Acne creams - I am way too old for acne but masks gave me a serious outbreak this spring. Used this spot treatment and had good results. I had used generalized cleaners and whole face treatments before which gave me dry itchy skin and not much change in the outbreak. The targeted treatment was much nicer and provided faster relief/healing.
Also, wash ya mask more often.
Im having some decent success using Habitica it offers just enough instant gratification to keep me excited about cleaning and then I break up the tasks over the week instead of having just one big day for cleaning. Breaking up the tasks makes them feel more manageable and you also gain additional points and items from checking off separate tasks. I've never been the type to be able to maintain cleanliness and I always just deep cleaned after leaving it for far too long but I've had a pretty successful January with this at least
Okay, I took a look at New Jersey's medicaid rules. It says you need to make less than $15,800 a year if you are head of household. If your father is, then the two of you need to make less than $21,307 a year combined.
If you are under 18, the income guidelines may be more flexible.
If this doesn't work, you might still be able to enroll in Obamacare.
Dave Ramsey. I was completely clueless about personal finance because my narc parents taught me nothing about it. I started following Dave Ramsey's plan and it opened a whole new world of information for me! His zero dollar budget is awesome. I suggest you start with his book "The Total Money Makeover" and listen to his daily radio show (free over the regular radio, or through iTunes and I think other podcast platforms).
There's a little book I have called 1001 Things Every Teen Should Know Before They Leave Home (Or Else They'll Come Back)
It's not in-depth, just a long list of things. But it's a place to start.
Life Skills 101 gets some good reviews on Amazon.
A tool that is really helpful for me is the GG SE app. It basically gives you exercises where you can physically 'pull' positive thoughts to yourself and 'throw away' negative thoughts. Highly recommend giving it a shot.
I don't know how to use Medicaid, but I did some Googling and found one site that may help you. It looks like Medicaid is administered by states, rather than the federal government. So, you have to look for your own state's Medicaid site, but it sounds like you should be able to check which physicians take Medicaid on that site, and also find help using your Medicaid.
"Using your new Medicaid or CHIP coverage" Link
I looked at my own state's site (CT), which was under the Department of Social Services. They say on the site that they have employees who will help you choose a doctor accepting new patients, get to and from your medical appointments when needed, talk to a nurse at any time of day, or find a specialist.
So, look to see if your state also offers help like that. They probably do, because it saves them money.
If you're embarrassed, you can try being vague and just tell the doctor it's been going on for a couple of years, but you didn't have insurance or a doctor until recently, so you just tried to treat it yourself with over-the-counter products. Doctors in America see so many people trying to cope with no insurance and bad insurance, so they aren't going to think that this is odd or that this situation is your fault.
Can’t help with the trauma (other than to say I have it too), but from a practical standpoint I rely on Bluetooth headphones that are designed for sleep. Something like these ones on Amazon
I know some people really like ASMR or nature sounds, but I’ve found audiobooks work best for me. I like to listen to books where I know nobody will be arguing or aggressive (because trauma) and my absolute favourite is Magpie Audio’s readings of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
Best of luck to you. Sleep is so important.
I take the pointed end and (gently) scrape under the nail, works real well. I'd advise you just forget the other end exists and leave your cuticles alone entirely though
This is a tazer. It's legal to carry in some of the states where it's openly illegal to be a woman. He touches you, you engage the button and touch him with the tazer. He gets a quite painful reminder to keep his gods forsaken hands to his unwelcome, shabby, brazenly criminal self before any police get involved.
Besides the good advice above to report to the driver, the police, etc., you are allowed to reinforce your 'no' with non-lethal force in many places.
I've had good luck killing an infestation of German cockroaches in my apartment using Advion gel bait. It comes in a syringe, and you spread it in places where they tend to congregate. The roaches who eat it will return to the nest, die, and poison the other roaches that are hiding there.
I had tried boric acid and an exterminator before the gel, but that didn't even slow them down.
I did it, not the homeless part but you said you have savings...I put my stuff in a U-Haul and moved from the tundra to the beach. I was down to my last pennies when I finally got hired but it was worth it to be both warm and free.
Also - I'm not sure what UX research is, but tech writing is something frequently contracted out and something that can be done remotely. Open up your search and see if there aren't some non-traditional gigs for you, or just start looking in your desired area and use those savings for moving expenses.,-CA-jobs.html
No problem, I've just checked amazon and this is the book:\_1\_1?crid=2LE6U5SLPKK7X&keywords=amanda+palmer+the+art+of+asking&qid=1637697718&sprefix=Amanda+palmer%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-1
I taught myself how to budget. I use a couple of tools, one is Google Calendar. I created a second calendar and I keep track of my bills on it. For each bill I create an all day event in the title I put the name of the bill and the amount. I use recurring events to remind when the bill is due.
I actually have three bank accounts, but you might only want two in the beginning. I have a savings account, which I try to contribute to as often as possible, and two checking accounts. One I have pay checks direct deposited too and use for bills only. I use the second account for discretionary funds. Whatever amount I have in the 2nd account is all I have for that pay period to "blow" On whatever. Also my bank has great budgeting tools I can create categories and categorize all my transactions (ie rent, vet, gas and electric, groceries..etc..etc..etc.).
I tried using Mint for a while and a lot of people seem to like it, but I prefer my own system personally. Also a lot of folks use YNAB (You Need a budget) But I believe it has a monthly fee unlike Mint which is free.
I know this post is a bit old but look into debtors anonymous and read I think it could help you out.
I would suggest reading some articles or books on how to hold conversations that really get the other person involved, and put some of their points into practice. In other words, fake it til you make it: keep exercising that ability to turn your interest and focus towards another person as much as you do towards yourself so you can begin to cultivate empathy.
I haven't read it but How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie is a classic in the field of improving your social skills. Read some of the reviews and you'll get an idea of what it's about. It's half 'how to get ahead' and half 'how to be a genuinely better person'. I'm sure Amazon and your public library is filled with tons more.
BTW, you're not a narcissist. If you were you wouldn't be asking this question. You're someone who never had a genuinely transactional relationship with your first relationship, you parents, and now is still craving the attention you should have gotten.
i just solved this same problem! buy a cheap black light on amazon (you can use to find the offending spots) and this stuff:
I have 2 tricks. Living in a low income area all of my life, you’re bound to move into houses filled with roaches. So...
1.) Make sure your house is clean. Then wipe everything down with disinfectant. Regular, not cherry scented or whatever. Then wipe everything down again with white vinegar. I think they say it destroys their trails.
2.) Once everything is all cleaned up and wiped down, put down some sticky roach traps. I’ll link the brand we use. Maybe 2 per room will do it.
You should stop seeing roaches in no time. You’ll know when the traps you set start to not catch anything anymore.
Aside from what others have suggested, the router antenna may be dying, or your laptop wifi card/antenna may be dying.
If it's the laptop, you can get a USB wifi adapter. This is one I have and like. You can verify whether the problem is your laptop wifi by using your laptop on some other wifi in good range (like your work) to see if it is similarly bad.
If the router is rented from the provider, then you all can report it to the provider and have a tech come out and verify if the antenna is dying and needs replacement. If she owns the router then you're stuck with whether or not you can convince her that it's dying.
Regarding her claim that that's the only provider that comes to your house, you can google this! Search something like "which internet is available at my address" and you'll get a number of websites letting you search by zip code to see what is there. Be aware that to get your own service, you'll want to make sure you have the necessary port in your room or somewhere you can access that she won't compromise.
>You can add in desiccants or mothballs if you're worried about mold or bugs.
Is that, like, a must, or only "if I'm worried"? They may remain in storage for years so there's that.
And wdym, like, putting one of these in the bag: ?
The #1 baseline thing you can do is make sure that your parents' names are not on any of the accounts.
One useful thing I learned from Your Money or Your Life is to track everything you spend, and always be thinking about the goals you want to accomplish with your money.
This is probably really easy right now since you have the big awesome goal of moving out! i.e., "do I want this extra dessert now, or do I want to move out that much sooner?"
BUT writing everything down and thinking about it is good practice when you get caught up in a daily routine and are maybe a little less certain about a big awesome goal. It will help you make decisions like, extra treat that's fun for a minute vs. progress towards affording the self-care things we've been trained to deny ourselves if money is tight - therapy, traveling to see a really good friend, freedom to quit a shitty job, etc.
This book has a lot of information that might be useful: Adulting Also: Why Didn't They Teach Me This In School?
First thought that comes to mind: Weather stripping. Cheap, not bulky, and usually works relatively well. It won't completely fix it, but it will sure make it a lot warmer.
The #1 baseline thing you can do is make sure that your parents' names are not on any of the accounts.
One useful thing I learned from Your Money or Your Life is to track everything you spend, and always be thinking about the goals you want to accomplish with your money.
This is probably really easy right now since you have the big awesome goal of moving out! i.e., "do I want this extra dessert now, or do I want to move out that much sooner?"
BUT writing everything down and thinking about it is good practice when you get caught up in a daily routine and are maybe a little less certain about a big awesome goal. It will help you make decisions like, extra treat that's fun for a minute vs. progress towards affording the self-care things we've been trained to deny ourselves if money is tight - therapy, traveling to see a really good friend, freedom to quit a shitty job, etc.
I found some good links out on the internet just by googling. Also there's some techniques in some books I found. One in particular that I'd already been using (but just yesterday looked up self esteem in, duh) is this one which is in libraries here in my state and probably elsewhere.