Yup. There are 116,867 libraries in the US. There are 13,843 McDonald's locations in the US
California with 84, then Texas at 51 and Florida with 30.
But, unless you plan on driving around the state, maybe the City with the most would be more important. That's Houston with 6, Baltimore with 5, and Myrtle Beach with 4.
While certainly not the largest chain, and ignoring fast food, they are one of the largest sit-down chains in the country, both by number of locations and total revenue. And they are, in fact concentrated in the Midwest. I mean, Ohio has more locations than California or New York. So although it might not be the only factor, I highly doubt all of those states would have been labeled as such without that chain.
Locations in 2017- https://www.fsrmagazine.com/slideshows/americas-top-restaurant-chains-numbers
Revenue in 2020- https://www.zippia.com/advice/largest-restaurant-chains/
Locations in 2021- https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Texas%20Roadhouse-USA/
I tried but I couldn't find any free, accurate sources with Cracker Barrels by state :( It's available here for $65.... https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Cracker%20Barrel-USA/
You keep replying that to everyone, but they’re mostly concentrated in Michigan, Ohio & Western NY.. Unless you live there or are a hockey fan you probably haven’t heard of Timmy’s.
I mean, we love breadsticks... Columbus and Cincinnati are tied for the 6th most Olive Gardens in the county. So it's appropriate I guess!
Edit: they are tied for 6th
Isnt this a complete red herring given that there are other companies out there that have charging stations.
It would be like saying "Shell is a big gas station company, and there are no shell stations in Montana. How does anybody drive a gas car in Montana without a shell station!!!"
Yea this might be a little too unlikely. Maybe try town subs with high Hispanic/latino populations.
Or you could use an arm cluster, like a Pine64 Sopine clusterboard, and load up Python to run web scraping on reddit for key words and then analyze which subs to hit up.
Yes, but only in 12 states and 3 of those states (Maryland, Virginia, Delaware) only have one location. Here is a map of US locations:
There are 612 Tim hortons just in the United States. There are Tim’s locations in 13 other countries and only ONE borders Canada. And within the United States, most locations are pretty far from the border
There is one in Tampa and another in Orlando. Florida has at least five already, while most states don't have any.
I don't think you realize how spoiled for IKEA we already are.
Today Amazon US sells more than 606 million products, which means Amazon’s product count has expanded to more than 200 million since the beginning of the year. That an average of 1.3 million products is added each day!
Yes python will do this. Start with automatetheboringstuff.com to learn the syntax - they have a udemy course which is $50 (edit - $10 with code FOR_LIKE_10_BUCKS) but you can just read it online if you don't want to pay this.
I'd probably work through the first 1/2 to get the syntax down, and then jump straight to chapter 11 which is "webscraping"
Also there is a blog post here: https://www.scrapehero.com/tutorial-how-to-scrape-amazon-product-details-using-python/
I wouldn't reccomend starting at the blog post though - learn the syntax first so you can understand it.
No worries, they look pretty common on the east side. Save A Lots also appear to be an East/South state thing; apparently there's no need for low price groceries to be proliferate in the West. Lol.
In my town there's a local grocery, a Walmart, and a Kroger affiliate. The next town over has three local owned grocery stores, no chain store. The town another half hour out from there has one locally owned grocery store, no chain store. Over the summer I got some good produce deals at the farmer's market but that ended in September. If you type my state's name and "discount grocery store" into a search engine you get a map full of Family Dollars...last I stopped at one their stock was really limited in the food department, but I guess it could count?
I'm grateful the Kroger affiliate hasn't had incredible increases; they're my preferred store at this point. If I'm careful and watch their app for discounts and automatic coupons I can keep our groceries in the same dollar range as they were a year and a half ago. It means we've tried some new foods and new brands as we shop the sales, but I'm okay with that.
It’s just as accurate and representative as the statement I responded to.
But hard data also shows that Kroger is not being beat by Publix. Florida and Georgia are the only exceptions. Publix isn’t killing Kroger in the south East, just in two states.
These guys have the latest data for cheap https://www.scrapehero.com/store/product/starbucks-store-locations-in-the-usa/. Download and run your own analysis using any mapping software ! We use metabase for free to overlay it with https://data.census.gov/cedsci/ data and do it for super cheap.
Calgary has more Dairy Queens than any other city in Canada, 5 more than the 2nd city on the list... just go to one of the many other locations.
