I'm quite looking forward to it. For a show that has jumped the shark so many times it's hard to believe that Law & Order: Professional Victims Unit can get even sillier, but somehow they find a way. Sure it will be mixed in with a bunch of slander and misrepresenting GamerGate, but this would only be a problem if anyone took SVU seriously. Look at this article about how TV has messed up showing games and technology in the past:
I'm sure next week's SVU episode will add lots of funny new moments to that list.
Technically, no . But he was the first to use it in reference to the current kerfuffle.
Here's her bio, does that sound Sue-ish, link: https://playoverwatch.com/en-us/heroes/ashe/
Though sometimes I feel as though Blizzard is personifying/making gijinkas of the Team Fortress 2 weapons/loadouts for these new characters and they won't stop until every single guy from this picture are added (Note: There's more in the background and I can't see them): https://cdn.windowsreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/overwatch-issues.jpg . Hopefully they fix the older characters, some of them need the nerfs/buffs/reworkings badly, since the charries are unbalance (I went poking in some of the forums).
I wrote this a while ago
It's along the same lines and suggests why Gamers had to die because otherwise they would be by their own rules culturally appropriating.
I may be just naive as shit, but this is what I saw.
After digging through the tag there do seem to be a few tucutes actually identifying as this. Proceed with caution.
> what kind of heinous shit went down that meant the Land of the Free* thought it would be a reasonable idea to gag someone for it?
No idea, but again, I think that someone pulled some strings to make it happen. A review of the affidavit shows that it has very little in the way of actual substance justifying a gag order, and what little substance it does have (i.e. one line) is mere hearsay. If I lurked /r/PussyPass more, I would knee-jerk a response like, "I guess women just have more privilege than men", but I won't reduce it to such rhetoric.
> I suppose the lawyer offering to do some work pro bono (remember reading it, not sure how true it is/was) because of how outrageous it was is a sign I'm not far off track.
I remember reading that as well. It's strange; the lawyer wants to do the follow-up trial pro bono yet Eron was asking for donations to his legal defense fund? IANAL, but I might be missing something there.
The teleporter part is actually sort of true. Just not in a way that has either any reasonable application or resemblance to fictional depictions.
The first example is a "quantum Teleporter" of sorts that allows to teleport individual particles using quantum effects, but is questionable if it is even possible to scale this to macroscopic levels at all. It is probably the closest to fictional teleporters but can't be used in any form of application.
The second example is a destructive "scan" that scans an object layer by layer and grinds each layer away and sends the information to a 3D printer. The media report on it as a teleporter but, well, the process has hardly anything to do with the idea of a teleporter
The first example is actual science that may eventually lead to teleportation, the second one has not really anything to do with teleportation outside of the media reporting on it as such.
However, yes, Alex Jones is batshit crazy, and knowing that I can imagine the stupid bullshit he spews about this. I am almost curious to see exactly how he spins the 3D printer thing (it will be that, less then 3 weeks before his video that one was reported), but I'm not curious enough to sit through 30 minutes of crazy.