Wunderground was always much better, until a few months ago. Weather.com for bad a few years back after IBM purchased them.
I moved on to Dark Sky. It has nailed the storm in 1hr alerts all this past week.
I suggest you read this book:
TLDR. If the Northern States think they were morally clean, they are wrong. The North financed and actively profited from slavery.
Which Amazon utilizes USPS (already subsidized with taxes) or UPS or fedex which pay their respective gas tax/ tollway fees to deliver the package from the warehouse to my house for the use of the roads. There are 26 other states that don't tax amazon sales. exactly what are they doing to insure the safety and protection of my merchandise that doesn't end up costing the taxpayers more?
Bottom line is, doubt this bill will do much to the tech savvy.
I wonder how much the sales tax will be for food products from amazon. Amazon prime pantry isn't bad for what it is, however costco usually beats them on price, but prime pantry has much more variety.
Not to sound like an extreme anti-tax person here, but the tax burden in Illinois (along with every layer of government- county, township, village/city) is already too much. Just looking at my property tax bill makes me cringe. Illinois has a constitutional duty to properly fund our schools, yet they don't. Where most states, half their budget goes to local schools, it's half that in Illinois. As a result, my local school district just jacks up their tax rate as a result.
There's an American Science & Surplus store there, which is usually fun to browse through. Lots of oddball stuff, some of it even useful: http://www.sciplus.com/storeDetail.cfm?store=2
FermiLab is just a bit south of there, and is worth a visit as well: http://fnal.gov/pub/visiting/index.html
yeah, when you get that far south the map starts getting a little green.
>So lets move to a state that taxes our retirement income at 4.63%, instead of 0%.
>Georgia also allows taxpayers to exclude up to a maximum amount of retirement income from their Georgia adjusted gross income. For 2015, those who are 65 or older can exclude up to $65,000 of certain types of income, while those between 62 and 64 or who are permanently disabled can exclude up to $35,000.
$65,000 exemption for retirement income from taxes.
>In the meantime, you are 'saving' $120/yr if your current income is 100K. If you need that extra $1200 for retirement, you aren't retiring in 10 or 12 years no matter what.
Let's just completely ignore property taxes, k. $9,000 a year in property taxes is extremely significant.
$5000 yearly per each employee that qualifies for state the healthcare exchange. Employees qualify if the insurance offered does not meet minimum coverage requirements, or if the premiums for the health insurance exceed 9.5% of their income.
Not all agreeing with this person but I've seen many people using this study to push the it's not dangerous agenda. But even if the overall death rate is under 1%, it doesn't change the fact that covid is lethal to certain demographics, especially the elderly.
Unless there is a designated story/design purpose, red/yellow/green should be avoided. Gradients really only work when expressing continuous numerical data, not categorical data.
If your issue is with color discernment, you might want to recommend they use colorblind, web safe colors. Tableau has a good article re: designing with colorblindness in mind. https://www.tableau.com/about/blog/examining-data-viz-rules-dont-use-red-green-together
Has some years ago and tried the different routes including Diatomaceous earth. This was the only thing that worked. Read the instructions.
You are technically wrong and misleading, as always.
"Charge" simply means an accusation, in its simplest terms. The Judge put for the charge that Pritzker may have acted in contempt of court and must explain his actions.
The word "charge" has over 35 different meanings. Including "To put the blame for" as well as " To impose a duty." You seem to be stuck in a box, over the wrong meaning.
This IL Supreme Court judgement makes it clear that this Judge's order is not "stopped." It is temporarily paused.....
>pending resolution of the motion for supervisory order.
That means the IL Supreme Court judgement will rule on the situation and depending on how they rule, will determine how the lower Judge's order will or will not continue.
This app is crowd-sourced, meaning people look out the window and "vote" (for lack of a better word) on the weather, which means it's more accurate than most other apps. https://www.wunderground.com/download
I removed my prior post because I was testing out some calculations. Anyway, $90k is too much for someone in retirement if you haven't funded it properly, which Illinois hasn't. And I'm using annuities, because a defined benefit pension is an annuity with joint survivorship benefits, and in Illinois' case, a cost of living adjustment too.
An IRA is better than an annuity in my opinion too, why pay a middleman when you can just stick it in index funds. But I was trying to show that offering an employee an annuity (or a defined benefit pension) of $90k per year starting after 20 years of work, which may be when the person is 40 or 45 or 55, is crazy. That's an additional cost of millions to the taxpayer, and I was using an annuity calculator to come up with the present value (i.e. what Illinois taxpayers would have to pay to hold up their end of the defined benefit pension agreement).
I use this stuff. Spray it all over out side. Haven't had an issue with my dog or kids after it dries. BUGGSLAYER Insecticide Concentrate 16-oz https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008RGJYKQ/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_glt_fabc_4Q8TT6661PWBSQF7CYHZ?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
you want something done about it, start doing something.
for $35 and a couple days per month, you can make a huge difference in your community.
If anyone wants to get entirely too into the topic of the settling of America and the resulting effect on regions I cannot recommend Albion's Seed highly enough.
Get yourself a locking bag! Best purchase ive made and its easy to lock. Cops would need a warrant in order to open it. Smell Proof Bag + Grinder Card | Durable Water Repellent Odor Proof Stash Bag with Combination Lock & Inside Pouches For Your Herbs & Smelly Accessories: Pipe, Vape, Rolling Papers (Black) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078ZPY31K/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_xrgMFb6B50RMT
I just bought this for my 2003 vintage vehicle and it works like a dream. Microphone is top notch too so I can do handsfree calling.
Nulaxy Wireless In-Car Bluetooth FM Transmitter Radio Adapter Car Kit with 1.44 Inch Display and USB Car Charger - Golden https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EC8OUFQ?ref=yo_pop_ma_swf