Pretty much nailed it. Factorio originally planned to have a whole new world exploring and building space platforms and planets. It became launch a rocket, get 1,000 white science. :)
All endgame ideas are basically same game, but restricted somehow... Either you can build less things in space/on another planet, or you're shipping in some alien tech, or you're mindlessly bored with the same content over and over in an MMO.
Most long term endgames don't work so well in that they rapidly become boring repetition. Optimising that efficiency, rail, or building a mega base ends up being more compelling - if the game finishes open ended enough.
It's actually still there as possible in future Factorio:
In the future if you're ever having res issues with other games, I'm a major proponent of Windowed borderless gaming; can be a little confusing the first time you use it, but once you get past that initial confusion it does exactly what it's meant to.
Have you tried using a program called Joy2Key? It converts xinput to keyboard and mouse inputs. Most things in the game can be accessed via clicking, so bind one joystick to mouse, the other to pan, and then bind left and right click. From there, go through the keybinds list and map your most frequently used things that are hard to reach like priorities and pause to a button. From there, I think you'll just need to get used to the slower mouse movements to do things.
It won't work for save files created beforehand, but another trick to improve performance is also to edit the game files to reduce the size of the map itself.
Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\OxygenNotIncluded\OxygenNotIncluded_Data\StreamingAssets\worldgen\worlds
Right-click the asteroid of your choice then choose edit with Notepad++ (download here). The files' names aren't all the same than the asteroids' names in game so double-check which are which on the wiki (e.g. Terra is "SandstoneDefault").
Then edit the width and height from the default 256x384 to something smaller. Too small will mess with worldgen though - in my experience 200x300 works well for Terra seeds (map ends up about 40% smaller) but most Rime seeds failed to create at that size, had to bump it up to 256x300 (about 25% smaller). I like to keep the maps rather proportional to vanilla ones so I haven't tried other sizes, but maybe keeping the width around 250 and making them shorter than 300 would work better to prevent worldgen failures.
I'm glad you like it.
You're right, I did use C# and Code Injection with Mono.Cecil (GitHub). I've inspected the code with dnSpy (GitHub).
For me to learn how logic gates work I played an app called logic gate on the play store.
It starts slow with 4-5 gates and expands from there. There is also a guide on the menu on how to use the gates.
Knowing how to use logic is not the same as knowing how to use the machines. Like how it comes to oni because not every building has a logic output.
I think it is really close to a aquarium chiller
The water enters from one side and exits colder from the other side.
I downloaded a learning app called Logic Gates. It helps me to learn visually and practically digital logic works. A lot of my application of learning from this on to ONI has bee simple AND gates as well as NOT Gates. Very rarely an OR gate.
no idea what windows does, amdgpu seems to need those kernel-module params, otherwise it will not load / refuse to load on those older cards.
In any case that what amdgpu requires you to do: doc search for si_support
Why is my autosweeper not picking up polluted dirt from the sieve?
It has line of sight both to the tile where it drops and to 3 storage bins which are set to accept polluted dirt. Still, the sweeper lies dormant and my dupes run in every once in a while to stash 10kg of polluted dirt.
Sorry, i use the spanish language in steam that's why i don't know the exact name for the options. (Changing the num. 2 explanation). This is a link to a forum with an image to open the launch options:
I'm not sure about that ... wild slicksters has only 25% metabolism, or 5kg/cycle, or 8.3g/s of CO2 consumed.
Usually we have some normal ranch of slicksters which they are happy and lay more eggs and another 1 tile width ranch for the extra eggs (they can build up to thousands because glumed slicksters still lay an egg at age 62 thus maintenance their populations).
Tamed glumed slickters has only 20% metabolism, or 4kg/cycle, or 6.67g/s or CO2 consumed. But if you have 2000 of them then it's 4000kg/cycle of CO2 deleted. I have a sandbox file where i have their population built up to 700, but it seems to be the upper limit of the game because slicksters just starved with 9999kg of CO2 around.
Have a look at my sandbox and please let me know if you can fix the starving part :)
i only ever see the "report for inappropriate content" button when its the most benign ad.
every time i want to report an add for stolen media or sexualized content, the report button is mysteriorsly gone. infuriating.
apparently you can report the app as a whole for inappropriate content, including coptright theft, but they might not consider the ad to qualify, considering ONI assets aren't visible in the app page's overview.
report the app here.. use "" in the field for application package name.
It sounds like you would enjoy Factorio more. No colony, less math and more control. Any colony management game will require you to give up some control and wait on dumb AI to do your bidding.
Feel free to PM me if you'd like to talk.
I used a trainer (cheat tool) lol - Enable Debug Menu Perfect Needs No Gas Vent Overpressure No Liquid Vent Overpressure
No worries about using the exploit anymore. I hope they don't patch it
I don't see why there should be a difference in GPU load for a colony at cycle 100 or cycle 1000, but I might not understand things 100%...
Find out what the bottleneck is. (W10 has a built in tool, or use afterburner) Then see if there is an easy fix for now. (monitor your system during an ONI session)
I have a Ryzen 7 2700, all stock, air cooled, ... So CPU wise there shouldn't be that big a difference for ONI between us. Saving is a pain now (800+ cycles), but the liquid overlay doesn't seem to be an issue at all.
Threw it together in sandbox, the conveyor just moves eggs to the little room and the sensor opens the door when there's a critter inside, it'll likely be stuck open most of the time as slicksters wander in and out but it'll shut if there's a moment where they're not there.
Random tip, but don't use diffusers. I build one at the start to cover me while I research, but the first O2 production I invest into is a terrarium setup. Diffusers are a big part of the reason algae has such a bad rep as an O2 source, it lasts a whole lot longer when it's being used in terrariums to pollute water. Here's a setup I have good results with
For making this I've done the following thing:
Friendly reminder that the prntscreen button exists as well as many wonderful and better equipt tools such as Windown's Snippet tool that outpace the quality of a phone. you have to set it up when you are sitting next to the computer. Touchscreen controls are mostly terrible imo, but the games I have tried look fine.