It is easy to record your anything on your screen. I've used this web based screen recorder lots of times.
I refuse to pay for a youtube premium subscription, so I will play videos I like and want to keep while recording my screen as they are playing.
So Hitler is supposed to be the father of Ann Dunham, Angela Merkel, the Lithuanian president, and Theresa May? Who did Hitler not impregnate?
This could depend on a few things, as there are plenty of technology options out there.
For a simple presentation without the whiteboard, you could use PowerPoint. This could include a recording of your work on the whiteboard as well.
For screen recording using a digital whiteboard, you could use an online tool like Screencastomatic. This should give you a clean video export option, but most freebies will be limited to 5-15 minutes of recording. After COVID last year, it seems the educational gratuity has dried up with those companies...
For physical recording and talking, you will likely need to get equipment like lapel mics, access to SMART Boards and screen recording software for your computer. Can talk more about these if you like. There are also integrated solutions provided sitewide depending on your available tech as well.
I like Screencast-O-Matic.It's very easy to use and allows me to do what I need when recording lectures for my online class. You set it up to capture your screen, so it will let you show ppt slides but also can switch to other sources since it just captures what's in the frame on your screen. The free version only lets you record 15 minutes at a time but a subscription is about $15 a year I think, there's no limit to the recording time with the subscription. I also like that I can have my face in a little box in the corner of the screen while showing my lecture slides or while I show a particular website or something.
So, please note that everything I’m suggesting, your mileage may vary, etc, and know that everything I’m saying is prefaced with “in my opinion/experience. . .”
Screen casting is my best friend. I use which is free up to 15 minutes.
I tell my students up front that I have a one-and-done policy for my screencasts and videos. Unless I make an egregious mistake or curse, I record everything once, and who cares if it has my ums, and uhhs, and hold on a sec, I lost my train of thought, etc.
Kids are not as computer savvy as they used to be, so I include video walkthroughs of new programs/websites.
Consistency. I structure all of my modules the same way, like first read the to-do list, then watch my video, then supplemental, then practice, then summative. I actually started using canvas over the summer because I feel like it allows me to group better than google classroom does, and I think this will be a beg forgiveness rather than ask for permission situation.
Keep things short and sweet, because even grownups don’t want to watch an hour long video of a lecture, and good lord that could take a long time to load.
I’m trying to develop my stuff to be as asynchronous as possible with scheduled google meets later in the day. I teach teenagers. I don’t even want to be up and teaching at 7:30am, so I know they won’t be awake.
This is Georgia Virtual, and I get inspiration from a lot of their courses. My classes aren’t going to be NEARLY as good, but it gives a decent idea.
I recorded a teaching demo at the library once (university library, they had a whole set up for this), and I just recorded myself talking with slides. It was set up so that I was standing next to a small projector screen. I would ask questions as if there were students, but would then explain, "ok at this point we'd discuss X concept for a few minutes", or something like that. 10 minutes is not long, so you want to include as much actual lecture content as you can. I would also describe some sort of in-class activity that would connect to your lecture.
Another thought: you might think about using something like screencast o matic where you can show your slides and your face at the same time. It's really easy to use and I think the free version lets you record up to 15 min.
It's hard to see the numbers due to how they show up, but all 4 opponents get the debuff at 0:14 so the 3 hits are spread among random targets (as you can't make it have 4 targets due to skill having 1 (technically 3) by default and 2 more from UW+UT at max) and I guess UW+UT add 2 more hits for a total of 5
My friends and I have also been working on React Native + Redux Mobile Wallet for the last month. Here is our progress so far (no fancy design yet) -
Mobile wallet is not our end goal, but every mobile app interacting with Ethereum has to implement core wallet functionality.
It would be nice to create free and open source React Native Starter App for the Ethereum. If anyone is interested, it would be great to share experience and collaborate.
What do you think about interacting with blockchain via remote web3 server? (like MetaMask and imToken do)
Associated Walmart version test from the video:
If it were me I'd almost set this up from scratch rather than fight Elementor along the way.
I would use them for the regular nav but come hamburger time do this where i make the hamburger button, load the OL or UL in place (which you can generate any number of ways with the handy tools in WP core), and have that hamburger that you only display on that screen size be the trigger for the dance we do on the simplified nav.
