I think this is great news actually.
Firstly, it means GOG.com will be able to continue their DRM-free policy. (I was worried that Thronebreaker, tied to Gwent, would be only available using a Gwent account and thus DRM which is necessary for an online card game, but totally unnecessary for a single-player RPG.)
Secondly, it's a good marketing move IMO. If you had to install Gwent and Thronebreaker was a DLC inside it, a lot of people would just skip it. ("Meh, I don't play card games / not interested in stand-alone Gwent.") This way, it's being marketed as a stand-alone RPG without the word Gwent in the name, so a lot of people will just pick it up who are interested in more Witcher content. From there, it will have obvious ties to Gwent so those interested in the multiplayer aspects will come over to Gwent.
Thirdly, the tie-in connection to your Gwent account means we Gwent players get rewards for playing Thronebreaker. And people who are just playing Thronebreaker are incentivised to install Gwent to claim their rewards there.
Fourthly, it means that in the sad event that Gwent does fail as a multiplayer game in the next year, it won't take Thronebreaker down with it.
So this is good for Gwent and good for Thronebreaker.
Holy camel! That trailer looks amazing!
Will it also be available outside Steam Workshop though? I have the GOG.com version of the game.
Also, what time period is it based on? I'm guessing the First Crusade but I might be wrong.
*Come back to work from buying lunch
*See reddit post regarding GoG Galaxy 2.0.X news
*Ceck email, 1 new email
*Sender: GoG.com
*Read title: ☀ Accumulation of deals • Don't miss a perfect chance to stock up for the rest of the Summer!
*Cries in hotdog
The game may go to Epic but there is zero chance that it would be an exclusive considering CDPR owns GOG.com and CDPR is also quite passionate about making their games available to everyone on whatever platform they want.
/uj This reminds me of the one time that I decided to browse gog.com to see if some games would be chaper than steam.
I was watching Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky when I realized that this game was labeled under a list called something like "Anita Sarkeesian favorite list" which was made by some guy who was targeting games with strong women as a negative.
Left a bad taste in the site for me.
Another thing to note:
They have yet to announce this on their twitter or GoG.com itself. Only on the forums. They might be trying to keep this silent because of how embarrassing it might be to lose games over a tweeting situation, assuming nothing comes out about it.
If you still care about the email campaign to CD Projekt, this might be worth including as an example of GOG appearing to lose control of the situation.
Yeah they are much more than that. Maybe at least look at GOG website before claiming something about them on internet? Yeah they bring back and update old games so we can play them on new OS not just selling those games broken like Steam does. They also get lots of new games in their store. At least those who dont cripple our games with DRM.
I hope that Cyberpunk will help CD Project Red
You are right with those kids tho. They dont care about old games, launchers or any other drama. They want the game which is popular. Thats why for example Origin is going strong and Epic having millions on top of millions users. Sad but reality :/
The game is on GOG.com, which means no DRM at all. Why do people bother with "cracked" versions of gog games? Makes absolutely no sense. Just wait for the gog version to be on the tracker.
>Literally all 400 of my Steam games will last my entire life time.
Not so fast, first of all, those games require you to sign into steam, which requires steam to be a thing for the rest of your life. Second, even if steam still exists, some games like Assassin's creed require a sign in to yet another service that requires servers.
Gog.com on the other hand actually sells you the straight up exe file, doesn't need a sign in, doesn't have ANY DRM of any kind.
the social media manager for the gog.com twitter was fired for making a transphobic joke and courting gamergate. i don't believe anything happened (at least publicly) for cyberpunk's. lots of people have been confusing the two, which isn't surprising really, how often does a corporation have multiple transphobic social media scandals within the space of a few months
> Devs have been pretty good about removing Denuvo once their launch window closes
Utter crap. Only a handful of Denuvo-protected games have removed it at all, and of those the only one I can recall that did so before it was cracked was Titanfall 2. There are games that have been cracked for almost a year that still have it attached to the exe.
As an example, Resident Evil 7 was cracked in less than a week. Eight months later, it still has Denuvo. Right now, pirates have the better version of the game. It's ridiculous.
>the alternative is games simply don't come out on PC
>the complaints about performance impact don't hold water.
Two problems with that:
1) the only people in a position to make genuinely accurate comparisons are the developers of a given game and Denuvo, and both have conspicuously declined to present any such performance comparison.
2) Rime. Also note this interesting snippet from that article:
>a Denuvo spokesperson flatly denied that the DRM was having a negative impact on the game's performance. "Prior to release, we performed benchmark testing on the protected vs. unprotected versions of RiME. There was no performance impact on the version that is protected with Denuvo anti-tamper vs. the unprotected version."
To me, that sounds like a perfect PR opportunity: they show that there is absolutely no performance impact in a verified test environment. Instantly, these rumours and anecdotes vanish. Instead, they keep these tests hidden away and simply tell us all that they performed them. Very believable...
