For all you people who browse reddit on a computer, I also recommend the Reddit Enhancement Suite.
It's a browser plugin that adds a ton of stuff, but the best part of it, in my opinion, is the ability to see pictures and videos inline, as opposed to having to click through to a separate site.
Fun fact (for those in the US and buying on Amazon at least): while buying 2 puts them at ~$7-8 each[1], the sweet spot is usually in 6 or 12 packs at ~$5 each[2].
[1] [2]
On Amazon, the pack I bought comes with 40 bottles. And some nifty stuff like funnels, labels, chalk marker and cleaning brushes. Here you go:
2oz Clear Glass Bottle with Poly...
It was part of a set that my wife got me for Christmas.
Whiskey Stones Gift Set for Men | Whiskey Glass and Stones Set with Wooden Box, 8 Granite Whiskey Rocks Chilling Stones and 10oz Whiskey Glasses | Whiskey Lovers Gifts For Men, Dad, Husband, Boyfriend
Here’s where I got the ice molds:
3D Snake Silicone Ice Molds | 2-pack | Snakeskin Print Box | Makes 2 Large Coiled Cobras | For Whiskey, Cocktail, Juice, Gelatin, Chocolate, Soap, Resin, Candle
You can find some pretty cheap glass decanters with rubber stoppers on amazon, such as this one, which I recently bought.
Two important things to keep in mind when shopping for decanters for an infinity bottle:
Make sure it's made of glass or lead-free crystal. Some crystal is made from lead, which will leach into the whiskey after some time, and is not really safe. Glass decanters have no lead, the product specs and/or Q&A should tell you the material of any decanter you're looking at.
Make sure it has a rubber stopper. Some will have only glass tops, and glass on glass does not form an airtight enough seal for long-term whiskey storage.
And of course, always read the reviews - both of the product and the seller!
CairnCradle Whiskey Glass Rack - Under Cabinet Whisky Tasting Glasses Holder is what I found for mine.
Looks like you have plenty of room if you chose to go that route. I wanted one to help with limited shelf space and I figure why should wine and champagne glasses get all the upside-down-hangy-fun?!
>taster glasses
had to scroll a little but found um!
there aren't a ton of options, here's one though:
A few days ago I remembered the story of Brother Justus and Minnesota prohibition and decided to go looking for more information. I discovered that there's a book written about it, Minnesota 13: Stearns County's Wet Wild Prohibition Days. Got that on Kindle since tracking down a physical copy is expensive, just getting into it.
I should get my hands on Davin de Kergommeaux's books on Canadian whisky, too. I live here, after all.
They are on Amazon, Ballucci Modern Ladder Bookshelf,...
They are pretty nice, but if you put a self liner down the tall bottles like High West don’t fit on the lower shelf and have to go on the top shelf.
I got this giant set of these for Christmas (here in the US). The Cointreau ones are pretty good. I just saw that they have a "single malt" set that is apparently all the "Classic Malts" from Diageo. That's inticing.
Yes, you definitely need more whiskey. But might I also suggest something like this? It works amazing.
Get yourself these. Work great for shipping to friends and trading as well
Bottle/filter/label set for anyone interested.
36, 2 oz Small Clear Glass Bottles (60ml) with Lids & 3 Stainless Steel Funnels - Boston Round Sample Bottles for Potion, Juice, Ginger Shots, Oils, Whiskey, Liquids - Mini Travel Bottles, NO Leakage
Background: one of my coworkers just started getting interested in whiskey and has a few good starter bottles (monkey shoulder, WT 101, BT)
We were talking whiskey and I figured it would be cool to have him try a good assortment (as well as a few he picked out from my collection)
How’d I do curating a trip around the whiskey world?!
My buddy and I ship a few bottles to each other each year. We're a few States away from each other. We just use those standard rate USPS boxes with a shit ton of bubble wrap and these things: that kinda explains it, they make the (apparent) majority there but climate and the fact they can use any barrels they want how they want and so on is where the difference comes in.. basically they can do all sorts of maturation not allowed in a traditional scotch and so on... ive not really tried any so cant say its bad, but its a different set of rules they are playing by compared to a scotch or even a bourbon
Couple snapshots where my liquor resides
Spreadsheet of my current inventory
My collection is heavy on the Japanese spectrum. This is mainly due to the frequent traveling I do out in Japan and Asia. Some bottles are gifts. Others are mementos for events in my life, like the Sipsmith Raffles 1915 Gin (I know, not whisky).
I usually end up picking up a few bottles to add to my collection every trip. I like visiting the shops, scouring the selection, and having small talk with the people behind the counter. In Japan I usually do my routine stops at Liquors Hasegawa, Liquor Mountain, and the few bars I always frequent (they’ll usually sell me a bottle if they have extras).
It is much cheaper this way than buying Stateside for obvious reasons. For example Nikka from the Barrel I have been consistently able to buy for about $20 at the market stores.
I also make effort to acquire liquors that are not normally distributed in the US.
I honestly only drink a couple of the whiskys I own. Used to be the Hibiki 17 back when it was cheap to acquire and plentiful. But now I am preserving my stock and shifted to Harmony. When I travel I go out of my way to visit whisky and cocktail bars to find something new. So I have drank everything I owned at least once in a bar setting.
I do want to diversify my selection a bit. Been getting into Scotch.
When my life slows down I will start cracking open these bottles and have a relaxing sunset to my life.
Nice, I bought some glass bottles off of Amazon with nice tops, got different sizes for different blends.
Order this book from Amazon, it's an excellent recourse to have on hand. Look at what the restaurant carries for whiskey and research each one, the websites will have tasting notes and background info. Also there is two movies you should watch, "Scotch a Golden Dream" and "Neat, the story of Bourbon". You can stream them from Amazon/Netflix/Hulu and they will give you a good history. Lastly, just simply learn how whisk(E)y is made and which country doesn't use the E. Do some research on how whiskey is made and what regions are famous for different styles. When you start researching scotch and learn about the highlands and speyside compared to the Islay which produces Peated smokey scotch, also Islay is pronounced "eye la", YouTube will help you with this process as well. Sorry for the long winded response, but go watch those 2 movies, they are my absolute favorite and good luck with the new gig!
I got a relatively cheap ($70) shelf off Amazon as a temporary solution, and IMO it looks pretty nice. If you want to see how it looks loaded with bottles, look at my posts, I put up a pic with my collection on it.
YMYNY Industrial Ladder Shelves,...
Thank you! I'll just paste this link under any comment mentioning the glass: The Glencairn Cut Crystal Whisky Tasting Glass
I'd say the latter, altough I did not end up drinking it neat. The glass is this one if you're curious: The Glencairn Cut Crystal Whisky Tasting Glass
So I tired a few cocktail smokers but for the price and flavor I enjoyed the cocktail smoker from busy bee. I got it on amazon. It the only one that is prime and has a torch. I shared the link below. The cherry wood with a light smoke on some tequila is next level. I like on ice but neat is also good.
Same. I worked in fine dining for a few years, and used this one during table service. I absolutely love it. I still buy the same one and keep a few around. Also make for great gifts!
Not at all, put down your shoe, and no need to risk breaking the bottle with hot water. Instead order a two-prong cork puller…added bonus, you can now collect wine corks without a hole in them.
I love having Luxardos around.. But yes, they are costly... I always have a couple of big tubs of regular maraschino cherries around, though. Available on amazon for pretty cheap. 148oz for $34.00
I belive what your looking for is a nordic bottle. Thats the style used by buffalo trace for the white dog.
Oh my god, I prefer to this set Old Fashioned Whiskey Glasses set of 6,Crystal Bar Glasses Tumblers 10OZ Drinking Glassware Home Bar Gifts for Drinking Scotch/Bourbon/Cocktail glasses/Bar Whiskey Glasses/ Two styles (Premium)
Oh man awesome I remember like it was yesterday when we only had one. It’s not easy but Kids are the best and now I couldn’t imagine my life without them. Congratulations An author Dr. Sears wrote a book called Happiest Baby On the Block, invaluable book for new parents.
The Happiest Baby on the Block; Fully Revised and Updated Second Edition: The New Way to Calm Crying and Help Your Newborn Baby Sleep Longer
You bet! I had really good luck with these in 1L and 2L, although it looks like they’ve gone up in price. I probably went through 6-7 of them without any issues.
24, 2 oz Small Clear Glass Bottles (60ml) with Lids & 6 Stainless Steel Funnels - Boston Round Sample Bottles for Potion, Juice, Ginger Shots, Oils, Whiskey, Liquids - Mini Travel Bottles, NO Leakage
You can get soap dispenser/pumps on Amazon for a couple bucks. This is the one I got and then just a little bit of glue and I was set. If a coke cap fits on the bottle it'll work
So, I found this on Amazon. I'm thinking of getting this as my infinity bottle. An Infinity Barrel would be cool, but I'm a slow drinker and I don't want to age it, just to store it. Naturally, that means glass right? Then I found this. I know that top isn't properly sealed, but I'm thinking I can get a cork for that. My concern is the spigot. Other comments on Amazon have already suggested to replace it due to leakage issues, and there's a "frequently purchased together" spigot suggestion as well. My question to the Tribe is would it be okay to even have a spigot? Would a spigot allow oxidation of the whiskey inside? Or could it be a too-dangerous possible leak point even with an after-market spigot? These are long term questions since I'd like it to be my infinity... 🤔 I'd love it to work.
BTW, here's the link to it on Amazon.
I'm in the middle of a tiny-barrel experiment right now, actually. I went with Red Head Barrels[1] rather than one of the Amazon listings because this felt like something that I might like to have more of a direct connection with the manufacturer, just in case, and Red Head had great customer service reviews. The one thing I would recommend is to get a different stopper. They ship with a little wooden one with some soft foam around the edge. It didn't really work very well for me, so I got a #0 silicon stopper[2] that fits and seals the hole perfectly.
Age is hard to say. I filled mine with Ardbeg 10 (bear with me...) with the plan to leave it there for ~3 months. I sampled a bit after one week and it was...really weird. After three weeks it was very nice, though, so I went ahead and took it out. I would not recommend leaving the first fill in much longer than that, though of course YMMV. In my case, after three weeks the oak flavor is strong but not overpowering: IMO a nice balance against the peat and tar.
It's currently working on the second-fill: Bainbridge Battle Point wheat whiskey, which was the goal all along. I'm attempting to see if I can recreate something of the magic of the Bainbridge Battle Point Two Islands: Battle Point finished in Islay casks...extremely limited release that I was lucky enough to happen upon during the brief period it was at a local bar (the only place that got any aside from the distiller's tasting room).
I have fairy lights with a bottle cap so the bottles light up, you can find them on amazon . I use them for my collection. The cap does not fit perfectly but they look good on my desk.
Lots of bubble wrap and some different options
And something like this
I wouldn't alter your drinking habits but find a solution for it, something like this?
I bought these off Amazon tasting tubes and I like them but if I had to redo it I think I would go glass route. Plastic ones do make it easy for sampling transport!
amazon is a good choice to start looking... They sell EVERYTHING. Make sure its safe for r bbq/food like this one. I'm sure you can find others just search peat brick
I bought it from here, since is over $40 can ship locally for free, no need amazon prime which is extra $3, only diff is shipping speed instead of 1 day maybe wait 2 or 3. I ordered yesterday, today arrive liao
Amazon has "Canadian Glencairn" glasses. Larger and heavier full sized glasses. I got 4 for about $40 a few months ago. This link is a Canadian amazon link.
There are several of these bourbon barrel decanters available off of Amazon. I bought one, loved how it looked on bar, real conversation piece. But the dispenser gizmo went bad after about a month. Unfortunately for me it was right after I’d filled it with a 21 Balvenie. All but a dram leaked out over a weekend.
They're actually fairly cheap if you want some. I picked up a set[1] recently because I've started dabbling a bit in blending and I wanted to be able to precisely repeat any results.
Buy this book right now. Trust me.
Tasting Whiskey: An Insider's Guide to the Unique Pleasures of the World's Finest Spirits
If you genuine are interested in the science and production this is the book that people inside the industry read -
If you google the name with pdf at the end you can find a copy for free.