>We all understand the 1st amendment doesn't protect all speech. Imminent lawless action is a well established standard of a limit on free speech. This seems to run afoul of the long established free speach limitation.
Claiming that 3d printing design files to print guns will create imminent lawless action doesn't hold up to even brief scrutiny.
Information and instructions on bomb and explosive making are protected under the first amendment. Despite things like bombs having no legal uses. The anarchist cookbook has been widely distributed and legal to own. Our own government actually released material to the public. You can still buy it on Amazon.
Making it a crime to distribute or be in possession of this information is a dangerous step that infringes on our first amendment rights.
There have been several attempts to form a 'new reddit', voat.co I think the most successful so far - yet it's mostly alt-right subscriber base is not 1/10th of reddit.
My preference is to stay here and fight.
If folks are really having trouble coping turn to Seneca, private tutor of Nero and one of the great authorities on Stoicism:
This isn't our first rodeo as a culture with a tyrannical leader and you do not need to burn out. You do need to learn how to handle your emotions so you can continue with your life.
Please try to get a copy of the book from Amazon or your library. It looks like used copies run for about $11 and it's worth it.
Reuters' War College Podcast had a great episode a couple of weeks ago regarding the issue revolving around paramilitary militias in the US that if anyone is interested on the subject should take a listen.
Adam Smith discusses minimum wages in his book that founded the field of economics, namely The Wealth of Nations. It's the same book the Invisible Hand line comes from.
On their own, supply-and-demand pressure will push the price of unskilled labor down to what it cost to feed and house one person and a small handful of kids. The reason is that any men, when so oppressed by low wages that they cannot feed themselves, shelter themselves, and start a family, no matter how hopeless the outlook, they will take a leap of faith, leave their current job and look for another. Maybe they will move to a different city, or emigrate, or even starve, but if your current work pays so little you can't pay for life's basic necessities, you will leave.
The economic optimum is to set the minimum wage at that basic-need level, and no lower.
Set minimum wage above, and you will generate inflation, as you describe, achieving nothing concrete.
Set minimum wage below that level, and you get a massive amount of unneeded human misery whenever the hops-and-bops of the market forces momentarily bring the price of unskilled labor below the basic-needs level.
As a general rule, minimum wage should be set a few percent points above the basic-need level just to be safe, since an error in the "up" direction causes no harm, and an error in the down direction can cause humanitarian catastrophes.
She's already setting the stage for another WMD scare.
It’s just as accurate and representative as the statement I responded to.
But hard data also shows that Kroger is not being beat by Publix. Florida and Georgia are the only exceptions. Publix isn’t killing Kroger in the south East, just in two states.
You call them absurd because you can't or won't answer them.
>Marksmanship training has one purpose - to make people more accurate killers.
And what kind of shooters do you recommend for the US Military?
NRA was formed by Civil-War era generals who witnessed what poor marksmen we had in the US.
The Civilian Marksmanship Program is a U.S. government-chartered program that promotes firearm safety training and rifle practice for all qualified U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth. Any U.S. citizen who is not legally prohibited from owning a firearm may purchase a military surplus rifle from the CMP, provided they are a member of a CMP affiliated club. The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and state associations that cover every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.
And they sell guns too!
Maybe you're just not cut from the cloth of True-Americanism.
If the fire department puts out a wild fire at the edge of your neighborhood, you end up a whole house ahead of where you would have been. In 2008 and '09, the Fed and Treasury were the fire department. Although some companies acted scummy like you say, the government prevented unemployment from skyrocketing way beyond where it actually peaked. Another analogy: If you're a domino, and you hear that somewhere "far away" some dominoes were prevented from falling, you should step back and examine how the dominoes were arranged before objecting, friend! :-) Details in this excellent audiobook.
EDIT: Corrected link formatting
He describes himself as a democratic socialist.
Practically, he wants to see the US follow the Nordic model, which is kind of like a socialist government coupled with a capitalist economy. Really high taxes to fund lots of social services, but people can still own private property.
I have never heard him advocate for abolishing capitalism. He just recognizes that no markets are actually "free." Governments set the rules for how companies can pursue profits and Bernie wants to set the rules to favor the people rather than corporations.
The ACLU has also defended Nazis (although in a bizarro universe move, the right now proclaims that the real Nazis were actually liberals), and Rush Limbaugh.
Still, they're vilified as a bunch of jew lawyers who hate the USA by the groaning chorus of extreme right wing talking heads.
Here are 5 books that keep in the mainstream of liberalism. Some of them are classics and should be enlightening reading for anyone (regardless political slant) living in a democracy.
Political Liberalism - John Rawls
The Wealth of Nations - Adam Smith
Two Treatises of Government - John Locke
The Conscience of a Liberal - Paul Krugman
And last, instead of a book, an article that takes you through liberalism: http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/liberalism/
So, did you go to school? Or at least learn to read an write?
Their fucked what?
Fortunately for them, birth control pills, patches, injections, rods, spermicide, diaphragms and cervical caps, as well as other methods, are all covered by Hobby Lobby. And, if that is not deemed enough, that "poor guy" can drop $35 and get plan b for his lady friend.
And to recap, you responded to 8 paragraphs and two outright questions with a single grammatically incorrect sentence that didn't address any of it.
I'm beginning to think that you're not just ignorant, but an ideologue who is willfully ignorant.
Read the original paper, here is a later paper by same author. The are saying rightists are more intractable in their beliefs and have less empathy. Leftists have more empathy and can modulate their views. I agree with all Pliskin says, I do not think it says what you think it says.