Befores someone goes and buys it on Steam, please consider buying on gog.com. The store is owned by the guys who made the game, plus it's a store with a "no-DRM" policy, which is infinitely better for the consumer, and something I feel we should incentivize in the industry.
I am using mint on my gaming laptop and its working great. Fortunately I play single player titles without anti-cheat software so they all work great. I mostly play games from Steam, but use Lutris for my games from GOG.com and from Epic. Some require tweaking and some just don't work at all but most play just fine. Welcome to Linux gaming. Everything takes longer but you don't have to deal with Wndows.
I think it's just a modernized version that will run well on modern computers with proper resolutions etc. I'm not 100% sure what improvements this will bring (other than VR, apparently), as the current gog.com version of SS2 is perfectly playable and supports modern resolutions out of the box. I can highly recommend playing through it, you can really tell where Bioschock got most of it's elements from, and it's a progenitor to Deus Ex and the immersive sim genre.
Also the hacking minigame is the perfect mix of being stat and logic based.
Acredito que seja ilegal, mas não imoral.
Inclusive eu considero esse tipo de pirataria a forma mais eficaz de se preservar esses jogos, que, querendo ou não, são obras de arte. Se dependesse só dos detentores dos direitos, muitos desses jogos iam simplesmente desaparecer (não é incomum os . desenvolvedores perderem o código fonte do jogo, por exemplo) ou seriam relançados sem o menor capricho (o lançamento do Chrono Trigger na Steam foi um bom exemplo disso). Em geral as fanbases dos jogos cuidam muito melhor da obra do que os próprios donos.
E pra não dizerem que eu tô só arrumando desculpa pra jogar jogo de graça, eu apoio demais o GOG.com, que faz um trabalho muito foda pra relançar jogos antigos e sem DRM.
Aproveitando a oportunidade vou recomendar também a PCGamingWiki, que lista várias melhorias de compatibilidade, de performance e cosméticas pra jogos novos e antigos.
I played a hell of a lot of Zeus & Poseidon and Pharaoh & Cleopatra growing up - still play them from time to time these days since they're up on GOG.com and cheap - even found out there was one based on China called Emperor: Rise of the Middle Kingdom - but yeah, Civ6 isn't really like that. It's more like a computerized & expanded version of Risk at this point.
Townsmen that just came out gives me a Settlers vibe, and that's a lot closer to Zeus than Civ ever was - though it's a mobile port, it is reviewing really well for people who like that style of game.
For a collection of games you can buy, check out gog.com.
Everything there is DRM free, so you just need to find a dos game that looks interesting, install it, and you can copy the game files right from their Dosbox data folder.
Some games even include disk images of the original install media.
That's why I hate it when people say emulation is piracy... no, it really isn't...
Dreamfall Chapters code below. Go to https://gog.com/redeem, paste the code and remove the lower-case letters
EDIT: code has apparently now been used. Enjoy!
I don't fully understand the hate going towards Epic game store?
Some games are only available on steam. Some game are only available on gog.com. Some games are only available on windows store. Some games are only available on origin store. etc, etc.
But they ALL work on the PC platform.
$15.25 USD for every Valve game ever made
Includes Half Life 1 & 2, Portal 1 & 2 , CS Source and other low-end-friendly classics.
For every other remotely vintage game, better to wait for the next GOG.com sale. ;)
It seems that your comment contains 1 or more links that are hard to tap for mobile users. I will extend those so they're easier for our sausage fingers to click!
Here is link number 1 - Previous text "G"
^Please ^PM ^/u/eganwall ^with ^issues ^or ^feedback! ^| ^Delete
That's what GOG gets for pushing Galaxy client - customers have no idea what GOG is about anymore. Or maybe that's the whole point.
Backup offline installers are regular game installers, but they suspiciously named them in a confusing way despite being told it's not obvious what that means for many users. GOG always offered those installers, that's what they started from - games you can download and install, without restrictions, without being always online, without clients and clutter - without DRM. GOG provided them long before they started following market trend with their own Galaxy client.
With some exceptions, like multiplayer tied to Galaxy or offline installers lagging behind Galaxy updates, there's no difference between games installed through Galaxy and regular installers. There's no point in downloading installers if you already run game from Galaxy other than to keep a backup.
What's also not made obvious, is that when you install games through Galaxy, you can run them without it. You can disconnect internet connection, turn off Galaxy, make a shortcut from game's executable and it should never ask you to open the client and log in. Just as if you installed the game with a "backup offline" installer.
Another thing. You don't need Galaxy do download those installers, just log in on GOG.com website and get them directly form your library. GOG is pushing their client so hard that it's possible to miss that.
TL;DR Backup offline installers are regular installers.
Yes, I've used them quite a few times. GOG is owned by CD Projekt, the parent company of the developers behind The Witcher series and Cyberpunk 2077. The biggest draw of the GOG platform is their pledge to make every(?) game on their store available DRM-free.
