Just chipping in to say that I actually PRINTED the script to Final Fantasy Tactics. That's how fucking good it is. The thing is, the plot is so complex that you lose track of it in the amazing mechanics of the game. I didn't get all its beauty and depth until I sat down and read the script from beginning to end.
Wont you join me on a search for the "Truth"? Here it is: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/197339-final-fantasy-tactics/faqs/14169 Go on, click it. You know you want to.
What you're referring to is the unique system in DW1 in which your name determines your stat progression. This here is a guide as to how it works.
There are plenty, and they are all pretty much awesome.
Let me just start you with few new ones : Shadowrun: Returns (and must have expansion Dragonfall) , Divinity: Original Sin (early access) and soon to be released Wasteland
Old classics: Fallout 1,2 , Archanum , Temple of Elemental evil (most accurate D&D 3rd ed conversion)
Than we have indie : Anything from Spiderweb Software
Than if we go to realm of pause turn based , we have so many Bioware gems : Baldurs Gate 1,2 Icewind Dale 1,2 Neverwinter Nights 1,2 Dragon Age ...
The list goes on. And all above mentioned games are true gems.
And, one more mention. If you want pure tactic - turn based with no much of story waste of time Take a look at X-Com.
And my warm recomendation online rpg gem : http://www.cardhunter.com/
I play this on and off, currently working my way through the 3rd story arc and the dreaded Rune Prana dungeon.
I'm always surprised that it doesn't have a huge following compared to something like Animal Crossing or Harvest Moon. It's an unequivocal improvement on both of them as far as I'm concerned.
My only complaint is that the intricacies of crafting are far, far deeper than the game implies on the surface, and there is little to no method for discovery of many of the crafting mechanics. They are also somewhat arbitrary and don't always make much sense. From items with very important hidden effects, to enormous stacking bonuses for upgrading using particular types of items (which ultimately renders the actual listed upgrade effects on most items totally irrelevant, since it is by far preferable to focus on unlocking the bonus instead) it's kind of a byzantine maze of hidden mechanics that is fun to figure out at first but ends up feeling unbalanced, and even somewhat inflexible.
Here's a good guide to all aspects of the game with many individual tips. There are definitely some spoilers there, but my problem is I don't see how you can possibly figure some of these things out without spoilers. So it's up to you whether you want to look at that or not.
Oh god you're in for something special if you can handle it. Start with planescape if you want to focus on story and slowly get a hold on the gameplay. Baldur's Gate is the holy grail of the era, and the first one is admittedly harder than the second (until the expansion in my opinion).
This link is to a newer guide designed for the enhanced edition, but there's no difference aside from a few quirks to how to play the game. You want lower numbers for armor class, and better rolls for your weapon. just think about it 1d4 < 1d6 < 2d3 if you all have the same amount to hit. Rearranging those into numbers... 1-4 dmg < 1-6 dmg < 2-6 dmg. It sort of builds from there but the logic is consistent. All the modifiers are straightforward if you take the time to read. Magic is a good deal more abstract, but understanding how it works is honestly pretty fun, since magic is difficult to use well, but insanely powerful if you do.
After taking a quick look at how the game works just go ahead and play it. Oh yea and remember to quick save often! Sometimes you might want to reload and approach a conversation a different way or try and make it through that fight saving a spell or not letting someone die.
Grim Dawn, by far.
I ove that the game has a normal pace, it's not as fast as D3 or POE. When i watch gameplay videos of those games, I can't differentiate anything on the screen, I just see colors flashing. In Grim Dawn I can actually discern what the character is doing and what the enemies are doing. That's great.
Story and atmosphere. Grim Dawn has, relative to action RPG stadards, fatastic story and worldbuilding. It's heavily influenced by Lovecraftian horror imagery (C'hthon instead of C'htulhu, e.g.), and the story is pretty interesting, with interesting NPCs.
Items. Probably the best part of the game. There is a huge number of unique items, with unique art and a large number of stats. There is also a staggering amount of possible combinations of stats for magic and rare items, and the tweaking your gear constantly is very fun.
And the dev team is pretty cool. They often ask for feedback from the comuniyt, and often listen to it. There was an issue with the lighting after one patch last year, and they released a hotfix on Christmas Eve 2016, so people could play the game properly during the holidays. They often do dev streams, where they chat with players and play their own game /and suck at it). Also, this: https://kotaku.com/dad-immortalized-in-his-favorite-game-by-grieving-son-1748576006
Beat me to it. Happy Cakeday btw.
It's like you are describing OP but it has some Metroidvania aspects as well as a FF9 like system where you learn skills by equipping items and gaining jp as you use them.
