I like injections of 10units. At 5mg, your vial contains 20 doses of 250mcg (5,000mcg/250mcg).
So for each of the 20 doses, I want to add 10 units bac water. 20 x 10 = 200 units total. 200 units = 2ml. In other words, add 2ml of bac water and then 10 units will contain 250mcg.
Store reconstituted peptides in the fridge. I like to have a box for them.
Use the wipes to sanitize everything that will have a needle stuck in it (skin, bac water vial, peptide vial).
You might find this answers some questions.
I’ll find an Amazon link for syringes and edit it in..
I love standard process but you need to find someone with an account. Otherwise I also love Designs for Health.
Designs for Health Betaine HCl with Pepsin - 750mg Betaine Hydrochloride + Protein Digestive Enzyme - Non-GMO Supplement to Support Digestive Function (120 Capsules) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B000LVJQJE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_5J5KWM5YVJ2M7PRKAEKB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
First you need an introductory textbook on human physiology. One must learn to walk before they can fly.
Any college level text will do. Get an older edition if you want an actual physical copy as that will be much cheaper.
What pharmacology texts you should read depend on what specialty you are interested in. If you are interested in psychopharmacology, then you should probably start with Stephen Stahl. His books are about as close as you can get to a picture book for pharmacology. Even if you are not exceptionally interested in psychopharmacology, it might be worth at least reading the book in the link below to get familiar with the concepts that are relevant to physiology of pharmaceuticals. Good luck, don’t expect it to be easy.
Dump cardio and start lifting weights. I'm 47M 7%bf and have not done cardio in 20 years but lift heavy. I'm not overly large either but really strong.
Your diet sounds like it needs a lot of work. Metformin means you are consuming too many refined carbs aka sugar and processed food. I would research intermittent fasting and start slow. As far as diet try to eat food as close to it's natural state as possible.
My diet revolves around a smoothie that contains everything. kale, carrot, fish oils, berries (blue, cherries, black), flax seed and whey protein. I'll break my fast with this at noon during the work week. After that I'll have dinner which consists of steak or chicken with a huge salad or pile of steamed carrots and broccoli. Maybe an apple if I'm hungry later. Weekends are a little looser and I treat myself to some bread and pasta (with meat sauce).
You cannot and will never be able to outrun a bad diet. If you feel like a good read pick up
To most people filtering peptides would mean passing them through a .22um syringe filter to remove bacteria. It’s a good precaution for injecting raw powders, where sterility is more important than for oral or topical.
That helps alot thank you, but the syringes I'm about to get appear to have 100 tick marks in total instead of 50.
That is the one I'm getting. I know I sound dumb right now but if I was injecting 6IU's of GHRP for the 100mcg dosing, I'd pull until the 6th tick instead of the third (like the calculator says) right?
I think I figured it out; I ordered a 30ml nasal spray bottle from Amazon with an injection volume of.15 to.2 ml per spray.
The powder from peptide science is 30mg, so if I put 28ml of distilled water in a nasal spray bottle, and 2ml in a powder vial, reconstitute it, and then pull it and add it to the nasal spray, I'll get 30mg per 30ml of water.
so 1 ml = 1mg, and I want dosage of .2mg or 200 mcg, so that would be 1 spray.
here is what i ordered for spray,
I hope this helps others, or that if I made a mistake, someone will let me know.
like this
Sorry to hear about your friend.
Epitalon? Do some reading about it and see if you think it would help.
Use bac water with the majority of peptides. Avoid using saline. If you have an allergy to benzyl alcohol then sterile water for injection can be used but don’t keep the reconstituted vial for longer than a week.
Certain peptides like ARA290 do better with Phosphate Buffered solution (PBS).
I haven’t researched igfs much, but I believe you need acetic acid. Look at my recent posts and the post where I linked a bunch of studies showing HGH and IGF don’t cause muscle growth. If that’s your reason to use it then your SOL
Seems to be good quality unless you mean injectable, I don't think that you can inject glutathione but I'm not sure.
Thats what i use.
Back Mechanic by Dr. Stuart McGill (2015-09-30) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01FKSGJYC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_CWQH0G79EAHF7MGJW6VX
I found this book and it's recommendations helpful for my back pain, maybe you would too
Are these good for injection?
I just bought this off Amazon
Magic Firming Cream-Copper Peptides Daily Firming Cream-Argireline, Matrixyl 3000, SNAP-8, Pentapeptide-18 (Leuphasyl), SYN-AKE, Copper Peptide,Syn-Coll, Syn-Tacks https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0734Q3C36/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_27915ANQS5RNEWNE8YKC
Does that look okay?
I think I'm about to buy this -
sublingual tablets
I was just diagnosed with emphysema. Modern medicine has said for decades that it CANNOT be reversed. Several papers at pubmed say that this stuff can reverse emphysema lung damage. also anti-aging, good for skin, hair, etc. This is the only tablet form I have found so far. sometimes injected since it does not cross blood brain barrier, but sublingual supposedly gets around that
Peptide Science is for “research purposes” and will tell you not to use on humans.
Why not go through a prescriber (like me) and get it legally through a pharmacy?Dr Ruth appointment schedule
STUDY <- here I found one. It's study on elderly but in graph you can surely see it's not GH bleed rather then GIANORMOUS GH pulses.
Benzyl Alcohol USP Grade https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZWV5XPC/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_7AKGPX2ZS43361H45KM9
Get the distilled water from local grocery store.
I’m able to do all pulling motions with no pain, some pushing motions currently over head press is the easiest. Then because of the location of my tear I struggle heavily with pain, I can press 95 pounds for 3 before it gets painful (previous bench 365) mine was torn from the 8:00-10:00. Also I highly recommend getting a wedge pillow (like this for example https://www.amazon.com/InteVision-Foam-Bed-Wedge-Pillow/dp/B009HHLBKK) because thats what helps you sleep at night with the sling.
Amazon Brand - Revly Digestive Enzyme Complex, Supports Healthy Digestion, 180 Count Capsules, 90 Servings, Satisfaction Guaranteed https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DR479NP/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_END2ADR3QD876YH74VHM
Buffered means they change the pH of the fluid you’re injecting to neutral. You’re injecting something without a neutral pH hence the burn. I can’t remember if GHK-cu is basic or acidic but you’re basically causing a chemical burn. Compounding pharmacies do not use TFA salts in their products either.
sure that makes sense. since it is an herbal supplement, not prescribed as a medicine by dermatologists, and not specifically targeted for acne, i don't think it's all that widely used. but there's a fair number of studies demonstrating its antimicrobial effect.
take it internally, you can get capsules like these
i'd suggest 3 or 4 daily, i always took with alcohol as anecdotally the best solvent for oleuropein but that's probably not necessary. you should see results in a week.
i should add that it was very effective for clearing my skin, but if i stopped taking it i'd eventually break out again. so its something you might use periodically or ongoing, make sure to also do whatever best skin care practices to maintain clear skin.
By the way, did you try a Collagen, Chondrosamine, Condroitin, Selenin like complex. Something like this? Did you have any results?
That's enough to make 20 liters of the stuff. Just mix with distilled water. If going that way might want to also use a 22 micron filter as well. It is the cheapest way though. The pure alcohol should last a long time.
(oh, I also had noticed that same company has an ebay store where it's like $3 cheaper)
Bac water is just one of those convenience cost things. You can buy it where you're getting the peptide generally and pay the cost of convenience. Or you can buy a bit of benzyl alcohol on Amazon once and a gallon of distilled water at Walmart. Or you can get the benzyl alcohol and add on a 6 pack of 100ml sterile waters on Amazon for 12 bucks. So for 20-25 bucks you have a (reasonable) life time supply of Bac water and never have to buy it again. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B077VBTG8T/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_YpPGDbYEWYE9K
You got it bromigo.
And if you’re looking for a good place to start supplementing, look at Krill Oil.
Antarctic Krill Oil (500mg) with Omega-3s EPA, DHA and Astaxanthin (120 Mini-Softgels) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07H8M85WC/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_1XloFbJ8YS4AF
Yep. I buy from these guys. https://ebacteriostaticwater.com Free shipping. Used these needles/syringes. 20Pack-1ml/cc Syringe with 27Ga Needle,Disposable Syringe with Needle(1ml20) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DW1WS7D/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_v9O4Db5WWBRE3
This is what I use. All the other brands tend to be in ug doses and are kinda useless.
One of each, per day. Start eating alot of fruit, and up your protein intake (chicken, loads of it).
CoQ10 - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0055OUOQQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o03_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
PQQ https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BH4JG35/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There's a rose scented DMSO on Amazon I've used with great results
Speaking from personal experience, this scale kicks ass
That scale has seen maaaany substances. In fact, used it just the other day for some MDMA.