Games are added to your account's library like you would expect, but you get to choose between using their launcher to install/manage the games, or simply downloading a DRM-free installer that you manage manually. If you move to a new PC or something, you simply sign into your account on the website, go to your account library, and download the installer for whichever game you own.
Edit: also GOG.com is not a gray market cd key reseller, they are a fully fledged shop like Steam or the Epic Games Store.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
DRM free, PDF manuals available for download from GOG.com or their client(Steam has a link to a download on Beamdog's site on the appropriate store page) , and the original versions of BG1 and BG2+Throne of Bhaal come with purchase of the EEs if you wish to try them.
IMO Steam is a perfectly fine store to purchase them from as well if you don't care about that stuff.
God I loved that game. Just a FYI when gog.com has sales, you can pick up all the Legacy of Kain/Blood Omen games for under a dollar a piece and they have been patched to run on modern PC systems. No finding fan made patches or such, they run "right out of the box" even on Win 10.
Considering most PC games made in the past decade are sold with keys that lock them to an account and launcher or storefront, I'm not surprised that you're having a hard time finding used PC games.
If it's old enough, it might be on GoG.
I think your best bet is eBay if you really need that physical copy.
Hi, it is actually a little convoluted:
1. Log in to gog.com in browser, not client.
Hover over your profile-link (your username) and chose Games from the menu.
Click on your Cyberpunk-entry in the game list.
From the More-menu choose Serial Keys.
Cut'n'paste link to browser.
Shop with rebate.
Not a great system, so I hope they will improve it over time.
HoMM3 is still alive and kicking! You can get it for cheap at GoG.com. Be sure to download the HD mod and Horn of the Ancients (HoTA) as well. Both are fanmade addition that improve the game and add a new castle, creatures, campaigns, adventure sites and so on.
Best avoid the Steam HoMM3 HD version. It's only the base game (so not even the expansions).
Another good option is HoMM5, the remake most like HoMM3, albeit in a different universe. You can get this at GoG as well (without DRM). Graphics may look a bit dated, but the game is a good heir with long campaigns, a decent story and of course 3D townscreens! Another fanbase addition is the HoMM 5.5 which adds some stuff (adventure sites etc.) and even a graphics update.
Recently I've been having a swell time with MMH7, the most recent addition. Though it's sometimes buggy it's quite entertaining and the graphics are neat. Best get it through the Ubisoft Store to prevent double DRM (I had this with MMH6 and it's a pain).
If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
The fine folks at GoG.com won't admit that NEXT exists.
Their customers don't just not have the update; we don't have any timeframe about it at all, or information about crossplay with Steam users.
I'm coping by grumbling about it on social media and by putting a second, Steam-enabled copy into a GreenManGaming cart and letting it time out because it's something I really shouldn't be paying for.
To clarify, anyone from anywhere can enter the contest!
What u/ucantdownit is referring to is actually the special discount to the Razer store that you can recieve by buying any game available on GOG.COM and subscribing to our newsletter :)
BMS is free but it requires a valid copy of Falcon 4.0 .. but that is just $10 on Steam or GoG.com
The original Falcon 4.0 is about 20 years old now, and probably (?) doesn't even run anymore on Windows 10 x64 systems.. It has been updated (and essentially rewritten) many times over, in the past 20 years, by the BMS team.
I wonder if you might be confusing this with the new F16 mod for DCS? which is a different product entirely
Just an FYI that the promo codes they send are usually all time lows for the games they're promoting. And sometimes notifications for seasonal sales or wishlist notifications for flash sales are pretty useful too.
In all likelihood, this is because of 2 Factor Authentication / Authorization requirement, which is not yet implemented in GOG Galaxy. Go to gog.com, login with the same account as in GOG Galaxy, and complete the transaction there. The game will then be accessible via Galaxy.
I installed those games (The trilogy was for free on GOG.com) but i found myself out of my depth.
In the IE games, i did need a lot of time to understand the mechanics, but the basic principle is obvious for anyone who's played a video game in their life. You point and click where you want your characters to go, on the item you want to pick, or the enemy you want to attack, or the NPC you want to converse with. "I" brings up the inventory, "M" the map, "J" the journal... And that's basically 90% of knowledge you need to have to pass the game on Easy.
But these games... What the hell? How do i move my characters? There's a wolf in front of me, how do i hit him?
People complain about the IE games being outdated, but this is on another level... Not to say the game's bad, it's just i hardly know how to play it.
I think you should instantly begin playing Monkey Island 1 and there's a remastered version out for mobile. It's from the same guys who did Thimbleweed Park.
You can also download ScummVM for android and play many of the old classic LucasArts or Sierra games on that app. You just need to buy the games on gog.com or have the games downloaded on your PC. Transfer them to your phone and open them in the app.
The best LucasArts games in my opinion are: (many of these have remastered editions out on mobile platforms)
Monkey Island 1,2 and 3
Day of the Tentacles
Grim Fandango
Full Throttle
Indiana Jones And The Fate Of Atlantis
The best Sierra Games, in my opinion, include:
Gabriel Knight 1 and 2
Kings Quest 6 (maybe 5 as well)
Leisure Suit Larry 6
Worst part is that the store is not even attempting to hide what it is, considering how featureless it is, and is inferior in every way from the consumer side of things to Steam and GOG.com.
Just because you aren't into anything new doesn't mean you're falling out of gaming. I haven't purchased a new title in quite a while since my existing games have such a great wealth of mod and post-launch DLC. There's been about 5 games in the last year I was very excited for but eventually passed up because they just didn't end up being what I wanted/what I had hoped they would be. If you're looking for more variety I'd recommend putzing around itch.io or GoG.com and picking up some $5 goody.
Btw, leikurinn fæst líka á gog.com og itch.io en hann er ekki á þessum afslætti þar. Hann virkar á Windows, Mac og Linux og svo er hann reyndar líka til fyrir Nintendo Switch, Xbox One og PS4, en ég veit ekki hvort þýðingin rati yfir á leikjatölvurnar.
... Og áður en einhver stekkur til, þá er Mini Gun víst sérnafn á ákveðinni byssu frá ákveðnum framleiðanda (eins og Corolla frá Toyota) en ekki nafnorð þannig að ég þýddi það ekkert. Maður er alltaf að læra eitthvað nýtt!
You don't need to illegally download roms or software to emulate them.
gog.com has plenty of games you could buy that are compatible with iDOS2, but apparently that's piracy?
There's plenty of different devices designed to dump cartridges to play them in an emulator, but apparently that's piracy?
You can insert a Playstation 1 disc into an optical drive, make an image, and use that in an emulator, but apparently that's piracy? No actually, it isn't...
This whole emulators are piracy is just a falsity perpetuated by Nintendo mostly.
Hi 4G.
would you consider also releasing this on GoG.com for those of us that don't use steam? I've been enjoying NGU IDLE massively ever since you released it on Kongregate, and i've been really looking forward to seeing your next game and try it out, but I don't use steam, unfortunately.
Thank you in advance for at least considering it :-)
Beat me to it. Happy Cakeday btw.
It's like you are describing OP but it has some Metroidvania aspects as well as a FF9 like system where you learn skills by equipping items and gaining jp as you use them.
I've rarely seen it mentioned and that is a shame because it's pretty darn good and all I've been playing lately. $15 on GOG.com and Steam.
That's just bad wording on my part, switched it to game delistings. Sometimes a certain title will be no longer purchasable in the store and the moment I find out about it I'm trying to post a notice on the GOG.COM forums.
From now on I'm going to mention it on reddit as well :)
To be fair, CDPR owns GOG, which started the FCKDRM initiative https://fckdrm.com/ and they own and operate one of the only mainstream DRM free digital game services, gog.com.
CD Projekt is the most consumer friendly "large company" in the industry (allowing for the possibility that some indie developer I don't know about is more consumer friendly). If you're a PC gamer you should strongly consider supporting them by utilizing their GOG.com to purchase your games online. Only be rewarding "good companies" will we as consumers be able to steer the industry into practicing more consumer friendly business practices.
Yes! The game is not in dev for 9 years. I started to work on MMORPG, then I was Country lead at GOG.com and now, I am helping Indie Devs on Communication/Marketing but mostly to target French Market, so it's the first steam page I made from scratch!
And thank you!
I read the article and agreed with what Chris Kohler had said.
With these rom sites going away, I am not worried.
I was able to get all the roms i wanted in 1996 with dial up internet and later with broadband.
I also grabbed lots of isos as well, there will always be rom sites that carry these games, you just have to know where to look and grab everything you can before they all go down
I do wish these companies would pull a GOG.com and digitally sell their roms piece by piece for a good price 1 to 5 dollars a piece, no more.
Not everyone needs the entire library or atari, sega, nitnendo etc, games.
> Los pagas, y te quedas con la licencia para instalarlo en otras computadoras.
Algo muy importante relacionado a esto con Steam que nadie en el hilo dijo, es que Steam tiene todo su contenido bajo DRM. Pueden aprender más buscando en internet, aunque un video que lo resume bastante bien puede ser este.
Hay otra plataforma (mucho más joven y chica que Steam) que es Good Old Games (o GOG) cuya visión es justamente ofrecer juegos sin DRM. Esto obviamente hace que tengan un catálogo mucho más chico que Steam, pero bueno. La empresa que está atrás es CDProjektRed, los creadores de la saga The Witcher.
Comento esto porque creo que es algo que creo que realmente no es un detalle menor, y siempre viene bien que más gente se entere de lo que puede y no puede hacer cuando paga por un juego.
Some great games there. Probably showing my age but as classics I would always go for the original X-com over the new Frixais ones, they are good, but in gameplay in the original is better for me, Terror from the Deep is just impossible though lol.
I also really have good memories of Syndicate and Syndicate Wars, way ahead of their time.
If you like 4x games, Space Empires III and IV are very good, I used to play them by email with my friend if you can imagine that.
For more Squad games, the Jagged Alliance series was always fun, and I have just rebought the first 2 from GOG.com
Not the OP, but the Might and Magic games seem to fit the bill imo. I'd recommend Might and Magic 6: The Mandate of Heaven if you just want to try one. 7 and 8 are also good, though 8 felt a bit rushed.
It's available on gog.com and works out of the box, but I'd recommend the fan patch by GreyFace to make the controls somewhat less arcane.
This - I am willing to pay - but I want everything to be there. Not only stuff from other streaming services. Everything. No time, era, region or belief restricted. Start TV, write name of ANY movie and either wait for preload or start streaming right away. And I mean ANY movie/serie ever done.
Same goes for game streaming services - I like the idea of not having to have gaming rig to play my games (especialy in current no GPU situation and incoming no SSD situation). But I want to be able to play/rent ANY game there. I do not want to care who owns rights for which - do I want to play that game from 2003? Sure go!
Otherwise I am not interested!
(and thanks spirits of gaming for GOG.com - the legal way how to get games + their Galaxy client to have Steam, GOG, Epic, uPlay, Origin games at one place)
Few things to start with;
* You should have paid attention to what/who you signed up for as well as can dig deeper even if manifest was not including them to the point of Camera Records that almost every indoor establishment has. Guessing out of question.
* You should have backed up your entire "Physical Collection" into now damn cheap portable HDDs in ISO form which is identical copy of what you have (few aren't that needs cracks so forth) that you wouldn't need such "Fire Hazard" physical existence of CD/DVDs anymore.
* In this Digital New World nothing, literally nothing is really gone as like you said most old games are available via https://GOG.com or at Steam due Retroism and others. While others are joining the Abandonware that you can find elsewhere, you can always sail the high seas if every other possibility is blocked.
>just devastated that decades worth of history are gone.
Nope, if you'd ever forget playing them then they're really really gone and it's not important to grief over something that's not been there for quite some time. If you still remember playing them then their mission as a Game was success at being "Memorable" so that one way or another you can find them online. So instead of lamenting over lost, focus on positive side of how excited you'll be when you're to find them and play again.
Once purchased you can download the game directly from gog.com or using their optional client, GOG Galaxy. Since there's no DRM you don't need any client to play it. You can also backup the game's kit to an external disk, BD and so on without restrictions.
Fun fact: On Steam forum, I have seen Kaldaien once argued that ACKCHYUALLY, Denuvo is not DRM, but GOG.com is DRM.
I'm not making this up, go dig up an old Denuvo thread in the Tales of Berseria Steam forum.
I am halfway down this damned page and this is the third time someone had to bring up old games I really, really, liked. Please stop before I do a GOG.com run that will bankrupt me.
Digital Rights Management systems, those shitty intrusive crap methods that often slow down your games and are aimed at preventing copying and/or cracking a game.
They outright ship games WITHOUT these and demonstrated that they sell as much, if not more, than others who use DRMs.
Edit: unless they publish on Steam, then there's Steamworks, but you can still get it off gog.com, their distributing platform, free of any DRM.
How about answering his question instead of making meme comments?
u/sincerelypg try either of the following fixes:
If either those fixes don't work contact GOG support for expertise.
The game has trophy % when I look at my own library so the reason it is not showing for you is some kind of bug, either on your current system or with your installation of GOG Galaxy.
Digitale Produkte sollten genauso mein "Eigentum" sein, wie materielle, wenn ich sie kaufe und nicht miete.
Beispiel: ich gehe in den nächsten Saturn, kaufe mir ein Exemplar von "Tomb Raider". Nun ist es mein Eigentum und ich kann darüber bestimmen. Saturn hat nicht länger darüber zu bestimmen.
Anders bei digitalen Kopien: Ich kaufe "Tomb Raider" bei Steam und kann es lediglich nutzen. Wenn Steam entscheidet, dass ich aus fadenscheinigen Gründen gegen die TOS verstoßen habe, verliere ich den Zugriff auf meine Bibliothek. Widerspruch? "Prüfen wir generell nicht" (*hust* VAC Ban *hust*).
Oder die Server gehen mal offline, weil Valve insolvent ist. So eine Steam Bibliothek kann potentiell schon sehr wertvoll sein und ich habe (im gegensatz zu gog.com) keine Möglichkeit, dass die Güter tatsächlich in mein Eigentum übergehen.
Ich finde, dass müsste geregelt werden.
Either refund it and buy it from GOG.com who have done some tweaks to make it run on modern computers. It's worked for me on 2 different Windows 10 computers. (Steam can't be arsed to make sure the game they're selling will run which I think is immoral but hey.)
Head to Nexus Mods and get the GFWL disabler and the 4GB patch which helps a lot.
for those who don't understand this shit: it's written by GOG.com fanboy who claim games available on steam, but not GOG are exclusive to steam.
It's claimed on GOG.com forums constantly by various users.
It's just butthurt pirate, basically.
Solved. Anybody who is having the same problem, please go to your gwent page in GOG.com client and click 'browse gwent store'. There you should be able to buy. It worked for me just now. Good luck!
Sorry sir, but you are guite wrong about your first point. Refer to p.34 under Commentary regarding the financial results of GOG.com point 1 :
1*. GWENT sales during the Homecoming project as compared to sales in the initial period of the GWENT beta testing phase (high base effect)*
It will be my third.
The first pre-order i ever made was dead island. Then the witcher 3 and now Cyberpunk 2077 once it's possible. Iirc i had to pay an absurdly low price for The Witcher 3 because i already owned Witcher 1 and 2 and they had a nice discount on gog.com at the time.
>Roms are ilegal
Rom are not illegal...
I can purchase a collection of genesis games from steam and right inside the files is downloads are the rom files that can be played within any emulator.
I can purchase DOS games from GOG.com and use them in the (now removed from the App Store) iDOS 2 app.
I recently backed a game being developed for Gameboy Advance that is being distributed as... wait for it... a rom file.
It's even easier to use dumpers to grab official roms off cartridges, or to use an optical drive and rip a game disc.
The notion that it's impossible for people to reasonably obtain something that runs in an emulator legally is just false, this is proven by every new game that comes out as roms to be played in emulators and every website that sells old games that run inside of an emulator (like GOG.com)
What's interesting is that I probably could have had an even higher body count. But I really didn't want to kill the poor villagers on the mountain, as opposed to the whackjobs who "sacrificed" me in Inferiae. I would have had even more SP if I had specced for an Abyss run. Maybe killing Cassius would have put me past the threshold.
Ah well. A character who can kill Agathoth clearly does not desperately need an SP boost, especially with personally forged skymetal weapons, a fully charged power suit, and 4 HP regeneration per round.
EDIT: If you haven't, it's also a good time to buy Colony Ship on GOG.com. I'm loading it now.
It's available on GOG.com, along with its sequel, Ties That Bind, for a few bucks. Look into stability patches, too. I've played it and absolutely love it on the PC, even though I played the PS2 version originally.
Thanks but I have tried every one of those and more.
Windows "emulators" of Windows 95 that should but can't. gog.com, I looked up reviews on the games I like and they weren't really great. Oh, well. Plenty more games out there.
I took my computer to geek specialists who charged me a couple hundred dollars to set it up and It did play BotF but not CIV. {I don't like later versions of CIV}
That computer died and I'm not paying for it again...it's just a game.
For Steam version
Open the folder where WL3 is installed. You'll see 6 separate folders with bonus content there. If you're not sure how to find the installation folder on your PC you can open it using Steam interface. Open the game in your Steam Library → Click cog icon on the right → Manage → Browse local files.
For GOG version
*1. Using gog.com website
Hover over your account name → Select Games → Select the game in your library → Download the content from EXTRAS block on the right.
*2. Using GOG Galaxy client
Open the game in your library → Click Extras in the top bar → Download the content you need. By default bonus content is saved to game installation folder (where you'll find it in the "!Downloads" folder). You can check the path to game installation folder in the settings menu under "Installing, updating" section. There you can also change the folder where all bonus content will be downloaded to ("Other downloads folder").
I absolutely get it, but that's seriously not always a case in gaming industry. Examples:
Updating ACNH would get Nintendo a good PR, just like things listed above. It will sell in EVEN MORE copies then.
Besides mods, which most often are not recommended for a first playthrough, the advantages of a PC version is that it is easy to fix, change or discover things with PC tools.
For example, there is an issue with a certain late game weapon called Foebane. There is a way to fix it which implies just copying a couple of files to a directory called "override" (which as the name says, overrides the default behavior of the game).
There is also a nasty issue (crash) in the Black Pits, which is easily fixable enabling the console.
Is not that the game is terrible without modding or fixing, it's that this kind of things are harder with mobile versions, and (I think) impossible on consoles.
If you get the game on GOG.com, you can also get the original version for free with the Enhanced Edition.
I found links in your comment that were not hyperlinked:
I did the honors for you.
^delete ^| ^information ^| ^<3
We were experiencing delays in games showing up in the library in the GOG GALAXY app. Since GOG.COM is DRM-free, it's still possible for you to download the aforementioned offline installers directly from your accounts here – gog.com/account
That being said, I've just received info that our Galaxy Team managed to fix this issue, but it may still take up to 30min before all accounts are back to normal.
Obduction is free right now on GOG.com.
Other games:
Job Simulator
Vacation Simulator
Rick and Morty VR
Belko VR
I do little marathons of his series reviews when I'm not well also. The Ultima Retrospective did lead me to getting Ultima VII, which it turns out I really did end up liking. Also Ultima IV since gog.com gives that away for free when you join. At least they used to. I don't know about today. Ultima IV is too old school for me though. I suck at it.
As a newbie,
For PC gaming, I use sites like deals.gg and isthereanydeal.com to keep informed about deals, lowest prices on games etc... . The Steam site also has a very nice store concept with weekend deals and then there is gog.com, Humblebundle, Fatanical... . I know console scenes in these aren't that widespread but are there any you guys use to keep up to date?
First of all, this post is a PSA, not asking if OP should buy it. Second of all, there are many fixes for Windows 10, and it apparently works out of the box on GoG.com. If you want to try it again, try the GoG version and try some of the Windows 10 fixes.
Tweeted Lewis and Ben yesterday that Xenonauts was free on GOG.com and mentioned Lewis and Ben Save The World.
Todays episode on the main channel of The Forest a pre-ad for GOG.com and mention that Xenonauts is free (they probably recorded this before I tweeted them).
I have my fingers crossed its in the works.
Windows 95 and era appropriate graphic cards are so different from Windows 7/8/vista/10 that there is no way to play the game without an emulator so that the game interacts with the 'same hardware' it was designed on.
Your only option is to either source, download, and use an emulator compatible with Lego Island, use a virtual desktop with Windows 95 installed, or you could buy/play the game from GoG.com (good old games) that has already been updated with emulator/changes that allow it to play on modern computers.
Odd whenever I get that bug (happens relatively often) that always fixed it.
Have you tried rebooting PC?
If that does not work, try reinstalling the client. (don't worry about games you can re-sync your previous library with a new one after reinstalling).
If that does not work either try clearing the cache by deleting in.
And if that does not work I would contact GOG support for help.
Log in to https://gog.com
Navigate to a free game. Example here. Add to cart.
Checkout. Pay for your order to process the order.
Game should be added to your account. Can be installed by Galaxy (GOG client) or offline backup installer here: https://support.gog.com/hc/en-us/articles/213148105-How-do-I-download-my-purchased-items-?product=gog
most games (maybe all) on steam will just work. For the maybe few games that will have problems, just do not buy these games. Before you buy a game have a look if there are problems with it on the deck.
for console like easiness with steam deck buy only from steam. Gog.com and itch.io will also be quite good places to look for games, maybe you should avoid other stores (they will be possible but not as easy)
for emulators just blindly follow instructions that someone will through! (good news, retroarch is now on steam, it would be available even if it was not but it makes it a lot easier)
yes and no,
yes if go with latest hype,
do really need a bike, with nasa tech and carbon so can lift with one finger ? back in day we got bike which look solid enough to survive the first ride,.
do really need an apple watch and iphone Pro with data-cellphone plan and apple music subscription ?
for video game, do wanna a AAA game with hyper-real graphics with take 300 artist to create ? you could get a cool and fun indie game for few bucks instead ? (like gog.com)
do lastest camera with 50 megapixels ? incase if u want wall print of crppy picture... or instead get a killer camera used from 5 years ago for few bucks...
etc etc.
Dear mr. Shutaro, what is your stance about DRM?
Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is for example available on GOG.com DRM-free like mentioned on the Kickstarter campaign. Would you consider releasing future projects DRM-free for example?
Imaš r/Piracy megathread. Ne mogu se sad sjetiti točno linka, ali mislim da je ta igra odavno na gog.com, a znam da postoji stranica koja uzima njihove installere i samo ih pušta za besplatno.
A BTW igra ti košta 10 eura sa svim ekspanzijama, to stvarno mislim da nije strašno puno za dati ako je već voliš toliko.
Steam has a perfectly functional offline mode, so unless the developer implements a specific always on drm (like ubisoft) you can play just fine when on ther go without connection.
While steam is the default way to purchase and install games for the deck, you are not limited to it. Valve explicitly stated you can install anything you want.
However the deck has no dvd drive ofc, so in the end it's all digital only.
Some alternatives:
The full backlog of open source Linux games (All free): Warsow, Warzone 2100, Teeworlds, 0 A.D., OpenMW to name a few.
itch.io : has a lot of linux native games and comes with wine/proton integration like steam for seamless windows game integration
gog.com : galaxy is not (yet?) supported for linux/SteamOS but the website has a lot of native linux games
lutris.net : multi source game launcher, it's biggest feature is proton like automatic installation of windows games across multiple windows only gamestores (like epic game store)
heroic : like lutris but for epic games store only
Lots and lots of Emulators and emulator guis like RetroArch, Dolphin, mGBA and more
I already own Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis on physical form, and it's also free on GOG.com (added to my library). Thanks for the offer, though! Others would feel much appreciated.
And YES, the game's name was, and always will be Operation Flashpoint: Cold War Crisis. Not ARMA: Cold War Assault, OPERATION FLASHPOINT: COLD WAR CRISIS.
(Though I am aware of why Bohemia rebranded it, it was mainly to distance itself from Codemasters and their Operation Flashpoint sequels.)
No game in either library or orders? Weird. Just to be sure, might you have multiple gog accounts? Does your email have a confirmation of the game activation?
Could you also provide a screenshot of your library from gog.com?
I also suggest removing the screenshot since it clearly displays your serial code.
Don't Starve, and the DLC Don't Starve Reign of Giants. If you like Stardew Valley and Minecraft, you're gonna love it and it runs like a charm on Linux.
I bought it on sale on GOG.com, that way you can keep the executable file for the future.
If you're a fan of old Might & Magic games, Legends of Amberland seems like something that might be up your alley (I haven't played it yet, but I'm of a similar mind and I certainly intend to).
Also check out Wizardry 8 if you haven't -- it's a classic in a similar vein, although I got tired of the constant battles that scale with your party, so you can't really grind through and escape it, it just gets more tiresome. (That said, this is widely considered a huge classic so don't let that dissuade you.)
Also take a look at Legend of Grimrock, maybe Fall of the Dungeon Lords. If you never played Stonekeep back in the day (it's available on GOG.com), that might be your style, but I imagine it's dated and probably clunky by now).
Since you mentioned the Fallout franchise, check out Wasteland 2 (Wasteland 3 just release but I haven't played it yet), as well as Underrail.
Hope you find something you like!
You can buy it off GOG or Steam. If you get it from Steam, it costs $20 when not on sale, but you get the first seven games in the series. You can also buy only King's Quest 4, 5, and 6 from GOG.com for $10, and GOG does a good job of making these older games compatible with modern systems by prepackaging them with DOSBox or ScummVM.
I'd agree with most of your points, if we were still living a decade ago.
Today with all the digital bandwidth afforded to more and more people, the ease of publishing and securing a deal is just staggering. There's PLENTY of good, quality game that can satisfy loot-grinding or singular, finite experience or just multiplayer offerings without having to touch the AAA marketspace, which most people got an issue with. Not the whole videogame industry as a whole.
My personal gems that don't bank on unbridled greed or MTX:
- Helldivers
- The Earth Defence Force Series
- Rebel Galaxy series
- No Man Sky (Game has come a long way for precisely zero additional cost)
- Mount and Blade series
Basically, people need to stop going for the (mostly) morally bankrupt AAA development. There are a few that still fight the consumerism fight THROUGH proper marketing and capitalistic channels ala CDPR. Granted, they got the advantage of GoG.com but they earned that.
It's on the Epic store, yes, but not exclusively. Its also available on GOG, steam, and several retailers. Highly recommend the GOG version though as its DRM free.
The issue is when Epic tries to gain exclusivity rights, something CDProjektRed already said they would not give.
Welcome! Your list of games feels like your not hard set on any specific genre, but lean toward adventurous type games. I feel it's hard making specific recommendations here, but you should look into getting Steampowered.com if you haven't already. It'll give you that console community link type feel and is a great source of games and (deadly) sales. Other alternatives you should look into as well are humblebundle.com and gog.com for great deals on games. So the games themselves... for your Halo/CoD business (I personally don't play this, but it's the hot shooter business) you could go with Overwatch or Destiny 2. Though games like Zelda or Mario, you're going to find are slim pickings on PC. Slowly there have been some ports coming over and you'll find the occasionally indy title though. Okami HD is on steam and that is a master piece! For Skyrim like games I would recommend Skyrim :P or Dragon Age: Inquisition. Now for like Minecraft, there's Ark: Surivival (if you like space-age dinosaurs) or Conan Exiles (if you like a more fantasy setting, this one I play), and Portal Knights? Right now what I'm playing doesn't really fit the bill for what you mentioned, but I've been addicted to Final Fantasy XIV for a few years and recently Monster Hunter World. I hope I was some help! ^-^;
I just got the game, so this is my first patch. Sorry if this is common knowledge but, what is the usual delay between Windows and Linux availability on gog.com (currently still on 2.0.142_22120 for Linux).
A bunch of indie titles will run well on your Mac. Hit up gog.com and check out the system requirements.
Additionally, do a search for top apps for Mac. Some of my favs are Coca (free app to keep Mac from going to sleep), Flycut (free clipboard manager that'll save a lot of copied words), Avast (best, free antivirus for added protection), and Mactracker (free, fun, historical app that has detailed info of all Mac products released).
As far as system upkeep some like apps that clean out files, free up memory, etc. Personally I wouldn't use any of those. Mac OS X has been improved upon so much over the years that it's extremely optimized and in my experience, should never need tweaking by cleanup, defrag, or optimization programs. Even if you run into performance problems resetting the SMC or PRAM (which are done through button presses during startup) is usually all you need to do.
As an example, I've used a MacBook Air for 5 years as my main computer and it runs as perfectly to this day as it did when I initially got it because of all the optimizations made to the free, yearly released OS's.