I've rarely seen it mentioned and that is a shame because it's pretty darn good and all I've been playing lately. $15 on GOG.com and Steam.
Front Missions has some really good games in the series. A few of them are harder than FFT IMO.
Jeanne d'Arc for PSP was another title I really enjoyed.
Shining Force one was the first game that got me into the tactical style of RPG's.
Vanguard Bandits for PS1 is pretty sweet but very challenging halfway through.
Disgaea 1 for PS2 was really fun and had a good storyline. I never played any passed that because the story seemed to repeat itself with the same jokes.
Edit: Adding this here Top 50 Tactical/Stratedgy RPG's
/r/Buriedbornes is my current timesink, a roguelike with optional PVP and interesting progressive build system. It's from a Japanese developer and any translations are crowdsourced but it's still highly enjoyable.
Used to play Dweller a lot, also a roguelike.
Lots of fun with Knights of Pen and Paper and its sequel. It's just the right amount of balance between meta and fantasy. More turn-based and strategic with a linear story framework.
Pixel Dungeon and its variants. I play the original. It's, yes, a challenging roguelike.
Game is an absolute blast. Here's the Kongregate link:
It's fun, it's pretty long (for a flash game, probably 15ish hours), and it's deeper and WAY more fun than a lot of full price RPG's I've played in the last several years.
This google document has a list of all of the game's NPCs as well as their locations. No picture maps or anything, but it's pretty thorough. It also has a bunch of other information. Be careful of spoilers if you decide to make use of it.
Max wisdom, dear god max wisdom. Doesn't matter what class you're playing as. Max wisdom. The game more or less expects you to have, by the end of the game, very high levels of various stats (23-25 points in a stat is not unheard of).
YMMV -- I'm super bad at making builds and whatnot, so I enjoyed this beginner's guide. It has some spoilers in it, but generally marks them beforehand. Be aware if you use it.
Also, though you can specialize in any one class, you eventually are able to flip between thief/fighter/mage on the fly, so you're not 100% locked in if you find a class not to your liking.
If you honestly want some help on missable items, I'd pull up this guide to where Stellazio coins are located. The guide lists them in order of when you can get them so if you want to avoid spoilers then just look at the next image in line, but don't worry about anything being spoiled there. I can vouch after my 40-hour playthrough that those images don't spoil much.
(except one image there near the bottom of the list, but you can avoid that spoiler by not reading the text surrounding the images)
Otherwise you might want to pull up a gamefaqs guide on card locations which you can handily scroll through in order of when you get them in-game.
Have fun!
Do you want the longest rpg with a single play through, or an rpg with choices that create a different story on subsequent play through.(i.e. Mass Effect)
Skyrim you can literally play forever, gameplay wise, with random new dungeons spawning often.
Mass effect 2 took about 120 for me to finish all the story lines.
RPG's were longer back in the psone/ps2 days.
Howlongtobeat.com has some nice info about this stuff.
Metacritic rating for this game
Also, get the official and unofficial patches here. The unofficial patch is basically necessary if you want to avoid the numerous bugs left unfixed by Troika before they folded.
Hi everyone,
For this week Lost Soldiers is hoping to break 1k download and release our new bi-weekly chapter this week.
We are now on Chapter 3. Which introduces our heroes to pirate cove which they’ll need to rescue their friends Pop and Darius in. Pirate Cove first feature is the Puzzle Pirate, which require the player to solve a drop platforming puzzle and a puzzle chest in order to get to the next level. If anyone has anymore puzzle Idea I would love to hear them. Chapter 3 is plan for Sunday and can be play free on Google Play with no ads or IAP:
We are a single player action JRPG on the mobile, similar to Genshin Impact but more RPG and story focus. If you have time please check us out.
iOS and Android*
>In celebration of its release, the game will be available starting today for a discounted price of $16.99, and will then be priced at $20.99 starting on February 21st. The game can be downloaded from the App Store (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/final-fantasy-ix/id1041260001?l=ja&ls=1&mt=8) and Google Play (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.square_enix.FFIXww.android_googleplay).
The highly awaited Fallout New Vegas total conversion mod, Fallout: New California was released yesterday after 7 years in development and I've been having a blast so far.
Games used to come with Instructions.
If you can't figure out how to change the AI settings, you'd reference the manual. In your case, it's as simple as going to GameFAQs or any other number of helpful websites.