I didn't know this till now but it makes sense, that ACF can set fields on the menu screen so I'd make fields there to assign the background images for top level stuff and make sure I pulled them into my list-generating code rather than have to tediously assign it in the stylesheet -- just to keep things flexible.
It's not a perfect approach but I think it breaks it down to where a person's only obstacle would be time, which is pretty cool because this is a nice effect.
One note -- in my example that animation plays in just one direction so toggling the class means they snap offscreen instead of beautifully dial backwards. Also doable but this is just a proof of concept.
Personally, the professors I like right now are linking videos and making power point screened lecture short videos to cover concepts. Its not a hour lecture video. Its a 2-9 minute video to explain a concept. Links in modules right after the chapters study questions which we are expected to understand. Its neuro psychology and really have been grasping it. A on first exam, closed book. She uses Khan Academy videos (least favorite), youtube videos, and her own videos are made with Screen Cast O Matic which are my favorite.
Zoom teachers don't help tbh. Its just not an environment where we are focused on material.
you mean... like this ? There are no amplifications, no buffs, no perks, no UW, no UT, targets have the same defense. Doesn't add up.
I assume that video would be mine and I did take into consideration all the amplifications and everything. I'm sure I might have missed something, but there's definitely something wrong with Roi's bleed amplification. I also did a test comparing Roi's s3 and Yanne's s2 vs Dragon. But to give more explaination:
Roi s3 and Yanne's s2 have similar atk modifier. Yanne's bonus damage to dragons on that skill is roughly 50% of her normal damage. Yanne's damage further gets amplified by 50% from passive, 10% from UT and 15% from t2 perk. Both characters had the 100% dmg increase perks. 50+50+10+15=125% I know it's probably not precisely how it works, but close enough. Roi's bleed effects increase the damage by 150%. Roi and Yanne's t5 lights have the same stats and the yanne and Roi that were used had almost the same atk and crit dmg. With the same party, same buffs on Roi/Yanne, the damage from Yanne's s2 was half of that of Roi's s3 against IDH. And big chunk of Yanne's dmg ignores defense and also has much higher penetration due to s3.
It's a gear issue. Decided to make this since so many ppl are saying that lvl 80 dragons hit too hard sorry for the potato quality. With the t2 perk for block he could probably survive 2-3 more hits, but there's no point for that when there are healers in the party
I trawled through about 20 years of PGA tour data (from to collect the data for this, pulled it all into a Google Sheet to work it out, then created the charts using Infogram. Here's a quick screencast of the data collection process:
the quality is not the best but it's definitely one of the best ways to make a quick video if you don't want to install a program and learn how to use it, etc
Wow! Hahah, thanks for the compliment! It was brutal recording those 2 minutes...I guess I'm not a natural...
I used Screencast-o-matic
Very easy to use! I just used the free version too.
Maybe screencast-o-matic? I can't remember whether it will record audio. You could always separately record the audio using a different device, though syncing it would be terrible.
Edit: link
Make sure you use something like to record everything, toss up on YouTube, and let us all know so we can watch.
The one thing I would recommend would be to download to the VM, rename it "", place it somewhere on the desktop in a easy to see location, then while your on the call tell them you "have to run and check the door, will be gone a few minutes.".
It is so much fun to watch them copy it, just knowing they will try to open it.
The moment you let anyone view the video on a computer that is not yours, you open the potential for that video to be taken and released elsewhere outside your own.
For example, I use Screencast-o-matic to record streaming video for tutorials and stuff.
The only safe thing to do is to not have them seen on a computer you don't own.
Join this Discord server- You'll get most of your questions answered along with all the necessary resources to start from zero.
Also, here is a free walk-through video compilation you might find helpful-
The second form is harder because more of your weight is distributed over the upper body. This is what makes pikes more difficult than standard pushups.
My form is in between C and D, although I use parallettes to increase ROM and decrease strain on my neck and wrists.
I found a video from right when I started with parallettes for illustration:
According to, what I'm doing is closer to a pike press than a pike pushup, although I feel like that distinction isn't hugely important to this discussion as we're both training HSPU.
u/Pickyduck I tried the the ScreenCam but it is Android recorder on ChromeOS as here. I did it on my current app but the video quality (FPS) is not good enough, thus I wanted to implement the recorder part in ChromeOS side (not in Android by MediaProjection API)
I figured this one out in case anyone else on this thread is looking for the solution.
So I’m not sure why the code above doesn’t work but I did find this video: and using the same code the person there used will pass both conditions.
Here it is:
li:first-child {color: #32ed96; font-size: 24px;}
Really broadly speaking, you can do custom CSS for this for sure.
Note: The first time I say
flex-column: direction
I am blithering and transposing the correct way to say things. Brain fart. I meant
flex-direction: column ( 3mins 19secs )
P.S. The slidery bit I was referring to at the end just has the goal of using Swiper's documented events to take advantage of the recorded info we want to inject into it. Basically, "hey, if someone just changed a slide, that needs to fire off our thing" where "our thing" is just injecting a tiny tag with the string of text we stored in the bit in the video.
I have the two video bits and an example of the slidery bit that I can send you in a pastebin.
I was referring only to how to display the terms, really, but in the documentation for JetBlog one of the post widgets lets you pick a nice clean grid layout like that:
Theirs are capped, but what you could also do for free since you have Elementor Pro is use three post widgets in a row, set all three to have unique offsets (in other words ignoring X number of posts ahead of them in terms of how recent/new they are) and style them independently:
Would this work? (15 seconds, no sound)
I just made a fake overlay with a pseudoselector and set it to display itself on hover only.
I've tried the script but it doesn't work I think for my setup : /
I've recorded to let you see what happens:
I show you first what works and how it has been setup in this video. But on 34sec it will show you the problem when I rotate it.
I tried to set X and Z on 0 but it ignores it (I've set this part in comment). This is the script that i'm using:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CompassNeedle : MonoBehaviour
public Transform north;
public Transform housing;
public float speed;
void Update()
if (north != null)
var lookPos = north.position - transform.position; // assumes this script is attached to the needle
var housingLocal = housing.InverseTransformPoint(lookPos); // change of coordinates from world space to housing space
var localProjection = new Vector3(housingLocal.x, 0, housingLocal.z); // Remove the vertical offset so that we will look along the plane of the housing
var worldProjection = housing.TransformPoint(localProjection); // change of coordinates back into world space
var rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(worldProjection);
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, rotation, Time.deltaTime * speed);
](//transform.rotation) = Quaternion.Euler(0, rotation.y, 0);
Got my trading done before the open. Opened a trade around 7AM EST, was in it for about 1.5 hours.
Pretty boring, but there it is.
Session Recording (No Audio, just boring screen time of me trading /ES on the Jigsaw DOM):
In addition to my typical spread trading, I will be scalping my account back up daily over the next six months or so after withdrawing such a large amount for mining stocks.
Haven't day traded in quite awhile. I got sick of the screen time. But having fun with it again.
If you use something like to record something for testing, then does using MPC-HC to play it back make it sound equally has low?
I tried what you said, I guess it kind of works. But there has to be a way for the chart to just ignore the bracket order when I zoom in, that would be ideal.
Watch this video i just made: Here you go! I think the actual movie is glitchy though, when she starts playing it it just shows up as a grey screen.
A direct-response copywriter made these copywriting course for his sister. She had lost her job and he was helping her transition into a new career as a copywriter.
Hope this helps.
I made you video:
I messed up on some parts though. My was was wrong on the pricing when I said something about $20 off. Also, your little chat bot is offering a coupon but it's messed up.
You need a real product product description. Find out how much blowouts cost and how often women need them and put something like, "Save $xxx per year."
Pick a market. Do you know of any real brands that have the words "Shipping Method" describing the region they ship to, on the product page? Stick to the USA, IMO.
If you have a pixel with data on it, then just let FB do the work for you. Optimize for purchase targeting women 21-40 or 50. FB is really smart and will get your ads in front of the right people. I think over-targeting is a big mistake a lot of noobs make with FB ads.
Edit your reviews to make them believable. The Fay Rosenbaum reviews doesn't seem legit for a number of reasons. Also, lots of Jewish girls have really curly hair and get a lot of blowouts.
I'm no guru by any means, but I've had a lot of success with ecom and I think you're really close on this.
Also, $200 is nothing to test a product. I know you're young and don't have a lot of cash, but this product is probably good. Just make a brand around it (like you're doing), but do a little bit better.
I took screenshots of pieces of the disclaimer for you since you can't get the whole thing to display from that page. I noticed I did not have the full disclaimer in the paste so I added it again with the full thing.
Full disclaimer paste -
Album of actual disclaimer images -
This is what I use in case anyone want's to screen record themselves completing offers -
Still no guarantees but at the very minimum, check there's a trip ID under visited stores at the link below before submitting a payment.
Keep in mind that not everything that pays without issues will show up there. It's really kind of a mess with different things showing in different places, some that track where the user can see and some that don't. Some that pay even though nothing the user can see showed tracking. Some that don't pay even though everything tracked. Some that show 0 SB. It's a crapshoot but I've had 100% success getting everything paid when the SB did not show up when it was supposed to. The offers that required a ticket for me are Blue Dolphin magazines, Lifelock, Varo Bank, Postmates, Cleo and Dollar Shave Club. I use a dedicated Chrome profile with no extensions, and cookies cleared before starting any offers. I screen record the entire process with so that if need be, I can show them video proof.
*I like the unusual choice of author *I like that you get right into it *It is clear that you really care about your subject
Constructive criticism: *lighting needs to be much brighter *audio could definitely be levelled better *avoid handling the book in front of the microphone *edit out some of the gulps and pauses
I recommend this website:
I really like It allows you to upload straight to Youtube and then you can share the link to students. I typically have teachers put videos up as unlisted so not just anybody is watching them. I use this myself for instructional tutorials- I've never went past the 15 min free limit.
Screencastify is free for the first 50 videos (5 min limit). It’s a Google Chroma extension, so nothing to download, really. It also saves videos directly to your Drive. Go to [](
Screen-o-matic requires a quick download of their recorder, but it just takes (literally) a minute. Videos save to their server, but you have the option of downloading them to your hard drive. Go to
I’ve used both. Pretty much the same functionality. I like Screencastify a little better.
There are a lot more options out there. Depending on your computer, there may already be one built-in.
For the shift to online, many at my institution are using screencast-o-matic, which has a pretty robust free version and is straightforward to use. I've just started to play around with it, but it looks like it will meet our needs.
I'm not familiar with Canvas or MS Teams, but is free and allows you to set what will show in the video when you record it. I'm not sure if you can then upload the video to those sites or not.
Loaded the videos and going through the first one. Part 8 is pasword protected.
Edit: Found the link for all the videos.
I think if you want to start a YouTube channel then you should go for it. In terms of start up costs, I use for editing and this microphone which is cheap:
Just teach for a bit while you're figuring things out. You have a lot of holidays off and summers.
In any case, what do you like to do? Hobbies? The answer is somewhere in there. Also... cut this crap out about your education. I used to feel that way too because "I made a mistake majoring in history", oh well. Own it because YOU did the work, YOU earned that degree, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Now, you like creative writing? How about some marketing jobs? Copywriting for example. Check out this little video that might get your creative juices flowing, there's a lot of misconception about what a copywriting is.
Hopefully it helps. I'm currently working on my teaching cert too.
Don't know the username, but this is by a fellow Reddit user. posted on r entrepreneur.
he did it for his sister, and choose to share it with everyone here
I use a free screen recorder called ScreenCast-O-Matic. It has cropping, a video editor, and a few other things,/ but it leaves a watermark. If you want, you can record full screen and then crop the video (outside their editor) to get rid of it.
Since I'm using GoDot, I'm planning on exporting to iPhone, Windows and Mac at some point.
Also, I'd love to see your project! (please leave a link to it somewhere)
I think there was a lack of effort with market analysis, competitor analysis, and design refinement. I also think the copy is very poorly done, see below:
> This is all you need!
>We happened to identify the root-cause of quite a lot of the problems that a lot of people actually have.
>This problem is actually the bad posture of people. By slouching, you are self-inflicting long-term problems. These can vary from the ones described above, to even others, like low self-esteem.
>Why? Because you don't look good when you slouch!
>It's a small problem with an easy fix.
Among the errors in diction and grammar, I just think the word choice is just poor.
Here's one of my favorite resources for people looking to learn copy.
Also copy and past your text into word and grammarly.
I hate being too harsh here, but sometimes it's what people need. I hate to see someone wasting money on ads with a site like this. Only the best are making money, I think this is far from where it needs to be.
Have a look at these videos
I saved the link ages ago from another sub where a guy was sharing videos he made for his sister to get into copywriting. Haven't watched any yet but comments in the thread suggested it was a great starting place for anybody.
I have a similay computer with a 980ti GPU, and I get similar results. I recorded this video in window mode, full screen with a small program window, and full screen with a large program window.
Weird cloud service that does this.
> Also, is anyone aware of an AI program that can remove the uhhhs and ummms or even the y'knows from a spoken audio track?
AI is the new "quantum" explanation.
It's hard.
Adobe Audition has a tool that can remove them, but it's far from perfect.
Here's an updated test then sorry if it's choppy (potato issues), or the length. Decided to put loading in as well so that there will be no doubt like with the screenshots.
As you can see same stats as in the picture, same damage as well. The 3 bleeds dmg didn't appear since the dummy died, but you can see how much his damage changes in the corner. I'm not sure why you're getting different results, but as long as I see this outcome on one Roi, then there's definitely an issue.
edit: actually the damage of the 3 bleeds is also there, it's shown for like half a sec when it fades to black. And yes Yanne has a little worse skill scaling, but it's nothing major, nothing that would result in a 50% difference (also the difference in crit dmg should cover that as well, 40% is not small)
It's a regression so if you want it fixed again you shoud contribute to the bug by making a screencast and posting it here: to help developers to see it affect many users.
Link to the screencast tool:
Here's the same Clause in ID86 . Was surprising to see how much less dmg ID does though. I don't have same lvl PD/BD since I mostly auto solo dragons and never bothered to get higher on those. But with the right gear the result is the same
Here's a video I made regarding "Lvl 90 knights with maxed t7 gear". the perks are for general pve, not meant for survival. No t2 hp perk nor t2 block perk which would vastly increase the survivability.
If the dragon were to use flying breath, Clause survives with ~50-60% hp. Of course, it's preferable for the dragon not to fly, so I hope for rng on auto to stun it before that.
It didn't? I'd like to disagree here. Vespa said that they won't release other characters that do similar and while they didn't flat out make others knock down dragons with 1 skill, they get very close. Loraine, Miruru, Theo, Sonia, Ricardo all have ridiculous CC that comes close if not better than Gau's (some might have lower CC, but also lower CD which balances it out). Hell even Scarlet with UT is probably better than Gau for most content since she has a ton more damage, has amp and her CC doesn't fall that far from Gau's. The only thing Gau has better than other characters.. is cleanse (which Scarlet also has). Atk buff? Other characters give 100k, Gau gives 20k (rough numbers). Dmg? With full dps gear my Gau can't even reach 10m dps (Naila and Mediana both have equal gear to Gau).
Also as far as dragons go, you don't even need to down them anymore unless you're doing like lvl 85-90.
Gau is far from "worthy" nowadays and most people stop using him. If you get him high * UW he's good for arena, that's it.
Btw Nightshade, here are two videos for you to watch
And I want you to compare the damage from s3 with and without bleed and tell me if that's 150% dmg increase. Vespa has both of those videos so I wouldn't be so certain of the "no nerf" part for Roi
I tend to think it's crap frankly, I saw the same thing with my Strix RX Vega 64. But yet, Steam says I'm more than ready to rumble:
instead of a screenshot I made a little clip showing how it works.
Also now I have 2 different objects go through and create a path throughout the map to gaurantee you will have an open path to whatever objective will be at that spot.
I used Screencast-o-Matic to record lectures in my previous online classes. It simply records whatever is happening on your computer screen (PowerPoint or otherwise) along with any microphone input. There is a free version that is perfectly serviceable, but you can also pay $15/year to get some useful editing tools and other features.
Hi, my friends and I are building React Native Ethereum Wallet. We're planning to open-source it in future. Here is our progress so far -
We also want to create open-source React Native Ethereum Starter Kit. I hope we will do it in the next couple weeks.
If you're interested in the code now, pm me with your gitlab handle, I will share the code. Feel free to ask anything.
Apologies for the tinny recording, I did this quickly and on the fly, it recorded my built in mic, not studio mic. Awful quality but hopefully gets the point across.
I would not recommend any type of livestreaming work for clients. This will only bring into question the amount of time it takes for you to complete a task. You want your clients to value your work no matter how long it takes you to finish the task.
If you need to visually communicate something to a client you can create a screencast using something like and show them in a tutorial as a reference.