This reminds me of The Listeners.
Edit: Yep, it’s The Listeners.
You can disable the skill in Alexa’s settings.
You can't use routines to activate skills, only actions, play music, and/or have the Alexa voice speak custom messages. But you can work around that.
I just set up an Intruder Alert routine up.
First all the lights will come on all over the house.
Then the Alexa voice will say at volume 10 "I've called the police! They're on their way! Get away from the house!"
Then "Guard Dogs" will play from Amazon music. This is a recording of barking dogs. (Sure got my dog's attention!)
I like ToDoIst for this integration, described here:
They have a good mobile app and I have it default to the shopping list. On Android I use it as a shopping list widget.
Yes. I created two Routines. One that Turns on the lights as it detects Motion and one that turns it off after 1 minute if it does not detect Motion. The Sylvania Sensors I bought cost $24.99 on Amazon. Here is a link SLYVANIA MOTION SENSORS
There was Ana npr story a month or so ago talking about Alexa and kids. I think this is it.
The basic idea was that kids see Alexa as a person, not a tool or machine, so they'll apply normal social rules to their interactions. Further, by observing grown ups interacting with her, they'll incorrectly apply the grown up's behavior to learned social norms.
So when we cut her off or make demands, kids see that as how we should treat people. Further, I'm not entirely convinced grown ups are beyond this misappropriation of social norms. Even worse some augmented AI techs may actually have a human behind them at some level.
So I vote to treat her nicely, if for no other reason than it costs so little.
Who is the account registered to? If your Amazon account just go to the web version of the Alexa app and delete the devices you no longer have physical access to. Just FYI, being on different WiFi networks does not make a difference. The account is what matters. or sign into your Amazon account.
Actually after WiFi is configured on the echo device you do not need a phone anymore. Few people know it exists but exists. even has a few things the Alexa app does not have.... like the ability to delete a “scene”, which is a need I spent many hours trying to find before contacting Echo support that told me the “secret”. Tech support actually put “secret” in quotes too when they answered my question.
Doesn't look like that's possible since the AUX ports on Alexa devices is just output, not input.
You might be able to get it to work with a switch compatible bluetooth adapter, though.
Something like this:
Should be able to make it work like you would with any other device using Alexa as a bluetooth speaker.
Alexa doesn't support branching logic in its routines yet, which is incredibly annoying. However, I found myself wanting to do exactly what you're trying to do. I had a lot of luck earlier in the year using a more visual training aid for my own toddler:
I spent some time researching this, and ended up getting a z-wave garage door opener off Amazon (this one). It works well, communicates over Z-wave and reaches through several walls to my Z-Wave light switches to join the Z-Wave mesh my SmartThings hub communicates with - With that said, I found out rather quickly afterward that Amazon purposely prevents Alexa from working with any type of smart door/locking mechanism, which made me sadface. I could probably still get it to work through Smart Things custom scripting editor, but honestly I'm fine just doing it through the ST app.
Hah so my curiosity kicked in, appears this is a real thing....and you can buy all 7 seconds of it on Amazon for $0.99
Yes you can use your phone to set the device up for someone else. You can use a Tablet to set it up as well. The phone or Tablet does not need to be in the same location as the device. You can also setup the device using the web version of the app. or
Now if you purchase an Echo device that has a screen such as: Echo Show 5, or Echo Show 8 or Echo Show 10. You can set the device up using the touch screen on the device itself. The app is not needed since it has a screen.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want to use any of the video or calling features. Then you will need to associate the account with a phone number. You could use a Google Voice number (they are free) and associate it with your Granny’s Amazon account. This way your phone number will not need to be associated.
As long as you sign into the same Amazon account then it makes no sense that you should have to set the devices up as new..
Alexa devices are stored/saved/registered to your amazon account. You can even access any device on your account from (assuming again you sign into the same account they were registered to before)
Hi, it is interacting with your Alexa and account. For example, you can interact with skills that you have enabled with it.
With regard to location, it defaults to Seattle until you set it manually in the Alexa app. I am not aware of a way to set that automatically. To do it manually:
1) Open up the Alexa App on your phone or in your browser at
2) Go to settings
3) Scroll through the list of devices and select the one that says <Name>'s Silent Echo
4) Under the general category, you can input an address and zip code. Set this and then hit save
You Alexa virtual device will now respond based on that location.
I will let you know if I figure out a way to set this automatically based on IP, but at least at this point, I don't see it.
Hope that helps!