Just a forewarn, Severance isn't really a ton like Gothic. I do agree with his recommendation in the general sense to play it because it's absolutely awesome (if not a bit confusing sometimes). It's not quite as World driven as Gothic, not nearly as many NPCs to interact with aside from stabbing them, and has far fewer RPG elements going on. Lots of focus on combat which is done really well and you get to choose from a handful of characters to play as, all with varying styles of combat and a different background. Also, the multiplayer arena was actually a helluva lot of fun.
All that being said, it's Abandon ware!
Gog used to have it I believe, but it was pulled at some point and disappeared otherwise. I can confirm the above link works. Be sure to get the patch file as well
DC Universe Online just went free to play. Also I know it isn't an MMO but League of Legends is pretty fun and sorta RPG-like that is free to play. You might also check out Spiral Knights on Steam if you have it since it is also free.
Cardhunter took up a lot of my time when it first came out. It's been expanding ever since from what I can tell, worth checking out. Though in my experience it had a very short rpg-story and ended up being a lot of multiplayer and trying different combat styles; slowing, cold spells mage + high damage, low defense warrior + moderate damage, fast-moving healer vs teleport, traps mage (the floor is lava, literally) + fast-moving, dodging, spear(2+ range) warrior + close range, spear healer.
Here's an incremental RPG that you might enjoy called A Dark Room. I lost almost a whole day to it. Not much re-playability per se, but still a fun game nonetheless.
P.S. I reccomend using the 'lights off' version.
Going to be a jerk and say that Bootcamp is a great RPG on a mac. You play the role of a windows user with the ability to play any PC game you'd like.
In all seriousness though you're best setting up bootcamp and running PC games though windows.
ShadowRun is really good if your a fan of XCOM style graphics and such. Story is a bit short but gameplay is solid.
Edit: Also a good list, not in any particular order LINK
Hey guys. Check out Inflation RPG. It's got a unique style of gameplay and has very good replay value (short games). I had a lot of fun with this game for a while, you can play quick games at a time, so you can be on and off with it, great for mobile.
I had to stop playing Awesomenauts last night because I couldn't stand listening to "Cowboy Chris Rock" anymore: http://www.gamespot.com/awesomenauts/videos/awesomenauts-sheriff-lonestar-trailer-6326082/
Legend of Mana's "Tempering" is very very fun to tinker with :) There's very little information about it in-game, but when you explore it (esp. with this), it's really fun.
I have never been so fascinated by an equipment customization system since this game.
As far as RPGs on PCs go, recently I've really been enjoying Planescape: Torment - you can get it on GOG.com, along with loads of other excellent CRPGs! If you want something more up to date, Cthulhu Saves The World is great fun, and extremely cheap - you can get it on Steam for less than £2/$3.
If you live in Europe, I highly recommend picking up Xenoblade Chronicles for the Wii - easily one of the best JRPGs I've ever played. Although it isn't out for another week, The Last Story is also supposed to be superb - for the time being though, it's also limited to Europe.
If you don't mind waiting a while (and are ok with things being old-school), a game called 'Legend of Grimrock' (http://www.grimrock.net/) is coming out fairly soon for PC.
As far as handhelds go, I'm not sure how either compares for RPG quality, but I've really enjoyed using my brother's 3DS so far - the Vita is only just out, but apparently it's getting a port of Persona 4 soon (the console version, incidentally, being another of my personal favourites).
...sorry for the wall of text! Hope you find something you enjoy - all things considering, there is a pretty good selection available.
Baldur's Gate. A new enhanced edition comes out in about a week so now is the perfect time to play it if you haven't already.
http://baldursgate.com for the site, but it's down right now due to the Godaddy issues I think.
Cool, I'll be sure to add Deus Ex to my wish list. I've heard about it before but never really looked into it. Your comparison of ME vs ME2 has me really excited for the second one. I'm trying to do quite a few side-quests in ME since I heard that the save-game carries over and changes ME2 in different ways, so I'd say at the pace I'm going it should be at least another week or two before I finish this one (assuming nothing happens where I don't play it for a month or something LOL).
I did check the spec's for ME2 and am worried that my PC won't be able to handle it as well. I went to that systemrequirementslab.com website and although I can play ME with everything maxed out (at 1280x1024) and it runs fine the website says I'm above minimum but below recommended for ME2 & ME3. I hope that doesn't make too much difference, because this one looks fantastic.
Also yeah, your fast edit pretty much sums things up. I didn't consciously "give up gaming" at any point, I just re-prioritized my life a little and something had to take a hit. The fact that the only console I own is a Wii and my PC isn't really geared for gaming hasn't helped, but this series is really showing me how much things have changed since I last sat down to play a game from beginning to end. Might be an excuse to invest in some new gear sometime in the future :).