[Rightist ideology, for example, is associated with
resistance to change, and therefore rightists may be motivated to feel anger in the face of attempts to
change the status quo and therefore choose to up-regulate anger in reaction to such attempts. This is
especially true in the context of intractable conflict, in which the conflict-supporting ideology
sustains the conflict and guides the interpretation of new information. This ideology may thus
motivate people adhering to it to up-regulate pride or down-regulate empathy towards the outgroup.
Initial findings from an experimental study examining ideology as a possible motivation to up- or down-regulate emotions provide support for this hypothesis. When Jewish Israelis were given a
distraction-based emotion regulation strategy before viewing an empathy-eliciting presentation
regarding an injured Palestinian, they either up- or down-regulated empathy (compared to a control
condition), depending on their ideology: Rightists’ empathy decreased, but leftists’ empathy
increased (Porat et al., N.d.).](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/269405047_Emotions_and_Emotion_Regulation_in_Intractable_Conflict_Studying_Emotional_Processes_Within_a_Unique_Context)
No, sadly, it's not. I dislike all of those things. But those ideals are misplaced in the grand scheme of conservatism, as are some of our own. We are not so dissimilar, after all.
I would refer you to this article, also recently posted on reddit, for the real solution to this problem.
It really made me sit back in my chair and reanalyze my perspective. There is a small bit of truth for every liberal in that article, and I don't think his viewpoint is naive or misplaced. I think it's right on.
When you turned 26, why didn't you get insurance? You can apply for insurance after enrollment if you have a Qualifying Life Event--and you did. Here is the info you need. Get ya some insurance! https://www.healthcare.gov/how-can-i-get-coverage-outside-of-open-enrollment/#part=2
You are missing the point. How many tulip bulbs does a gallon of gas cost? Can you use tulip bulbs as currency?
Stop speaking in possibilities of how much your highly volatile pet commodity is going to net you in the future and read an economics book. I'm sure you have some pyramid-scheme-esque flowery language to justify your infatuation with bitcoin lined up in reply already.
Since you have starry eyed ideals kicking in cognitive dissonance, I found a great article for you.
Read it and weep, then get your REAL currency value out of the bullshit market.
The day the algorythm is cracked will b the end of bitcoin, but its worse than that. All it would take is speculation that the algorythm has been cracked, true or not, and Bam, you are fucked.
This is my fifth year on Reddit (in high-school I was stupid and mixed personal information + throwaway-worthy comments, so those accounts are long gone), but I didn't really venture into the political-arena of Reddit until the last few months.
It's funny - my grandma was raised by alleged-Communists and my nuclear family has made fun of her for being a socialist as long as I can remember. Sounds like I'll eventually join her.
I meant to include this with my comment.
You are dismissing as a few rumors a lot of detailed reporting on the surveillance state back in 2010/11.
I think legalizing ALL drugs (but regulating, just like alcohol) is the key to breaking the addiction cycle, as well as America's poverty problem. My mind was changed by a fantastic book called Chasing the Scream.
EDIT: And violence problems
So is the definition of rape being having a guy put his hand on your waste without asking permission? Because by definition it involves penetration to use that word. So he is correct, 1 in 4 women have not been raped and try to use statistics and not feelings and anecdotes.
How can you say pay isn't equal when studies that account for age, experience, education, etc. say it is equal?
And the "i'm not a woman I can't talk about it" is a terrible argument. Does that mean women aren't allowed to talk about pro sports, since no woman has ever played in the NBA or NFL? Or is it only restrictive from the male side where . After all, a woman never played in the NFL, what right does she have to talk about it?
I get what you're saying, but I strongly disagree. We can all talk about all issues if we look at it as fact based. When we rely on emotions to dictate policy, we make bad policy.
I wonder how accurate that calculator is. Try 60-year old single adult, no employer insurance, any regional cost factor, with 2014 income at 46,021 vs 46,022. I seriously hope the actual law does not hit you with a $7k bill when you make just $1 over the limit. It would be the worst form of $64,000 question.
>Come 2015, if your plan doesn’t have a grandfathered status and doesn’t meet the requirements of the ACA, then you will have to choose a new plan.
Of course the politifact lie of the year is "biased" to you.
Silver was the only one to give a solid 30% Trump chance. Everyone else had it 10% or less, or else didnt even put a percentage.
Turns out we are in that 30%.
Best book ever to understand where his data philosophy is btw:
There is less violence on this planet then EVER before.
There has never been more peace on earth as there is right now
I’d suggest you read this
I highly recommend the book "The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion" - it's about this very thing. About how we usually make up our judgements based on feeling, then justify our judgements with reasoning. When we go to talk to someone else about it, we're using reasoning, but they're still on feeling.
reposted because 2x is blocking this: http://www.amazon.com/Neocutis-Lumiere-Bio-restorative-Cream-Anti-aging/dp/B002LE54P4
Neocutis defended the use of its trademarked ingredient, Processed Skin Cell Proteins, or PSP, arguing that the fetal cell line was harvested in a responsible, ethical manner for use in treating severe dermatological injuries.
The company compared its situation to that of researchers who used fetal kidney cells to develop the polio vaccine.
“Our view - which is shared by most medical professionals and patients - is that the limited, prudent and responsible use of donated fetal skin tissue can continue to ease suffering, speed healing, save lives and improve the well-being of many patients around the globe,” said the statement.
The ingredient was developed at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland from proteins in the skin tissue of a 14-week-old male baby electively aborted at the university’s hospital and donated to the Swiss university. The abortion was deemed medically necessary because the baby could not survive to term, according to Neocutis.
When are you going to start discussing the issues? I suspect neoliberalism is out of your league, since you don't know appear to know anything about it.