I mean, we love breadsticks... Columbus and Cincinnati are tied for the 6th most Olive Gardens in the county. So it's appropriate I guess!
Edit: they are tied for 6th
I take it you've never seen a thundersnow storm? They are a sight to behold.
I spent a bunch of summers working in a tool and die union shop. When the moderator of the Democratic primary asked "does your plan for health care coverage cover undocumented immigrants" and every hand goes up, they lost blue collar workers for good. Their real concerns about massive illegal immigration are dismissed as racism (note: I say this as someone who believes in pretty much open borders).
Democrats left working-class voters far behind. They became the party of the coasts, millenials, and college educated people, and consistently piss on the middle of the country from the greatest of heights. That may or may not be good or bad electorally and morally, but don't be surprised when the industrial areas of Cleveland vote for the person who talks like them and promises to make China and "illegals" pay for making their lives worse. There are a lot of hurting people who lost their jobs, their dignity, and even loved ones to problems Trump talked to and everyone else ignored, like opiods.
A committed party that, you know, likes Democracy and upholds the values of Liberalism (that's large L not small l). This book does a good job of outlining the issues with the R party: https://www.amazon.com/Even-Worse-Than-Looks-Constitutional/dp/0465096204.
One can also do a thought experiment if instead of Trump this was a D President doing the actions. What would the R party be doing?
Please also know that what you see on Twitter or hear about happening on a college campus isn't also the D party's platform. There are lots of shades of grey when it comes to Free Speech and such a right is not absolute.
However, I do agree with Haidt that Speech does not also equal physical violence which is what the folks on College Campus seem to be equating: https://www.amazon.com/Coddling-American-Mind-Intentions-Generation/dp/0735224897.
With Due Process you need to be specific. Different actions have different Due Process steps. Some of which are in need of reform.
and in case they have an android phone.
Either will tell you the last location within a few meters so long as OP didnt disable the service.
Flint's water is the way it is because the city switched water sources to save money, but didn't treat the new water source correctly, causing the protective coating on the inside of the lead pipes to corrode away, exposing the population to lead poisoning.
That's out of date info. Current U.S. population is 329,093,110
The population within a 500-mile radius of Columbus is 138,442,027
NPR and Propublica did a story about this in August. https://www.npr.org/2017/08/16/543650270/they-got-hurt-at-work-then-they-got-deported
A key quote from the story: "If employers know that workers are too afraid to apply for workers' compensation, what's the incentive to work safely?"
Here is the CDC's site for signs and symptoms of Lyme disease. Symptoms typically start after 3 days, but can take as long as 30.
WebMD's page says that the tick needs to be attached for 36-48 hours in order for Lyme disease to spread, but ticks can carry other diseases that can pass onto humans, so it's worth a read through.
FYI - I'm not a doctor. You know you better than some rando on the internet. If you think you're getting sick, get yourself checked out.
The American Legion and the VFW are already dying institutions, and this might lead to the continued decline in membership. If they allow people like this into their ranks, they deserve to die out.
This clown does not represent Norse pagans, Heathens, followers of Asatru. I am a Norse pagan and Thor is one of my gods. Seeing him wearing the hammer, the valknut fills me with a seething anger. He is not worthy of either symbol, but he claims to be one of us. He and his kind, are a societal cancer, and the fact that he and many others have tried to hide within Norse pagan communities is infuriating. Norse pagan communities have taken a stand against racism, sexism and homophobia. There is no place for people like this creature above in my community. Shield Wall is a movement and a declaration by many members of the Norse Pagan/Heathen/Asatru communities. Many people within the communities have signed Declaration 127 which you will see mentioned in the link above. If you see anything by the Asatru Folk Assembly or AFA, it's poison, their founder Steven McNallen is a known racist.
