Before using's services, please consider the fact that [ShapeShift's CIO is an advisor for law enforcement groups](/r/Bitcoin/comments/6q319b/shapeshifts_cio_is_an_advisor_for_law_enforcement/) and a member of the Blockchain Intelligence Group. ShapeShift also [publishes all transactions](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/d97avyb/) (amounts, times, currencies, etc.) on a public API, and [you should expect no privacy from ShapeShift](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/) for various reasons.
There are several ShapeShift competitors operating. Examples (sorted alphabetically): or xmrto2bturnore26.onion/nojs/
/r/DarkNetMarkets does not endorse nor make money from any of the above services.
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Sorry I just don't get why every other guide says to use a VPN and why it would be bad to use one? I mean for example NordVPN is widely used by many people even in first world countries nowadays. It's advertised on some of the biggest youtube channels such as PhilipDeFranco. I've been planning on just using a VPN for all of my internet usage full stop. Why would this be inadvisable? I mean even outside of DMN more and more people have advised using a VPN due to terrible data protection and net neutrality going in the toilet in the USA.
If using tails isn't an option for me right now, a VPN is not a suitable replacement? I am studying the bible further at this moment and thank you for your time.
You can buy a Windows computer. You are going to use Tails on a USB stick which won't affect the windows on the computer. People say don't buy Mac because there are conflicts with installing and using tails.
Make sure whatever you buy is not on the "known issues" list:
Edit: And make sure you have two USBs 8gb or larger to do the Tails install. Known to work USB list:
Tails is a live operating system, that you can start on almost any computer from a DVD, USB stick, or SD card. It aims at preserving your privacy and anonymity, and helps you to:
use the Internet anonymously and circumvent censorship; all connections to the Internet are forced to go through the Tor network;
leave no trace on the computer you are using unless you ask it explicitly;
use state-of-the-art cryptographic tools to encrypt your files, emails and instant messaging.
You should use it for your orders on markets.
>Wondering if it is possible to use your phone for the entire process of buying something off the darknet? From start to finish, could one actually never have to turn on their computer and only use their phone ??
I'm sure that people do this, but smartphones are inherently insecure devices.
The cellular carrier can typically get complete control of the phone remotely and dump its memory. The FBI can probably do the same with a Stingray.
If you have a computer, boot Tails on it and use it for your darknet market transactions.
NordVPN, who I use, are GDPR compliant. Meaning that if you think they're keeping logs, you can request all the info they have on you. I did it and all they had was my email. So just find a GDPR compliant VPN. No VPN company can hide now, really, because they risk a 20million euro fine if they lie about the data they have on you, or at least that's my understanding.
Free one's usually do sell the data to third parties. Talking about good VPN's I'm personally using NordVPN, it costs, but it's pretty cheap if you get the 3 year deal. I heard that ZenMate is also good, but didn't tried it, so can't tell you a lot about it. But you can just try both free trials to compare yourself.
So before you get started on your journey you need to ask yourself a couple of things. What is your use for tor/tails/anonymity? If you're asking here I assume you are looking to buy off the DNMs. Just browsing the DNMs is fine to do through tor only (tor being the browser only). Now if it comes down to purchases, you need to run for through tails ( a Linux operating system that you will boot off a USB). The reason why you want to boot from a separate os is so you keep whatever you are doing off your laptop's hard drive (among a lot of other reason). There is a link to the "Bible" in the sidebar you should read and memorize that. Ask questions if you need help understanding a concept. Whatever your use for tor and tails, always read first. Read through this and then come back here to ask questions or feel free to ask here. Edit: typing this from mobile was hard. Edit 2: forgot da rules (removed violating text)
you can use tails your personal computer.
here a bit more detailed:
Using Tails on a computer doesn't alter or depend on the operating system installed on it. So you can use it in the same way on your computer, a friend's computer, or one at your local library. After shutting down Tails, the computer will start again with its usual operating system.
Tails is configured with special care to not use the computer's hard-disks, even if there is some swap space on them. The only storage space used by Tails is in RAM, which is automatically erased when the computer shuts down. So you won't leave any trace on the computer either of the Tails system itself or what you used it for. That's why we call Tails "amnesic".
This allows you to work with sensitive documents on any computer and protects you from data recovery after shutdown. Of course, you can still explicitly save specific documents to another USB stick or external hard-disk and take them away for future use.
tl;dr you can use Tails on your normal computer and do not have to buy a burner laptop.
I don't think that using OS X is any less safe than using Windows.
You should avoid both of those operating systems, if you can.
See if you can boot Tails on your Mac hardware instead.
Totally man! So what you want todo is this:
Get Tails on a USB key, this way you won't need a HDD. As of right now, I wouldn't worry about VPN. I would personally recommend adopting a VERY STRICT policy of never accessing a DNM (or Tor anything at all) from home. Take a nice drive somewhere, some place without cameras.
As far as encryption, I would recommend this:
Create a public/private key (within the application itself), this is used to decrypt all data that has been encrypted with your public key. Also used to encrypt messages before you send them.
With the minimum of researh you would find this
The Raspberry Pi and many tablets are based on the ARM architecture. Tails does not work on the ARM architecture so far. If you could find that and could read that... I am not sure what is unclear.
Rasberry pi = ARM Tails + ARM = FAIL therefore... . . . No. It cannot.
using os x to buy fro dnms is discouraged, however using tails on a mac is completely fine. start you journey here and do not hesitate to ask your questions in this sub if you have some.
good luck and stay safe.
>What is TAILS?
Tails is a Linux based security and anonymity focused operating system that you boot on your computer from a DVD or a USB flash drive.
>Why is it important that I use it?
Tails normally doesn't write to your internal hard drive so that once it is shut down, there is no evidence of its use left on your computer. Tails can be setup with an encrypted "persistence partition" to save your PGP keys and other important info.
If you don't use Tails and your computer is seized, evidence of your using the darknet markets could be left on it for the authorities to locate and use against you.
You can boot tails in a virtual machine (VM) in windows 8.1 but I'd recommend to download tails, burn it on a usb, stick it into your computer (if you haven't already), shut down windows and select your usb when you reboot.
You can find all information you need about tails for a beginner here:
Before you buy from the market I'd also recommend to lurk around at /r/darknetmarkets and /r/darknetmarketsnoobs to gain knowledge and read the wikis.
>I just want to buy 2 or 3 tabs of LSD and ship to my house. My friend online says you don't need to do stuff like use TAILS, Pgp encryption, tumble bitcoins, or use a vpn.
your friend is wrong. let us say that law enforcement seized your order and raids your house. they will find everything they need to successfully prosecute you and put you in jail. if you would have used the would find no evidence that you ordered the lsd and ideally you refuse to talk to them too and redirect them to your lawyer [that you have researched beforehand].
so take your time and do it right. start with installing tails [] and read through the resources on the sidebar to learn all the other necessary topics. if you have questions or problems post them here.
tails not only provides an enormous security boost but also has all the tools you need for ordering from dnms installed. it can not get much easier than that.
better invest an hour into a secure setup now than having to hear a judge reading your sentence.
>safest place to store coin.
Electrum Wallet on Tails with the seed. SAFE THE SEED OF YOUR WALLET or your BTCs will be gone forever.
>And best software to run to encrypt computers.
Use Tails, it saves nothing on the computer when you shut it down. When you want to encrypt files, use TrueCrypt. But only the 7.1a version, that's the one wich is safe.
Here you can find it.
If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.
Have a nice day! Yours,
It is a security / anonymity focused Linux based operating system that boots from a DVD or a USB flash drive. It comes with the Tor Browser, Electrum bitcoin wallet, a PGP application and other useful tools builtin.
Before you spend money on a laptop go to the tails website and familiarize yourself with machines that have known issues. The link is here Most recent laptops will not have an issue.
Follow the guide on the side bad (Step by Step) to set up Tails. Its super easy even if you arent tech savvy.
>What's a VPN router in comparison to a normal vpn
Tails does not support VPNs, unfortunately:
A VPN router is separate device that has a VPN client running on it.
If you want to use Tails with a VPN, one way of doing so is to purchase a VPN router and put the machine running Tails behind it.
Tails is a Linux live system which you can boot off a USB stick or DVD which does not touch your interal hard drives.
You can boot it, browse Tor and immediately boot into your installed OS again without Tails having left any trace on your computer.
It works out of the box on almost any computer, is really easy to use and very well-documented:
No it's a good idea actually. Just make sure to spoof your MAC address, which you can do by selecting Yes when asked if you want more options.
Do an extended test to see if your leaking your IP while using a VPN.
You might have just got caught downloading some porn while your VPN configuration leaked your ip address/your torrent client booted up automatically with your computer before the vpn was started.
From the Tails website
>Some users have requested support for VPNs in Tails to "improve" Tor's anonymity. You know, more hops must be better, right?. That's just incorrect -- if anything VPNs make the situation worse since they basically introduce either a permanent entry guard (if the VPN is set up before Tor) or a permanent exit node (if the VPN is accessed through Tor).
>Similarly, we don't want to support VPNs as a replacement for Tor since that provides terrible anonymity and hence isn't compatible with Tails' goal.
TailsOS doesn't recommend or support the installation of a VPN within it's operating system. You can look at their main website for more details:
If you want to use VPN + TailsOS together, you should consider running TailsOS within VirtualBox/VMware as a guest, whilst having your VPN client (I use OpenVPN on my main OS with my private OS virtualized and encrypted) installed on your main host operating system. This way, you won't have to jeopardize the security of Tails and waste countless hours upon reversing permission/firewall settings that were put in place.
If you still wish to attempt to install VPN in Tails, you could try the following(Not recommended) You can install openvpn from cmdline manually with: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install openvpn -- Then download the OpenVPN configs from your different VPN vendors.
You'll likely run into permission/firewall issues, which will require you to manually edit things and essentially undermine the security of TailsOS. It's not impossible, just the process of going about it this way is en-cumbersome.
when you can make the automatic upgrade then you just have to go through the wizard, then reboot and you are finished. here more details
if you need to upgrade manually follow these instructions
>Some users have requested support for VPNs in Tails to "improve" Tor's anonymity. You know, more hops must be better, right?. That's just incorrect -- if anything VPNs make the situation worse since they basically introduce either a permanent entry guard (if the VPN is set up before Tor) or a permanent exit node (if the VPN is accessed through Tor).
>Similarly, we don't want to support VPNs as a replacement for Tor since that provides terrible anonymity and hence isn't compatible with Tails' goal.
Quoted from the official tails website
Using Tails is enough for buyers and vendors.
> resale
That is the riskiest part. Dealing IRL is super dangerous compared to just ordering online for personal consumption.
Don't use a VPN, as tails themselves recommend against it.
>Anyway, I should start looking a way to get over that by at least, getting TAILS maybe?
yes, absolutely. please start here:
>On top of that friends, do I need a cryptocurrency hardware wallet for a safer purchase experience?
no, tails already has a bitcoin wallet installed [electrum]. you can use that. please only use electrum on tails, because otherwise an attacker can tie your identity to the bitcoins you send to a marketplace offering drugs.
Whenever a new version of Tails is released, a list of security issues present in the previous version is also released. Here is the list for version 2.4 -
It is your decision whether or not to place an order using software that contains all of these known, public vulnerabilities. If you think that your order is insignificant enough, and/or that these vulnerabilities are unlikely to be used against you, then go ahead and stick with 2.4. If you are concerned about these security holes or want to be as cautious as possible, better to update first. It's your opsec so ultimately it is a decision you should make for yourself.
Be safe.
You can type it in the notes text box in plain text but don't do that.
Get vendor's PGP key from his profile page on Alphabay. Copy into blank text file. Save somewhere.
TAILS has PGP Encrypt/Decrypt utility in system tray. Open it. Find option in menu to import PGP key. Select the text file you made with vendor PGP key in it. Vendor PGP key will now be added to the PGP system tray utility.
Have a coffee.
Open a new blank text file with TAILS text editor. Type your address. Check it is correct. Check it again. Check it 10 times in total. Do not enter the wrong address. It's easier that you think. Seriously.
Highlight your address and copy it to the TAILS clipboard (CTRL+C or CTRL+X).
Right click TAILS PGP icon in system tray and select "Encrypt Clipboard." Choose the vendor's key from the list of PGP keys which pops up.
The encrypted text is now on clipboard. Paste it wherever you want ("notes").
STOP. Have a coffee.
Are you sure you encrypted the right address? Are you certain? If not, start again.
Never put plain text into a DarkNet Market. You have to give an address to your vendor, but you don't want anyone else seeing it.
Running from a DVD is slower than running from a USB. Everything takes a little longer to start up.
You can still use a USB flash drive to safely save your PGP keys, etc by using this method:
You can also manually create a persistent partition on a USB that Tails will recognize and automatically mount during bootup by using this procedure:
It sounds like you need to disable "Secure Boot" in the BIOS.
Here are some other options that may help:
Enable Legacy mode Enable CSM boot Disable UEFI
Install method for Tails using Rufus:
Windows 10 is a privacy nightmare. Windows 8 was terrible too, and it was not recommended to browser darknet markets with it, but Windows 10 is even worse. Do not use Windows 10 to browse darnet markets, even with Tor Browser. As soon as you can, grab a USB and install Tails.
>any possible tumbling sites
Check the /r/DarkNetMarkets Superlist for known tumbling sites:
>Also what bitcoin wallet would you use?
Electrum on Tails.
>Can I order to an abandon house? And pick it up when it gets there?
That's probably a bad idea. The local postal carrier will probably know if a property is abandoned and won't be delivering mail there. Also, any mail could be being forwarded to the owner.
>Tails, after I install to a USB, do I get tor inside of tails?
Yes. Tails comes with the Tor Browser built in.
Before using's services, please consider the fact that [ShapeShift's CIO is an advisor for law enforcement groups](/r/Bitcoin/comments/6q319b/shapeshifts_cio_is_an_advisor_for_law_enforcement/) and a member of the Blockchain Intelligence Group. ShapeShift also [publishes all transactions](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/d97avyb/) (amounts, times, currencies, etc.) on a public API, and [you should expect no privacy from ShapeShift](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/) for various reasons.
There are several ShapeShift competitors operating. Examples (sorted alphabetically): [Czech Republic] [Russia] [India] [USA] or xmrto2bturnore26.onion/nojs/
Many more listed at
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>SWIM has a casual interest in the deep web
In the future, please don't use SWIM. It won't help you in any legal case and most people dislike its usage because it makes things harder to read.
>recording any sensitive information exclusively on a physical notepad with manual encryption.
This is bad OPSEC. I think that most pen and paper encryption methods can easily be broken by many US Federal agencies.
Sensitive information should be encrypted by a computer and kept in an encrypted container like the Tails persistent volume or on a separate device using an encrypted volume:
>it would provide an additional layer of security than using a current computer with the HDD/SSD removed.
They are basically the same thing. Having a separate laptop would just make it easier than having to remove and re-install the hard drive in your main machine every time you wanted to access the darknet. Removing the hard drive from a computer before booting Tails on it is not strictly required.
>are tails and pgp encrpytion the same thing?
Tails is a security / anonymity focused operating system that you can boot on your computer.
Tails does come with a PGP application builtin, though.
Before using's services, please consider the fact that [ShapeShift's CIO is an advisor for law enforcement groups](/r/Bitcoin/comments/6q319b/shapeshifts_cio_is_an_advisor_for_law_enforcement/) and a member of the Blockchain Intelligence Group. ShapeShift also [publishes all transactions](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/d97avyb/) (amounts, times, currencies, etc.) on a public API, and [you should expect no privacy from ShapeShift](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/) for various reasons.
There are several ShapeShift competitors operating. Examples (sorted alphabetically): or xmrto2bturnore26.onion/nojs/
/r/DarkNetMarkets does not endorse nor make money from any of the above services.
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Before using's services, please consider the fact that [ShapeShift's CIO is an advisor for law enforcement groups](/r/Bitcoin/comments/6q319b/shapeshifts_cio_is_an_advisor_for_law_enforcement/) and a member of the Blockchain Intelligence Group. ShapeShift also [publishes all transactions](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/d97avyb/) (amounts, times, currencies, etc.) on a public API, and [you should expect no privacy from ShapeShift](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/) for various reasons.
