Hear, hear! After hearing his rant on the latest episode... I felt "seen". He perfectly articulated my own drunken feelings in a far more coherent, entertaining way.
Matt has played a big role in my political evolution. When I first got interested in libertarianism, he was one of the first writers I really gravitated towards. I first started reading Reason when he was editor-in-chief, and I was "radicalized" by <em>The Declaration of Independents</em>.
But more importantly, it's no secret that there are many prominent libertarian thinkers who happen to be lunatics and psychopaths. I'm really glad I was exposed to Matt's moderate, non-dogmatic, "squishy" brand of politics instead. He probably helped prevent me from wandering too far down the rabbit hole. (Too bad he couldn't save Kmele though...)
I'd really prefer that social media companies not be considered arbiters of truth, but I understand why they did it, I guess. If I ran a social media server (like a Mastodon instance, everyone go check out https://joinmastodon.org/), and someone posted info that I thought was literally dangerous to people's health, I'd be hard pressed to not remove it.
I can't get into the guy's head but it's not too far from the truth in some sense. David Quammen wrote a great book called Spillover (https://www.amazon.com/Spillover-Animal-Infections-Human-Pandemic/dp/0393346617/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=) that walks through a few zoonotic diseases that jump from their host reservoir to humans. Host reservoirs have tended to not interact with humans too much but as Humans move more into places they traditionally have not been (deep jungle, etc) then it's much more likely for these spillover events to occur.
Is that what Prince Harry is talking about? Probably not, he's probably talking bout some weird divine retribution but I thought I'd share.
Is it a video file you have on your hardrive? VLC has a pretty simple record function you can use.
I guess another solution is recording your screen via display capture in OBS while muting your mic and making sure random notifications and system sounds don't come in over the desktop audio channel. This is probably overkill, but since I don't use apple products I'm not really knowledgeable about what's good and what isn't.
Suppose I should include links and not take for granted people know what VLC and OBS are. They're both open-source and available for mac computers.
I would not normally recommend some goofy cartoon interview segment from CBS, but this is by the far the most succinct take down of Rick Wilson, one of the Lincoln Project co-founders: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNvuYPpX0C0&feature=emb_title
> more on the neocon side of neoliberal than the guys
This is also my approximate ideological position, I guess my own biggest issue with them is that their grift (and as others have pointed out, it is decidedly a grift) is that their claim to authenticity is that they promulgated what they now say are the lies of conservatism. Stuart Stevens, for example, has published It Was All a Lie: How the Republican Party Became Donald Trump.
Well, you created the fucking lie, bro! These people were all senior leaders in the Republican party. They have not actually taken any responsibility for anything that they allege that they've done (never mind the question of whether what they now itself is actually truth or just another lie. There are strong elements of Lee Atwater's supposed death bed confession about the Southern Strategy, which I personally think is bullshit, but YMMV). Rather, they expect to be thanked.
It's all kind of gross.
Anyways, I agree with the other comments here that it's a grift and that their ad spends also make no sense, but as neocon-ish center right person, this is why I, personally, loath these people ideologically.
The only parenting book I got much value out of (I have two boys, 6 and 2) was Bringing up Bébé: One American Mother Discovers the Wisdom of French Parenting.
The whole idea of the way French parents don't micromanage in the way American parents do helped me to lighten up a little, and (more importantly) the underlying message that there are many "right" ways to parent has really stuck with me. It's also more memoir than self-help book, so it's a pretty easy read.
As a father that also did everything late (I have a 4 and 2 year old an am 45) I wish I had a good answer for you.
I always recommend The Baby Owner's Manual for a good read for soon to be dads. I found it to be very helpful, but it doesn't really address what you're asking for.
I will say, that you're this thoughtful about being a father already is a very good sign. You'll figure a lot out on the fly.
I also cannot say enough good things about r/predaddit and r/daddit . Fantastic communities for fathers on Reddit. :)
Good luck!
Ngl, I didn't read half your post, but until someone who actually has kids and/or the attention span of an adult comes along maybe you'll find this edifying. It's not parenting advice, but a libertarian defense of the family from a non-trad perspective.
Gotcha. If the other solution fails you in the future, recording from window or screen capture in OBS should do to the trick.
If you need to download longer videos from youtube, facebook, or other sites youtube-dl is a pretty powerful tool (it downloads videos from many different sites not just youtube). It requires using the command line but isn't terribly complicated if you copy paste the commands from the github page. I'd recommend installing it via homebrew for a mac.
With all due respect, this sounds like you're just not following along with the argument long enough. The answer to your question is pretty straightforward and its because the education colleges that teach the teachers are the primary target of critical socjus. Pedagogy of the Oppressed is the third most cited book in all of social science.
If you're asking, "How did that happen?" then here is an academic treatment on the critical turn in education.
And a heads up, now that CRT is a well known term, you can expect culturally responsive/relevant teaching, the directly-inspired equivalent in pedagogy with the same acronym, to transform linguistically as they become the education world's euphemism for this stuff. Expect to see "responsive teaching" more as "critical race theory" fades into taboo.
I would highly recommend the Great Ideas series, which is readily available and fairly inexpensive. It is what launched my love affair with the classics in my mid twenties.
This is more specific than a general history, but was recommended by Moynihan as a counterpoint to how apparently not racist cuba was supposed to be under Fidel.
Yeah, he's wrong and his take isn't interesting nor worth engaging.
It's not a dance, you could have made that point at any time I asked. Now that I understand it I want to learn more about your point, I'm a sociopath who doesn't care?
You sir are not very persuasive. Here's a book that can help you learn more: influence
Who doesn't love Fredrick Douglass? And besides his incorrect use of the word "comprise" on page 89, I would agree with your assessment of Overruled
edit: Had to look up the page number
edit edit: Give the fucking link: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B086RC7FL3/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_hsch_vapi_tkin_p1_i1
That's a lift, are you a designer? I use this book every time I need to research symbols. https://www.amazon.com/Continuum-Encyclopedia-Symbols-Udo-Becker/dp/0826412211