I didn't know where else to put this, but there's a very good deal on some card sets in Amazon. Hope some of you find this useful!
Scales are SUPER useful! My partner got this one from Amazon for baking, but it's mostly used by me to weigh my envelopes to make sure I'm under 30g! If it's over I just add the appropriate postage. Highly recommended!
here is a pic of the chairs I was talking about - they actually have to chain them to the tables because people love them so much they try to steal them.
Image from: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/hand-drawn-tet-with-lantern-watermelon_11684103.htm I got the free 7 day trial of Illustrator to modify it for postcard (removed top red border and crop to fit) then printed using Zazzle and put attribution for image on back of postcard.
u/ihave_thoughts & u/onelittlericeball Please don’t kill spiders and insects. They are living beings just like you and they feel pain just like you. Our worlds overlap everywhere and sometimes they invade our houses and flats because it’s dry, warm and safe there. Please put the insects and spiders outside. It would be such a small thing for you but it’s about life or death for them. ❤️
Use this Insect catcher or this Snapy (that's the one I have and it works really well).
I’m so happy to hear it turned up :)
I wish a had a local vet for Pippin, we go to a different city- he’s just too exotic for the small town I’m currently living in :p.
I get my stickers from the dollar store a lot of the time but some times I splurge and get these from Amazon or Walmart The Happy Planner Value Pack Sticker Sheets - Scrapbooking Supplies - Detailed Florals Theme - Multicolor - Great for Journals, Scrapbooks & Albums - 500 Stickers https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B085WK9P6W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_8XF7SX8RCP98VAMY6PDZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 from Amazon.
Paper mostly Micheals hot buy paper pads :)
It's a Hemzone! Here it is! Got it years a go and I'm so happy w it since it matches my keyboard :D nothing g fancy tbh
Yeah, found all of them on Amazon. The rainbow one that I sent you one of was actually a pack of 30, so I now only have 29 left, haha :D The other were in a multipack together. They are from the brand Koh-II-Noor, they were these.
I didn't - someone I know gave them to me. However, looking on Amazon I found this set that has all of them. :)
So happy you enjoyed! The inserts are THEE BESTS!!!!!!!!!
These are the cards I'm getting today and sending out if you wanna also join in on the snarky fun... my beloved Yoda Master of RAoC snark is u/WabiSabi_SF - she taught me all I know about snark!
C&H Professional BAKER'S SUGAR Ultrafine 4lb https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01BSK832W/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_tzOmBbGSA63R2
Amazon is way more expensive than the store but this is what to keep your eye out for.
I can't find the site at the moment. We're in the process of moving and it seems I packed up the card they sent me. But if you order from them on Amazon, they send to a discount coupon for your next order and it links to their site. I've ordered from the site too and the shipping does take a bit. But it's worth it. Here they are on Amazon.
I took some pictures for you! The first is comparing the postcard you sent me and the card I think it looks like.
The second is just some of my favorites from the deck. They're all gorgeous though and have gold foil to make it glimmer!
I bought it off Amazon here:
I'm glad you like the washi. Im happy to trade samples any time since I have too many! I usually get my washi tape as a set off amazon (although its a little pricey) and Mercari :) the brand off Amazon is from "infeel.me". You can buy the tapes individually off of aliexpress. I don't know how to rename links 😅but I think this is what I used on your envelope.
Here is a link to the Mercari seller I buy from. She's lovely and usually ships the same day. She has a great selection of really unique washi! All my favorite washi tape are from her shop.
Sometimes antique/thrift stores will have postcards that are inexpensive, it may take some digging to find blank ones though. I'm just starting to practice making some. You can send photos - have cool images printed up for relatively cheap at a place like Walgreens. They are a little flimsier than a regular postcard, you can glue it to cardstock if you want. I have not used them yet, but Amazon has these blank cards . GL and have fun
I use craft tape, which is pretty much double sided tape. It comes on a roller so that I can attach it easier. Here is the amazon link to what I get
I hope my suggestion can help you! I recently read a book, "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo and it really has changed my life. By tidying up, she really means tidying up EVERYTHING you own and sorting through all of your STUFF. I strongly recommend the book but I understand that you don't seem to have time so I'll summarize.
Start by getting all of your clothes out. Discard (donate, throw away, whatever) everything you don't love. If you never wear it cause it sits weird, doesn't really fit, is kinda itchy, etc, get rid of it.
Throw away almost all of your papers. You don't need the contract for your first cell phone that was bought 10 years ago.
Basically, get rid of everything that doesn't spark joy. Although on your short time span, go with "if you don't love it, it doesn't serve a purpose or you never use it" then get rid of it.
With plenty of your stuff gone, it's easier to find a place for what's left. You can use phone boxes, shoe boxes, etc to sort drawers. And there's a fancy folding technique you can use for your clothes if you have a dresser.
Believe me, the book is way better than I've written it out but I hope it's enough for you for the next 2 days!
These cards are stunning! Sea and ocean creatures are fascinating, I've spent so much time researching and watching documentaries about octopus in particular. If you'd like, we could exchange for a wild animals of the world postcard, I still have the otter or the Japanese Macaques sitting in a hot spring. Not really ocean animals, but as close as I'm going to get :D
You are very welcome! I believe I got that washi on Amazon and I’ve bought it multiple times because I love it so much. Here is the link to the washi tape, it’s a 2 pack and comes with stickers the last time I looked. https://www.amazon.com/Gold-Washi-Tape-Set-Rolls/dp/B078PPD41M?pd_rd_w=pQVZb&content-id=amzn1.sym.fea327c4-5fbe-469f-b9dd-c809442d925d&pf_rd_p=fea327c4-5fbe-469f-b9dd-c809442d925d&pf_rd_r=3CM9KYRZ9SA5P2CFCPDB&pd_rd_wg=DKIcv&pd_...
I'd like one! I'm late to the game, so whatever you have left is perfect. (I'd prefer big doggos, though.)
Animal fact: The American bison was prevented from going extinct in large part due to the efforts of Texas ranchers Charles and Molly Goodnight, who rescued a small herd of 30+ bison from extermination on their ranch in the 1870s. The descendants of these bison have helped form the foundation to pretty much every present-day American bison herd in the world.
I'm in the US.
If you like, I can send a Wine Dogs (link) postcard in exchange.
I actually have one of those sticker machines and turned them into stickers last night xD
I am all about the glitter pen lifestyle. I learning German on Duolingo two years ago before my trip to Central Europe with my son. To help me study my verb conjugations, I bought this ridiculous set of gel pens for my note taking:
I sometimes use them for postcards, but the ink smears easily. :(
Ooh, I'm a horror writer and got published in a Lovecraftian short story collection a while back-- I'd love to exchange with you! :D <3 DMing you shortly!
Good question and great timing, I got this particular pack I'm sending out from Amazon, I thought I was being clever and getting something others wouldn't be using buuuut.. https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0553447890/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_E4401S28WEJ5NSDYK323
And right this second I'm searching eBay for pretty much anything that tickles the ole fancy. I'm not good at remembering but when I think about it I'll look for postcards on a trip, gift shops etc. and I randomly found some at a gas station last month.
A lot of people hand-make their own as well - that's dedication. I did that for awhile, I bought blank 4x6 cardstock for those.
Please send me your address. I struggled with agoraphobia and crippling panic attacks for several years, so I know what you're going through. I found a book that helped me enormously - in fact it helped me beat it and now have no anxiety going out any more. Here's the book ... https://www.amazon.com.au/At-Last-Life-Paul-David-ebook/dp/B007MEMDOS
What I like doing is go to DaFont click on calligraphy, then enter the name of the person to see how it would look and depending on how the letters look in each font I’ll choose which one I like and then I try to copy it. Once I know real calligraphy then I’ll be easier I suppose!
New batch of cards going out today! Hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!
I've started digitally archiving my postcard collection and for anyone who's looking to do the same and does not a scanner at home, I highly recommend PhotoScan. I found it to work much more consistently than similar apps like Genius Scan.
https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=HAkHqYlqops&feature=share I honestly had a really hard time determining my favorite music video...,.. I ughh.... yah... Been thru a thing or two recently and i cope with music. In a sense. But yes I rather enjoy probably more than most the lazy song video https://music.youtube.com/watch?v=fLexgOxsZu0&feature=share Because it's just always been one to cheer me up!!! Because I don't feel like doing anything...
Thanks so much! You can get your own/choose which ones you like @ https://smile.amazon.com/Thoughtfulls-Pop-Open-Cards-Compendium-Different/dp/B0791Z9ZZY/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?dchild=1&keywords=pop+up+cards+thoughtful&qid=1635535756&sr=8-6
Enjoy!!!! 😍😍😍
US! I would love a space postcard- here’s my current birthday hope Earth and Space: 100 Postcards Featuring Photographs from The Archives of NASA (Collectible NASA Archive Postcards, Space Stationery Set) https://www.amazon.com/dp/1452159386/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_i_5CR00GCMDDSTDS05QCST?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
History! (Art history lover here) Art is awesome because it is one of the most intimate ways a human can express themselves to another human. If you love art too, I recommend downloading the San Francisco MOMA audio tour app. They recommend it when you're walking around in-person but I've been flipping through it during the pandemic while I miss my favorite museum. I had a trip planned last April to go to the Van Gogh museum in Amsterdam, but yeah...COVID. If selected, I will send a hand-made contemporary art card in return!
You are welcome.
!Warning! these beads are a hazard to a child. The dry beads have been inserted in a child's ear and eaten like candy, In these situations the outcome was very serious when they absorbed water and expanded.
It bothers me that they are being marketed this way. They were originally to be used with cut flowers or as a decoration.
I used these beads like this https://www.amazon.com/Kids-Water-Beads-Sensory-Toys/dp/B01FQTFR34
I put them in a older ridged 1950?s drinking glass and lit them with light from behind through a window with a screen. Thanks for your feedback on my abstract art.
We are so fortunate to be a summer destination for the east coast monarch butterfly. After spending the summer here, they winter in Mexico. They are the only butterfly that migrates. I took the shot here in Ontario on Lake Huron.
Not sure if National Parks count but I have a set that matches that style. It's this set and I have a bunch left. I have 4 California parks which is my home state. Let me know if you're interested.
Yep :)
I think I know exactly which pen you're referring to! I don't know where I purchased it, but it looks like this, except with purple accents. It surprises me how nice it is, since at first glance it seems cheap.
You're welcome! I used this circle maker from Amazon! I use it for all sorts of things, it's very handy! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0044S5CZM/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_QY1VWQRY6XFDZYXYNZ1X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I use job ticket holders in a colorful assortment so I can organize my scraps by color family. Here is the one I got from Amazon https://smile.amazon.com/WallDeca-Sleeves-Assorted-10-Pack-Reusable/dp/B07Y14WCDM/ref=mp_s_a_1_10_sspa?dchild=1&keywords=job+ticket+holders&qid=1610293683&sprefix=job+tick&sr=8-10-spons&psc=1&spLa=ZW5jcnlwdGVkUXVhbGlmaWVyPU...
Uhhhhhhh. Maybe? Lol
She is definitely part of the women in STEM postcard series that I did. Did your postcard have a number written on the back in the lower right hand corner and the message something like: thanks for being a member of RAoC. I hope you enjoy this women in STEM postcard.
And the art look like this:
Then if so that’s definitely me!
Filled out :-) i also thought these were a great idea - https://www.amazon.com/Thoughtfulls-Pop-Open-Cards-Compendium-different/dp/B01JY2TLK4
I only learn from the best! RAoC's queen of snark, yous!!!! =]
I tried spray mounting on the bristol board first (the white postcards I sent you), but I find it easier to just buy a pack of 100 blank postcards to spray mount onto and call it a day... so, I sent some your way to get you started. I bought these if you like them.
Sooooo, I ended up with THREE snarky rip a day calendars - guess how many postcards I'll be mailing out this year? LOL! Looks like I'm on my way to getting some serious flair... better get gluing! LOL!!!! =]
Hello! I shared the link with another but this link right here has where I got the postcards from on Amazon which you can see some designs.
Imgur now makes people turn off their ad blocker to upload photos and I straight up refuse to do that ~~anarchy~~ but a little googling will also show some cards. :)
Did you use regular glue or SPRAY MOUNT? Let me introduce you to the most amazing thing on planet earth if you haven't learned of it yet: SPRAY MOUNT
Makes all the pretty things glue on flat! =] I have a feeling you and I are going to be BEST crafting buddies together... yay!!! =]
Thank you for your kind response! And now I want you to cook me a turkey :P
I want to recommend this product at Amazon
Earth and Space: 100 Postcards Featuring Photographs from The Archives of NASA (Collectible NASA Archive Postcards, Space Stationery Set)
by Amazon.com
Learn more: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1452159386/ref=cm\_sw\_em\_r\_mt\_dp\_y0BOFbXE7XXTV?\_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I just got some Mister Rogers' Neighborhood Cards. Do you think she would like one of those?
I found them when looking for water colour paper on Amazon. The specific ones I bought can be found here.
You’re very welcome! Haha yes I love her “aint playin” face. I found this postcard book in a thrift store for all of $1 , it’s out of print but looks available from Amazon resellers.
Thank you!! And Amazon it was actually gifted to me in roaof Amazon 😍😍😍 link
I actually found a book of them in a stack of old stationary goodies I recently pulled out of storage! But they're definitely still available on Amazon , just a bit pricier than more recent options :)
This is the type that I use (I have no idea how to add a picture so I’m just pasting in a link to amazon) https://www.amazon.ca/Ranger-AIP-31468-Archival-Inkpad-Black/dp/B0056ETF8I/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=archival+ink+pad&qid=1566774153&s=gateway&sprefix=archival+ink&sr=8-3
I bought this from amazon (uk) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B01N9PYOB6/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apap_q3T7H1tOrf8Q9
Also not sure where in the world it's available but I use the HP smart ink service. For £1.99 per month I can print 50 pages no matter how much ink is used. The printer detects when its going to run out of ink and HP send you more ink before you run out. All for 1.99 a month!
I use canva.com to make stuff like the labels. Theres a lot of free resources you can find on there if you look :)
They were part of 100 World's Greatest Bookstore postcards and I got them from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Worlds-Greatest-Bookstores-Postcards-Celebrating/dp/0525574395
It is illustrated by Bob Eckstein and most of the illustration looks really amazing! Now I am curious to google some of the bookstores and compare them!
You are welcome. Ink: is also Diamine - Anniversary Fountain Pen Ink 150 years, Dark Forest.
Only pen I use either older version or this current version : Sheaffer 83401 Calligraphy Writing Instrument Fountain Pen medium nib. https://www.amazon.ca/gp/product/B0733ZSYX2/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o03_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1
Thanks for the thumbs up on my script. I appreciate it.
It is a lot of fun! Here is a link to what I'm making :) It can be really messy because of the glue but I'm enjoying it!
I’m so glad you liked it! I actually got the set from Amazon! It’s the Art of Disney Renaissance box set. Here’s a link!
We call them flower cards here because they usually get stuck on a stick in a bouquet... like the ones here
Oh no! Sorry I sent you a scary postcard lol
Also, do you have... THIS?
I have it for my computer at work and it's pretty fantastic lol.
I will definitely keep an eye out for some! What’s your fave team? We’re a huge baseball family in my house!
PS: have you seen these? Los Angeles's Historic Ballparks (Postcards of America) https://www.amazon.com/dp/0738580546/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_HdubDbK5JZ5V3
I really like those too! Is there one you like better of those 2?
They have them on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Dark-Postcards-Woodland-Postcard-Greeting/dp/B01JIWWF6C/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?keywords=glow+in+the+dark+postcards&qid=1559043255&s=gateway&sprefix=glow+in+the+dark+post&sr=8-3
Pm me an address :)
Hey there! The postage value of a Forever Stamp is whatever it costs right now to send a letter first class, regardless of when you bought that Forever Stamp. For example, if you bought a Forever stamp in 2011 for $0.46, it would have a postage value right now of $0.55, which is the current cost of a Forever Stamp.
You could use that 2011 stamp to send a regular ~~letter~~ card(!) within the US. You could also use two of them plus a $0.05 stamp for international postage.
As far as buying on Amazon, they always mark up their stamps, so unless it's a really old set you can't find anywhere, I'd use usps.com. Example: Sheet of Scooby Doo stamps on USPS = $6.60 but for the same sheet Amazon = $11.18.
Hope that helps! (cc: u/ninajyang)
Awesome thanks, I just really like the look of some of the 0.55 stamps, like the star trek ones and scooby do ones... I couldn't find any villeins stamps but found them on amazon. They're just listed as "forever first class" stamps. Does that mean they are the 0.35 ones? https://www.amazon.com/Disney-Villains-Forever-Postage-USPS/dp/B073XV517M
I can't remember where I got them, but you can get them on amazon!
<strong>Amazon</strong> for the win! The biggest knock against them in the reviews is that some are tighter and some are looser. I actually find this super helpful because the cards are always different thicknesses. (It would be annoying if I got them for my wedding though!)
It wasn't too challenging on this one. I actually found this on Amazon.com. I thought I'd find cartoon dragons too, haha!
You're welcome! Glad you enjoyed it :) I got them on amazon!
No more foxes. I have bunnies, birds, deer, hedgehogs, fish, otters, owls, frogs and I think it's badgers.
ah! sorry! I totally forgot to reply to this comment! these are the pens she gifted to me, and I've been having a blast using them
Early April I sent you a postcard of art from comics from the '50s from this set thanking you advance of the cartoon travel postcard. I bet it was that. So yes I think it was me! Sucks that it fell out! :(
Very small container, very powerful paint!!
These ones are from Under the sea postcards (Colouring for Mindfulness) by Mesdemoiselles
You can get a bunch of different ones, tattoo designs etc etc.
You're so welcome!! I sent you another one and will keep doing so.
Yes, I have a smash book that I keep all the cards in that I get from reddit. They have smaller ones that are about half the price if you can't afford that one (I know how that is!!).
You can also check out /r/postcardexchange and postcrossing.com for more mail to get you through the summer:)