Link to YouTube Workout:
Link to Long Fabric Resistance Band (it’s the best quality :P) :\_1\_55?crid=26XDV2ZJUT4B4&dchild=1&keywords=long+fabric+resistance+band&qid=1617762954&sprefix=long+fab%2Caps%2C215&sr=8-55
^not an affiliate link
** the band also comes with a downloadable 24-page exercise guide
If you don’t have a long resistance band, I recommend you invest in one! It’s an affordable piece of equipment for you to add to your home workout set-up & you can take it anywhere. I always bring mine with me on trips so I can keep moving my body (not that you *need* to workout when on vacation as I definitely let my body rest when I’m out having fun!). You can use the fabric band for stretching too.
Let me know what you think of the circuit as it is a quicker paced workout and only 30 seconds rest in between rounds compared to the 1 minute rest I normally do.
I haven't done any research on these, they are just the first to pop up in a long list, this acupressure mat is around $25:
This cervical traction device is around $18: