This picture is actually pretty old, since the last version of Elder Scrolls website.
It is used as the artwork for <em>Arena</em>'s page (each game has an artwork like that), and thus represents an arena. The design is reused for the arena in the upcoming Blades.
And personally I don't think it looks like the ruin in ES6 trailer, especially its environment, that is nothing alike.
The official article on says, “Current and future owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on any platform including Xbox Game Pass Subscribers will receive access to three free pieces of Creation Club content: Fishing, Survival Mode and even new quests with Saints and Seducers.”
The “over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club” is part of the Anniversary Edition, which is paid
That's not true, as that was a jokingly meant quote taken out of context by "reporters".
Here's an article containing the full, in-context quote:
Bottom of the announcement says SE owners can purchase an upgrade to AE. So not free sadly. OpenMW is an open source reimplementation of the Morrowind Engine. It fixes tons of bugs and adds quality of life features and better graphics out of the box. For me, its the de facto way to play Morrowind.
If you are wondering how I got this go here: link
Then just put your picture on it
I think you are mistaken. From Bethesda's own article on Skyrim's 10th Anniversary >The Anniversary Edition includes Skyrim Special Edition and 74 creations, all 48 currently available and 26 to be released. These showcase over 500+ individual elements such as quests, items, armor, houses, etc.
Bottom of the announcement says SE owners can purchase an upgrade to AE. So not free sadly.
You can play the .jar files via KEmulator for PC. The page has also other emulators for smartphones.
Once you run the emulator, simply load the .jar-file (the_elder_scrolls_travels_stormhold.jar, the_elder_scrolls_travels_dawnstar.jar, etc.)
It's not a main series game, as per the elder scrolls website not even listing it.
Asking people who like ES to play ESO is like asking people who like fallout to play Fallout Tactics.
Some like it, but it's not the experience they love the series for, hence, "Not a main game".
How slow are we talking? Like just sup-par compared to a modern game, or a broken 3FPS slideshow? Being an old CPU rendered game, it isn't going to be very smooth compared to what we're used to today.
Are you playing on DOSbox? You could maybe tweak some of the dosbox .conf settings to speed things up. Here is a guide. Maybe some different DOSbox CPU settings will squeeze out more speed.
I havn't tried arena before, but I've been able to run daggerfall pretty smoothly on my laptop with an older gen 2ghz AMD cpu.
You can use to run the java games (Stormhold (Tell me if you find a non-russian version), Dawnstar & Oblivion). So far i managed to play Oblivion, the other two didnt react to key input. As for Shadowkey, i havent found an working emulator yet, but this is in early development
So first off, I think it's great that you're playing with spells / as a mage. By the lategame you're going to be a god, on a level that other Elder Scrolls games just can't recreate. The beginning is kinda tough -- but that goes for all classes in Morrowind.
I'd definitely say get a Magicka Regen mod. Normally your magicka doesn't naturally regenerate, which is a huge hassle. And while there are legit workarounds for it, they are kind of a hassle too.
I'd also suggest playing with OpenMW, a recreated open source engine for Morrowind, simply for stability.
But yeah, you're in for a treat. Savour the weirdness, the odd game design choices, the difficulty finding your way around... and the plot, lore and characters that are some of the very best in gaming.
For those who want the audio version, it’s available on Anchor, RadioPublic, & a variety of other podcast streaming services (you should be able to find it by searching “UESP” or “Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages”). :) It was an amazing experience to interview Todd himself! (Even though I began the interview by falling backward off a chair.)
I've been able to run both of them on my windows 10 system with no issues. Of course your mileage may vary.
For morrowind, there is OpenMW. It basically takes the morrowind game files and runs them with a modern engine. It isn't perfect, but does have some advantages over the regular game like cross platform compatibility with modern systems and a built in FOV slider.
I've found that the best is the open source version, OpenMW. You can download a Mac version that runs natively. The only trick is you need to download the data files separately. To do that without Windows you can use the Steam command line client.
If at any point you're able to make a decently playable build for Linux, I will purchase it for sure! Even if it's an just an early access / public beta at first, I'd be glad to help test it out and give feedback, and I'm sure many others would too (especially those on /r/linux_gaming).
I'd like to ask some technical questions, if you don't mind.
Are you using your own custom engine for this game? If so, have you made use of SDL or OpenGL support in your engine? If not, are you using an engine like Unity or Unreal? (Both have Linux support.)
I've read three of your Nothing To See Here posts and you've made some interesting points, I definitely disagree with some of them, but I've got to address your writing style before addressing your points on the game, for our sake and for yours.
Stop using the passive voice. The passive voice is the biggest hindrance to understanding in writing. You don't come across as educated and charming when it's clear that you can't make your point in a simple and concise way.
Stop using the third person in your sentences. E.g. One hopes for spells that would truly tip the balance of the battle. It's your opinion, so use the first person singular. Own it. I hope for spells...
Embrace reddit formatting like bolds and italics to make your points stand out.
I suggest you pick up Strunk & White's The Elements of Style for the best guide to writing well.
As for your points on the game:
I see your point about all magic sharing formulaic progression in skyrim, but I disagree about the building - block analogy. You can't actually craft spells in the game, unlike Morrowind or even in a bit in Oblivion - those were much more building-block-esque.
I'm also going to agree with you and say that destruction magic was made incredibly powerful in Skyrim. To the point where being a pure mage makes you practically invincible.
Nevertheless, you can play a pure mage without once using destruction and have an amazing game experience that feels far more magical. I tend to center the game around illusion magic and vampirism during those playthroughs. Summoning weapons or beasts as needed, using restoration etc. When you forego destruction you end up with a fully rounded mage that uses all schools. It feels much more magical that way.
I completely agree that spell creation should be brought back.
There are quests for master levels of each spell school, so I think you've already solved one of your own problems there.
>Fallout 76 is in fact an online survival RPG that’s heavily inspired by games like DayZ and Rust, according to three people familiar with the project.
If you can run SC2, I want to say you're good, but my gut reaction is no.
If you want to do a better test, there are services out there you can use that will scan your hardware and give an evaluation. I think I used this one before but you should always double check a site's credibility before allowing them to scan your system.
Best of luck, Oblivion is a solid game.
The latest FAQ they posted does not make this clear, it just talks about the paid for upgrade that includes ALL cc content. But yeah as someone else commented you get 4 (including fishing) for free.
I happen to have recently played the Saints & Seducers creation that is also one of the 4, and I really recommend it, especially if you’re a fan of Oblivion :)
First off that’s an amazing flag. Anyways a Colony in the future(after 4th Era 201) would be possible but a Colony in the 3rd era probably wouldn’t. However there was a Colony on Akavir in the 3rd era. Also I found a website that has a Atmora Colony. Not sure if it’s a lore wiki
The easiest solution is to install OpenMW.
I personally run the game on Windows 10 without OpenMW, but I also have the GOG version of the game.
You mentioned you have a physical copy, so are you trying to install from the CD or are you actually downloading it from somewhere?
I think that’s just saying fishing and a couple other creation club stuff is going to be free.
This page from Bethesda sounds like an upgrade will need to be purchased.
Only for PS5 and Xbox X|S users - everyone else looks like they'll need to purchase the upgrade.
"Skyrim Special Edition owners on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, as well as Xbox Game Pass subscribers on Xbox Series X|S will receive a free upgrade"
"Existing owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also receive the option to purchase an Anniversary Edition upgrade for their Special Edition version of the game to gain access to all the additional content found in the Anniversary Edition."
I mean... unless there are multiple versions of the Anniversary Edition coming out... it seems like just the new console SSE owners get it for free.
Maybe it's not like Pokemon Go, maybe it's like Hitman GO or Lara Croft GO:
There's an app in the Google Play Store called LifeRPG for this kind of thing. I've never used it myself though.
Ninja edit: more detail
Man i don't know what the hell will happen but the logical conclusion would be that it would cause alot of disturbance to the balance of the world, and who knows the dragonborn might take Molag Bals place.
And if you are really intressted in stuff like these check this mod:
After traversing the choppy seas to the bay and back, I have finally returned with the answers you seek.
The pirates in my circle recommend deluge for a client
There's the Elder Scrolls: Total War mod for Medieval Total War 2:
That's as close as we have as far as I know.
starting from 1990 they definitely follow a clear if gradual curve.
the 2.5 are battlespire and redguard
updated with quadratic and linear regression.
Creation Club and Mods are different and not available for ESO, they're only for Skyrim and Fallout 4.
Creation Club are paid mini DLC for Skyrim and Fallout 4. The mods are paid for.
You can also get free mods from (which is an external site for PC mods) and the 'mods' section on the Skyrim main menu screen.
The user CharredForrel is either confused or deliberately misleading you.
Openmw will run on almost anything. It doesn't support fancy graphics enhancers, but a few texture and animation mods should be enough for most people.
