Your own website for purchasing the game still lists Full-Scale Wearable T-51 Power Armor Helmet with West Tek Canvas Carrying Bag under the Power Armour Edition. You just admitted that you cannot fulfill that order. How is that not false advertising?
I mean, alarm bells should have started going off around here
When they increased the time between events spawning, because people had too much to do, so obviously we needed less events
Didn't they said that this will be a thing in a past blog here?
> In addition, you will see articles each week that highlight new events, content, and features we’re excited to share. We look forward to growing Fallout 76 with you.
Nothing interesting this week. However it’s really awkward that the Photomode frame is sold for 150 except for July 4th when it’s free. Here’s hoping no one buys that with atoms.
These are all fantastic! Do you ever keep an eye out on the Around Appalachia articles? We do themes for each article that highlight awesome player photos! The black and white photo week is one of my favorites we've done!
They're removing Nuclear Winter in September, it's in the latest Inside The Vault
Important correction: We were blacklisted for posting that the game existed, NOT for posting spoilers. We actually got script pages that revealed the game's entire opening premise -- your spouse dying, your son getting kidnapped -- and chose not to include those because we didn't want to spoil people. You can see the article for yourself here:
Nope. Read the script, and realize that this article went live in 2013, two years before fallout 4 was announce.
wait so if he's been blacklisted...this article, that's has been spreading like wildfire 'confirming' F76 is an online RPG, should be taken with a grain of salt? orrr has he been let back in?
This is an issue that's currently planned to be addressed in patch 9.5 at the end of the month.
Apparently they "fixed" it to be this way. It was team+ global before the October 30th patch ( in PC).
Voice Chat:
* Fixed an issue that enabled players in the team voice channel to hear and be heard by players who were not part of their team.
This is a great list of ideas and round-up of feedback from other players!
Some notes on here,
- Server stability, along with game stability and performance, is some of our top priorities and we work hard to make improvements whenever possible. Please continue feedback with us on those aspects of the game and we will work to address it!
- We hear all the feedback on enemies and difficulty scaling. With new events like Arktos Pharma and Imposter Sheepsquatch, we hope to continue to deliver a variety of events in the future, some that are tuned for lower-level players, and others that are geared for players above level 50 so that players of all levels can enjoy new events. Keep an eye out for the new vaults opening that we showed off on our roadmap here.
- The QOL and CAMP suggestions are pretty on-par with what we see requested from players. Rest assured that while we work on the new content described in our roadmap that we also evaluate requests and feedback like this for the future. Keep those suggestions coming!
- On a side note for events, we are still evaluating different ways to address event timers for the map. Keep an eye out on our Known Issues and Feedback list here.
Thanks again for all the suggestions and comments. We continue to read the reddit and forum posts, and are excited to share with you what's coming at our E3 presentation on Sunday!
theres a future update that will address this
edit to add: legendary loot sharing & team xp sharing
FFS. They changed it to prevent quick failure. Stop posting FUD and read Bethesda's actual post:
>While we did not feel that Tea Time was overly difficult, it could end in failure too quickly at times. As a result, we’ve increased the health for two of the three pipes so that they match the sturdiest one.
>Additionally, Rad Ants and Ticks can no longer spawn during the event, and we’ve slightly increased the enemy spawn rate to keep up the action.
Source for the lazy:
On the FAQ's on Bethesda's website they have comfirmed that your progress will carry over from the B.E.T.A.
In light of this you could be seen as 'falling behind' but not necessarily 'missing out.' There has been no comment on B.E.T.A. exclusive rewards so far as I recall. Fallout 76 FAQ
Since we already know we can't change people, and some people are selfish...'s on Bethesda to make sure that game mechanics don't punish players who are thoughtful, and share when those selfish people show up to participate.
I will always shine a spotlight on Bethesda's responsibility to it's players. It's on them to make the game right by players. It's on them to pay attention to complaints, especially regarding game quality of life decisions.
The good news, is that Bethesda seems to have finally gotten around to addressing some of those complaints. In a recent Dev Dive they made it clear they would like to find more ways to address this exact problem. On December 8th we're getting an update, and included in that update are some quality of life changes that should help alleviate some of the frustration such as the kind OP is experiencing. We're getting area looting. And while they had planned to also add corpse highlighting, there seems to be a problem with the mechanic, and it's been delayed. Either way... it's a step in the right direction.
Bethesda has a long way to go to fix these issues still. I guess time will tell if players have the patience to wait and see.
Here's a fact, it was planned for Q4 in the 2020 road map:
There's where the lack of confidence would be fact based.
Was also updated. I found this funny though…
> A: You will also be able to earn S.C.O.R.E. regularly by gaining XP. Nuclear Winter Daily Challenges will also grant S.C.O.R.E. in addition to their other rewards. With future Seasons, we plan to grant S.C.O.R.E. through other methods as well, such as through new repeatable content.
Yes, The Burrows update will be available later today (16th April).
You can read more about the update on our article
They actually updated the website at 11am today!
They mention in the recent Inside the Vault that stability & bug fixes are a priority in next patch.
Yeah much better than it was! It was the Wild Appalachia update, the CAMP section has more details.
We'll have a couple of Vault-Tec themed bundles up on April 4th.
You can view the article on here for a preview and a full list of items included for both.
The latest Inside the Vault addressed this!
> Because players come into Events at various stages in time, another thing we’re talking about is how to provide you with a greater sense of the Event’s current status. We know it can be disheartening to spend your hard-earned Caps travelling to a location – only to discover upon arrival that the Event has already concluded. We’re still working through this to come up with a resolution.
The language used in the ITV two weeks ago was ambiguous for a reason and you got your hopes up and was let down by the hype you generated yourself.
It was only mentioned in their weekly newsletter. Very easy to miss. And on top of that, it's not Featured either, so I have a feeling a lot of players will wind up missing it anyway.
"The Atomic Shop was founded to give you as much choice and variety in how you want to customize and celebrate your adventures. It doesn’t offer anything with a competitive advantage, and more so, it aims to bring joy not just to you, but the other dwellers around you." From here:
Just wanted to point out the actual page that documents their hypocrisy. I don't think any argument needs to be made other than "you told us you wouldn't do this." This will cause me to lose trust in Bethesda just as things were looking up.
Have you read the upcoming patch notes? I'm impressed with them myself. Its not just the standard what to expect, its the way they word it.
>Stash Limit Increase – We hear you loud and clear. We will be increasing the stash limit in the coming weeks. The current limit is there for technical reasons, to cap the number of items the game is tracking in the world, including every container and stash. We believe we have some ideas in both the short- and long-term that will address the size without risking stability, but this is one we need to take our time on to make sure it is done right.
I really admire the way they worded this roadmap for the end of the year. It says what they are for sure going to work on, why they didnt get a chance to implement it, and (For stash size) they arent sure how to approach it but they have some idea for both immediate satisfaction and long term fix for us.
Not to mention that their 4 points for the rest of the year hit the nail on the head for what people have asked for. Push to talk for PC, Ultrawide resoultion support, and the FOV slider. Yes they are listening, but they are also already giving us their word that what we are asking for is being worked on.
Straight from the FAQ (
Q: What platforms will the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A. be available?
A; Both the B.E.T.A. and the game will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and on PC (via only). Stay tuned for exact B.E.T.A. timing for each platform here and @Fallout on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Please note that the B.E.T.A. for Xbox One will begin first, followed by other platforms.
> no word from Bethesda on what they're planning […] apart from the one post of things they said they'd fix in the beta is from after the B.E.T.A. and has a couple of things they're planning to do "in the coming weeks" and "soon" respectively.
They also write in this post that: > In addition to constantly making fixes and changes, there will be new content and game systems that add to the life and experiences in Appalachia. We’ll see new Vaults opening, new ways to easily improve your C.A.M.P.s, ways to create, team-up, and faction-based PvP, and many more free add-ons we haven’t talked about yet.
Another person who didnt read their inside the vault.
Go read it.
Are you on mobile? If so, you just need to tap the "Categories" button up top.
Also, if you're on Android - it might be easier to use the app:
They moved it to next week as mentioned in their latest Inside the Vault article
>Lol wow you couldn't be more wrong. Fuck me for expecting the features of a trial in a trial while they cut the 6th major content thing they added to the game.
Ouch. Absolutely no mention of 1st items on the scoreboard or even access to private worlds. You might want to rethink who is wrong here.
Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
I got a kicked from a server for maintenance. anyone else having this problem?
Seriously would it be bad I just posted every half hour on this sub to clear up any dumb questions.
Please, if you can show me a direct quote from any Bethesda employee saying the Atomic Shop would be "cosmetic-only", I will gladly eat my hat.