Dave Rothgery, does not represent Thor, he does not represent me. Here's something I wrote on the issue to expand my view of the racism in norse paganism issue. Norse Symbols Tainted
"Biden has moved steadily in a progressive direction," said Max J. Skidmore, an emeritus professor of political science at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and the author of Presidential Performance: A Comprehensive Review. These include promising to name a woman as his running mate and moving towards the Sanders and Warren positions on student debt and bankruptcy reform.
Skidmore also cited Biden’s support for eliminating private prisons, abolishing the death penalty, and providing paid family and medical leave.
> Any name on the doc, derf?
The Doctor was named Leonard Faymore (hence the name on the castle; they actually called it "Treasure Palace"). His girlfriend was named Doris Hunt.
Holy hell, it's $10/week? That's $520/year. Why not buy something like this and do it yourself? After 60 weeks, it would be pure profit for you.
That's terrible. Google Maps says cars can do it in 4 hours 7 mins. For the lazy.
Sanitizer is good but does not kill all bugs. Plain soap and water kills the bugs sanitizer can't.
Rainman is right on everything. Johns Hopkins launched a web site if you want to track.
I use http://www.wikitree.com but have to be careful because past a certain generation, anyone can edit it.
I've had pages of documentation wiped out by some random person who disagreed with the data and put in wrong information. One in particular was a distant relative who said something to the effect of "Well, my Mom always said he was born in 18whatever, not what the census records say, and I believe her."
There are a lot of random users out there without critical thinking or analytical skills, which I think is fairly important to have when doing genealogy research.
Psst .. eucalyptus oil.... You must be one of those Whole foods shoppers! Just kidding! Note to self, check Amazon for Eucalyptus Oil
Remind me to address your comment when I post the circle. I read "Terrible Swift Sword: The Life of General Philip H. Sheridan" about 2 months ago but it is buried in my messy office that I will soon be cleaning up.
First, get involved. Join Blue Ohio, who is trying to ensure that NO elected office in Ohio goes unchallenged by Democrats. I chip in every month, and David Pepper is one of the best Democratic strategists around. Follow him wherever he pops up, online. Buy his book, Laboratories of Autocracy. You'll learn a lot about Ohio state and local politics from him. Consider running for an office -- I am!
Mostly, don't give up hope. I have lived in much redder states than Ohio, and I feel a LOT more promise here than anywhere I've ever lived. Mostly because GOPers here are generally not the absolute nutjobs they are in states like Texas and Tennessee. You can reach them. And we ARE the majority, here. We've just had our majority neutered by a gerrymandered state legislation and lawless/gutless state supreme court of late. We can take it back... if we do the work.
>During the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, more Americans belonged to fraternal societies than to any other kind of voluntary association, with the possible exception of churches. Despite the stereotypical image of the lodge as the exclusive domain of white men, fraternalism cut across race, class, and gender lines to include women, African Americans, and immigrants. Exploring the history and impact of fraternal societies in the United States, David Beito uncovers the vital importance they had in the social and fiscal lives of millions of American families.
>Much more than a means of addressing deep-seated cultural, psychological, and gender needs, fraternal societies gave Americans a way to provide themselves with social-welfare services that would otherwise have been inaccessible, Beito argues. In addition to creating vast social and mutual aid networks among the poor and in the working class, they made affordable life and health insurance available to their members and established hospitals, orphanages, and homes for the elderly. Fraternal societies continued their commitment to mutual aid even into the early years of the Great Depression, Beito says, but changing cultural attitudes and the expanding welfare state eventually propelled their decline.
Back in 1988 Carl Hiassen wrote a funny book about fish tournament cheating called Double Whammy.
To quote Ben Hamper, author of <em>Rivethead,</em> when he was writing about a Detroit bar: "What the place lacked in ambiance, it made up for in ambulance."
App for plant ID via pics
App for bird ID via song or visuals
a sundown town is a place where, if you’re there after the sun goes down and you’re not white, you disappear.
they used to make and sell something called ‘the green book’ for black people to know where they’re safe to stop for the night when driving on the road. https://www.amazon.com/Negro-Motorist-Green-Book-1949-Facsimile/dp/168422490X/
Get yourself some SeamGrip, no reason your kayak won't last a lot longer that that. I have one that is going on 6 years now.
