Meditate. It lets me dive in deeper so I can know what is causing it. Knowing the root cause -- usually some sort of deep fear or anxiety that has gotten triggered by a present situation, or unacknowledged anger -- allows me to think about and resolve the source, which in turn ends the hamster-wheel thoughts.
I'm no expert meditator, either. I usually just hook up with headphones and the Headspace app (the free "basics" sessions are all you need) and let that British guy do all the hard work of talking me into calm self-awareness, because if I could shut my mind up enough to meditate for real I wouldn't need to meditate, would I?
But it's all about knowing -why- your head won't shut up. Meditation might do it by itself, but even if it's not enough on its own, it's a great start on finding out the root cause: if your inner dialogue won't shut down at all then there's something behind it that you're not dealing with well, and you have to find out what.
Either way, it works for me. Good luck!
Look into Biotene. It is a mouth wash or spray for dry mouth. They might even make a toothpaste. My ex-girlfriend had really bad dry mouth as a side effect of all of the meds she was on. Biotene helped her. Too bad her meds didn't. Amazon link
We aren't allowed to discuss vendors or sourcing at all on Reddit anymore, it's against new policy, sadly.
For that reason, we started and also
It's referred to as 'burn' because many companies sell kratom as 'incense' or even 'for making candles or soap'. See, it's not supposed to be for human consumption because it's not FDA approved, dontcha know.
Rick here has given you some good info. I mix my dose into an inch or two of warm water and toss it back, followed with a cup of water. Be sure to drink lots and lots of water if you're going to be using kratom, it's very dehydrating.
Finding the best strains that work for you will take a lot of sampling. Kratom is very subjective and any strain can work completely different for every person. I don't like stimulation, and my favorites are yellow strains and slow, euphoric greens. Green strains come in many different variations of stimulation, from slow and euphoric to quite stimulating.
If you have issues with extreme anxiety, your best bets will be reds, golds, yellows and slow, euphoric greens. Your best friend might be Royal Bentuangie, which is a fermented red. It doesn't have a lot of effects on it's own other than fantastic relief of anxiety and good pain relief. I add a bit to anything else I'm taking that day if I'm feeling anxious or know I'm going to be in a stressful situation.
If you come to one of the two places I linked you to above, we can help you with a lot more information. Best wishes!
for me it happens with different batches.
I guess I'll just buy crushed leaf kratom and make tea out of it (with a tea steeper like this )
Using Lemon juice to extract the alkaloids would make it stronger anyway, wouldn't it? I always thought making tea would take too long but meh
Theres already a discord and forum and a group with scattered members, It does not get any better with another platform, Just more random admin/s / Mods to put up with. The inhouse fighting between the groups or members is ruining any community we once had.
I support this so much that I took the time to find the scale that I purchased and use daily over 2 years ago. I used to "eye ball it". Now I look back and chuckle at myself. I highly recommend the scale its $10 bucks
No problem...Indonesia has not announced this yet to their people. This information was given to me by China airlines. China airlines told me that the Indonesian government told them that they are in the process of making it illegal. It is not done yet but it is being worked on behind the scenes. I attached a link to where I have the letter saved. If you cannot view it, message me and I can email it to you.
Hey yolkmaster, we're not allowed to recommend vendors here due to the new reddit policies.
Here's 2 places you can go for recommendations though:
I own this one, its been great!
Amazon, free shipping, total cost $10.99
Like commented above, I have read that they must be taken at least 45 minutes before. Also like mentioned, agmatine totally muted the effects of the kratom for me. The only potentiators I have found to be helpful are piperine (1-2 hours prior to burn) and magnesium powder 30-45 mins before burn.
edit:forgot word
haha no need to be all tricky about a Amazon LINK, there ya go. Plus tools, supplies, CO2 meter, etc you're looking at around $5000 plus, just to get started. This is NOT a kitchen table extraction method.
The Cannabis Oil, BHO or shatter is extracted using butane solvent. The shit is very flammable and imo you need professional training to mess with that. Here's some info -
ONE kratom vendor, that I'm aware of, has sold kratom CO2 extract: Caleb's Concentrates.
I had a 40 oz hydroflask and used to mix like 24 grams of kratom and a few grams of citric acid and fill the rest with like 190 degree water. You could use lemon juice too. Then let it sit and brew for a few hours. Then filter using some like this or a mesh nut milk bag into a large bowl. I usually chilled in and drank it later. You can add sweetener or honey if you want, but I was fine without.
You can get double walled insulated container up to 128 oz in size. Look up kratom tea on more ways to make it.
Just so it very very slowly. A gram a week. Make sure you’re using the same exact powder batch through the whole process (buy a kilo online) and weigh it out with a scale into measured doses before hand. Use something like this.
About a month old, I'd guess. We do have a stickied post at the top of the page.
For open discussion, you can go here
or here
Unfortunately, can't mention vendors due to reddit's new policies. It's a reddit rule, not a rule made by the mods here. Sadly, we have no choice.
However, we have a MeWe group where vendors can be discussed freely, as well as a website.
Hey Shaggy, we're not allowed to mention, discuss, or recommend specific vendors on reddit anymore due to the new reddit policies. I'm really sorry, but I have to remove the thread.
You're more than welcome to join us on our website where we freely discuss vendors -
Also, we have a MeWe social group with almost 600 members. It has live chat and a message board. Here's the join link for that: r/kratomm on MeWe.
For the labels that I print? I meant that I print out all of that info and put a piece of tape over it so it is protected. I put one on the lid and on the side so I can see what is regardless of angle. Initially I just put it on the lid but quickly realized the error of my ways when I took multiple lids off for a blend. The labels in the pic look like the chalk style labels which I have some of. There are special markers for that material.
I third AWS. I recently ordered one for ~$15 off Amazon and it works great. Just make sure it's a milligram scale. It'll come with a 100 gram weight too to make sure it's calibrated. You can find most of these at local headshops but will probably be a tad pricier
If you want a good read "UP AGAINST THE WALL MARTS" Just be the buyer....I ALWAYS add a gift & message when, where, how, why...Make it personal & sales will sky rocket