This is from the April 23 patch notes:
"When we originally announced the Atomic Shop last year, we said that it will not provide anything that offers a competitive advantage. We remain committed to that statement and take it into account when we evaluate every new item that we bring to the Shop, both now and in the future. While Repair Kits do offer a way to fix an item in the field, we feel you will find that they are a convenient option you can utilize during your adventures. If we find that Repair Kits do offer any sort of competitive advantage once they are available, we will make any changes necessary to ensure that advantage is removed."
Repair kits give you no tactical advantage whatsoever. Yes, that's a completely arguable, subjective opinion. They may even be blatantly testing the limits of fairness, but let's at least be fair with the facts, ourselves.
Every week they post on Fallout's website a list with all the offers for that following week, including the daily sales.
This one is for this week:
They do this every week, so tomorrow's Atomic Shop update will come with the usual article (usually takes them an hour or so to post it, so don't panic if you can't find the article immediately after the update :P).
Not to be that guy but I haven't many people mention it, the symbol on the chest and shoulders are the symbol for chemical warfare, one of the scariest weapons of the 20th century
A google search led me to this article:
It's not loading yet though, and this doesn't look like anything else they posted (the first roadmap was called 100 day roadmap or something). Can this be today's article not yet released?
Other than this being a bullshit response to this, you guys are still misrepresenting it as canvas..on YOUR site.
Pure bait and switch/false advertising.
Go here:
Change the version drop down to Power Armor edition. Right now it says canvas bag and shows a canvas bag.
Not only did you screw everyone who ordered it, you are still screwing people who would be stupid enough to order this cluster of a game.
I too would expect this to be the case, as he wasn't really speaking enigmatically in his article about the stream pre-teaser: "this is a new game, one that takes the series in a brand new direction. We’re expecting to see more tomorrow." That's not too enigmatic, and in fact, quite a bold statement whilst still not completely divulging the specifics.
P.S. when he says "this is a new game", that is relative to suggestions of it being a Fallout 3 remaster or New Vegas spin off so it's not just a blanket statement, it's simply relative in case you hadn't read this article earlier:
They released an updated roadmap in the May 20th ITV, saying that it what because the Mole Miners were “more elusive than usual.”
I think you’re rewriting history a little bit there. If that was the reason, they never said that
A: You will automatically receive B.E.T.A. access on the Xbox One Store, PlayStation Store, or eShop account that you pre-ordered with when the B.E.T.A. launches. Stay tuned for exact details here and on our official social channels.
Australia is getting it at 12 AM local time on the 14th. While Singapore, Japan and Taiwan are getting it at 12 am local time on the <em>15th.</em>
Australia is getting the game first while Japan, Sinagpore and Taiwan are getting it at least 24 hours after them despite being the closest together geographically.
Is it the 9th? I have seen posts that say the 8th but also the calendar has the 7th as the start of the new event which is coming with the update.
Most recent Official post is the 8th in last weeks ITV
There's a picture of the local looting interface in their latest Inside the Vault
Here it is from the official site:
>Whether you occasionally dabbled in Nuclear Winter, or fought your waythrough thousands of matches, we want to ensure that your efforts thereare properly rewarded. When Nuclear Winter goes offline, we’re going tofill your characters’ pockets with Perk Coins, which can be used toupgrade your Legendary Perks in Adventure Mode. Each character willreceive 6 Perk Coins per Overseer Rank they achieved, up to a maximum of600, as well as 1 Perk Coin for each Overseer Ticket they earned, up toa max of 200. All players who completed at least one Nuclear Wintermatch will also receive a Nuclear Winter themed Pennant for theirC.A.M.P.s.
It's not really clear what their system will see as "earned". I'm guessing all awarded (spent or unspent). Not sure if they have to be 'opened' in the menu or not though.
Event End: 12:00 p.m. ET on Monday, July 26
We’re supposed to be getting pets with the winter update, “tales from the stars”. They’re adding dogs first, with cats and “more” to be coming later.
Edit: roadmap here talking about pets on the winter update:
The AMA listed in that page is over now, but this post: specifically mentions the dog thing
Aristocrat’s (New): Damage increases as caps increase. Maximum +50% damage at 29,000 caps.
"Further, managing the items you want to sell has never been easier, because your Vending Machines will now feature a large pool of item slots that are shared for every instance, across all your C.A.M.P.s. Display Cases will be separate per C.A.M.P., allowing you to showcase different items at each one."
The hotfix notes may be found here as well:
May 16 the Legendary Vendor will be taking the scrips. Check out this link for more information:
How do I put this gently...
Juice is an idiot.
Here is the roadmap. Note that Player vending has been moved to begining of May rather than tomorrow due to technical difficulties. We will still receive shear terror and some other things tomorrow however.
Hope you find what you needed, glad I could save you the 60 seconds needed to google it yourself :)
They changed this. Per the January 10th, 2019 patch notes fusion core generators now produce 8 cores an hour.
> only Two Shot is being nerfed
That is incorrect. They change their notes to reflect that both will e nerfed.
> Stash Limit Increase – We hear you loud and clear. We will be increasing the stash limit in the coming weeks. The current limit is there for technical reasons, to cap the number of items the game is tracking in the world, including every container and stash. We believe we have some ideas in both the short- and long-term that will address the size without risking stability, but this is one we need to take our time on to make sure it is done right.
> The B.E.T.A. is the full game. Our current plan is for your progress to carry over once Fallout 76 officially launches on November 14. Stay tuned for more information.
>A: You will automatically receive B.E.T.A. access on the Xbox One Store, PlayStation Store, or eShop account that you pre-ordered with when the B.E.T.A. launches. Stay tuned for exact details here and on our official social channels.
I'm going to piggyback off your comment to post this that is on the Bethesda FAQ for F076:
Q: Why didn't I receive a code for the Fallout 76 B.E.T.A when I pre-purchased it?
Updated 06/14/2018 05:23 PM
A: B.E.T.A. redemption codes will either be provided directly on your pre-purchase receipt or via your pre-purchase email confirmation from a participating retailer (visit to see the recommended participating retailers for your region). Please contact your retailer's customer service directly with proof of pre-purchased to retrieve your code!
Please note: If you pre-purchased a digital version from the Microsoft Store, PlayStation Store or Digital Store, you will automatically receive B.E.T.A. access on the Xbox One, PlayStation, or account that you pre-purchased with when the B.E.T.A. launches. You will not recieve a code.
North American participating retailers are:
Best Buy
EB Games
Best Buy Canada
Walmart Canada
Xbox Store (Microsoft)
Playstation Store (Sony) (operated by Development Plus, Inc.) Digital Store
Participating Retailers outside North America are:
EB Games
Game Mania
El Corte Ingles
Xbox Store (Microsoft)
Playstation Store (Sony)
BT Games
Media Markt
ShopTo (Operated by Game-Legends, a division of Gaya Entertainment GmbH) Digital Store
If you have not yet pre-purchased Fallout 76, be sure to check out for our recommended retailers in your region.
If you're referring to in-game public events like Campfire Tales, Guided Meditation, Lode Baring, etc., no, there is no schedule. They are completely random. Once a given public event ends, a random new public event will start a random time later.
If you're talking about seasonal and game events like Bonus Challenge Weeks, Double SCORE Weekends, Holiday Scorched, etc., those are published on the Community Calendar, which is normally accessible on the bottom of the Fallout 76 Seasons page.
Next double XP event should be next week.
Right there on the calendar. I've got a suspicion that it's also in the news page when you log on and in the top right corner of the main menu
Looks like MODUS had a malfunction and turned on Gold rush, Caps a Plenty, AND Scrip Surplus.
I mean, is the point of all these daily offers, to log on daily. But you don't need to log on every day to see if there's something new, you can just check their weekly Atomic Shop article and if there is a daily offer that interests you mark that date on the calendar so you don't miss it.
Upcoming Events Calendar
OCTOBER - 1-5: Double SCORE Weekend - 13: Patch 23 Release - 15-19: Treasure Hunter Weekend - 22-26: Bombs Drop Event - 23: Bombs Drop Day
NOVEMBER - 5-9: Treasure Hunter Weekend - 10-16: Bonus Challenge Week - 14: Fallout 76 Official Release 2nd Anniversary - 17-23: Double Score Week - 26-30: Treasure Hunter Event
DECEMBER - 10-14: Double XP Weekend - 17-31: Holiday Scorched Event - 24-28: Purveyor Sale (25% Off)
That guy Steve looks like one of those picture of a soldier that went through hell. Can you imagine working on F76 and reading the general beth evil F76 dumpsterfire comments, even on here where the fans are.
Edit: from the vid in the post: Fallout 76: Inside the vault – Daily ops preview
There are improvements coming, though they don't go far enough!
They're trying too hard to be true to the established interfaces of computers in the Fallout universe and it's truly debilitating. Just let us enter a frigging number!
The team is still currently working on a fix for the 'no star' unintentially-labelled Legendary enemies - it wasn't part of the latest hotfix.
Please see the notes for the hotfix below for more details:
Hi! Yes, as others have mentioned, we've just brought the game offline to start hotfix maintenance. The notes for today's update are also available here.
You can also keep an eye on our forum post here where we'll update you as soon as Fallout 76 is back online.
At the end of the month, everyone will be able to spend some good old quality time with this elusive boy! (Link)
If you are not in a hurry (to spend huge amounts of caps or trade expensive items to get it), there will be a survival weekly reward coming in 3 weeks that you might like..
“Unstoppable Monster” — Legendary Deathclaw Gauntlet
They have started a posting on their blog recently that showcases all new items in the Atom store and in this post there is a section for sale items that will be available for that week. I have only found this recently myself as I used to think the same way - it was hard to keep up with things and then I would miss my chance.
Here is the post from last week - ATOMIC SHOP: PATCH 8.5 ITEMS AND SALES (UPDATED APRIL 30)
And I am sure they will post one tomorrow for next week. I hope this helps!
just appear,
>A: You will automatically receive B.E.T.A. access on the Xbox One Store, PlayStation Store, or eShop account that you pre-ordered with when the B.E.T.A. launches. Stay tuned for exact details here and on our official social channels.
You are supposed to do both.
> If you’ve got a sweet tooth, the Mystery Candy you’ll get from Spooky Scorched may seem enticing in the moment—especially because eating it will grant you with one of five random special buffs.
There are supposed to be 5 random buffs.
They said that they won't be offering cosmetic scoreboard exclusives via atomic shop, bullion, etc, at the time being. It's on their website for the seasons. However, they may change their mind at any point and start selling old rewards for $$
wrong. check
atm it's the Junkyard Power Armor Paint
Nothing in this article says that it is the foundation for mod support.
They fake you out by saying "Our modding community has been an enormous part of our games for over 20 years, and it’s always been our long-term goal with Fallout 76 to give you your own servers to customize for yourself and your friends."
Then it says "Utilizing a wide list of customizable settings" and "this list of customization options will continue to expand." Then they say "We’re committed to bringing even more customizable options and ways to play to Fallout Worlds."
Fallout Worlds is not mods, and their wording makes it sound like it never will be.
Its not "your server" ie running locally or only you can use it.
Its just a private server, so when you leave for some time, it gets reset and given to the next 1st user that enters a private.
You might want to check out this link about the coming Fallout worlds, might be more your cup of tea.
>Caps: The max cap limit has been increased from 30,000 to 40,000.
>Gold Bullion: The daily vendor cap has been increased from 200 to 400. Additionally, the max player cap for Gold Bullion has been increased from 5,000 to 10,000.
>Scrip: The daily vendor cap has been increased from 150 to 300. Additionally, the max player cap for Scrip has been increased from 1,000 to 5,000.
It's not just scrip. Forgot to mention about hoarding treasury notes too.
I haven got it but there is a good video on Bethesda site showing it off. About halfway down the page Titled Atomic Shop 25 May update.
Also, this is a feature Bethesda suggested before any player asked for it:
"Private worlds will continue to evolve with new features such as expanded building areas, increased C.A.M.P. budgets and Workshop persistence. "
I just hit level 100 on The Legendary Run yesterday and I'm completely burnt out. I'm not even going to use 95% of the stuff I unlocked, either.
I saw the rewards for this upcoming season, and I'm not even going to attempt to put in the effort I put in to The Legendary Run. It's just not worth it.
edit: Added link
No, they clearly said: "It may take a few days for yours to show up, but you should see it in your account by the end of April." Meaning, they don't have a set date.
Yes they did it's in the patch notes.
Events: Fertile Soil now triggers in a smaller area and is confined to the Vault-Tec Agricultural Research Center.
Hi! Patch 10.5, which we're releasing today, has a lot of stability fixes and should help reduce cases of server crashes and disconnects. Give it another go after maintenance is over and let us know if the new patch helps to ease some of these issues.
I only know of the double xp weekend that starts on the 20th, but Wastelanders is set to arrive in fall of 2019.
That is so cool - you should submit it for the next edition of Around Appalachia