IMO, Ohio is the book What's the Matter with Kansas in action. Bluntly, "conservative" social/economic elites claiming to support and advance the "values" of "regular folks" while screwing those "regular folks" over. The "culture war" issues, while they may be sincerely felt, are more distraction than substance.
Very good point, but you're still missing mine: Amazon can only distinguish between accounts. It can't know whether you are five people with five accounts, or one person with five accounts.
Oh, they could look at the IP addresses you use to sign in. But then you can employ another middleman (VPN) to appear to be signing in from a different IP address each time.
Your 5 accounts are all using NordVPN to conceal from Amazon that they are just one person, but I, too, am using NordVPN, completely independent of your activities. How does Amazon know to group your 5 accounts together, without grouping mine as well?
You’re really uninformed about how corrupt Hillary is. All the 💩 she did was to cover up her secret server emails because she was trading her office to foreign governments (including Russia with Uranium One). It’s all in Clinton Cash: The Untold Story of How and Why Foreign Governments and Businesses Helped Make Bill and Hillary Rich https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062369296/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QNCKC8DT42QPTMPXW58T
Now if you want the truth about what happened in 2016, read The Plot Against the President: The True Story of How Congressman Devin Nunes Uncovered the Biggest Political Scandal in U.S. History https://www.amazon.com/dp/1546085033/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_QBHPJKEY77GXZ3ET6CNG
That's about as good as you're going to get until 14 days out from your trip. In general it will be very cold though. So dress very warm and 100% in layers, you can take off layers if you have too many, but you can't add to them when you're out and about.
want to emphasize the hat/beanie part - even just a basic wool one works great. keeping your ears and the top of your head covered is important since thats where a lot of your body heat escapes. i have one of these myself, it looks goofy but my ears never even consider getting cold with that thing on
I'm a freeze baby who has learned to love the cold so this is my speciality.
If I'm going outside in seriously cold weather, I wear: -leggings under jeans (game changer) -a waffle-knit thermal shirt like this under a wool cardigan. Sometimes the thermal shirt under a sweatshirt under a wool cardigan... -thin socks under wool socks -parka, gloves, scarf, hat, boots
Staple items to buy ASAP if you don't already have them are wool socks, wool sweaters, leggings
You'll have to keep an eye on depression. We don't get enough sunlight in the winter. I bought a [Light Therapy Lamp](circadian optics light therapy lamp - uv-free led happy mood lamps for seasonal sunlight changes - full spectrum sun lights for work from home - lumos (white) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01IU9MMPI/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_i_GDGDZ68916A7P1Z1E1HV?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1) and honestly think it helps.
I know exactly what it is, and if you care about it, how about you get your own test. A test kit is $35, so if you're worried about it most folks can find $35 to get it checked.
Wow, talk about an outlier! Last time Perrysburg saw temperatures this high in early January was way back in 2018! And the last time before that was in 2017 (might have to ask your grandparents what that was like). One would almost be led to believe that this is climatologically appropriate weather for this part of the county at this time of year.
Hey! I'm an environmental tech who moved from Cinci to Columbus. The job market for environmental work in Cinci I felt was quite poor; I've definitely had better luck in Columbus. I recommend indeed.com. The companies I can think of off the top of my head that have offices down there are:
Tetra Tech
Pinnacle Environmental
Terracon (always seems to be hiring)
Proctor and Gamble is huge down there and may be worth taking a look at.
Good luck, OP!
Yeah. His Facebook page, from a link at the top, gives plenty of evidence of his opinion of black people. Some people would nearly burn alive because they couldn't surmise that smoke indicates something is burning.
