My friend has been getting these voicemails too. She said she did some research and apparently, the Chinese consulate has been hacked or something, but I think this is much deeper. She said she has gotten this voicemail from several numbers and has to block them. I think the numbers might be some code.
I found something using yandex image search. Check it out. Will have to use translator. But says it’s Turkish.
Apparently, before processing any image, there are a bunch of chemical reactions that happen based on light entering the eye. Looking at anything for an extended amount of time produces an afterimage or aftereffect because the eyes have not yet stopped reacting to what you have seen. But, it only lasts for a few seconds.
The MCollough effect lasts for days if you look at it long enough. We don't really know why. MC is complicated, because it changes by orientation and a few other things that don't normally mean anything. The going theory is that it's an example of 'perceptual plasticity', meaning that the eyes have 'learned' to process the image a certain way.
I'm not an optician: Somebody's analysis of it
Tl;dr It's harmless, it just changes the way you perceive color in a certain situation. You can go home now Dr. Bright.
I saw another post on r/TechnicalSupport with a email stack, these can be one of 3 possible things
1.It is what everyone is saying and it is a scam
Or 3. It is a malware attempt to infect your computer or nab your IP Address
General Opinion: If your going to open it, try using a old model of phone as most of these are updated to get the latest model of phone, and then make sure to have a VPN active when you're doing it (personally recommend NordVPN but thats my opinion #NOTSPONSORED)
If you do end up opening the file, send a update I'd like to actual see if this gets any traction to it....
Sounds like the beginning of an entry in /nosleep.
But if this is actually serious, get you a few motion activated mini cams and put them around the house. They only cost about $18/ea on amazon:
its the right info, and theres a amazon link to the game
Put it through a translator site. Did several variations of it and the only translation I could find was ei curld being Romanian for “they curl” there were also many Bvgari rings that look just like it in an image search. Here’s link to site used for translation: Also of the ring that looks a lot like it:
Hope this helps!
I think it's probably a cat scare device. I have one and sometimes it activates from neighbors walking by my gate. It's the same sound but softer..
Like this:
But you have them for raccoons too, or humans indeed. It depends on your location what's logical for your neighbor to have..