As for Oblivion, I'm not too sure. If you install Windows on your Mac you'd be able to run it fine, otherwise check out Oblivion is listed as supported
Not entirely though...
"Current and future owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on any platform including Xbox Game Pass Subscribers will receive access to three free pieces of Creation Club content: Fishing, Survival Mode and even new quests with Saints and Seducers. Additionally, Skyrim Special Edition owners on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, as well as Xbox Game Pass subscribers on Xbox Series X|S will receive a free upgrade to an enhanced version on November 11 for their respective PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S systems!"
"Existing owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also receive the option to purchase an Anniversary Edition upgrade for their Special Edition version of the game to gain access to all the additional content found in the Anniversary Edition."
A few CC Content packs....
We’re also excited to announce the most definitive version of Skyrim to date: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition. In addition to the three free Creation Club items mentioned above, this version contains the full game plus all three expansions and over 500 pieces of unique content from Creation Club, including pre-existing and new quests, dungeons, bosses, weapons, spells and more!
You can download both from the official Elder Scrolls Bethesda site:
Look into installing the Unity overhaul for Daggerfall, it basically remakes the entire game.
38 mods is a fairly reasonable number to work with. Your best bet would probably be to carefully note your active mods and the order in which you installed or activated them. Then forget about NMM and use Mod Organizer. With MO, you can have different mods active in different playthroughs. You can consider the installed mods as a pool of mods and for each profile you can have a different set of them active.
I'd recommend a clean install of Skyrim for all of this. There are many great resources for MO like Mod Organizer a Beginner's Guide [33:58]. Once you use MO, you'll never look back. Each character can have his or her own mod list easily and seamlessly. Nothing is installed, so your Data folder remains pristine. Enabling and disabling mods is as easy as checking and unchecking a box. If you need to adjust the order in which you installed your mods, there's no reason to reinstall Skyrim. Simply change the install order within MO.
I, too, would love all those things - in Hammerfell.
The problem with Elsweyr is that everyone is a cat. It'd be like if the majority constituency of the Rebellion and the Empire in a SW movie were Wookies and Ewoks.
There's an old game called Quest for Glory III set in the home of the "Liontaur" people. It's basically Egypt+African Savannahs/Jungle , and it works. But there's also tons of humans in the game - the Liontaurs are more like a ruling class, and in TES the 'home' province dominates the NPC spread, iirc ( so there's more Dunmer in MW. )
Oh for fuck's sake. Todd Howard literally said:
> And we actually have two other large projects we’re also doing that are bigger than anything we’ve done. People will probably hear about those probably even before Elder Scrolls VI. And that’ll make sense many years from now.
try that link for downloading the program and a link to download the java jdk to work it. If you have any problems get back to me :) this is a serious WIP alot of features arent available yet. You also need to run it in cmd as I havent found another way as of yet. If you have any problems get back to me :)
EDIT: Please feel free to report any bugs/problems you encounter :)
Base game only ($15):
Gold Edition (Base game + first 4 DLCs, incl. Thieves' Guild and Dark Brotherhood - $40):
Both are ZOS-approved resellers.
Also, customary plug for /r/elderscrollsonline. Watch the yellow bar at the top (assuming you have enabled subreddit styles) for info on sales/deals.
I dug around on the forum and it looks like it was voluntarily taken down by the creator. They don’t go into details, but I think it had to do with file size and the load it was putting on the server.
The mod is still available on the Daggerfall Unity section of ModDB:
According to Interkarma, the creator of Daggerfall Unity, he eventually wants to have all mods hosted off-site, either at ModDB or Nexus (or maybe both), so that might be a good link to periodically check.
If you use the scroll, it will summon a Fire Atronach, which will attack you. Next time try to Google it first.
OpenMW is a new engine for Morrowind. It fixes many bugs and improves the overall stability of Morrowind. It also raises the restriction on the number of mods you can use but not all original mods work with it.
The majority of mods for Morrowind are on Nexus Mods. You can use a Mod Organizer like MO2 to help with installing/organizing mods. You can also check out OpenMW which is a FOSS modern engine recreation for Morrowind.
Also, when you buy it from GOG, you truly own the game. I can not recommend GOG over Steam enough.
It took me a few ties to get into morrowind, but I ended up falling in love with it.
One big thing was using the graphics extender, or playing using OpenMW. I don't have an issue with the graphics being dated, but being stuck with a low FOV drove me crazy. I also had trouble being able to run in fullscreen 1920x1080 without the extender or OpenMW. Also set the use button to E and the jump button to SPACE. It's backwards by default on morrowind.
Learn how to get around: There isn't exactly a fast travel system like Oblivion or Skyrim. Morrowind does have a lot of ways to get around though. Silt striders and boats are the main way. I would also join the mage's guild just to get access to the mark/recall spell, a type of custom teleport, and the mage guild teleport network. You honestly won't miss fast travel much once you get used to Morrowind's transport network.
The combat system turns a lot of players off. The biggest complaint is the diceroll based hit system. It becomes much less of an issue once you level up enough to always land hits though. Weapons also have different styles of attacks (stab, slash, etc). You have to hold left/right or forward/back to use a certain style, and different weapons hit harder with different styles. There is an option to always use the best style for a given weapon, but this might be an OpenMW feature.
Quests take a bit more wandering and investigation than in later games. There isn't a quest marker, but directions are a lot better in Morrowind. You can view your quest log by pressing "J" clicking "OPTIONS" and clicking "QUESTS". If you have trouble, look up the quest on the UESP wiki.
Open-source free modern reimplementation of the original game engine, with modern improvements. You need a copy of Morrowind to run it but there are stable versions for Windows, Mac, Linux. It's already better than the original code.
“Current and future owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition on any platform including Xbox Game Pass Subscribers will receive access to three free pieces of Creation Club content: Fishing, Survival Mode and even new quests with Saints and Seducers. Additionally, Skyrim Special Edition owners on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S, as well as Xbox Game Pass subscribers on Xbox Series X|S will receive a free upgrade to an enhanced version on November 11 for their respective PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X | S systems!”
No it is not. You get 3 items from the CC if you have the Special Edition already. For everything else you gotta pay for an upgrade.
“Existing owners of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition and Xbox Game Pass subscribers will also receive the option to purchase an Anniversary Edition upgrade for their Special Edition version of the game to gain access to all the additional content found in the Anniversary Edition.” From
Well as far as I know Morrowind (ES III), Oblivion (ES IV), and Skyrim (ES V) are all in the microsoft store for Xbox, and I'm sure you can find them on the steam website or elderscrolls website as well if ur playing on PC. Also, the older games like Arena (ES I) & Daggerfall (ES II) (along with Redguard & Battlespire) I believe are available for free PC/MAC download at the official site right here.
Hope that helps and goodluck on ur journey!
It's only recently been released. I don't know if Reddit auto blocks links, but here is the link to the Amazon page for the cookbook. I hope you get it and try it out!
It also depends on when you signed up, as invites are going out in waves. But you should be able to get it at least downloaded now
You gotta ask whether they can do that or not in advance. Cuz most of the VPNs have the "we can do whatever we want with your info" clause in their terms of service. There are a few that don't (like ProtonVPN) and they advertise around that quite a bit. So should they be found to pitch your browser history to NSA, they'd get fucked quite a bit. Their competitors would just gather people with grudges against the firm, give 'em enough money for a class-action lawsuit and get them fucked over that particular issue.
With the damage to the case, I would say not much.
You can also get it on amazon for $30.
So I would say like $10? At most.
Here's the book on Amazon. Can confirm that the recipes are pretty tasty - I think my favorites are the salmon that OP pictured, and Skooma.
For anyone interested, you can buy them on Amazon
I got it, but beware it was just the pillow case (and also like half that price)
I ended up having to order a pillow for it and it came with 2.
I needed another pillow case so I bought this one:
I made an app that emulates the quest log system from Skyrim. I tried to make the styling as similar as possible by using the same fonts and sampling sounds from the game.
Google play store:
Apple app store:
It basically acts as a really satisfying to-do list. Will appreciate any feedback and feature requests.
There’s one. If you click the ‘Bethesda Soft works’ link it’ll show you others. They mainly seem to be game accompaniments rather than fiction based upon Lore.
I’m currently working on a teleplay script set in the world, not that that’s useful for you, because I believe that TES is a universe that can really be tapped for non-gaming content.
The current version, 4.9, can be downloaded from Mod DB, but you will need to install the hotfix file, too. Both can be found here:
This sounds like a rather ignorant response. Just because something appears one way to you, doesn't mean that's the way it is. is a well-regarded hosting site for indie games. All the links in her post lead to actual games.
Maybe you didn't read the same article I was reading, but she clearly says she was working tirelessly without pay. Maybe you've never been in that situation, but it's not exactly a time to sit back and twiddle your thumbs, and I don't know of many people who are more concerned with email etiquette than paying their bills.
Jason Schreier interviewed the leaker in 2014.
Starfield's trademark was originally filed in 2013, so at that point it would absoloutely would have been known about.
well i dont think that bethesda will leave TES 6 fans high and dry but i do think there is something going on at BGS since they have bethesda austin in austin texas they are making a new game called starfield and even todd howard wont tell his kid anything about tes 6 and here is the post and maybe they dont want to do the same game franchise over and over again
If on PC buy and install Morrowind. Then install OpenMW.
I'm still playing Morrowind like this. And if you don't have an actual gaming PC don't worry, most modern laptops can handle Morrowind with mods.
Here's OpenMW's website and here's Tamriel Rebuilt's website.
Some people scoff at using mods on a first playthrough, but I figure, whatever gets you to enjoy the game, it works. I would however, avoid getting the mods that make your attacks hit every time, as they fundamentally break the balance and systems of the game, giving weapon skills pretty much no purpose.
That kind of ties into my last tip: make sure you're setting up your skills properly and sticking to them. A difference of 25 in your spear skill makes a world of a difference in how enjoyable it is to use spears, for instance. Also, the game really isn't very enjoyable when you try to do things your character isn't good at, because they tend to fail repeatedly. When you do set it up well though, things can get really fun really quickly, because you can become a demigod pretty soon, jumping around at mach 2 and casting crippling spells of paralysis, not even letting the enemies try to kill you.
Yeah, you get the game itself from the official Elder Scrolls site. Download and install this DOS emulator (it's safe). Place the ARENA folder that you downloaded from the Elder Scrolls site directly into C:\DOSGames
Open up DOSBox, type in the following:
>mount c c:\
>cd dosgames/arena
Edit: Found a video, don't forget to change your cycles to something like 40,000. If you don't want to set the cycles to 40,000 every time you open up DOSBox, you can go into the file where you installed the DOS emulator and run the Windows Batch File called 'DOSBox 0.74 Options'. This will open up a text file that allows you to change the cycles.
Depends a lot on how much you care about graphics and feel. Skyrim feels better to play than the rest but oblivion is often seen as the best for its story and world setting.
Also where are you paying 60 dollars for Skyrim? I think it’s easier to find elsewhere.
Yeah, so Morrowind really is on another level of quirkiness/jank than Oblivion and Skyrim. That said you really should play it yourself. Put the difficulty slider all the way over to Easy and familiarise yourself with its rather irritating quirks (by modern standards), particularly:
I'd also suggest playing using OpenMW because it's more stable than the original engine and has some interesting new features.
Taken from their profile on the Wiki Entry I made for them on Tamriel: Elder Scrolls Amino (
Size: 9-13 meters tall, 15-20 meters long, nearly 30 tonnes.
Range: Innermost swamps of Argonia, very rarely anywhere else.
Danger Level: Extremely high, if you are foolish enough to hunt one alone, pray to the Gods your legs can outrun an Amua’th.
The Elder Scrolls Online - Volumes I & II: The Land & The Lore (Box Set): Tales of Tamriel that’s the link from Amazon!
TES III is not available for Xbox One.
I think you're confusing it with the Morrowind Update of ESO.
Ironically, it's simpler to play TES on Linux than Windows.
All I need to play all of them is to click a button on here, and then click Install on the program on my desktop.
Start a new character and actually role play. And by that I dont mean take off your armour when you swim, I mean play out your characters decisions. If that means turning down quests or leaving expensive loot behind then so be it. I did this in without mods on the xbox and got 1000s of extra hours. I liked the character so much I even started him on oblivion.
These two pages were fantastic resources
Link for the Redguard comic (at the top of the page, just under the title)
If you're looking for in-game books to read, I suggest the Mystery of Talara, Dusk falls on Sentinel, A Game at Dinner, the Poison Song, 2920 the Last Year of the First Era, Hallgerd's Tale and the Real Barenziah
try that link for downloading the program and a link to download the java jdk to work it. If you have any problems get back to me :) this is a serious WIP alot of features arent available yet. You also need to run it in cmd as I havent found another way as of yet. If you have any problems get back to me :)
EDIT: Please feel free to report any bugs/problems you encounter :)
There are multiple, not sure where to find all of them any more, there's one available here (You need a hacked PSP or an emulator), or you can see some of the dev history in this great youtube series.
Morrowind. If graphics are the problem (which I've never understood why) then check out MGE XE and the various other graphics mods an Nexus. Morrowind also still has a very active modding community and fanbase.
The great thing is that Morrowind is already getting a remastered engine made by fans, check out OpenMW if you haven't already. Oblivion isn't being remastered but there's always Skyblivion which isn't out yet mind you.
I would recommend it but be aware that its a completely different game compared to Skyrim/Oblivion. Its not a hard game in my opinion and the difficulty can be changed at any time if you are having trouble. Melee attacks are based on your Stamina so having low will mean you will have trouble hitting enemies. The game has a hotkey system with the 1-10 keys you can hotkey magic spells/weapons/picklocks to it. Besides that, I would recommend getting OpenMW its the only "mod" I have. Morrowind engine is really old and OpenMW is an open-source game engine recreation. It adds widescreen support and a FOV slider and basically makes the game way more stable.
You can get it from here
morrowind all the way. a lot of people think morrowind is so dated and old but it’s actually a masterpiece.
the most complained about things is that there’s not really voice acting, the combat sucks, and you move too slow. the second and third ones can be fixed just by leveling up. morrowind is the only elder scrolls game where a level 1 and max level character is completely different. at level 1 you will be failing to hit mud crabs and dying in minutes, at around 20+ you’ll be flying around the map at supersonic speeds one hitting everything.
and i think not having voice actors helps the game as well. you don’t have the problem of a million nords all have the exact same monotone voice, and there’s also waaaay more npc’s in morrowind than skyrim and oblivion combined.
but since morrowind is so old it sucks to play, but the perfect solution exits. it’s called openmw and makes the games engine on par with more modern titles. if you do decide to go morrowind, i would also recommend the patch for purists and dark brotherhood delayed
If you have trouble getting that game to run but want a vanilla experience you could try OpenMW ( MGSO ( is also good if you don’t go the OpenMW path.
Yes, and no - Skyrim has better character models and animations, and the modern combat system. You can mod OpenMW (or MW) with Better Bodies, Better Animations, Better Heads etc - or similar mods. You can install high-res textures, and OpenMW supports shaders etc.
I'm a fan not an expert and you'll get more detailed advice on /r/morrowind but see the OpenMW page for screenshots and videos.
tl;dr Modded Morrowind can look very modern.
Daggerfall and Arena are free to download on Bethesda's website.
I think you need a DOS emulator for both, if I'm not mistaken.
You can actually get it for free from Bethesda's website, try here! I'd also recommend Daggerfall Unity, as it runs on a more modern engine and supports mods. Daggerfall is definitely a very tough egg to crack, but it has some INSANELY impressive features, especially for when it came out.
I think you need the game but it's free off bethesda's website.
> But Morrowind's age and outdated mechanics can really throw you off.
If you think that, you should try The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall.
Or the first game - The Elder Scrolls: Arena.
The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall
You can download them through this links for free.
If you do decide to play the first 2, you can download them for free from Bethesda’s site
I think bethesda made arena and daggerfall available for download and they're available here and here
Idk if you need to set it up before playing tho (as in, downloading something that will let you play dos games) so I can't help you much with that, sorry
Of course you should know about this. But just in case: Also collector's edition. May be not as original as separate disc. But still. At least this one is available for sure :)
It works now, plus they changed it from a 24-hour deal to it being available until March 31st.
^((Source, the popup that shows at the bottom of this page:) <em>^(</em>^())
I was wondering who doesn't have Morrowind at this point, and I'd say most people who are aware of TES 25th anniversary, already have the game at this point. I dig the wallpaper though (get it here.
I just made a new account but it keeps rejecting its TES25TH-MORROWIND. It gives me "Invalid code. Please check the code and try entering it again. If you are attempting to redeem an ESO code please go to
Codes contain letters, numbers and dashes. Dashes must be included." :(
Yeah, I just made a new account to enter TES25TH-MORROWIND but it gives me "Invalid code. Please check the code and try entering it again. If you are attempting to redeem an ESO code please go to
Codes contain letters, numbers and dashes. Dashes must be included." :(
Yeah, TES25TH-MORROWIND gives me "Invalid code. Please check the code and try entering it again. If you are attempting to redeem an ESO code please go to
Codes contain letters, numbers and dashes. Dashes must be included." :(
Yeah, TES25TH-MORROWIND gives me "Invalid code. Please check the code and try entering it again. If you are attempting to redeem an ESO code please go to
Codes contain letters, numbers and dashes. Dashes must be included." :(
I just made a new account and tried to apply TES25TH-MORROWIND key to get this free game, but it kept saying "Invalid code. Please check the code and try entering it again. If you are attempting to redeem an ESO code please go to
Codes contain letters, numbers and dashes. Dashes must be included." :(