When I was your age, it was so hard to find good information on weight training. It would have been such a game changer if I could have read this at the age of 14, really. Maybe you can find a copy at the library if you can't buy it. Good luck!
Lifeline C1 Pro Power Rack https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FYM39SF?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I purchased this one from amazon and have absolutely loved it. I’m not sure if fits your dimensions but it’s been a great rack.
Edit: it’s above your price range but worth the money in my mind.
Cut out the carbs and the fat. Get a good book on lifting.
I recommend Arnold Schwarzenegger's Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding.
'Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding','Strength training anatomy', Pavel's books, 'Starting strength', '5/3/1 forever', 'Olympic weightlifting: A complete Guide for Athletes and Coaches'...You can download all books for free, no account on Zlibrary .I isually learn about lifting from youtube, reddit and google...For BB the best channels are mountaindog1, elitefts, musclemonsters, athlean x, jeef nippard, jeff ethier...Also seminars are good thing, for example this.
A little bit everyday and you learn a lot.
Healthline Fitness Studio has team of 30 physios, yoga and fitness specialists. We are providing beneficial services to clients. We have Gym, Aerobics, Yoga, and Yoga Aerobics that all are used to maintain body, decrease unwanted fat, and make fit and healthy. We have personal trainer in our studio. All the facilities are available in Health line Udaipur. If you want to join, it’s our pleasure to invite you. You can take online appointment with us on our Health line Udaipur website. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/best-gym-in-udaipur-77129581
Healthline Fitness Studio is started in 2010 to provide healthcare to Udaipur people. HFS is designed and kept to the excessive level. The team of Healthline Fitness Studio is offering best services and health tips to their clients. They are well trained in this field as well as we have personal trainers who are providing best fitness exercises to the clients individually. We have Juice bar Facility also which includes quality based Fresh fruits and Vegetable juices, Stamina boosters and all types of diets. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/best-gym-in-udaipur-77129583
Healthline Fitness Studio providing effective physiotherapy treatments to the clients. Physiotherapy is also known as Physical therapy. By doing some exercises, yoga, meditation, you can reduce your body pain and make you healthy and fit. All the movement related problems are solved in our Healthline Studio. Initially we do not start heavy exercise by our client, First we start from basic exercises for body pain, knee pain, and spine pain. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/best-physiotherapy-in-udaipur-77397614
Healthline Fitness Studio improve quality of People life by health awareness, exercises, relieve from pain. We have various treatments of Physiotherapy in Healthline. We offer accurate and systematic approach to pain and movement problems. Healthline is offering best services to the clients and providing facilities at very reasonable rates. We are also providing fitness programs for all people in all over India. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/best-physiotherapy-in-udaipur-77397610
HFS therapist and personal trainers help you and your body to move freely. We are giving training, Stability exercises, Weight loss exercise to our clients. The success of Healthline Fitness Studio is in our capability to place right knowledge into your hands, giving you best tools and tips and support to progress in direction and caring exercise environment. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/best-physiotherapy-in-udaipur
Aerobic exercise is very good and useful for our health. Aerobics is an exercise form to volume your body and boost your energy. Healthline fitness studio is located at city of lakes - Udaipur. We have completed many years successfully. The staff of Healthline fitness studio is well behaved and very supportive. There is certified trainer and they are giving personal training to their clients. We are giving personal training to achieve your goals with agenda planned for you. https://www.slideshare.net/HealthlineUdaipur/aerobics-classes-in-udaipur-76516690
Honestly depends on the sport.
Strength Training for Athletes by Delavier
Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness
Have both helped me.
From what I've seen, hex bolts are usually used on cheaper and lower end barbells. Conversely, most mid to high end (bushing) barbells use snap rings. (I don't believe you can disassemble high end bearing barbells so I don't think they have either but I might be misremembering).
From personal experience my Rogue Ohio Bar has snap rings and I've had it since June 2017 and haven't had any issues.
Pretty easy to take off to clean and re-lubricate the collars with a pair of snap ring pliers like (these.)[https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0002YYM76/ref=cm_sw_r_apanp_hNrEsvGFzSDzS]
I would probably post in /r/homegym if you want more information or opinions, but I'm pretty sure that barring exceptions to the rule, if you want a quality barbell that will last it will probably have snap rings instead of hex bolts.
Hope this helps.
I used tubular bands for a few exercises. The inexpensive sets sold by Amazon work well and come with a 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50lb band plus accessories for around $20. Using them for a few years they show wear but none have failed. However, I would avoid lining them up with the face (like doing face pulls). The link below is an example of the offerings.
I use them as a substitute for cable exercises. To that end I want resistance that is almost constant and to do that I have them stretched far to begin with. For flys two bands are attached 20' apart and with me in the middle the bands stretch from 8' to 10' during the exercise. Their unstretched length is 4' and so the band stretch distance is 4' to 6' making for a 50% increase in resistance.
So, take most any cable exercise and it can be done with bands. I do flys, laterals, bent-over laterals and front raises. Others I have done are leg curls, pullovers, tricep press downs, Lat pulldowns and bicep curls. Shoulder shrugs and other exercises lend themselves to bands with the shorter flat bands being preferred for some.
There is a fantastic older book that was put out by men's health. I also highly recommend it. I learned so much early on from this book. It gave me the ability to create workouts involving mostly compound movements that I have been using for nearly 15 years. I love it. Now I just need to figure out how to stop eating ice cream.
Starting Strength 5x5 app is a great place to start as you are told exactly what weight and exercise to do and when. It'll take you through a linear progression adding weight each week until you start to find your real maxes. You do 5 reps for 5 sets and the weight is based on your ability to complete all 25 reps and adjusts accordingly.
Its a GREAT place to start!
Yeah for sure. I'll edit the actual Q but here's the Amazon link to it.
It's not free but I use something like this:
The Symmetric strength app is an amazing tool to score your lifts, compare your weaknesses Vs other muscles and also compare you to other lifters your age and weight.
Its the best.
It shows your whole body, and highlights different muscle groups based on your lifts, and then colours them depending if they are Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Elite or World class. Its such a useful tool.
I got this bench from Amazon a couple of years ago and I’ve been very happy with it:
Fitness Reality 1000 Super Max Weight Bench with Upgraded Wider Backrest/Seat (2019 Version), 800 lbs. Weight Capacity https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01CR4XFIK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_fDt.DbWCXD1DN
It’s a solid bench that I can fold up and out of the way when I’m not using it.
The "My Food" program is designed to automatically calculate the nutritional value of a daily diet based on thirty-eight nutrients, including calories and essential vitamins and trace elements.
The program is based on information about the nutritional value of almost four thousand products (foodstuffs) - both initial ingredients (monoproducts) and composite dishes.
As you know, our body should regularly receive a certain amount of vitamins and minerals.
Mava Sports Knee Compression Sleeve Support
It is my first pair for knee sleeves so I don’t have anything else to compare it against, however I definitely believe they help with keeping everything tight and use them every time I squat.