Automate the boring stuff with python is what you need!! Book is absolutely amazing and is free. They deny course is only like $12.99 I think.
Also, websites like:
(For looking through tutorials and code) https://www.scrapehero.com/web-scraping-tutorials/
And (For posting code related questions/hiccups..highly recommend learning to use stack overflow) https://stackoverflow.com
Direct answer is Yes Not knowing what issues you are facing you might want to check this article for scaling https://www.scrapehero.com/scalable-do-it-yourself-scraping-how-to-build-and-run-scrapers-on-a-large-scale/
Or google scalable scraping
You could use this scraper here - https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-scrape-historical-search-data-from-twitter/
It’s a scraper you can import to the web scraper chrome extension and run it. It doesn’t get blocked or banned for hundreds of pages - you just need to the computer up while it’s running.
They’ve been here a few years. Recently, I’ve noticed more and more popping up. (Florida)
According to this, they’re only in the east, with a few locations in Southern California and Arizona.
Pretty sure this is an accurate map of their locations.
They’re in a lot of states but not very densely.
Edit: If you ever come across one I highly recommend it. Their burgers are the smash burger old school diner style, they’ve got some solid ass fries, and they’ve got good fry sauce. Haven’t had a bad burger from them ever.
That’s actually crazy because there are zero Carl’s jr.‘s in Michigan.
If you mean Hardee’s there’s like 10 in the whole state.
So no, wrong
Where do you live? There’s no catch, free air checks and flat repairs, the ‘catch’ is they have an opportunity to inform you of the condition of your tires so since you’re there it may be a possible future sale
I replied in other thread but do not under any circumstances login to your instagram account and then try to scrape it. You will get banned. Instead, either scrape from public pages by using a residential proxy IP address like Scrapehero insta scraper or Specrom instagram scraper is doing, or create some throwaway insta accounts, login using that and try to scrape at a frequency of 25-100 pages/day.
Agree. OP's comment is a complete red herring given that there are other companies out there that have charging stations.
It would be like saying "Shell is a big gas station company, and there are no shell stations in Montana. How does anybody drive a gas car in Montana without a shell station!!!"
>I live on the east coast, so of course they’re everywhere
Here's the map of US locations. Where I grew up we had them in the 1970s but there are no long any in that state. I've lived in the Boston-DC corridor on and off over the years, never more than a couple of years at a time, and do remember them being all over then. But since the late 1990s I've lived entirely in gray states on this map...didn't realize how concentrated DD actually was.
Growing up and in college we actually went to Winchell's far more often than DD. But now I see those are almost entirely gone, with the remaining few almost entirely in California. Apparently there were 1,000+ of those back in the day too.
Taking a look at this data/map, it does not seem odd at all. They're mostly on the east coast, and especially concentrated in the south where they originated (Georgia).
https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Mellow Mushroom-USA/
This is a honeypot for website-crawling bots. Follow the links - they will go on and on forever, forever nonsense.
This is a map of Target Stores in USA, and here is a map of the population density, you can see that the stores tend to be where people are, so if we do the same of every country, and all stores. I believe it would average out to something really low, since those that have a long way to stores, would be in such minority that it wouldn't increase the average much.
Walmart says they have 39 stores in MA. This website says there are 42 Targets. You might be right. https://www.scrapehero.com/target-com-analysis-of-store-locations-across-the-u-s/
What are you selling?
> Amazon.com has a total of 398,040,250 Products as on January 4, 2017 https://www.scrapehero.com/how-many-products-are-sold-on-amazon-com-january-2017-report/
So you are going to sell 2.5X the number of products as Amazon? Are you sure about that number, because I wonder if that many distinct products actually exist.
Not sure where in Cali you're talking about, but they absolutely have Raising Cane's there. According to this site, there are 51 of them in fact. https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Raising%20Canes-USA/
Because Texas pride sells and people dont think for themselves.
TX does have the most locations, but just because it has a high population. IL matches it per capita and OH isn't far behind:
Of the 600 or so Tim Hortons in the US almost all of them are in western NY, Ohio, and southeast Michigan. It's basically a competitor for Dunkin' Donuts in those areas. Most of the people that I know only go there for coffee and donuts, never for a sandwich or anything else. The location in my town closed recently.
There are still more than 6000 Pizza Huts. It isn't a dead brand at all. It does look like there are areas where it never caught on. And Texas has 871 by themselves lol.
