Oh no I have RH too. Dang they charge like $75 to transfer out. I couldn't have buy 6 more shares of MMAT https://robinhood.com/support/articles/360001226666/transfer-stocks-out-of-your-robinhood-account/
Lots of info here, for those wanting more than the shareholder letter: From Stock Titan
I'm not talking about my experience. I'm talking about Robinhood's Terms and Conditions. They charge $75. I understand your experience was unique, but we can't tell people that they also will get it free, when in reality Robinhood charges $75 in normal circumstances. Maybe it was waived for you but that was not the normal experience. Some brokerages cover it and people may avoid the fee. However, they will charge you $75 by default.
>There is a $75 fee for partial and full ACATS out of Robinhood.
>Note that there is a $75 fee to transfer your assets out of Robinhood, whether as a partial or full transfer.
Exxon just sold their Permian basin assets for 80 Billion so I don;t think they are really interested in the Orogrande asset.
The grey lines are the reported "Security Lending Volume" - This is the security lending volume and the sum of all shares returned to lenders and all shares lent. - Looking at the chart gives you an idea of the level of activity but to see the total increase or decrease in shares borrowed or returned you have to look here ===> https://www.screencast.com/t/7V0l9cSDhvwO
Yes, my phone needs charging, and here is a nice report, for all of you looking for more than the shareholders’ letter..
Do you have evidence of this not happening with Meta? 😃
Just kidding, of course not, since it’s how they operate. You’d need the blessing of the Families to launch a new company that wouldn’t be shorted from the get go. Hey you beautiful stranger reading this, grab a copy and go ham on it: https://www.amazon.com/Naked-Short-Greedy-Streets-Failure-ebook/dp/B08XXXRH7T
Or you can check out any number of Wes Christian / Susanne Trimbath interviews out there on YouTube.
The long of the short story just is - if you’re going long on a good company and don’t intend to day trade it or sell in a heartbeat for quick profits, I see very little reason in keeping your shares at the DTCC. Why stay in an abusive relationship in the first place when you can choose between an abusive and a normal one? DRS’ing is also kryptonite for the naked shorters.
But hey, that’s all I got time for today. Good convo, although I’m sure you realize it’s meant for anyone reading this thread, not you per se. 🙂 I don’t know you and definitely know better than to hate the player who might be in dire straits and gigs can be hard to come by, so no judgement from here. Send them these screengrabs with my love. ❤️👌🏻
The option chain is an approximation to the probability distribution function of the share price. Quants do this all the time to determine how to allocate their purchases.
There is a good book that explains (Amazon) there is also a YouTube video of a lecture the author gave at MIT. It is math heavy.
The approximation is only as good as the option chain. Something with high liquidity and small steps between strikes (such SPY) is desirable.
You could apply to MMAT but the error bars will be larger. I am trying to infer what MMs think the dividend will be priced from the option chain. I will share that math once I have time