The one I chose was this model, I ran all the cords in the a and c pillars and headliner. Rexing V1P 4K 2.4" LCD 2160p Front + 1080p Rear Wi-Fi 170° Wide Angle Dual Channel Dashboard Camera Recorder Car Dash Cam with Rear Cam, G-Sensor, WDR, Loop Recording Mobile App Supercapacitor (2021) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EX8ATKK/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_RTVXVJNTF9KS6M81QSMY
It seems to do better in our extreme weather than some of the others. But there are lots of great ones on Amazon and lots of reviews on different ones on youtube.
Thanks for your input.
It only has 268 reviews, at only 4/5.
Also, a number of the recent reviews at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.odot.ohgo are pretty critical.
Maybe it's not quite ready for prime time...
I should add that there's a new generation of happy lights (full spectrum high lux lights) which are small and inexpensive.
These help a lot no matter where you are.
I got this off Amazon, so I'm not sure about dispos. I've also been told you can use a turkey bag and just tie it off tightly but I'm not sure how much something like carbon in-between the layers helps.
In all reality you're probably fine if you're taking the time to consider all this. Throw it in your trunk under the spare and keep the speed down.
BOMBER CASE - Extra Large Premium Locking Smell Proof Bag, Adjustable Straps, Odor Proof, Carbon Lined, Lockable Pouch or Storage Case, Blue https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZS44WNY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_D441NGPY28Q7AJ9HA5F6
> Hell, even looking now in a pandemic it looks like it’s still $300 round trip an 9 hours. That’s legitimated $250 or so dollar more than the gas it costs for me to take my wife and daughter up in half the time.
Well, gas isn't the only cost. The IRS remimbursement rate is $0.54/mile, which is supposed to cover all costs, so to go from Cincinnati to Chicago of that's about $300 round-trip, and you don't have to worry about parking when you get there. The number of people you're planning to take in the car tips the scales one way or the other obviously.
I usually make shirts for friends, or riding groups - motorcycle related stuff, but I thought this was a cool idea and thought it came out well, so I thought I'd share.
If you register for a free Alltrails account, it lets you see maps with latitude/longitude of the trailhead mapped. The start of the trail is at 39.41826, -82.52685. If you put those coordinates into your GPS it should take you to the parking lot, It looks like you take the Buckeye Trail one way and the Gorge Overlook Trail the other.
https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4017359902#map=13/39.3297/-82.3072 I hope this is a step in the right direction and that Lookout Rock is what you meant. I looked at the coordinates from Google Maps and put it on OpenStreetMap. Using Lake Hope as an orientation feature, you can make out the trails from the maps you linked to.
I think the problem could be that Lookout Rock is not on the trail.
My wife bought me this one or one like it from this manufacturer for Christmas 2 years ago. If you look at the picture, you can see the speed is displayed. It's not super precise, but is within 1 or 2 mph compared to my speedometer/cruise control setting.
My dog has absolutely lethal farts, which gave me occasion to discover that these kn95 masks actually do block them! He ripped one on us in the car one afternoon while we were in a drive-thru; I had on a mask to interact with the person at the window, my dog dropped ass on the car, I didn't notice behind my mask, and my poor unmasked husband got thoroughly crop-dusted because the windows were locked to keep the dog from accidentally rolling them down.
I don't know how well it works, but this is a non pesticide that won't hurt anything but the caterpillars. They eat the plant sprayed with it, and it destroys their digestive system. I sprayed my backyard with it since my neighbor is getting theirs treated for worms. If they have it, we either also have it or will have it.
Monterey LG6332 Bacillus Thuringiensis (B.t.) Worm & Caterpillar Killer Insecticide/Pesticide Treatment Concentrate, 16 oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ANT611U/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_1AYMYB48HC6SPAAHEREM?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
From what I've read, the best bet is wait until the cold weather kills them. You can water the brown spots. They're eating the leaves, not the roots, so it should* come back. Army worms aren't an every year issue here in Ohio.
For the soap trick, make sure you're using a lawn safe soap like Dawn so it doesn't kill your grass.
Permethrin will kill pretty much any bugs other than bed bugs.
If you use a regular pair of shoes for walking and hiking, use this https://smile.amazon.com/dp/B001ANQVYU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_fabc_ZMTJA7ZB7CRXB39C2A7J That's For clothing only, not your skin or pets. I also use it on hats. Very effective.
Make sure your dog is on a good tick and flea repellent. You might want to ask your vet what works best for ticks. My vet told me that the pill versions are not very effective against ticks.
Even though it's an apartment, you can get flea & tick carpet spray. Spray it on, vacuum daily. Likely it was carried in by a pet but fell off due to the pet's treatment. Some of them only kill if the ticks bite them.
I just recently bough an Off brand bug spray for ticks. Might be new? It was at Meijer in the camping section.
That’s a sweet idea, but as a new student, he’ll probably get a lot of questions about Washington DC. And then have to explain it’s the other Washington. :-)
This is kind of a cool book, less about real history and just weird facts.
Weird Ohio: Your Travel Guide to Ohio's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets (Volume 1) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1402733828/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_G12E150JCTZN5DCSDRXF
I don't have a current brand to recommend because mine are fairly old but still going. I use the suction cup on the windshield on all of the rental cars. There are a few times that the angle is awkward on a few models (have to put it too far away, or if it's a really small car, up too high an too close to my face) but that's for rentals. On our family minivan I have used the adhesive disc on the top of the dashboard and that works great. https://www.amazon.com/TORRAS-Military-Grade-Dashboard-Windshield-Compatible/dp/B08M5TB3TD/
On my truck, I spent a little more and have this sweet mount. I tow a camper so between that and the other displays my space is at a premium. https://www.proclipusa.com/product/855093-proclip-center-mount-extra-strength-mounting-platform
I have never found a vent clip that's worth a damn. Good luck, I sincerely hope you find what you need. I have never needed to hold my phone except for very rare occasions - like when it's 15 degrees and the suction cup loses pliability - in at least a decade. And my phone is big, in one of those leather wallet-style cases, and it still fits.
Yeah, I've been hooked on this tech for years, but the idea of putting my self on blast with something relatively unknown didn't make sense. I can't wait to use it for car camping though. It's basically just a film with a wire attached. You can even get it on amazon these days.
The reason I've waited for the Tesla is because I don't have to worry about electricity and sentry mode should make it possible to see an officer writing the ticket lol.
In the seminal classic, 1997's State by State with The State, it is actually Connecticut that gets the two sentence treatment. Also, did you know that Rhode Island is entirely carpeted?
Because no Human is Illegal. Your use of dehumanizing language is really rather telling. That's how it started with the Jews.
I would highly encourage you to read a book about how the Nazis rose to power or on the Holocaust:https://www.amazon.com/Why-Explaining-Holocaust-Peter-Hayes/dp/0393254364/
The Bob Evans restaurant chain originated in Ohio. So you could pick something from their menu. The first thing that came to mind for me was biscuits and sausage gravy.
If you want to do Cincinnati style chili, there are certainly plenty of recipes on the Internet which you could start from. If you don't mind starting with a spice packet, rumor has it that this brand is actually made by the Skyline company. You might be able to find it in grocery stores.
Since when is making a profit on an investment such an evil act? I know the history and I've read his book.
The BoE created the opportunity that should have never existed, if not for their stupid behavior. Soros took advantage and made a profit. Why aren't you blaming the stupid policy makers at the BoE? Are you some sort of socialist who thinks making a profit is evil? Should all iphones be given away for free by Apple for zero profit and Google be handed over to the government so that all the profits can be spent by politicians?
Carhartt stuff is great. Affordable. Tough. I wear a pair of Carhartt insulated bib overalls when I'm working outdoors.
When I'm plowing with my ATV, those overalls plus a heavy Carhartt coat and some surplus mittens keep me nice and toasty.
There is a book Haunted Ohio I and Haunted Ohio II which have many of the same things as the website but without making you want to scratch your eyes out! I suggest you check it out!