For any interested, Audubon is a great app that lets you search for birds by color, size, location and season, lets you catalog your sightinga and has the bird calls as well. Well worth the money imo /Audubon iOS Audubon Android
Hey there, you want
Video chatting is SIMPLE. it works on any device, and you can video chat in seconds.
Up to 5 people on a free plan. You make a account, you share the link. People who click on it can instantly video chat with you.
You can also set up ''knocking''
with knock people can click knock and you will be altered they want in the room, you can see them before letting them in, place them on hold or deny entry. Or leave it open which is by default and click to enter.
Hope this helps.
Netflix put a lot of effort into identifying and restricting VPNs for a while to curb their use, and were largely successful.
However due to the nature of VPNs, it’s difficult and cost-prohibitive to try to block them all. The only way they can tell what IP is from a VPN is either by joining the VPN networks, or identifying IPs with an unusual amount of traffic (which can have a lot of other explanations).
Anyway: Paid VPNs still work great, and I’ve run into zero problems accessing Netflix with my VPN turned on.
I currently use NordVPN. The only other VPN provider I’ve used is PIA, but I switched because I disagree with some of their policies and don’t feel 100% confident they care about my privacy.
There are several providers that look great and I recommend doing your own research.