You and /u/HyperGiant should check out Amazon Polly
It's an Amazon Web Service for providing text to speech files. Through the developer console you can test it out for free and that may be all you need.
Right. You have to buy the Echo Dot with Clock to get one with a display. The regular Echo Dot does not have a display and costs less.
So you'll want to use IFTTT and enable this skill:
Once you enable the skill and link accounts you should be able to set up 3 triggers for free using IFTTT. It basically creates a virtual "button." So I have a trigger for when it's sunny, rainy, or cloudy using Weather Underground that will trigger the IFTTT button.
In the Alexa app you want to set up the routine based on when the button is triggered. So in my case my Echo Flex night light changes color based on the weather change.
> It has 0 ratings which I find concerning(I suspect that is due to the fact the ratings are limited to my region)
Yeah, I think the price means they're not a "best seller" and therefore not a high priority stocked item outside of the US, which I think also accounts for the low number of international reviews.
You really have to have a clear use-case for these things, to bother unearthing them, and then paying through the nose to get a set.
I think that rules out a whole lot of casual folks.
> Amazon in Canada.
They were listed at one point, but they're currently showing as unavailable.
A Canadian retailer called TheSource has stock of the old Flic (not Flic2) but, I think I'd probably buy the updated version if I were you.
I was just looking at something similar. Yolink water sensor 3 is a water leak detector that also has a water absence setting. Make sure it is a 3. The others only alarm when water is present.
I just use a travel router when I need to do that. It can connect to the network then you get through the captive portal woth any connected device which will count for all of your devices on the network. Works well with a chromecast in a hotel as well.
This is the one I use
Smart Wi-Fi Garage Door Opener...
I use this and it works great. Also has an app that allows me to open the garage door remotely. Great if I am away and need to let a neighbor in during an emergency.
If you get one with a 120VAC coil, like this ( you would just wire the output of the smart switch to the contactor coil.
Use a separate AC feed to the contactor to power the load, not through the smart switch.
Just buy a motion sensor that works with Alexa then set up a routine that will shut off the lights if no motion is detected for 30 min. That’s what I did (except I went way shorter at only 3 min). I also have it turn down the heater. Plus I set up a separate routine to turn on the lights if it detects motion so I don’t have to shout out my Echo. Here’s what I bought: Smart Motion Sensor, WiFi Wireless Security Alarm,with Free Notification Tuya APP Control Home Security PIR Motion Detector, Compatible with Alexa, Siri
Sure thing, it's still working perfectly, I use it every day. It's also allowed me to mount it to my visor out of sight so I worry far less about thieves.
What you are wanting is most likely best accomplished by enabling a skill. In order for Alexa to report battery status, it has to communicate with the device. This means running something on the device to talk to Alexa.
This will almost certainly mean installing an app on the tablet that can send the information to Alexa.
I was able to find one (very mixed reviews) skill that may do this -- but it's not clear if it supports IOS.
I don't have any iOS devices, so I can't say for sure, but you might want to look for a battery monitor with IOS support in the app store.
you can try using the switchbot mini hub, it worked for me a year ago for my IR controlled space heater
It's basically an alexa compliant, app driven, learning remote
This doesn't leverage the existing Flex in your utility room or the sound of your dryer's buzzer, but a SmartDry device can send alerts to your phone or Alexa devices.
I think he made it available in the ENGLISH (GB) as well. I think you have to search for it in the uk version of amazon. I found it :
Ultimate Ears BLAST Portable Wi-Fi / Bluetooth Speaker with hands-free Amazon Alexa voice control (waterproof) - Graphite Black.
You could try
> Voice Pad dictation let's you record your thoughts when you are out and about (if you use the Amazon phone app featuring Alexa), driving your car (if you have Alexa in your car), washing the dishes, or wherever you use your Alexa device. You can then tell Alexa to email your notes to your registered email address.
Try amazon smile to donate to a charity of your choice automatically at no cost to you!
^^^I'm ^^^a ^^^bot ^^^and ^^^this ^^^action ^^^was ^^^performed ^^^automatically.
If you are familiar with IFTTT, or have some coding skills and a something like a Raspberry Pi hanging around, you should look into the Notify Me skill.
You can use the alexa skill "My Audio", it allows upto 10 audio files to be uploaded and played, with an invocation name for each audio file. Below is the link :-
Please read the description on how to configure it, it's simple.
that's why I returned it. it's a really interesting idea, but right now it just doesn't fit any use case I have for it.
I ended up just picking up one of these, it's not smart but I can look at it and get the info I want.
Something like this (mine is a different brand and uses a different switch) is what I've used for years to control a lamp. I use a command strip to mount the switch in a convenient location (maybe just inside the door where you'd expect to find a room light switch, for example).
I searched on Amazon for "lamp remote control" and picked the following from the many choices.
It's very possible that the power supply itself is failing. I would recommend trying another power supply before ditching the Echo. That power supply is 15vdc at 1.4amps.
You could buy a replacement power supply from Amazon; they're not cheap but if it fixes the problem it would be worth it and if the Echo still behaves the same then return the power supply.
It happened with me too! still does sometimes.
It works for me when I go in my Alexa app, logout from my Spotify account, than disable the skill.
After that, go into your Spotify settings online (not the app), go under Alexa and then click on remove access.
Here is the link account settings section in referring to:
After that just go back to your Alexa App and set up Spotify like it’s your first time!
I've never had any problems with group music and I've got a Show 10, two Show 8's, and a gen 4 Echo on the group.
You should treat yourself to a new gen 4 Echo and get rid of your problem; the Echo was $50 on Black Friday but they still on sale for $60, when the regular price is $100. And you can use the 25% off with a trade in of any older Echo device. Even an old Dot will save you the 25% of $15, plus $5 for the actual Dot, bringing the total to $40. Good deal for a really good sounding Echo.
It sounds like that is a problem with the Skill not sending a notice to Alexa when the sensor is triggered, thus telling the Alexa Routine to send an announcement.
Just the fact that you can run the Routine manually shows that.
I see that Mirabella Genio Skill has not-so-good reviews:
You might need to look into getting a different sensor.
Yep. I placed a Zigbee motion sensor facing my back door that exits into my garage and paired it with my Echo Show 10.
When the sensor detects motion, the Show 10 announces the day and date, which I did mostly as a test to see how well it works. So I could have it turn on lights if it was after a certain time but it turns out I like being reminded what day and date it is!
Here is the Linkind IR motion sensor I used, and it has never failed to trigger the Show 10:
Well if it would make a difference to your pocket book, Amazon has the Echo Link for a Black Friday price $40 off, for $160.
The 3 vdc power supplies are not real common, at least compared to 5 vdc and 12 vdc, but if you have one then you can try it for free.
The other option, besides buying a 3 vdc power supply is to use a 12 vdc one power supply with a small adjustable buck converter to accurately adjust to a 3 vdc output:
If your existing door contact sensors use either a lithium coin battery or two AA or AAA batteries then you could buy a 3vdc plug-in wall wart, cut off the connector at the end, connect a length of small 2-conductor cable to the cut end and then solder the other end of the cable to the battery terminals on the sensor, being very observant of the correct polarity.
Check out this skill:
Or you might be able to customize a skill blueprint like Task Tracker:
Here's how I have Alexa notify me when my mailbox has been opened: I bought a YoLink LoRa IR motion sensor and hub. What is amazing about LoRa is it is the longest wireless range available of all low-cost devices.
I put the motion sensor in the very back of the steel mailbox facing outwards (it has magnets in the back and sticks there).
I put the YoLink hub in the house and connected it to my Wifi (there are two hubs; the original one connects via Ethernet, while the newer one connects via Wifi and has a built-in speaker)
I installed the YoLink Skill in Alexa. When the IR motion sensor is activated by the mailbox door being opened it triggers an Alexa Routine that has Alexa announce that the mailbox has been opened, and then turns on an Echo Glow light in case I'm not around to hear the announcement. (I like the Echo Glow light because it looks nice and is easily controlled by Alexa).
I've had it installed for almost a year so it's gone through a freezing winter and a 100 degree summer and has only not activated two times.
Two IR motion sensors and the hub are only $54 right now (the 2nd IR sensor is great to put above the front door to detect people coming up to the door)
There are some workarounds you might be able to use. They are generally a bit fiddly to set up and potentially fragile.
For example you can trigger a routine by opening a URL:
You can integrate the above with absolutely anything of any complexity but you need another device (this can be your smartphone) that can run a MacroDroid script, which opens a routine as its action.
Probably other similar tricks too that I can't immediately think of.
Maybe you might enjoy a 10" Meta Portal, only $61, and that's a fraction of the cost of an Echo Show 10.
Pretty unlikely since it would require a lot of network traffic for every on and every off, which means too difficult to get the timing right.
