After finishing "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" I wanted to visit there so bad. I moved around the US a lot when younger, which I assume made me more tolerant, though it never really rubbed off on my parents. However, I never got to the NW except Seattle for a few days, but that's nothing compared to Montana and Idaho, for the sites. The Andes haven't been bad to me though :)
moderates, disagreeing with a certain extremist tranche of "feminism" (that I would not consider feminism in fact, but I don't expect you to allow anything that resembles No True Scotsman)
Well, now there is a name for that, representing both sexes.
> and that we should try to identify and address where that is really coming from
It's coming from the people. The people that are racist. Some of those people are police (and others are not police). Racism isn't a binary yes/no, it's a spectrum.
Regarding the math tangent:
There are no numbers in your post. If you think quoting a cherry picked statistic somehow makes your post unassailable, you aren't using statistics, you are misusing them.
Here's a great book about you:
Thank you for the comment and for dropping by. If you find this post interesting, you should consider having a copy of the book It is available as an e-book and a hard copy. This post is adapted from the book. Thanks again for your input.
Many thanks for your remark and for highlighting the facts that struck you most. If you would like to read more of such a writing, you can get a copy of my book The Bro Code of Saudi Culture -*Version*=1&*entries*=0. It is available as an e-book and a hard copy. This piece is an extract from the book actually. Thanks again for your comment and interest.
That looks good, I'll have to pick it up.
I would also recommend Good Will Toward Men by Jack Kammer, in a similiar vein.
You can pick up a used copy for only a penny.
As far as I know: Ancient Greece, the Assyrians, and possibly Babylon.
This topic has been studied in more details that I can convey, by a few scientists (dissected in all the glory details with civilization stages and all). There are also a few books on this but I am not sure if they are still printed. Actually, there is one copy left of this one: (not sure if it's good, I haven't read it)
Have you read this book?
Very interesting discussion on the attempt to measure emotional state, and compare it between individuals.