There are several ShapeShift competitors operating. Examples (sorted alphabetically): or xmrto2bturnore26.onion/nojs/
/r/DarkNetMarkets does not endorse nor make money from any of the above services.
I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DarkNetMarketsNoobs) if you have any questions or concerns.
Buy BTC/LTC/ETH on coinbase. Use a site like,, etc., to convert whatever you bought to XMR and have the XMR deposited into your MyMonero wallet. Next, use a different exchange site to exchange the XMR back to BTC . (For example, if you used shapeshift for the first txn, use changelly for the second. This makes your activity harder to trace. Lets say you use changelly for both txn's, they can see that you switched BTC into XMR than immediately switched XMR back into BTC which is suspect as fuck. Using 2 different sites completely removes this OPSEC flaw) Now that you have clean BTC, you can transfer that to your wallet on TAILS. Congratulations, you now have BTC that can't be traced back to you... Unless XMR has an unknown backdoor/vulnerability, in which case, no-one is safe and everyone should burn their house down and move to Belize. is not the standard recommendation. the community usually recommends using the Electrum bitcoin client which is built into Tails. this is a lightweight client that lets you do anything an online wallet would.
remember, if you use any online wallet (like they are capable of stealing your bitcoins anytime they want if they're on their servers. always use a wallet that you control completely.
>I dont have a USB on hand, and I luve in the middle of bum fuck nowhere
If you use Electrum on Windows, then you should start the Tor Browser Bundle first and then configure Electrum to route its packets through Tor.
From the Electrum window, select Tools > Network.
Check mark Auto-connect.
Set the following:
Protocol: SSL
Proxy: SOCKS5 localhost 9150
Hit OK.
Shut down Electrum and restart it.
Start a new wallet since the first bitcoin addresses it created may have been sent out over the network directly from your home IP address:
File > New / Restore
Hit OK.
Standard wallet
Hit Next.
Copy your seed words to a piece of paper. If you keep these words safe, then you can recover any bitcoins in your wallet even if your hard drive crashes.
Copy the seed words into the clipboard.
Hit Next.
Paste the seed words back out.
Hit Next.
Use a password to prevent others that may have access to your computer from spending your coins.
Hit OK.
The icon in the lower right corner should go from red to blue arrows to green.
Main problems:
A virus or other malware on your host OS can compromise your guest OS as well.
Your VM could be swapped out from RAM to the pagefile on your hard drive, leaving sensitive information, that should disappear when Tails is shut down, on your disk.
Keep viruses and other malware off of your host. Run a different, less attacked host OS like Linux.
Disable swapping on your host OS. Encrypt your entire hard drive using something like VeraCrypt.
Running Tails in a VM does have some advantages:
Since Tails does not support VPNs, you could run a VPN client on your host OS and have all of the Tor traffic from the Tails VM routed over a VPN first. This may help prevent you from being identified if you are somehow de-anonymized via the Tor network.
Better security than running the Tor Browser bundle as a standalone program on your host OS. For instance, the Tails AppArmor settings would have prevented the recent Mozilla PDF exploit from gaining access to your local files and uploading them to the bad guys (probably US government agents). The Tails firewall protects you from other possible de-anonymizing exploits as well.
You also might want to look into running Whonix in a pair of VMs instead of Tails:
This is a Swedish that I have heard is pretty good.
It was made to combat a specific law about piracy a few years ago. It claims that it does not keep any record of any user, so that the government can't request records to track down pirates. But I guess it works for other things as well, and not just piracy.
If your USB is obtained by authorities, the only option they will have is brute force. Any password can be bruteforced, no exceptions, but more complicated passwords take more time. Very simple passwords can be bruteforced in a fraction of a second. Very complicated passwords can only be bruteforced in maybe billions of years. Use to get a better sense of just how secure your passwords are.
And remember, if authorities obtain access to your computer and not just your USB flash drive, they can get your password in other ways. For example, they can install a keylogger on your computer that could capture your password immediately the next time you enter it.
There are some disadvantages, but it is still a good option.
If your host is infected with malware, it will be able to access your VM. (Simple example: A key logger running on your Windows system will be able to record any keystrokes you make in the VM as well.)
If your VM gets swapped out to disk, items that should disappear when Tails is shut down will be written to disk (disk encryption passwords, web pages, etc.) If your system is seized, those items could be read out and used as evidence. Encrypt your entire host disk and disable swapping to prevent this from occurring.
Difficult to get persistence working. You can still configure a virtual disk as an encrypted volume, though:
Ease of use.
Since Tails does not natively support the use of VPNs, setting up a VPN on the host and running Tails in a VM on that host is an easy way to use a VPN in front of Tor.
>Do I really need to worry making small purchases?
Probably not, but it doesn't hurt to be a little paranoid.
>Also if I have a windows PC what do you recommend
You should at least try booting Tails. It works out of the box on many PCs.
Yes, you should. Try to find a vpn that dosent track logs on you (usually paid) like NordVPN I believe.
However, what I'd suggest is that you install Tails OS and run Tor through that. Whilst you can't Vpn through this OS (or rather you can I believe; lengthy process though) you can set up Tor bridges and proxies; creating more anonymity.
If you want to go a step further, you can use the Whonix OS or if your really damn paranoid, Qubes OS (extremely complicated; gotta know your Linux).
As always do your own research.
>I see it is quite popular here
yeah but it sucks too
>so I went to igolder and put in my private key and the message
never use online services for pgp encryption. they could be sending your unencrypted message along with your private key to their own servers and share it with everybody they like. only use the tools tails already has installed for encrypting.
since the decryption is not working for you anyway and you already compromised your key by using igolder, you should create a new pgp key pair. this may also fix some error that you might have made during the creation of your first one.
click on the clipboard icon on the top and select 'manage keys'. then click on 'file' at the top of the new window and select 'new' from the drop down list. after that click on the 'pgp key' option and go through they dialog to create a new pgp key.
after that is done you should see it in the window under the category 'gnupg keys' which is linked on the left sidebar of the 'manage keys' window. after that follow the steps here and encrypt a test message with your newly created key
after you have encrypted it just paste it in the gedit text editor and make sure it begins with the begin pgp message note and ends with the end pgp message note. then copy it again and click on the clipboard icon and select decrypt/verify clipboard. enter your password and you should see the decrypted test message.
>Is buying a gift card in a store then exchanging it with a vendor on localbitcoins reliable?
it depends on the lbc trader. search for someone with much positive feedback who also accepts these giftcards and you should be good to go.
I doubt that the size of your purchase matters, a drug purchase is a drug purchase, they're all wrong in the eyes of the Feds. If you want to be safe and plan on ordering something off a dark net, then use Tails, this will route all your traffic through Tor. However your ISP will still know you're using Tor, so maybe if you want you can try Bridging to Tor. This should cover the technology side of your anonymity....However you will need to cover the human error part of your anonymity. Don't share personal information, don't use similar emails/usernames/passwords on Tor as the ones on the clear net (don't use similar usernames/passwords anywhere for that matter). Be smart and read up on markets that have been shutdown by the feds, this could help you a lot as some might be used as honeypots to collect customers of said markets and book them. Overall don't be stupid, most cases of people being caught are just due to poor OpSec, nothing wrong with the technology they're using, just good old human error.
>Raspberry pi 3, is it a good platform to use with tails?
Unfortunately, no.
The Raspberry Pi uses an ARM CPU while Tails is only built for x86 PC compatibles:
You might try this:
Install VirtualBox:
Setup a virtual machine and boot the Tails ISO in it.
Insert your USB.
Attach the USB to the VM. (Right click on the USB icon on the bottom right of the VM window and select your USB.)
Run the Tails installer from the VM and install Tails to the USB.
Applications > Tails > Tails Installer >> Clone & Install
Once finished, try booting from the USB.
A Tails installed Tails USB has a better chance of booting on a Mac.
Here's a quick way to do it:
Start a terminal window.
Type the following commands. After every command hit the Enter key.
cd Downloads
shasum -a 256 tails-i386-1.6.iso
The output of that command should match the number given on the Tails website:
If the numbers match, then your ISO file is verified as good.
You can. If all you want to do is browse, though, there's no real need for Tails. Just download the Tor browser on whatever OS you're already using. There's nothing illegal about browsing. If you want Tails too, by all means, get it and try it out. But if you just want to look at the markets, it would be quicker and easier just to get TBB.
Edit: Just to be clear... if you are going to buy I would strongly suggest you do so with Tails, even though many other buyers do not.
Before using's services, please consider the fact that [ShapeShift's CIO is an advisor for law enforcement groups](/r/Bitcoin/comments/6q319b/shapeshifts_cio_is_an_advisor_for_law_enforcement/) and a member of the Blockchain Intelligence Group. ShapeShift also [publishes all transactions](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/d97avyb/) (amounts, times, currencies, etc.) on a public API, and [you should expect no privacy from ShapeShift](/r/Bitcoin/comments/59c1kg/expect_no_privacy_from_shapeshift/) for various reasons.
There are several ShapeShift competitors operating. Examples (sorted alphabetically): or xmrto2bturnore26.onion/nojs/
/r/DarkNetMarkets does not endorse nor make money from any of the above services.
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>What are some reliable usb sticks to download tails on?
Avoid these:
Unfortunately, "big name" manufacturers buy flash memories from many different vendors. Flash drive reliability can vary greatly from lot to lot.
If you are going to enable persistence and store important information on it, treat all USB flash drives as unreliable. Backup your information to an encrypted hard drive or another USB from a different manufacturer.
You can create an encrypted volume in Tails using this method:
Try the latest Tails 1.3 release candidate. It has Electrum built in:
If you can, burn the Tails ISO to a DVD on your Mac and then boot from it on your PC.
After you have booted from the DVD, use the Tails installer to install Tails to a USB.
Boot from the USB and set up persistence.
There's no need for another operating system on your PC, or even a hard drive. You can just run Tails on it from the USB.
No. Read the sidebar.
NOTE: You should not be running TAILS on a virtual machine! It is far less secure on a VM. If you want to use virtual machines, Whonix should be used instead! They have amazing documentation to help you get it started. Sidenote on VMs: VMs are only as secure as the OS they are running on top of! Be smart and careful. Again, TAILS is far less secure on a VM, therefore is not advised to be run on one! For more info, see here:
ISPs don't really care if you use Tor. It is not illegal to use Tor in the United States so there is no reason for them to install and configure equipment to detect its use.
Still, if you are worried, you can connect to a VPN first and then to the Tor network. That's what I do, but more as a protection from somehow being de-anonymized through the Tor network then for protection from my ISP. Either way, you should use a VPN.
Here's a good list of VPN providers:
A VPN, when used to access hidden Tor sites, puts an extra hop between you and the Tor network.
Normal connection:
You > Website
(Website sees your home IP address)
Example: would show your home IP address if you were connecting directly to their website (no VPN or Tor).
VPN connection:
You > VPN > Website
(Website sees VPN exit IP address)
Tor connection:
You > Tor entry guard > Tor middle relay > Tor exit node > Website
(Website sees Tor Exit node IP address)
Tor with VPN in front:
You > VPN > Tor entry guard > Tor middle relay > Tor exit node > Website
(Website sees Tor Exit node address - Tor entry guard sees VPN exit address)
Tor with VPN in front connecting to hidden site:
You > VPN > Tor entry guard > Tor Network (simplified - represents multiple relays) > Hidden site
(hidden site sees IP address of its guard relay - your entry guard sees VPN exit address)
Putting a VPN in front of Tor gives an extra layer of protection and may prevent you from being de-anonymized if you get unlucky and choose a bad entry guard / exit node combination for normal Tor connections, or a bad entry guard and the hidden service is also using a bad entry guard run by the same bad guys (FBI, CERT, etc.).
Here's a list of VPN providers (along with other info):
Biggest thing is you used a secondary wallet. This is always a must because the blockchain is traceable. Having a middle wallet helps break the trace / slow it down.
People recommend tails because windows, mac, etc have exploits and backdoors. Tails, whonix and the other are all made with personal privacy & security in mind. It’s a lot safer to have tails on a USB that way if you were picked up you can destroy the usb and remove any trace of naughty stuff.
VPNs / Betternet
VPNs do pose a risk as some may log data, sell your data, have breaches etc. They’re typically not recommended with Tor as they provide a security risk. Betternet in general is an avoid at any cost VPN. It’s free so that’s a risk as they could sell your data to keep themselves running, among ads etc. They also don’t mention 256-bit encryption in their privacy policy..
Tl;dr Tails is a security OS that we put on a USB. It helps keep your computer separate from naughty stuff. Avoid VPNS when your using tails as it gives a security risk. Always use PGP.
Why are VPN's bad? If you use a trusted VPN provider like Privateinternetaccess or NordVPN, it can be a good addition for browsing internet with no censorship or minimal censorship.
Of course it won't replace anonymity networks such as Tor or i2p, but VPN's have their time and places as well.
Never heard of it before. I just did a search and it looks like you're referring to an offering by NordVPN. After a quick look, it looks to be one of the most dangerous things I've seen to date. Their service is apparently acting like the Tor browser (on their end), allowing you to visit .onion addresses with a regular browser. This means all activity (sites visited, passwords, messages...everything) is seen by them before passing it along to you. Hopefully you can see what a catastrophic failure that is.
Look. People have got to get away from the mindset that 'more is better' in the realm of security. It's not. 'More' typically introduces all kinds of unknown/unforeseen problems and vulnerabilities. Tor is all you need, period.
Is it possible to encrypt phone text messages / the phone entirely ? I currently use Torguards email service that comes with my VPN package . Is this what people are more likely to do , simply use the TORguard phone app to protect net usage , i assume they just use the email service to communicate .
i am relearning this stuff as i had been out of the market a while . I am using TOr - Tg - miss kleo with my GPG that i downloaded , the things i learned reading lots on deepdotweb . I understand generally how these things work but i am looking for more hardcore content . I am very passionate about learning and my OCD makes me a perfectionist by nature as i suffer from anxiety and things of the like .
I really am fascinated by all this , i am a freedom fighter . I thought about books however , i feel they would leave some expert knowledge out possibly due to back lash ( the potential to aid a crime ) however , the good comes with the bad with all things in life .
essentially , i want to learn and master the art of becoming a ghost entirely . It must feel liberating , refreshing and peaceful to have the knowledge to succeed doing so . If any one knows where i can get much more advanced knowledge , i would appreciate it .
i would assume nothing on OPSEC regarding , the outside the computer work being done is available . I have read some basic info , insight i likely could arrive at with out reading . I am interested more in the complexities of it , the refined version of it , the elegant nature of a tight security and zero traces .
if any one knows or can point me in the right direction , i would appreciate it .
Do you not already have a computer? If you are using TAILS you don't need burner hardware. TAILS was specifically designed to be used on computers without leaving a trace.
>Use anywhere but leave no trace
>Using Tails on a computer doesn't alter or depend on the operating system installed on it. So you can use it in the same way on your computer, a friend's computer, or one at your local library. After shutting down Tails, the computer will start again with its usual operating system.
>Tails is configured with special care to not use the computer's hard-disks, even if there is some swap space on them. The only storage space used by Tails is in RAM, which is automatically erased when the computer shuts down. So you won't leave any trace on the computer either of the Tails system itself or what you used it for. That's why we call Tails "amnesic".
If you don't currently have any hardware just check both against the TAILS known issues list and pick the cheaper one.
did you follow exactly the instructions from here ?
>If I download Tails on a PC, will the final flash drive work on my mac?
yes. this may be the easier solution for you if you want to avoid the issues you have with downloading on your mac.
you need to upgrade manually and yes the persistence volume will be preserved, details to that are mentioned in the links [after you choose one of the two options].
here is why your 32gb are not enough sometimes
From what I read you could, but its not recomended by tails and it would be very slow cause of memory issues. More info here
Tails doesn't work on raspi according to their site while you theoretically could set up a different Linux distro to work in a similar way. That sounds like a pain to me when tails is already so nicely done.
you do not need to buy an extra burner laptop for tails. if you do want to do it make sure that no hardware components of it are on this list and it has at least some power [otherwise tails will not run smoothly].
>I'd like some input on how important using a VPN would be
quoting from the new wiki we are working on:
>Some users have requested support for VPNs in Tails to "improve" Tor's anonymity. You know, more hops must be better, right?. That's just incorrect -- if anything VPNs make the situation worse since they basically introduce either a permanent entry guard (if the VPN is set up before Tor) or a permanent exit node (if the VPN is accessed through Tor).
>Similarly, we don't want to support VPNs as a replacement for Tor since that provides terrible anonymity and hence isn't compatible with Tails' goal.
Quoted from the official tails website
Using Tails is enough for buyers and vendors.
>How important is having the " Wallet C " since I'm still not exactly sure how it would help my OPSEC.
just go exchange -> normal wallet [e.g. electrum on windows] -> electrum on tails -> market and you are fine.
>Lastly I believe I've read somewhere on here that it is not advised to order multiple items at once, is this true?
at the beginning yes because why should you increase the risk even more if this is your first purchase? later you can order multiple items at once [but make sure you know which vendor sent which item so you know what coins you can release].
>And if so, how long should I wait after the first item has been delivered?
if everything goes flawlessly you could order again as soon as you got your previous package.
>Also is it really more dangerous to order from the Netherlands ?
yes, please do not do it. it might save you a few bucks in the short run, but it is definitely not worth the increased risk.
happy ordering and stay safe.
You can download Tails directly from the Tails website at Tails is an OS that includes all tools necessary to stay safe on the DNM. This includes the Tor browser bundle, Electrum bitcoin wallet, key pass and GPG key manager. If you keep Tails up to date and practice proper OPSEC, you will be safe. Here is a link to the getting started guide, read through it, use the search bar and let the community know if you have any questions
From what I understand Raspberry Pi cant run Tails because Tails is based on the X86 and X86_64 architecture and the Pi is based on ARM architecture.
Source: Hardware Compatibility section
I would love to be wrong as I think using a Pi as a dedicated DNM machine would be an interesting project.
It looks like based on your pictures you have an Acer PC. Some of those computers have issues with Tails. I did a brief check of known issues and there are several Acer PC's on the list. You can investigate further here
please follow the instructions on the tails website when you install tails. the rufus guide is a bit out of date but the one on the official tails website will always be up to date.
>Is there a potential that my OPSEC is shit even when I am booted on TAILS since I made some errors in the initial steps, or am I pretty much good to go if I'm able to boot into TAILS?
you should be fine, just make sure that you verified the iso file that you downloaded.
sandisk usb sticks are problematic for using tails on them as mentioned here
please use usb sticks that are not on that known issues list.
>i can adjust persistence settings to automatically save my electrum wallet info?
yes you have to check the electrum option in the list of things that shall be stored when setting up the persistence. if you did not do it when you set it up you can also change it later
then you do not have to save your wallet file in your persistence folder.
>I read the guide numerous times and its a little vague in this area. Thank you.
we mods are working on a new one which is far more elaborate. however this will take some time.
install tails by following this guide and then read all about the other things you need to know [setting up the persistence volume, using pgp, . . .] if you still have questions that are not answered on the sidebar you can post a question in this sub.
Yes. Download Ubuntu or another Linux distro onto a spare USB drive and download Tails from that.
You can use the instructions listed here to install it:
orbot is linked on the homepage of so im pretty sure its as close to an offical tor app as you can get. i wouldn't use it to buy stuff off the darknet but i would recommend it if you ever want to hide your traffic or bypass government censorship. there is even a setting in facebook to use orbot to connect to facebook's onion address.
Don't use PIA for anything requiring serious privacy protections. They instruct people to use weak crypto, and they don't give a fuck. (That exchange happened over two months ago. I just checked Estragon's instructions, and they still give the same results.)
I'm not sure I understand your question, but I'll try.
Yes, Tor is available for and works fine on all major OSes, including versions of Windows other than 10.
If you understand about booting an OS off a USB flash drive, though, you would be better off just using Tails.
Always keep your software up to date and keep Tor Browser's Security Slider in the "High" position.
From the TAILS FAQ
>Does Tails work on ARM architecture, Raspberry Pi, or tablets?
>For the moment, Tails is only available on the x86 and x86_64 architectures. The Raspberry Pi and many tablets are based on the ARM architecture. Tails does not work on the ARM architecture so far.
But hey, if you lot find anythign suggesting it works, sounds interesting to me as well.
It's a security / anonymity focused Linux based operating system that is good to use for darknet market activity:
>Equivalent to using tails or no?
You should try installing Tails to a USB or DVD to see if you can boot and use it on your Mac:
Welcome aboard, I think what most likely everyone here is going to tell you is to download and install TAILS. Tails is an operating system that pretty much makes you anonymous and has Tor browser installed on it. (Tor is like google chrome but for deep web). Also I think Tor is the safest thing you could probably do for not to tech savy people like myself. Also you would want to download tails onto a usb drive(8gb) or up.
Check it out, I still haven't personally figured out how to do it because I also have a Mac and it's kind of hard. But everyone seems to have it lol
You can use this method to install Tails to a USB on a Mac:
Be careful when writing the ISO file to the USB. Make sure to correctly identify the device name of the USB. You don't want to accidentally overwrite your main hard drive. The above instructions show how to ID your USB.
I would recommend against it.
I just tested my ASUS EEE PC 4G with Tails 1.6 and it did boot, but it was super slow (over 6 minutes). My ASUS EEE only has 512MB of RAM which is much less than the minimum recommended by the Tails website (2GB):
The keyboard is small and difficult to type on.
The screen resolution is very low (800x480) and you will have problems with some applications.
I tried starting the Tor Browser, but it never came up. The system is pretty locked up at this point.
Update: After about 15 minutes, the Tor Browser finally popped up. Can't enter a URL on it yet, though.
Are you asking about being anonymous while accessing darknet markets, or just browsing in general?
If you're asking about DNMs, using Tor is a must. You can use Tor by downloading the Tor Browser or using Tails OS. Tor is more secure and anonymous than VPNs.
If you're asking about browsing in general, a VPN is a good start. It prevents your ISP from knowing your internet history (they'll only know you're using the VPN). It's not as safe as Tor, but it is more usable than Tor. You can use a VPN to route your internet traffic for other applications as well as your browser. However, your identity can be discovered in other ways whether you're using a VPN or Tor. For example, if you're using a VPN with Chrome, your history may be synced to Google's servers, and your search history may be saved by Google Search.
Here's some more information:
> Am i unnecessarily potentially compromising myself for no reason by investigating ? Is it another potential scenario of " curiosity kills the cat " ?
Probably not.
If you are just browsing, download and install the Tor Browser from here:
Start the Tor Browser.
Left click on the green onion to the left of the URL bar and select "Privacy and Security Settings". Move the "Security Level" slider all the way to High (this will disable JavaScript and some other possible exploit routes).
Here's the list of known darknet markets:
It's Tor. The protocol can be detected with some effort, but with tools like the game of cat and mouse will be increasingly won by the mice.
If you use Tor though a VPN terminating in a foreign country only egress trafic is identifyable as Tor (but see obfsproxy).
The weakest link is the security of your endpoint. Use Tails and Whonix to protect against endpoint compromises.
That all depends - the 'no logs' thing in a privacy policy you can pretty much assume is bullshit. There's no way for us to know if they keep logs or not. Even if they pinkie promise. So we have to assume they do.
There's two ways you can use a VPN with Tor.
You -> VPN -> Tor or You ->Tor-> VPN
Going from VPN to Tor hides from your ISP that you are using Tor. This is alright, I mean, if you are paranoid about that, but realistically this is probably not how you are going to be caught.
If you want to do this without using a VPN you can always use obfuscated bridges.
Going from Tor into a VPN is pretty useless for us cause tbh we're connecting to hidden services which means our whole connection never touches the clearnet. VPN after Tor only hides that we're using Tor from the site at the other end, doesn't do shit for us cause obviously we're using Tor to connect to a .onion.
Secondly, since you have to pay for the VPN you're creating more attack surface. If your Tor traffic is coming from a VPN that you paid for with your bank account or some bitcoins that can be directly linked back to a wallet on coinbase or something, you're busted and there was no point in using Tor.
So for a noob I would say no, there's pretty much no point in using a VPN, read about obfs3 bridges and use them instead.
Are you unable to get to a computer? Using your smartphone to access any .onion services is really unsafe and not entirely anonymous.
However if you must, there's a guide to orweb/orbot on tors website. Check it out here
>I am using tails and on a cheap laptop and keep all my account information and such in a usb. Both are unencrypted.
That is bad OPSEC.
You should either be using an encrypted persistence volume on the Tails USB, or a separately encrypted volume on a 2nd USB:
>If I am snitched on, and I manage to get rid of my usbs, what can the police do?
You won't have time to get rid of your USBs. You will just hear, "Police!!! Search warrant!!!" and then your front door will be smashed down.
Encrypt your sensitive information.
Also, make encrypted backups of your important info. USB flashdrives are terribly unreliable. I've seen a number of people lose all of their bitcoins when their flashdrive failed.
>I wanna buy my bitcoin with cash at a bank. What wallet can I send it too that will be safe to send to a DNM
An Electrum wallet on Tails.
>Do I really need all this Tails and VPN stuff?Im not Tony Montana, just getting a few grams here and there.
Maybe not, but give Tails a try at least. It's not very difficult to test:
You probably don't need a VPN. Tails does not support them:
>.Im gonna use Abraxas, Do i need PGP to communicate with who I buy from or can I just message them thru the site?
You need to use your own PGP client to encrypt your address and send it to the vendor over the market's messaging system. Do not use any market's automatic encryption system. If the market is compromised by law enforcement or is collecting info for blackmail purposes, they will just make a copy of the message before encrypting it.
Try verifying via cryptographic checksum instead.
Start a command line terminal window and type the following commands:
cd Downloads
sha256sum tails-i386-1.5.1.iso
That command should produce the following output:
a4c9ac9eca08562a94914230100e6353d07a0f57c017411c95789351b0366198 tails-i386-1.5.1.iso
which matches the SHA-256 checksum given on the Tails website:
Check to make sure that your output is the same number. If it is, your ISO is verified and you are good to go!
If you are running Tails 1.5, then you are running the latest version of the Tor browser provided by the Tails group. You cannot easily upgrade the version of Tor that comes with Tails.
Tails 1.5 ships with Tor Browser version 5.0.
The current version of the Tor Browser shipping from the Tor Project is 5.0.1:
>This release fixes a crash bug that caused Tor Browser to crash on certain sites (in particular, Google Maps and Tumblr). The crash bug was a NULL pointer dereference while handling blob URIs. The crash was not exploitable.
So it looks like the version in Tails is still safe to use.
Persistence is an encrypted storage area that allows you to save data between Tails sessions. Normally when you reboot Tails, any files, PGP keys or other data just disappears. If you have persistence set up, you can save your PGP keys across reboots.