I was about to comment about Rookie but you beat me to it, ha! Yeah I'm a teen girl and it's pretty much the only mainstream publication directed towards teen girls that I like. I really like that they intentionally have a lot of stuff from readers in it because it inspires me. Instead of being like "naw the people writing this have degrees in journalism and a billion editors" I can be like "hey I could have written this!".
So that pushed me into researching and publishing in a lot of underground publications/zines. One I'll give as an example is Girl Love which is also online. I love underground publications because you know that the content is what people really think, not what somebody's editor has told them will appeal to the target demographic. It's real & raw & I love it. It's turned me off pretty much all traditional publications. The downside is that you'll never see them in stores, but the upside is that it's not very hard to get yourself published too.
I'm 23 too, and have just started doing this myself. I have a match.com membership, but it hasn't really resulted in many conversations. But, through reddit and more recently through kik messenger, i have started having long, deep, and sometimes dirty conversations with guys online. I know the risks, but i have even traded some pictures and i have really enjoyed the attention, healthy attention or not. Just to feel desired, even if it's fake or pretend just does something, scratches some itch for me....
You don't need to show your face on social media at all. None of my accounts have pictures of me on them. I consider social media a private affair and i'm only on them so that I can learn more about my community and other people's. I don't use my actual name either. No need. Not for instagram. I don't think anyone does unless they are models looking to be followed. Don't let that put you off at all. It's not a requirement. You also don't need to engage if you don't want to. Just focus on the educational aspect of it.
I'm sorry you cried today but if that's what the body needs, that's what it needs.
Yeh those certainly sound like colorism issues. I'm glad you don't live with them. Consider that you don't need to be pretty to be valuable. Have you read this?
I haven't really read anything specifically geared toward the FA experience. I actually never have thought to look into books that focus on being alone (or lonely, or other emotions related to being FA). I'm currently working through Wuthering Heights when I have time away from my coursework (although it seems I should have chosen Jane Eyre!). I like to read literature because it's a good escape from reality. I always feel like I've learned something when I've read a good book. And I like to read poetry because I feel like it allows me to see things (particularly emotions) in a creative way. My all time favorite poem is The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T.S. Eliot. There's reading of it by Anthony Hopkins online, and it's just sublime to me.
As far as self help books go, I started a book called Embracing Your Inner Critic last year, but never finished it. It's good, but there was just something that I couldn't relate to. I need to finish it. But my favorite "self help" book of sorts is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott. It's usually advertised as a book about writing, and it is about writing and being a writer. But I related to it so much. It's about being held back by perfectionism, fear, and even jealousy. I would recommend it even if you never want to write!
I like reading fiction and poetry. For me, the fiction is all about escapism. And the poetry is about seeing things in creative ways.
Who are you doing it for? YOURSELF.
Damn girl. Imagine the ugliest, most foul, most horrible, smelliest, shittiest person you know. Talking about kick stray dogs, doesn't tip, blows their nose into their bare hands, licks their lips at underage girls, thinks bathing or washing their hands is optional, parks in the handicapped spot and slips on someone else's lanyard without shame, hasn't washed their sheets on their drawers since freshman year, that guy, that guy? THAT GUY?
That guy has a bottle of lotion, because he's too cheap to buy good lube, next to his bed and wanking his crank thinking about gorgeous women who would never puke at him.
Visit a good woman positive toy shop, get yourself something nice, get some nice lube, and remember this isn't for or about anyone but you. I have a few toys, I most recently got this one and Geralt and I have been getting along swimmingly.
Your Errorenous Zone is is the best book I ever read.
> Especially when you get over the hump of "fuck, this is tough, I want to stop" to that nice feeling when you're in the zone "god, this feels so good, I have so much energy, I don't want to stop".
I found out about this book on Amazon, I don't know if the situation still applies to the author, but this author said she was still single by age 25, without ever having a boyfriend before, here is the link for it:http://www.amazon.com/Never-Have-Ever-Life-Without/dp/1455544671
Apparently in her latest book she writes about her early life. I only heard about her on the CBC radio at some point, and from the locals when I was passing through that region where she lives. I haven't read her books yet but I will look for them... this topic just reminded me again that she existed.