Jeez people, it's as if you've never seen make-up and Instagram filters before. 🙄
She looks like she does normally, and by normally I mean not made up as Ciri where the make up is designed to knock 5 years off her age.
Edit: here she is at SDCC 2019
Wow! Good find. The photo here has Big Yennefer Energy. I'm impressed.
The exact one that I purchased is no longer in stock, but amazon should give some good alternatives.
Bo nie był zwykłym zewnętrznym tłumaczeniem tak jak to ma miejsce w innych lokalizacjach. Polska wersja była napisana przez CDPR i wystarczy porównać obie wersje, żeby zobaczyć że to nie zwykły dokładny przekład, a cały osobny twór który bardzo sprawnie emituje styl Sapkowskiego. A zresztą można zajrzeć w creditsy. Widać tam, że pisarze byli polscy, a lokalizacja angielska miała własny team (nawet własnego Lead English Writera). Angielska wersja posłużyła za to jako baza do kolejnych wersji (bo wiadomo, że łatwiej o tłumaczenie z ang na jp niż z pl).
It is available on Amazon among other places.
Actually this is close without the fabric.
I don't know if it will work or if you have to register for it, but here's the link to the first playlist (The End's Beginning):
The first "company" who asked him for the copyrights "failed" in making a game, but created the term "witcher" (as an English translation of wiedzmin), then CDPR (then still CDP) took over the copyrights because nothing happened. Considering the first company who contacted you failed in getting the job done and that the most lucrative/successful Polish game company at that moment was CDP (although one could argue about Techland, who produced Call of Juarez one year before The Witcher 1 publishing), which was mainly/just a translator/publisher for Poland of other countries' videogames, he had many reasons to doubt about the success of the game (and considering CDPR risked twice bankruptcy in the following years, the gamers should be glad Sapkowski didn't ask for royalties at the beginning, or the company would have failed way before Gog site and TW2's huge earnings). Let's add to that some random facts: nobody, not even CDP, had any idea what to do with the setting/game/copyrights nor the chances of it to succeed (its first appearance was a little table beside Bethesda or Bioware stand in a videogame convention, just saying); Sapkowski is not a gamer himself, and the gaming community expanded a lot since the first 2000's years (even more in Poland, considering most of the The Witcher readers were born during USSR years or even before); Sapkowski is sarcastic/ironic in most of the occasions, not differently from Martin in this, but the fact his interviews are mainly "written" and reported on the Net makes appear him as grumpy; finally, although I don't like guessing about this, the renegotiation with CDPR and the fact he, more recently, said money doesn't mean much to him had probably (and sadly) to do with personal, family matters.
Culture is a beautiful thing.
Your post explains perfectly why Philippines was probably chosen; I would never believe Netflix did a "Eeny, Meeny, Miny, or Joe?" and chose a random country, just because.