comes to your shipping details be sure to encrypt your name and address with the sellers gpg key. Most markets will tell you how to do this. Glhf
I would recommend growing in coco, I find it produces great yields 😁 this is the coco I use (could be out of stock on this site though) also I recommend using only canna nutrients since it's a canna medium, but you should definitely get this book it is my Bible, best of luck with what ever you end up using 😁
This doesnt break the bank
How's it going OP? Do you need assistance? I figure it's a wordpress site. Using something like react.js and making it open-source it on github will allow other developers to work on the code with you.
Thanks, I'm very happy the way she turned out 😁 the doses I was putting in changed week by week, the best way to find out is to use this book this was my Bible for growing this plant 😁
You don't have to go for an expensive tent, save the money for the light is use this one it's worth the money so if you get a slim tent your laughing 😁 it lovely smoke really enjoying the buzz, hope you get your grow set up 😁
Thanks 😁I posted a picture a few hours on here of the harvest in jar's earlier if you want to have a look, weighed in a 4.25 ounces, I use spider farmer sf-1000 for my light and for the medium I use Coco coir instead of soil, this book is a must buy if you want to grow in coco, wouldn't have that yeild if it wasn't for that book
Thanks will do, Been a dream of mine since I started smoking myself 😅 was easier and cheaper, than I taught it would be to set up, and if you are growing in coco this book is a must buy
Cheers 😁 wasn't that difficult to put the space together was able to get most of the supplies here or of Amazon, but this book was a massive help too, it wasn't to bad some days you could smell it outside the room but it was all over the house bad and the neighbors couldn't smell anything
Unnatural Selection is about bio-hacking. Really interesting stuff.
Night on earth. What animals get up to @ night on a full moon.
Bates Motel. Strange as fuk. Good tho.
All on Netflix but I use Stremio to watch. Just add the community add-ons.
As said above, Mason jars do the trick. I put mine in this as well for added smell proofing.
Ok dude, vape is super simple, like incredibly simple.
If you can charge a phone you can vape. This is what I use:
All you do is grind up and pour about half a joints worth into the chamber and turn it on, its very efficient and most people will think you're just smoking a regular vape.
I've never touched tobacco so never learned to roll.
Would something like this work for short periods of power cuts? It has 1900w and runs at 59db so fairly quiet.
This is what I have used in my 60cm*60cm*120cm tent for growing
Does the job and not expensive to run but I have it hooked up to a few sensors through a raspberry pi so if the temps get too hot, it turns off and extra exhaust fans turn on, temps too low the heater turns on and extra exhaust stops.
My friends and I were big on rolling well when we were young so I definitely get where you're coming from. Tbf though some people just don't care about rolling itself or don't want to spend the time to learn and we just have to accept that.
Trust us though, these are def pre rolled papers, like from here
I haven't seen or heard of Highland papers in 20 years, I didn't know they were still around! Were they the ones that used to have the stripping police woman in the roach book? Like every roach revealed the next frame lol
They probably use something like this themselves, pre rolled cones and some ground up weed your ready to go.
If your on a serious budget you can get adaptors for e27 to b27 DiCUNO 6-Pack B22 to E27, Bayonet to Screw Socket Converter Socket Adapter Lamp Base Adapter for LED Bulbs and Incandescent Bulbs and CFL Bulbs
Get a good book on growing, there are a few decent ones, but here's one I thought good
The internet is filled with good advice (& some bad advice) but if you follow all of it you'll surely kill your plant with kindness. It's a plant, if you mange it's environment reasonably well it will grow.
In my opinion a small tent is much easier to grow in and less hassle generally than a 'lash up' with an old closet/bucket etc
In terms of cheap LED lighting pay attention ONLY to watts of power consumed at the wall, you want ~120W of 1/2 decent LED's for a 60cm x 60cm grow area.
is there a grow shop near you? if so pop in for a chat
Could start with a little radio? Something like this is great starter kit if you not too concerned about the project at end. Good practice, contains all you need, and you can actually see (or hear for that matter) an end result with the satisfaction that goes with it. Some other training kits out there but is purely for soldering purposes so it's nothing functional. I could worst case put up a kit from my end with all i got if you want. Could be used to make a Bluetooth speaker or something like that.
Here’s two:
La La Pet Lady Retro Smoking Ring Holder Small Hand Shelf Cigarette Holder Pipe(Golden,M)
And this tent
Smell isn't going to be an issue, the whole complex reeks of weed anyways, chances of being raided are low so realistically I could have it out in the open but fuck that. Looking for mainly an automatic watering system or something I can control from my phone, pots (gonna plant six plants) and some form of camera to keep an eye when I go away for a few days, I can sort that one myself I think just needs to be connected to the phone.
An ounce of THC shake is £55 why would anyone buy this at this price?
100G of Marshmallow leaf that they use in the coffee shops in Amsterdam is £10 -
Because you mentioned quietness I’ll link this
I don’t own that fan myself, I have a cheaper one that is quite noisy, but will upgrade to this at some point. Anyone who I’ve read about having used it swears by it though.
You can get cheaper bundles, but because the noise of your fan is important to you (it wasn’t as important a factor for me) you probably will need to spend that bit extra on the fan.
As for filters, check out Rhino Pro, Mountain Air or Phresh filters. Mountain air is the most expensive of the three. The Rhino Pro I’m using has impressed me so far, no smell at all from my tent unless I open the door of it.
yeah i got biobizz nutrients and the plant seems to be loving them! yes i have an LED light i got on amazon! here is a link to a similar one as mine isn't on sale anymore.. The only issue with mine is the fans are a bit louder then i would like so I've ordered some silent 80mm pc fans to replace the existing ones
Guaranteed it’s a pH issue then. Those meters are incredibly inaccurate. Honestly if you’re serious about saving your crop, you’re going to have to invest about €60-70 euro here to get a good pH meter and a TDS meter, although no need to get an expensive one of those because it’s a very rudimentary circuit in it.
This is the one I use and I can can attest to it’s accuracy.
Fair enough I suppose, although I've been mixing tobacco into my joints for a couple of years now and I don't smoke cigarettes or tobacco otherwise!
Anyways here ya go: