I bought these from Amazon and I really like them. They were not very expensive and they work well and are not uncomfortable to sleep in - at least as comfortable as a wrist brace can be.
No way to tell if one's better than another without using them. I got this one and really like it. a) no stinky neoprene, b) palm splint is removable - which should be done, as that only puts pressure right on the palm and may worsen the problem.
Here for the update. I hope it went well!
Any tips or suggestions for me (short or long term)? I've considered surgery for my right wrist.
My right wrist (dominant hand) has been getting worse over the years, only using the the wrist support at night (seldom, at best) and this wrist brace when pain flares up while using the keyboard and mouse, or my cell phone (I try to use voice-to-text as much as I can). I work from home and attend business school in the evening, so this happens daily.
The flare-ups occur more frequently and quickly (typing this, I've had to stop a few times to stretch and shake my wrist). I'm afraid my left wrist is going down the same path and that, eventually, my wellbeing will decline along with my already-declining efficiency at work and school where typing and clicking is necessary.
i've been using the futuro night wrist braces for almost three years now and i enjoy them. they are soft to sleep with and i don't wake up if i accidentally hit myself. my only issue with them is that after a while, the foam beads inside the support area eventually shift away from supporting your palm (and i have scratched a partner with the velcro, but that's a very rare). they are easy to wash, too, as you can remove the metal bar on the inside. i'd purchase them again!
if your carpal tunnel is like mine, its bad at night at wakes you up. in that case, its worsened from naturally making a fist in you sleep. thats what i need the spine for. i wear this padded one:
Restorative Medical BendEase Hand... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078WHFQRN?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
i do think compression would be a bad idea, since your inflammation in your carpal ligament is what is pinching your nerve.
i had my left hand surgery already and it fixed it. will do the right eventually but its still manageable.
I've used and liked very much one of these. The palm splint can be removed.
Make sure there is 5-10 degrees of flexibility; too tight will cause stiffness and too loose will cause pain.
I can not wear any with hard supports like metal or plastic, those actually made it worse by increasing pressure points. The night ones I use are the kind that is squishy. Beads or gel pads both work.
This is simular to the one I have now. I bought the last one at cvs because I like to try them on as I have small hands/wrist so the one size does not always work for me.
Hope this helps.
I've used this one. I took the palm splint out because palm splints put pressure right where it could cause even more damage.
I forgot to say that it is impressive what you've done. I really need to check my privilege because I was able to buy the setup which might no be the case for everyone as you mentioned.
For "shower accessories" around $30. This and this to cover it just in case. Totally worth it to make sure the bandages do not get wet.
As for the PC stuff, the trackball was $100 and the triple pedal was around $40.
You are 100% right that prices are exorbitant and you are 100% right that I would pay it because this few weeks of post-surgery recovery are insanely limiting and frustrating.
I didn't mean to discourage you from posting this. It is an awesome alternative!
You can't use link s1horteners on reddit because people often hide affiliate links or malicious sites behind them. So they removed your post, but not before one person saw it and responded.
Any time you post amazon links, just cut off everything after ./dp/ITEM#/. Your link would then simply be:
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Check out Featol. BTW, palm splints put pressure right where it could cause even more damage. So take it out and just make sure you have 5-10 degrees of flexibility. Too tight will cause stiffness and too loose will cause pain. And I would only use it at night. If you need it 24/7, you may need more than braces.
i also had mainly night time pain and morning soreness. sleeping in a brace that immobilized my fingers as well as my wrist made a big difference in sleeping. i was diagnosed bilateral and just my left release done, i was nervous about doing them at the same time. that was a month ago and i swear to you the right one has been better since as well! it makes no sense but even my surgeon says he hears that regularly. it seems when youre not clenching one fist at night, the other doesnt clench as much either.
here is a link to the brace that worked for me! Night brace
You need something like this.
A plastic surgeon/dermatologist recommended this stuff for me:
The patches are better but that's a bit easier to keep on a hand.
I've been using these for a while and they've helped alleviate my symptoms. Not sure if they are adequate for yard work but they work in my experience. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01LYNWORP/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_RHPQG1TN8DXMA3KF1ZZ5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I’m very glad I got the surgery. One thing I’d like to try as well is this hand massager thing. I crochet and it is much better but still a little difficult to do very small pieces. One crochet I follow called @craftyiscool uses this hand massager that uses heat and air. It leaves a ton of little dots on her hands. She says it really helps loosen up her hands for the small details. I haven’t used it so I can’t speak to it personally but it looks cool. If you go to her Instagram and look at her highlight called “favorite things” you can see her using it. hand massager
Thanks! I'm going to look into ordering something like this while I await the absurdly long process of getting an appointment to see a doctor who can then recommend me another doctor. It will likely be 6 months before I can see anyone.
Wow. That's got to be it. The strange thing is that I banged my right elbow (the side that seems to be developing pain) about 6 months ago really bad on the bedside table. It was brutal pain, and has resulted in me having numbness when I try to hold my phone at night in bed when I attempt to hold my phone. I've switched to depending on my left hand, which is now the real pain point.
From the little reading I have done, I need to reduce the amount of bending I'm doing of my elbow, which seems challenging to do while reading in bed. I'm tempted to buy something like this.
Good luck with the surgery! And thanks.
I’m sure you’ve already searched exercises online for this, but have you tried Cordless Electric Hand Massager with Compression and Heat. I find that heat can help with the numbness and pain.
M BRACE RCA Carpal Tunnel Wrist Pain Relief (Regular, Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PFUPRQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_F7TK16DNZM4V7TK8XDVJ
cop 2 of these. They’ve lowkey changed my life. They aren’t magic, but they keep the pain at bay for sure. I went from feeling like my wrists were gonna fall off to feeling mildly uncomfortable.
try these. they have changed my life and they’re cheap and uninhibiting af. still a bit of pain, but a lot less than when I dont have them on.
M BRACE RCA Carpal Tunnel Wrist Pain Relief (Regular, Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00PFUPRQ2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_1Y4ZTM0CM5BR19RNY9G4
Hi, I'm assuming you do have carpal tunnel (and NOT a sprained or broken wrist). If so, then you absolutely should do the exercises whether or not symptoms are present. These exercises only make symptoms better with CTS. If they worsen, then you probably 1) don't have CTS or 2) have CTS plus something else like tendonitis. There are a few other things yo can do to relieve CTS symptoms like bracing and massage - combined with regular stretching exercises, they work quite well. Here's a link to our Hand Symptoms Survey. https://www.jotform.com/build/201345578097967
When you complete it, I can take a look at your particular case in more detail and make recommendations. (This is a free online service we provide to anybody with hand problems.) -Dr.Z
Hello! I was diagnosed with carpal tunnel at 15. I believe I got it because I drew a lot and wrote a lot for school and had bas posture. Im also in college pursuing art so I relate to your homework struggle. This is what I have done:
Thank you for this!!
I bought this one yesterday without really knowing much about braces
Night Wrist Sleep Support Brace - Fits Both Hands - Cushioned to Help With Carpal Tunnel and Relieve and Treat Wrist Pain ,Adjustable, Fitted-ComfyBrace https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074MKSSHK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_P12PR7GW91209RVWNQ6M
hi! sorry you're going through this. the braces you choose are ultimately up to you and what seems comfortable but also useful-- here's what i chose and totally recommend:
i bought braces for daytime and night, for the day i've chosen FEATOL braces (amazon). bought both the right and left braces. they're very comfortable! but if the metal feels too restricting, i just take it out for awhile.
for nighttime: FUTURO-48462 (amazon). this also has a metal piece. very comfortable for nighttime but i do need to take the metal bit out because it feels like too much pressure on the wrist and hurts at times. it still keeps everything in place.
good luck!
Definitely find another doctor. I am 34 and have dealt with the pain and numbness since my 20's. It took a while to find a doctor who would take it seriously but I finally have one.
Keep doing the stretches in the meantime. My occupational therapist suggested a Pil O Splint because it helps keep the fingers straight while sleeping. It has brought me an extra bit of relief.
I'm quite satisfied with https://www.amazon.com/Splints-Carpal-Adjustable-Relieve-Injuries/dp/B07BK4PXF7?psc=1. Make sure to take the palm splint out, as that just causes pressure right where you don't need it.
Ok I found the foam sleeve I was talking about. You may need to slice it longways you feed your pen into it but this really helped me:
Foam tubing,Built up Utensils,Foam Tube Grip,Cylindrical Foam,Silverware for Arthritic Hands,Utensil Grips,8PCS(4 Sizes) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08P9MFPM9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_CACT9KJY8M8BANPVDSVQ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I have two of these wrist braces that I use when I get flare-ups on my dominant right wrist. It helps, to a degree, but so does taking breaks and stretching, which can make me less efficient. It also becomes a hinderance when I'm in a pinch. Unfortunately, desk jobs are in my line of work (project management) and I will consider PT before cortisone injections, before surgery. Cell phones get bad for me after a bit, but I try to use text-to-speech when messaging there.
I've been using this one for early carpal tunnel (no pain but feels like I'm wearing a bracelet sometimes):
My wrist is about 7". Get one of each size and return the ones that don't fit.
I also have tennis elbow, so the brace is doing double-duty. I took out the palm splint because I've read those just aggravate the wrist. You also need elbow bands for daytime use when stressing the elbow.
BTW, what exercises are you doing?
You really need to see a doctor but you already know that. I delayed surgery for four years because I didn't have insurance, and I got through it by sleeping with wrist braces. I like the kind with velcro and a metal bar. When symptoms were bad I would wear them in the day. Below is a link to the ones I used. They're cheap but work great.
If you can't get wrist braces, try an ace bandage. Wrap it so it feels snug but not too tight. If you think your mom would flip out, keep them hidden.
My mom would alternate between believing I had illnesses I obviously didn't have and refusing to believe I had things I really did have. I fell over once as a kid and my mom spent the next fifteen years(no exaggeration) trying to convince me I had a spinal injury. But I had over 100 chicken poxes before my mom would admit that I had them--even though 2 other kids in the house already had them! She wasn't a terrible mother, overall she was good, but when it came to my own health she was very loosely tethered to reality.
Futoro Nighttime brace worked well for me.
Repetitive movements are a killer for CTS. But you should really get checked and diagnosed so you can start proper management/treatment.
Have you tried using wrist splints they have a metal piece that holds the palm and wrist in place which for me, has made all the difference. The ones I have had are 15 years old from CVS -these look similar https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074MKSSHK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_t1_HhTRFbEK8GA2F?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1 They also keep me conscious and off the nerve when biking and literally that maddening pain at night vanishes because they ( I believe) keep nighttime swelling off the nerve Also I have a variations of this I use for planks Perfect Fitness Perfect Pushup Rotating Push Up Handles, Pair https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008DNA9WU/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8kTRFbV16MNG5?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
This is the brand I bought and wear on both hands each night. Tried to reduce straining activities, still typing a lot each day, but 30 days in and my symptoms are way better. Sorry I don’t have better advice specific to your situation. Hope things improve for you!
if you have small hands this one is my favorite. I tried a lot of them before my surgery and this was by far the most comfortable. I am unsure if it would be large enough for big hands.
I can't tell what removed your post/ It's just sitting the queue with no clue how it got there. It probably set off reddit's spam filter.
I approved it, but ALWAYS remove everything after the item number in Amazon links no matter where you post them. Your link becomes simply:
Here is what I wear on the computer (you may not need it but it could work for just daily wear if you need some support)
LifeLux Carpal Tunnel Wrist Brace / Support Pain Relief Pack. 2 Gloves Wrist Brace Compression. Relieve Wrist Pain, Aches From Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, Tendinitis. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ATM0YPE/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_Q1NhBbR3610K6
This is what I wear at night on both hands. It takes a little adjustment to sleep in them but now it’s weird not to wear them.
Mueller Carpal Tunnel Wrist Stabilizer Small/Medium https://www.amazon.com/dp/B004X8PQL8/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_U2NhBbH8VYCQC