There are more Oxxos in Mexico than Starbucks in the US.
OXXO's slogan is "a la vuelta de tu vida" literally meaning "just around your life." And that slogan couldn't be more accurate. There seems to be one in every block of the country. What Oxxo offers is way more than convenience store products, it allows anyone to pay their utility bills, make bank deposits, and even make e-commerce payments with cash. By integrating its cash register with Mexico's biggest banks, it’s estimated that 80% of all cash deposits are made in an Oxxo.
The only US chain with more locations than Oxxo is Subway with 24,154. However, unlike Oxxo, none of Subway's locations are company-owned. They are all franchises and run independently. FEMSA, on the other hand, operates all of its 20k stores and does a peculiar job to standardize them. This allows them to offer the same customer experience whether you visit a store in Tijuana or Merida.
Sources: ScrapeHero, FEMSA Earnings
Tools: Sheets, Rawgraphs, Affinity Designer
I had both I switched from Marriott to Hilton. First for my destinations on business travel I generally had better Hilton hotels (nicer, cleaner, more modern, more options like restaurants, bars, gyms etc.). Second for the rewards, I found Hilton better overall for a variet of reasons. Last thing - you may want to consider something like the page below. They map out the chains across the US and also factor in the percentage of their chains. Companies like IHG have more but they are dominated by Holiday Inns. Marriott it's Fairfield and Courtyard (some can be nice) and Hilton it's Hampton so you may want to consider this as well depending on our needs of a hotel and their geographical locations.
Not a bartender or interviewer, total loner who pretty much only socializes with dogs. Locations of Meijer stores can determine that I'm in midwest, in state with most Meijer locations actually. :)
A&W restaurants aren't in every US state. The ones they are in, they aren't widespread. This comment got me thinking so I looked up all the locations in the US and:
Some of these locations are hundreds of miles and millions of people apart. A lot of Americans have never seen one.
Between CVS and Walmart, you're talking about some insanely small percentage of the US not near one or willing to make the drive to one.
Maybe, if you're housebound.
How many people in America at this point who take covid seriously are not vaccinated and know where to get a test?
There's no Tim Horton around me and I don't recall seeing any on the east coast.
From this map, it looks like they're really only in the upper midwest and northeast.
this map of locations says a lot.
They have a good amount of locations in 620 but they are concentrated in Michigan and Ohio and the NY Canadian border. Anything farther South is untouched. My guess is because they don't have any suppliers in the US (why should they?) And trucking is just to costly for the store to be profitable any further South.
There are 588 BP gas stations in Wisconsin per https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/BP-USA/
And 476 Kwik Trips (Some of these are coming soon), all owned by KT.
BP has stopped building their own owned locations, and has sold most of their retail locations to franchisees.
But they don’t even list Wawa in the top 10, dispite them having 952 locations in the USA - far more than others on their convenience store too 10 list. Wawa is located in the Mid Atlantic states and Florida. They have a cult following for their hoagies, coffee and culture overall. They are everywhere in and around Philly.
Their regional competitor, Sheets, is listed on the top 10 list despite having only 634 locations.
There are 292 Sheetz in PA Unless OP has a source somewhere I believe the map is incorrect and they forgot about some local chains.
Unfortunately the way I do it requires knowing how to program and having a software development environment, esp. a compiler. You can get the latter for free but it's a big learning curve.
I googled "free tools for scraping data from web pages"
and turned up this page.
I'm not familiar with any of those tools so I can't tell you which are better or worse, sorry.
This is a search of reddit for "scrape web pages". You could try variations on that search string, with the goal of finding subreddits where you can go for help.
Good luck!
I'll counter with the Casey's locations map as well as a most popular condiment by state map.
Are you in the northeast US? I can't find anywhere else where the nearest Krispy Kreme is two states away. The US is still fairly well covered with them.
More relevant than the total number of charging units installed is the number of charging locations. As of Sept. 30th, Tesla had 1146 Supercharger locations in the US:
At the end of 2020 there were ~4300 DCFC charging locations in the US, including Tesla:
So since this latter number has undoubtedly grown in the past nine months, we can extrapolate that Tesla has roughly 20-25% of the total number of fast charging locations in the US.
Still probably fair to say that the Tesla supercharger network is better, but it's not at more locations.
That's in Idaho. Seems like they are still 2 states away. May be still a few years but don't worry it won't take as long as last time when the frontiers moved West.
What about this? Can someone give it a try?
Even if it doesn't work a 100% it'll be better than nothing
Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Maine, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, West Virginia, and I think Connecticut and Vermont. Based on this map which scraped Tim Horton's 600+ USA location database.
There are actually more Dunkins in each of the following cities than in Boston proper:
Chicago, Philly, NYC, Brooklyn, the Bronx. https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Dunkin%20Donuts-USA/ There are 4 times as many in Chicago than then are in Boston.
I forget which one, but on one of the ave (7th?) in NYC, there is a Dunkin on each block.
Thanks for the reply?
I implemented that because it was recommended here: https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-prevent-getting-blacklisted-while-scraping/
I have also tried updating my headers and as I mentioned I have also looked into Selenium as well. So far at least with Selenium I have had no success figuring it out. Obviously I am largely a beginner here so the snarky attitude dont help me learn much.
Obviously a large industry such as Amazon would have thought of a random time variable. I posted it because its something I have tried to fix my own issue.
My question is: Is amazon blocking me causing my problem or is it something else in the code? As stated, I am a beginner looking for help here, please if you cant help that's fine, but the above does nothing for me.
Is there some sort of code that I could put in to figure out more exactly what could be causing the issue?
New York actually has the most Tim Hortons of any state in the U.S. with 242, making up 37% of all U.S. locations.
Source: https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Tim%20Hortons-USA/
I can’t speak for the rest of the state, but western New York definitely has more Tim Hortons than any other chain. They are all over in the Buffalo and Niagara Falls region and even farther south towards the PA border.
Let me know how it goes, just comment here when you reach something please.
I didn't try it yet, found a short video from google that seems to be related to the job search with a guy talking, but I'm not sure if it works so wanted to check if someone tried it here before I waste hours (I'm not experienced in python/programming so it takes me longer to do simpler stuff due to research time).
I'm from Egypt and there is not many outsourced recruiters, and in house recruiters are trash (tried reaching out to plenty of them to inquire about their hiring process and they didn't even bother replying), tried glass door for a while but it seemed to be worse than linkedin.
You should check this out, https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-scrape-job-listings-from-glassdoor-using-python-and-lxml/ I originally planned on tuning the code to my needs.
the reason I'm doing this is because I don't think all companies post on linkedin when they're hiring and google jobs seems to be scraping other website routinely so this might give me some jobs that haven't been spammed.
If you live in the US and are visiting the following
states (mostly in the Midwest and east) you can find a
Tim Hortons:
A lot:
- Michigan
- Ohio
- Pennsylvania
- Indiana
- New York
- New Jersey
- Maine
- West Virginia
- Virginia
- Maryland
- Kinda Vermont..? But idk if New York wants to share that one
Source: https://www.scrapehero.com/store/wp-content/uploads/maps/Tim_Hortons_USA.png
I guess as someone who has lived in both West and East Michigan, it surprised me that most of the US doesn't really have Tim Hortons. Thank you for giving me this educational journey.
We had a setting for all Canadian stores. ALL <strong>1,396</strong> OF THEM.
Which doesn't make sense, because I'm sure there's a few without drivethroughs.
>no Idea what peets coffee is
Yeah I meant Tim Hortons...
If Horton's/Starbucks/McDonalds/BurgerKing/Wendy's gets into fast charge, they will really pick up business.
People say on long trips they stop at McDos and let the kids burn off some energy in the playground. So if you can do a charge, get some coffee and let the kids play for 45 minutes, it will work.
Fair point in a franchising and business centrality point of view, but in practice every 7-Eleven I’ve ever been in has been pretty gross and unsophisticated.
I don’t think so. 7-Eleven has ~650 locations in Canada and the majority are in the western half of the country
You’re right, we don’t know, but I feel like the safer assumption is that a corporation motivated entirely by profit would want an opportunity to make a huge amount of money though alcohol sales rather than not wanting to do that.
Yes they have good corporate food standards for not giving people salmonella, but does that make it a good candidate for being a bar?
They also supply us with Tim Hortons.
Michigan: 218 locations- 33% of total US locations - one for every 46,000 people
New York: 242 locations- 37% of total US locations- one for every 80,000 people
Ohio: 140 locations- 21% of total US locations- one for every 83,000 people
These three states combined make up 600/653= 91.88% of total US locations.
More info (source) here: https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Tim%20Hortons-USA/
EDIT: RIP Tawas City, MI Tim Horton's (closed permanently during pandemic). You'll always be in my heart.
Looks like $80 and the entire list is yours:
That page also has a decent map of the locations (though not good enough for your purposes).
We just launched a news api for 2000+ global sources https://www.scrapehero.com/marketplace/api-news/. Generous free plans available and redittor feedback is greatly appreciated.
Will be adding trending and clustering to this soon
We just launched the first version of the API and it has a 1000 free calls to test out
The API will be improved soon to add some features asked in this thread.
Feedback is very much appreciated !
Seems to work if i give it complete headers, and I'm also rotating them. I followed this approach which is overkill, but works.
This article might be helpful for rotating user agent(header that tells website what browser and OS you are using): https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-fake-and-rotate-user-agents-using-python-3/
You may also want to consider using a proxy/scraping API service like Scraper's Proxy. It will automatically rotate your proxy with each request (sessions are available if you want to send a few request from the same ip) and if you don't set a user agent it will automatically set it from you with all of the other headers that are usually sent with that user agent. JavaScript rendering is also available if you need to scrape a website that loads content dynamically. Many of these services including Scraper's Proxy allow you to send some request for free to test (Scraper's Proxy currently allows 100 requests free per month).
Let's see some numbers...
> Amazon marketplace stats
> 1,761,784 sellers have products listed for sale.
> Amazon.com has a total of 119,928,851 products as of April 2019
Touche! I wasn't aware they originated in the south... https://www.scrapehero.com/store/wp-content/uploads/maps/Piggly_Wiggly_USA.png
Quite the interesting distribution. You can see why as a SE Wisco person who's traveled about everywhere but south, I thought it was an us thing. :x
No prob, if you need any help at all let me know I'm interested in these types of project as my job is mostly web scraping and creating spreadsheets lol.
I also found that link that goes over how they pull the data from yahoo finance. Perhaps that would be easier than the stocker library. I'm not sure, just an idea for you to browse. good luck
well as far as I know quite a few just dont bother to keep an upto date "collection" of them. but yeah just a string to identify details about the system trying to connect.
Lol this isn't even close to accurate. University of IA has between 13,000 and 26,000 employees ( hard to be accurate because the source includes past employees
HyVee has 85,000 employees with its corporate offices and 52% of its stores in Iowa so it's reasonable to assume at least 45,000 employees in Iowa alone https://www.scrapehero.com/location-reports/Hy%20Vee-USA/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hy-Vee#:~:text=As%20of%202018%2C%20Hy-Vee,of%20more%20than%20%2410%20billion.
> The state with the most number of Wendy's locations in the US is Florida with 521 locations, which is 8% of all Wendy's locations in America.
Then Texas, then Ohio...
I don't think that's accurate.
Edit: Recent news said Minnesota has closed 24 targets, so maybe thats where it's coming from
Edit2: This says another source says Minneapolis has 9 Targets
I tried to add user-agents, both for requests and urlib following this tutorial here, but the terminal was just left hanging both times, I also found the robots.txt file for adidas here:
User-agent: * Allow: /sitemap.xml Sitemap: https://www.adidas-group.com/sitemap.xml Disallow: /de/admin Disallow: /en/admin
But I'm not too sure what it means as I'm quite new to this, but is it what you expected, considering it wont let me access it even with a user-agent like outlined in the tutorial posted above?
Try this for free https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-rotate-proxies-and-ip-addresses-using-python-3/ and see if works
The Independent Grocers Alliance is not gone in the US. Here's a map that claims to have been updated 4 days ago. Each dot represents 1-5 stores.
Schwer zu sagen. Wie ein anderer Kommentator schon sagte, gehört Aldi zu Aldi Süde und Trader Joe's zu Aldi Nord (deswegen bekommt (bekam?) man hier im Aldi Nord auch immer die Trader Joe's Eigenmarken). Allerdings kann ich jetzt auf der Karte aus derselben Quelle keine Trennung zwischen Ost/West erkennen, wie es sie hier bei uns zwischen Süd und Nord gibt: https://www.scrapehero.com/store/wp-content/uploads/maps/Trader_Joes_USA.png
This is the first request you just made with *this run*. Or they might have other detections in place. Are you setting a user agent? What about a referral link?
This might be a good place to start. I do warn you though. This really isn't a trivial problem. Is there an easier way to aggregate the data you want? Any search APIs? Maybe look into the bing api and get flight results from them?
If you decide you hate yourself enough, have at it! God knows I've gone that route a few times.
Costco and Amazon are two completely different retail giants. Although they do have some overlapping products, they almost don’t even compete with each other.
Costco only carries about 4000 items and does nearly 75% of its business in food. Food items like meat, deli, and bakery are hard items to buy through Amazon. In comparison Amazon carries 120 million unique items.
Costco almost always beats Amazon in non foods pricing too because of the different shipping methods. For example Costco can ship 100 toasters on a pallet for $100, Amazon can’t ship those same toasters to 100 people for $1 each.
Amazon is successful because of their volume and their ability to offer 120 million different items.
So while Costco beats Amazon pricing on the two toasters it carries, Amazon may sell 100 different toasters so their volume and customer base are much larger.
Sure, but there are new ones still opening in the south. Apparently 16% of all of them are in Texas. Some states have none, some have 5-10, some have several hundred. Presence in a state alone is not much of a metric.
It’s actually 9% of USA stores in Cali.
And mcds is going to use whatever is the cheapest that isn’t breaking some stupid law. Makes no difference if it’s plastic,paper, or gold. So if it’s cheaper to use paper in Cali and plastic everywhere else that’s what they will do. When you buy a fuckzillion straws per day it adds up quickly.
So as California goes....nope. Not really. The rest of the USA hasn’t adopted the really old “causes cancer in California” yet. And they probably never will.
Here is a link but it is not free. You can download a sample to play with before buying. Downloads as a zip file which you extract to a csv file and then load into a spreadsheet of your choice.
Sure, and out of the top 20 cities that have the highest number of Walmart stores, 5 of them are from Texas. San Antonio has the highest number of stores – 33 stores, followed by Houston, Jacksonville, and Orlando.
So basically, this reaffirms my belief that more hillbilly fucks are frequenting Walmart, so I’ll lead back to my original comment. Sit on the mic.
A 200 status code indicates success. Web requests (to Zillow or not) don't typically require XML; the request and it's data are formatted using http protocol elements. The response body may contain XML data, but I don't think Zillow does. The regular html code you will get is similar enough to XML that is can be parsed using XML tools, like the lxml module used in this tutorial.
I used this site for a lot of the “how to avoid getting IP banned” stuff like user-agent switching and rotating proxies. They have some good python tutorials.
Amazon has over 3 billion products for sale. You could probably write 1,000 articles a day about products like this for years before running out of stuff.
Yea there seems to be many protections and many ways to do noter them
It a very likely that they use AI to analyse their traffic and detect automatic browsing
It has some trial and errors and requires technical knowledgeable
If you are considering starting an e-commerce business, I highly recommend doing data scraping, instead of spending months on research. Just get all the products with their pricing and easily set yours.
For those of you considering data scraping I will list some scraping services below:
Trivial if you are already a Web dev, might be a confusing for people with some basic experience. Hard for complete noobs.
Setting everything up in the first place can be weird and confusing if you wanted to use the node.js based headless browsers. Let alone programmatically interacting with a web page.
Ideally you would have some HTML/CSS/JS , linux CLI, and node experience to use the tools I listed. I can't speak for python and selenium, I have very little experience with python.
careful when doing it from your own IP, you can getblacklisted by big companies. https://www.scrapehero.com/how-to-prevent-getting-blacklisted-while-scraping/
There are a total of 25,376 stores in the USA, with 10% of them in California. With a population of 40M, California has one Subway for every 15,000 people. In California, the most number of stores are in Los Angeles (5%) followed by San Diego (3%) and Sacramento (3%) Full report is here https://www.scrapehero.com/store-locations/subway-store-locations/
Could you point me into the right direction to get started with that? I was initially basing my code off this [tutorial] I found.(https://www.scrapehero.com/a-beginners-guide-to-web-scraping-part-2-build-a-scraper-for-reddit/)
I hope the 20 states don't match the top 20 on this list as my state isn't in the top 20. Turns out TN is tied for 21st.
Data used for the visualization was collected by scraping Amazon.com bestseller listings and detail pages of the products in the list. Full report on the data can be found here https://www.scrapehero.com/bestselling-toy-brands-in-amazon-com-december-2016/
No problem, here is a good resources that definitely helped me with my webscraping project:
As well as: