A doe and two fawns ran across Copper Hill this morning on my way to work. You can't tell in the video but I can confirm they were pretty cute and no one was hurt.
If anybody's curious my dashcam is this model.
Just recently switched to Tmobile from ATT and I find it better in our area... But I think that changes location to location.
I'm on mobile but I think this site helps you compare carriers.
I'd call them from your work phone (I realize this isn't work related but hear me out). Tell them that the IT department at XYZ corp advised you that your ISP (AT&T) is throttling your work VPN connection (which happens to be provided by NordVPN or whichever VPN provider you use) and that your employer is concerned that their employees aren't able to use work resources effectively which may incentivize XYZ corp to subsidize moving their employees away from AT&T if AT&T won't fix the issue.
If they don't fix it, call again, but from a different extension and say something to the effect of "Hi, my name is [fake name] with XYZ corp IT Infrastructure and DevOps. We noticed that a bunch of our remote users are having issues connecting to our VPN through your provider. We've provided support and have determined that your network is the issue. I need to speak with someone, right now, who can fix this issue before I refer it to our legal team..."
If they still won't fix it, there's nothing illegal about forging a cease and desist letter on behalf of a fictional company...
Of course, there's also Spectrum and Verizon Wireless in Santa Clarita... people really need to stop giving money to AT&T.
Check the standards - Princess Cruises and Magic Mountain are the biggest employers by a huge margin. Six Flags might even be hiring soon since the 2015 season begins about a month from now (I'm not sure what their hiring schedule is like but it seems plausible.)
Also pay attention to security jobs, they love hiring vets and it's an easy job (though boring.)
Here's a search to roll through, apply to everything that seems reasonable to you and don't stop applying until you have a job. Don't give up, that's the most important part.
SCVJobs.com can be good too, it's used more by the cheaper small businesses so it can be easier to find something smaller that may not show up on a bigger website like Monster.com and the like. I got my first SCV job off of this website actually.
Good luck!
Definitely will look into that when sports gets back. We love YouTube TV because of their unlimited DVR. We've gotten dodgers with MLB.TV + Unlocator, but would be nice to not have to deal with the hassle
last time I went in they did the install for free when bought in store, need to check if thats still the deal, they charge you if you buy online.
as for membership, its gauranteed so if you cancel within the year theyll comp your fee, but its worth it just for the gas. Alternatively
You don't even really need a $40 tester for this sort of thing. A simple $5 continuity tester will tell you if the circuit is safe or not before you work on it. Or one of these guys: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01AKX3AYE/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_KMXCS22F7N6RXN7THCZS
Real answer? Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade. $15 well spent. You can get at Lowes too. Construction sites use it to keep bugs out during build and it lasts a long time.
Fill applicator and squeeze powder as directed. We put DE in cracks, the patio sliding glass door track, in the walls, the high-up bathroom window's track, back of all sink cupboards and behind appliances, around the rim of garage. I don't fuck around.
My advice is to wear a N95/KN95 type mask, gloves, and maybe eye protection. Its not a poison danger for you so much as... imagine the discomfort of inhaling or getting talcum powder in your eye - like that. Once making contact, the organic compound shreds the exoskeleton of ants, roaches, termites, etc. Getting food grade means its not hazardous for you/pets.
Ants cause a phobia trigger for me so I have to stay on top of this aggressively or panic attack will occur. Trust me when I say, this shit is legit.
Dude don't waste your time with the gun shops in this town they are all trash when it comes to gunsmiths with the exception of Oaktree but their wait times are anywhere from 2-6 months. Glock sights are by far the easiest to install and I have done about 20+ for friends and family. For under $60 you can have a lifetime of free sight installs. Red locktite for both front and rear sights and you are good to go. If you don't want to do it yourself I can do the install for 10$ and I'm based in Saugus. Now for the P80 AR-15 lower you're going to be shit out of luck because of the insane requirements of 80% lowers in CA, its not even worth the cost because you have to ship it to a company to serialize it for you and then you have to pay additionally to the DOJ for registering. My advice is to buy a stripped lower from Turners or Oaktree and install the rest of the parts yourself. Super easy with all the youtube education out there. This for the front sight on glocks: https://www.amazon.com/Wiha-26547-Precision-Driver-Inch/dp/B000O5ILUM/ref=sr_1_4?dchild=1& keywords=3%2F16+nut+driver&qid=1600183323&sr=8-4
Check out this Amazon page I found regarding non toxic and washable paint. Look at the user reviews. Lots of people say that despite the label they can't get it off regular surfaces, even if it washes out of clothes. Could it be that the City is correct that it didn't come off ?
That said - making the kids wash it off themselves would have been MUCH BETTER. Why we don't do simple, obvious things like this is beyond me.
Nice. I'll definitely browse around your site a bit more.
Very interesting, never knew that about the old bridge.
Here's another tidbit for you in exchange for the tasty history: https://www.amazon.com/Saugus-Sea-Bill-Brown/dp/0968974406