But you can get an Alexa Skill that outputs the time in Morse code:
Well I'll tell you a fairly simple way of making your own: Alexa can see Wifi sensors, like motion sensors and contact sensors, without any other hubs, but Wifi sensors aren't often used because of battery life.
I bought one of these Wifi contact sensors just to see if it could directly trigger an Alexa Routine and it can, either by when the sensor is closed or when it is opened. So by wiring a push-button switch across the reed relay in the contact sensor it will trigger a Routine every time the button is pushed.
The contact sensor is added to Wifi using the common Tuya or Smart Life phone app and is detected by Alexa with the Alexa Smart Life Skill. The seller claims the sensor can operate for up to a year on two AAA batteries, but obviously that is dependent on home frequently it is triggered.
Like all battery-powered Wifi sensors, there is a several second delay from the time the sensor is triggered and when the Alexa Routine is triggered because every time the sensor is triggered it must re-attach to the Wifi router (it can't stay attached to the router because that would quickly drain the battery).
There are various sellers on Amazon that have what appears to be the same sensor - the one with the blue smile on it - and the prices vary a little. And there are other brands of Wifi contact sensors.
Well let us know if you're able to do it.
As for the micro USB on the back, they do sell an Ethernet adapter that plugs in there so there are signals available there.
Someone has turned on Alexa's Halloween theme. To turn off or disable the Halloween theme just say “Alexa, turn off the Halloween theme.”
I agree with everyone who has suggested addressing the situation more directly, but if you or your friend you can get some hardware installed, there is a way to implement a 'panic button' with Alexa.
I use Yolink hardware (hub and fob) to create an Alexa 'remote control':
Once the hardware is installed and the Yolink skill is installed, pressing a button on the fob can trigger a routine to send a text, make a call, etc. with no voice command required.
If you're talking about viewing camera video on the Show itself, (and not from Drop In), then there are other cameras that also work; I have three Eufy Solo 2K Indoor cams and with the Eufy Alexa Skill installed I can view full-screen video from any of the cameras on any of my Shows.
The real-time video will play on the Show for about 5 minutes before automatically turning off. I'm sure the Skill applies to the other Eufy cameras.
TBH, sounds more of a skill/routine issue than it does a device issue.
Sounds like you might have that rogue Heart FM skill enabled then, rather than it playing Heart from Globalplayer. Go to and disable it if it shows it’s enabled, and make sure you have the Global Player skill enabled and optionally its settings linked to your globalplayer account.
I get my regional version of Heart radio playing quite happily on the Everywhere group via that music&podcast action I mentioned.
You need something like this:
I use one to control a kerosene type heater in my garage in the winter,
I agree that there is no way to do what you want with an Echo device.
However, Yolink makes a power failure alarm with exactly the "heartbeat" function you described:
Note that it does require one of their hubs.
If you are thinking about a motion sensor for your driveway gate you should take a look at the YoLink LoRa outdoor motion sensor:
I have several Wyze cameras that I used to be able to view in an Echo Show, but not anymore. I've since bought three Eufy cameras and with the Eufy Security Skill they work flawlessly with Alexa, quickly display real-time video for the selected camera.
They are indoor cameras so I put them at the top of my windows looking out. I turn off the infrared lights so they don't reflect back to the camera from the window glass, but the nighttime vision without the infrared is still amazing.
As mentioned in my r/amazonecho response, you can find it here
Spotify isn’t listed as a supported service and it’s mentioned in some of the negative reviews (the top critical review on .com mentions it), plus I’m sure there’s a denon support page on it too - I’ll see if I can dig that out too
40 bucks and I can hear everything going on at your house. Amazon Link
if you can turn it on in the app, then try going to, click create,in the if this happens (search for alexa), click say specific phrase (turn on tv). in the then this happens (search smartthings), choose turn on device, choose the device you want. and it should be working.
The Radio Browser skill, while having a large database of radio stations, also allows you to enter a custom url for any radio station should the one you wish have such.
Is there any particular one you have in mind?
Yep, that is the easiest way to get full voice control from Alexa.
If OP is in the U.S., then:
The Echo Sub product page is also quite clear:
Oh, man, every time I keep looking for a solution to myTuner prompting instead of just playing, everyone recommends to use Simple Radio. But as of right now, it looks like the Skill is not available:
Pretty sad, it seems like it was just what I was looking for (had it with TuneIn's ads).
A possibility would be to use a gen 3 Dot (the one the size of a donut, not the newer globe shaped gen4), which is small enough to sit on his bed close to his pillow. At that range, and working in whisper mode, it should be able to hear and understand him.
The gen 3 Dots are still available for $30:
I don't think Echo devices can connect to more than one BT speaker simultaneously.
This BT transmitter can connect to two receivers (speaker) simultaneously:
Might echo buds be an option? They have hands free access to Alexa.
Or a mobile phone or small tablet on a Gooseneck Phone Holder Stand for Bed where you could use the hands free Talk to Alexa function in the Alexa or Amazon Music app, assuming you could have the phone permanently on, and not timing out? Your client could then ask either Siri or Google Assistant on the phone to open the alexa app in order to use its handsfree access to Alexa.
It would probably be useful if you also set up some routines to perform some of the longer, harder to remember requests.
Amazon really should be able to offer help in this area too - I’d try calling them and see if they have a specialist accessibility team that can offer a solution in this area.
Good luck :)
An easy way to control your TV from Alexa is to get a Broadlink IR blaster. The Broadlink is a Wifi device that Alexa will send a command to, which then sends out an IR signal to control the TV.
Even though you don't have the remote for your TV the Broadlink will have access to the code to use. Besides On and Off, you will also be able to control the volume, change channels, etc.
I use Aqara and Sonoff Zigbee buttons to do that but I have the buttons paired with a SmartThings hub and the button push is passed to Alexa to turn off all lights.
If you have a Show 10 or gen 4 Echo (the globe one, but not the Dot), they have a Zigbee hub built in and you can pair most Zigbee buttons to them.
There are some Wifi door sensors that are compatible with Alexa; here is one that is only $18 after the instant $2 coupon. The disadvantage of using a battery-powered Wifi sensor is that it can take up to 10 seconds for the command to be recognized since the sensor does not stay connected to the Wifi router continuously, so when it is triggered it must first reattach to the router and then send the command.
Try something like this in conjunction with the tuya zigbee hub (it won’t work with a zigbee hub in an echo according to the blurb )
You will probably need to get a different IR blaster, like one of the Broadlink models, which has codes for over 50,000 devices. And with the Alexa Broadlink Skill you can control it through Alexa voice commands.
Maybe use the first part of AnonCoogz suggestion. But use this bulb with a smart plug.
How about a bright LED sign; there are plenty of multicolored OPEN signs and one could be plugged into a smart plug.
The Routine that is triggered by the dog barking could have a sequence of Actions: turn On plug, Wait 1 minute, turn Off plug, Wait 1 minute, turn On plug, etc.
You could try this skill
I just found it the other day when I was looking for someway to play a friend's internet radio.
I just checked and searched for calendars. Since I use and not something Apple based, I cannot test it further than that, but maybe you can connect your lights through IFTTT.
Yes you can do this. Get yourself an Echo Link. I got mine on sale during Prime Days for $99. It works great.
“plug in a stereo component—like an amplified turntable, CD player, or MP3 player—and cast music to multiple Echo speakers at once.”
Based on the reviews, you would probably be better off sticking with normal echos and getting the dystopian attack helicopter when it comes out. Much cheaper.
You could use IFTTT on your phone, there is an app for iOS and Android. You could have it kick off a command to turn the light on when your device connects to the WiFi at the home (and off when it disconnects as long as the lights have their own app)
I recommend using IFTTT Plattform to setup this automation. Then, if you use Alexa or that mentioned goya solution is your choice.
IFTTT or Tuya app, alternative App Brilliant Smart
You need to create a ifttt account and then link your alexa and email accounts there.
You can also search on skills in the alexa app, maybe it would be easier use a mailbox skill than ifttt
Apparently they changed the word “recipe” to “applet”, so what you want to do is make your own Applet.
At first I thought they also removed the build your functionality but it does still exist. I can’t find it in the IFTTT app, but from the computer with normal browser get logged into your account on IFTTT and go to You’ll have to mess around with it.
I will say the functionality to trigger Alexa from IFTTT doesn’t appear to exist. I see where to go the other way, and I sure thought we used the trigger Alexa functionality to create a trigger for a joke we played on someone using Alexa, but looking now I’m not sure how we did it. I’ll keep thinking about it and let you know if I figure it out.
There’s an IFTTT routine ( to add the tide times to your Google calendar which Alexa could then read as your appointments?
There's an IFTTT applet to do that
If you don't want to use the web interface, you can installl the IFTTT app on your phone.
A possibility would be to get several recordable talking buttons that will record a short voice which you could record the word "Alexa" so that she will at least activate and wait for a command that he can speak. Put a button close to each Echo.
Then have your father go through the Alexa voice recognition training that will may allow Alexa to recognize words that he speaks.
Then create Routines activated by a single word that he may be able to speak.
Unless you have an Echo with a built-in Zigbee hub (Echo 10 v2 or Echo v4), which can pair directly with Zigbee motion sensors, then you will have to use a Wifi PIR motion sensor.
The problem with battery-powered Wifi sensors is that they are slow because every time they detect motion they have to re-connect to the router and then use the skill going through the cloud, taking 5-10 seconds, so not good for presence detection.
An alternative would be to get this $47 YoLink LoRa package with two PIR sensors and a hub. The YoLink skill lets you use each of the two sensors as individual triggers in Alexa, so you could control two rooms.
Are you looking for something like this?
Toshiba 24WK3C63DB 24-inch, HD Ready, Freeview Play, Smart TV, Alexa Built-in
right now mine is a dumb opener, was looking at something like this. Part of the reason is to control when using the garage part of it is "hey alexa, is the garage door open or closed?"
I have yet to find a friendly smart garage opener that does not require some sort of monthly subscription or modification to get things working
Again, you should be good with just an app on your phone called IFTTT. Here's an example applet for when you leave your home
A regular $15-20 wifi switch on Amazon should do the trick for turning it on. You'd have to set the bulb to red beforehand though. These will work without a hub.
They do both require wiring, but I don't believe you'll find any battery operated switches that don't require a hub (there are some but require hub.)
Again, as far as the red part, that's 2 functions, which unless the switch allows for programming for multiple functions, you'd have to set it to red before bed/always red if whichever suits your needs.
It looks like Flic needs a hub Andis expensive.
This one I found on Amazon comes with a hub and is cheap, but I have no experience with it.
BroadLink Smart Button, 3 Way Dimmer Switch Control with IFTTT and Alexa Routines for Home Automation, Wireless Trigger Smart Home Devices and Scenes, S3 Hub Included
Smart Dimmer Switch Black by...
Basically went with this one, because I needed a black one and didn’t want to spend a ton on one I only needed the smart function from.
Hardwiring isn’t an option, because the lights aren’t hardwired. They’re going to be string lamps that plug in to a smart dimmer outlet module, that then plugs into a standard outlet (which should not be hardwired to a dimmer switch in the first place).
This is going into a dedicated home theater setup. The main overhead lights are controlled via a switch outside of the room, so the intention was to have this dimmer switch control some ambient lighting in room when needed. Ultimately it will mostly be handled automatically with my harmony remote, but I wanted some kind of physical option for people other than myself or if the remote froze up or something.
I don’t have home assistant, but I’ll look into it. I’ve got SmartThings (couldn’t figure out how to setup a routine there, either). I’d really prefer to not have to have 3 or more smart home systems running if I can help it. I’m ok with a bit of delay as long as it isn’t significantly longer than doing it through the app.
I've never seen one besides the Ecobee Switch+. What do you want a switch to do that the Ecobee doesn't do?
Ring do an “alarm contact sensor”, but I believe it needs their ring alarm base station
I previously used this and it worked well - it’s no longer available but there may be equivalent units.
Check out sonoff, tuya and aeotec for other Alexa compatible sensors - just check whether they need are wifi, or if they’re zigbee, whether they need their own hub or can use the zigbee hub in certain echos.
It certainly is possible, as long as you use a switch that Alexa recognizes as an input to trigger a routine.
I use these smart buttons from Broadlink. $25 gets you a four-button switch and the associated wireless hub:
It works great with Amazon Alexa, and also works with IFTTT. For Alexa, it simulates a motion sensor, so it can be used to trigger a routine.
The range on the switches covers my 3-story home, with the hub centrally located.
There is an adhesive bracket that allows you to hang the switch on the wall as well as carry it around.
The bluetooth bulbs i have are the sengled (sorry misspelled above) bulbs amazon groups with most of their products. You can have them setup on a mesh network or individually.
You could lock the plug, perhaps?
A simpler way that still uses a contact sensor is to get a small 12V relay and wire the coil in parallel with the 12V trigger from your AV amp. When the relay is energized the relay's dry contacts can trigger the contact switch as described by u/ebsebs above.
A low-cost relay board can be used instead of a bare relay: