I hope not but as an amateur student of Civil War history the conditions are eerily prescient. As Mark Twain famously said, “history does not repeat itself but if often rhymes” Try listening to Great Courses American Civil War and see if you agree. Lots of PA libraries have this for free with Overdrive/Libby.
If it were a laser pointer I'd agree, but you can get lasers that are high enough power to kill people if you point it at them and these can cause permanent eye damage even from huge distances http://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/worlds-most-powerful-laser
Well it wouldn't actually have been on this day, because of the switchover from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar. ~~The UK~~ Great Britain and it's colonies switched over in 1752 removing 11 days from history. So March 4, 1681 under the Julian Calendar would actually be March 14, 1681 in the Gregorian Calendar.
See: http://www.timeanddate.com/calendar/julian-gregorian-switch.html
edited to correct terminology
Terry Gross interviewed an author about his withdrawal - motorcycle accident. He came to realize that no one knows anything about weaning people off drugs, that the level of ignorance is shocking.
Someday, humans will look back on this time as barbaric and profoundly sad. I say look back on because I do believe a cure will be found, just not on the path we are on now.
First the Japanese beetles, then marmorated stinkbugs, then lantern flies, now here come the spiders as big as a child's hand
Totally cool and normal stuff
The Mount Nittany loop in Centre County is a good hike. You start on a steady incline that takes you up about 700ft, but it levels out. About 4.5 miles total with some good views. If you're a PSU fan, it's a right of passage. If not, it's still a decent hike and even has a couple geocaches up top if you're into that sort of thing.
This is a well hiked, safe path and is good for novices. The initial climb has plenty of switchbacks with sporadic benches to rest.
It could be that the cost of lethal injunction drugs has skyrocketed because their sale is being discouraged. The European Commission has put restrictions on the sale of those drugs to penal institutions in the US.
> National Incident Based Reporting System (NIBRS) data from 1992 to 2014 were used for the analysis.
They've used an unreliable data set. Methodology looks great. Fine presentation. Bad data in, bad analysis out.
The NIBRS data relies on law enforcement officers coding and self selection of what to add to the database. There's long record of reporting discussing the discrepancies of this data collection, for example from ProPublica.
Lawyers specializing in civil rights cases tee-off on law enforcement. This has the effect of for politically correct reasons law enforcement does not code hate crimes when they involve minorities.
In more egregious cases there are law enforcement and administrative up the chain that prescribe to Ibram Kendi's notion that it is impossible for some identity groups to be hateful toward others, thus hate crimes are perfectly fine and wouldn't be considered for entry into the data set. Particularly anti-white hate crimes go without being recorded at all.
There is a scandal in UK that broke this week where Home Office systemically applied deceitful statistics tricks to hide the prevalence of hate crimes committed by minority identity groups. The same ideological view permeates government bodies in the US today.
Probably the most flagrant are cases where an event later found to be a hate hoax are added to hate crime statistics and not removed.
We do not have a credible data set of hate crimes. That is the challenge with studying this sort of thing.
>Where did they say they are against 'assault weapon' bans as opposed to just no longer pushing them?
I was referring to this article that just says they "deemphasized" it. I hadn't actually read it when I replied and "against/no longer pushing" mean the same thing to me. I don't traffic in secret agenda conspiracy theories.
> We can both agree they were vocally pushing for 'assault weapon' bans just a few years ago, no?
Yup, as were a lot more Democrats. I think the NRA has been effective in getting the facts out that assault weapons aren't really responsible for the majority of gun violence; they've certainly changed my mind.
One of the reasons I like Everytown is the same reason I liked Bloomberg as mayor, they're going based on evidence and they're not afraid to adapt their positions.
>Does it not appear they changed their focus merely because 'assault weapon' bans are politically cancer and not because they had some type of 'come to Jesus' moment where they now approve of 'assault weapons'?
I mean, I don't work there, so I don't know what their reasoning is. But I wouldn't call an AWB 'cancer.' I'm probably the farthest right on this issue in my circle of friends and family, they're all hard-core pro-AWB. Moreover, since Las Vegas, people have swung hard towards pro-AWB positions. I actually respect Everytown for not jumping on the bandwagon.
For context here ebooks in the public domain can be downloaded for free by anyone - Project Gutenberg is a great source Most of them are also available for free from major ebook retailers like Amazon.
LibriVox has free audio recordings of public domain texts available as audiobooks read by volunteers.
For anyone interested in ebooks that can be downloaded for free checkout r/FreeEBOOKS.
Are you using Nextdoor.com? I am in the Pittsburgh area, and I noticed that there was a movement towards putting together volunteer services like this.
Grocery delivery is going to be spotty. Most stores are suffering shortages right now, and a lot more people are using those delivery services. If one of these volunteer groups can help you, they might be more "eyes on".
I tried doing a google image search and had no luck (click the camera and provide a link to just the symbol...like here http://i.imgur.com/ZPIubHt.png ). You may have better success if you reproduce a clean image.
The places I would most highly suggest are Frick's Lock (an abandoned town in Chester County), Centralia, and the Mount Airy Lodge (an abandoned resort in the Poconos).
If you're looking for something near York, I would suggest the old York county prison. It's privately owned but it's worth at least a drive by.
There is actually a book on the subject.
EDIT: As I thought about it some more, that wasn't even the book I was thinking of. I was thinking of this one.
So, you obviously need to do some reading. Clearly, you weren't a PoliSci/pre-law/government major of any sort, if you have any college education at all.
Here is an all-in-one package I think would be a great place to start to learn why the Senate is called the "upper house." I grasp from your responses you absolutely have no understanding of what I'm talking about, and you must understand the distinction between upper and lower houses before you can try to understand how the Senate and the Electoral College both work to protect political minorities from majoritarianism, which is more-or-less mob rule.
This package includes some critical reading, including The Leviathan and The Two Treatises of Government. Once you better understand the social contract and how our government was formed, you'll stop with your entire line of broken reasoning.
Not exactly right near Allentown but Jacobsburg State Park is pretty nice. It is a decent hike with streams, horse paths etc. My wife and I live 1/2 hour away and it is worth the trip.
Also, check out Alltrails for some hiking ideas too.
There’s a lot of great hiking to be done near Hershey. Mount Gretna is pretty close by and has trails for hiking, mountain biking, trail running. The Governor Dick observation tower is neat.
I don’t think it’s the same kind of beauty as I picture in Utah, but Pennsylvania is beautiful.
I highly suggest you read this book before leaping to the idea that teaching CRT is the same as teaching Historic Truths. Systematic racism as defined within these writings DOES NOT mean a system that was explicitly racist and therefor has racist outcomes. Systematic racism as defined by CRT means a system that has disparate outcomes for different races, regardless of how egalitarian and ignorant of race a system is. The nuance between those definitions is incredibly important to the discussion of race in America and you should not say that someone who has an issue with systematic racism and the way it is defined is actually against the concept of fact-based history.
I bought a No Soliciting sign off of amazon to combat this, set it up in May and haven't received a solicitor since. With that being said, some door-to-door marketing reps WILL ignore those signs, but I have a front door camera, and if I see someone holding a clipboard or a piece of paper at my door I just don't answer.
You can also spray them with a mixture of Dawn dish soap and water. My favorite Spray Bottle is a ZEP https://smile.amazon.com/Zep-Commercial-Professional-Spray-Bottle/dp/B01DDSGZFE/ref=sr_1_2?crid=14P4EP50TQV70&keywords=zep+spray+bottles+heavy+duty&qid=1655654582&sprefix=zep+spr%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-2
Local restaurant has it on the menu as 'boiled pot pie' which isn't necessarily wrong, but a weird ass name.
Highly recommend everyone checking out Betty Groff's PA Dutch cookbook, which has a lot of authentic recipes: https://www.amazon.com/Betty-Groffs-Pennsylvania-Dutch-cookbook/dp/0025458019
It can typically be found pretty cheap online.
They also had massive issues with sanitation because, it turns out, no one really wants to clean sewers or pick up trash. That's another reason why they had a huge issue with bears and wild animals.
The book about it is a complete trip. I definitely recommend checking it out.
There's also the Minerva project where a bunch of libertarians tried to proclaim that they owned a coral reef outside of Tonga. The king of Tonga showed up with a group of prisoners to assert ownership of the reef. Didn't stop the libertarians from conning a bunch of investors out of their money though for minted coins.
Then there's Colorado Springs where a "big business" libertarian was voted in, and pretty much every effort to de-regulate and limit costs led to significantly higher costs afterwards. For example, they decided to only light 2/3rds of the street lamps so they could drop people's taxes. They saved about a million dollars on electricity.
Problem was, thieves then showed up in the cover of darkness and ripped out the copper wiring from the unpowered, unlit lights. The cost to fix the damage? More than $5 million.
Libertarianism makes for a fun thought experiment, but taking it farther than that almost always explodes in their faces.
Middleswarth Potato Chips for best PA snack food. Any flavor you get will be great, my favorite is kettle cooked barbeque (branded as Bar-B-Q KET-L Chips)
This shit kills them much better than trying to crush them all. Its expensive, but it saved my trees 2 years ago when those things were really bad.
I remember how I felt when I first learned about this Taken by Dinosaurs.
Maybe something like this? https://www.amazon.com/Reserves-Strength-Pennsylvanias-Natural-Landscape/dp/0764344226
I have no idea what the inside is like though, maybe you can find it at a library, I was looking around on the free book sites to see if there was a download with no luck.
I definitely get what you're looking for and like the idea, you basically what the nature guide but just the pictures, which could be a bit challenging to find unfortunately.
The Plants of Pennsylvania: An Illustrated Manual https://www.amazon.com/dp/0812240030/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apan_glt_i_64BZNCNCAM2WN6B26VEX ?
Theres also a book by the same folks released prior but looks like it's harder to find copies of
Apple implemented a feature into iOS that will notify you if a tag not belonging to you, appears to be following you around. They released an Android App but it requires you to manually scan, which places the responsibility on the potential stalking victim.
Bro anarchism is well over 200 years old. Proudhon wrote about it in 1803. I don't know what the fuck you are smoking but this is what 0 theory does to someone. Honestly there is no point in engaging with some dumbass that uses the term "anarcho-socalism" because you are so lost in the sauce you don't know which way is up anymore. https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/index educate yourself its all free
Sure, park down at the Delaware Water Gap and there's quite a few trails that connect to the AT (on the NJ side as another commenter said). I'd say you'd just need to get an early start as it's about 7 miles (each way) to the trail from where you'll park and then another 3 miles or so to get to the overlook.
Here's a shorter one that you might like too! It won't take you to where the pictures in the OP are, but it looks like you still get a great view.
Honestly if you bring a friend, backpacking it is easy and fun. The Lehigh Gap isn't too far from there either and makes a nice day hike, especially if you don't do the whole thing (16 miles out and back).
Ay i spy the Golden eagle trail!!
That tiny pyramid shapped peak in the back always gives it away, the overlook is on the big mountain behind it, its a gorgeous spot to hike!! Pretty steep hike tho, definitely don't do it on a 90 degree day like i did. https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/pennsylvania/golden-eagle-trail
If you let them outside they're just going to find a way back in.
Get some of this stuff: https://www.amazon.com/Bayer-80035225-Polyzone-Suspend-Insecticide/dp/B07RLS91C9
and a 1 gallon sprayer from your preferred hardware/home improvement store.
I sprayed the perimeter of my house in the spring/summer/fall and noticed it really made a big difference on the number of all bugs I've seen in the house.
It's also rated for indoor use, so if you're not able to spray around the outside of your windows/doors you could spray it around the inside. if you're not spraying outside I'd probably hit the baseboards too.
Thousand Steps in Huntingdon County
Just a heads up: there's a separate viewing area for Cherry Springs that anyone can park and enjoy the night sky for free, without a reservation.
I saw some posts about the Great Alleghany Passage here on Reddit and decided to map some parts of it for the OpenStreetMap project. It's an open-source project like Wikipedia. Everyone can edit and the resulting map data can be used freely.
Here is the area on OSM: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=15/39.7803/-78.9638
Shenandoah has been a mess since the 70's at least. The mines were shut down in the 60's after the collapse in Sheppton and it all went to strip mining. Mahanoy City had the highest unemployment rate in the country in the early 80's.
Another tidbit about Shenandoah, it used to have the highest per capita rate of bars in the state because all the mine widows would open a bar in their house to help with living costs.
Souce: I grew up about six miles from Shenandoah and Mahanoy City.
Also: A good read. It's more than 30 years since i read it, but I learned a lot from it.
"The Park" as in the Allegheny National Forest? It covers so much of that part of the state, I wouldn't limit yourself to Bradford Area. You could go as far South as Brookville or Clarion too. u/AintNoFoot is right, though, Ridgeway may be your best option for historical architecture. If you want to do nature photos, I just rode the Marilla Bridges Trail (https://www.alltrails.com/explore/trail/us/pennsylvania/marilla-bridges-trail) and some of its offshoots last weekend, and you could easily spend a day shooting there if you hiked into the woods. While I was there, I stayed at Willow Bay Campground, which it like 8 miles up the road from Marilla. They've got tiny cabins for like $65/night if you're into camping at all. And there may be some available right now since it's still pre-season.
As someone who works in IT, I know firsthand that that's completely untrue. I use certs even on static sites, because why not? They can still set cookies, which can be snooped on. The traffic can otherwise still be monitored.
Again with the 5th grade response, and complete lack of an argument because you're a complete moron. I love it!
Check out these they're right up your alley!! Lol!!
Jonathan Metzl covers this sort of situation in his book Dying of Whiteness, after Missouri repealed a bunch of their gun training requirements the number of gun deaths went through the roof.
Apparently there’s a loop that’s a little over 5 miles and some trails off of that. Unless this is a different place?
added to my roadtripper map.
Take a look and let me know if I should add anything else.
Pinnacle Overlook is less than an hour's drive west from West Chester (south of Lancaster). It's a peaceful rewarding view overlooking the Susquehanna and you can drive right to it.
In Williamsport, I'd suggest http://thehivepa.com/
We have a local band doing the same thing, they'll be in Louisville, KY on October the 18th, oddly enough: http://www.reverbnation.com/artist/artist_shows/743009
I'll second DexterPepper and say 'get out and enjoy the countryside!', but early spring is usually just a big, grey, muddy expanse in Pennsylvania. Once we get into April, flowers will start brightening things up.
Pennsylvania has one thing going for it, a really fat swath of what is as close to wilderness as you'll find on the east coast. Basically, west of Scranton/Wilkes-Barre, north of Williamsport, and south of Route 6 is a whole bunch of nothing but rivers, streams, hills & forests. Well, that and now gas trucks everywhere...welcome to Gasland...
I'm biased, but if you can skate (or even if you can't), you should go check out the local roller derby team: https://www.facebook.com/rollerradicals If you're of the feminine persuasion, teams always welcome fresh meat, and if you're not of the female persuasion, they always need refs and non-skating officials. At the least, you can check out the bouts cause they're some fast-paced, intense athleticism. In Scranton, you're 2 to 2.5 hours away from Williamsport, Harrisburg, Lancaster and more, so you can almost always find a derby bout going on over a given weekend.
If you like exploring, take a drive west out Route 6. There isn't much past Galeton (and they need to fix their 'downtown'), but Wellsboro is a darling little town. Park, get out and walk around, poke your head into the shops, get a bite to eat, and enjoy this cute little town before the Walmart they put outside of town finishes raping the small businesses. If you'd like a drink while you're in town, I recommend The Gaslight.
Worst comes to worst, you're only 2 hours away from the Weehawken Ferry and NYC: http://www.nywaterway.com/PortImperialWeehawkenTerminal.aspx
I should correct myself. It wasn't even a tazer. It was a stun gun.
I wanted it for a secondary carry and to piss around with my buddies when we get bored.
Then you need some tracing paper, a 1 1/4" and a 5/8" hole punch, and a glue stick to reload the cylinders. Just wash the old ones, cut paper rings with the hole punches to hold in salt.
The CO2 cartridges you can get pretty cheap at walmart.
If you do upgrade to LED bulbs, just do everyone a favor and buy a new housing set with low-beam projectors or have a pair retrofitted into yours if your stock housings are reflector-style for the lows. The projectors will add a defined cut-off that will keep you from blinding oncoming traffic. Something like this should work with a decent H7 LED, depending on space available for the heatsink..
After it was announced that Bookbinders was closing I grabbed cans of their Snapper Soup whenever I saw them at the store.
Thankfully I haven't hit one in many years. I started using Bell Automotive Black Deer Warning Whistles on the advice of a friend.
I bought this off Amazon, it is one of the ingredients recommended on the Penn State lanternfly page
Compare-N-Save Systemic Tree and... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ARKS5QO?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
A friend of mine wrote this book, A Film About Billy, that is a dystopian work of fiction about an increase in suicides. It's set in PA, too.
I don't know, just sayin' is all.
Congratulations! You have won your very own home "Infant Circumcision Trainer" kit!
This kit will give you hours of pleasure practicing mutilating the genitals of little boys from the comfort of your own home. Soon, you'll be ready for the real thing, and you can take that knife to little babies you meet in the park.
Here's what our top reviewer had to say:
By Crunchy Frog on November 28, 2012
"Makes a perfect Christmas gift for that hard-to-shop-for creepy uncle/circumfetishist. The only drawback is that it doesn't scream, but you could easily remedy that by hooking it up to an MP3 player that plays circumcised baby screams while you 'practice'."
Please PM me your postal address, and we will whisk your present right to your door.
Your ignorance of the mining/drilling process is extensive.
There are no Fracking fluid in these Drill cuttings. You assume that there are because the trigger word "Fracking" appears in the article. But you are wrong.
It is possible that Drilling Mud is used during drilling. Drilling Mud is made from Bentonite and water. Bentonite is sometimes used as a desiccant in food package and is FDA approved for use in contact with food. It is medically used and prescribed for ingestion as a laxative and it is the secret ingredient in Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay Deep Pore Cleansing Facial Mask. Drilling mud is expensive and is recycled at the drill site so the Drilling cuttings have only a very little Drilling mud left on.
I will repeat again, Drill cutting are fundamentally & chemically no different from other subsurface rocks that are drilled, mined, from any other non-fracking site or otherwise extracted except for a bit of Bentonite mud. If you were to drill a hole for a water well, the dirt and rock that comes out is going to be environmentally the same thing.