If you'd rather answer anonymously, the survey is here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NV8VQNM
Sorry in advance if this breaks any self-promotion rules... I was just really hoping for this subreddit's feedback!
I haven't played it yet but if someone manages to convince then know that Amazon is selling it plus both expansions for $15. https://www.amazon.com/Obsidian-Pillars-Eternity-Complete-Download/dp/B075SP5VXJ
Hey, thanks. Well the latest updated version is on google play
Right now is a paid app but if people want it I can make it free for some time so that people can download it.
I have never imagined that my life will look like this.
When I was working on Mighty Mage a few months ago, I was worried if anyone will notice it at all!
It's crazy how much support for my work this community has shown and you guys deserve some extra love from me.
With the success came new responsibilities, but I wouldn't change a thing. It feels weird to say that but I am now a game developer. It's no longer just a hobby. I am working hard on expansion updates. I want to release a few of them before I move on to making my new game.
You are part of this success, so as a "thank you" I am giving out promo codes.
Comment and specify that you'd like one, and I will send you a promo code through message, with instructions of how to redeem it!
There's a limited amount of codes (Google Play's limitations) but I am sure it will still be plenty.
Games are a series of interesting decisions - Sid Meier
In terms of combat, based on your description so far you could replace all of the "combat" with standard 2d fighting game segments or minigames.
I forget the current spectrum of available tools for visual novels or if they have hooks for either programming your combat or already have that baked in, I'm referring to things like Visual Novel maker
If you're looking to examine some games with RPG gameplay with dating hooks... Azure Dreams and.... Thousand Arms. Both are PSX rpgs and you'll probably need to emulate them, if you emulate them do obtain a legit copy of the game first for legal reasons
There was a kickstarter that people were saying something like that about. Celestian Tales: Old North
If you're interested in an IGN review from several years ago, check this one out. But honestly, it's just an all-around fun game. I've finished the game probably half a dozen times in the past decade, and I don't remember ever grinding too too much. Here are some standout aspects, though:
The plot. Cannot get enough of it. On the surface, it follows the RPG formula of going to new areas, killing new monsters, and gaining levels and abilities, but you never forget what the story is, and at times it's pretty intense.
The battle system. Or, more specifically, the macros system (it's explained a bit in the link above). Basically, you can pre-set certain skills to combine during battle into a stronger combo attack. Pretty great stuff.
The music. Oh man, the music!
The characters. You get different vehicles and eventually you can fly to a few other planets, and the characters you meet are different enough from each other that you believe their heritages. Raja is my flair on this subreddit, btw.
The graphics. I guess I actually mean the style here, but there's some awesome stuff to see.
The side quests. You can start doing guild missions at a certain point in the game, and more and more unlock as you complete them and progress in the game. Pretty cool stuff.
The replay value. 'Nuff said :p
Anyway, I'd definitely suggest giving it a try, especially since it comes on the Sega collection (like I said earlier), which has a ton of other awesome games on it. Great value!
If you play it, let me know what you think!
there should be one on gamefaqs and there is this google doc full of sidequests someone else posted. The link is here, hope this helps, its helping me so far. https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0ARRHUgO6_FEhZGpjNDV4Nl81Z3d2NW52Yzk&hl=en&pli=1
Combat is quite similiar. Pausing for spells and movement+tactics etc. There is no taunting for tanks or high threat skills to force tanking. Combat mechanics are fairly simple. I found a link that explains the rules.
Also there is no mana/stamina for spells/skills. There is daily limit how many times you can cast them and resting resets that.
Yea, this link is broken. However there is a bunch of classic arcade games on the Internet Archive website. Here's a link.
It's not 900, but there are loads of awesome classic arcade games on there. Browser supported and even gamepad support.
I'm not a big fan of masters either, I liked the fusing in BOF2. Anyway this game is honestly nowhere near hard enough to require optimal use of masters so don't worry about that. As well, you can make up for lost stats pretty easily by playing the fishing game. You don't meet many in the early game, the only one I can remember that's easy to miss is Stoll, you have to go back into the Hideout area after completing it to get him.
A few words of advice - There are some masters that have odd requirements if you want to get them right away. This faq has the exact requirements, but some of the odder ones are: One checks your total amount of unique items (so don't sell all of any item until you meet him), and one takes all your money (so don't worry about saving up cash until you meet him), one requires that you've done a good bit of fishing, and one requires that you've attained a high combo. Combos are really good in general and you should figure them out once you have enough elemental spells to use them. Another general tip, the observe battle command from BOF3 has been baked into defend, so defend against monsters to learn their skills. I think the color of the skill name might be different if you can learn it. Also, when the story switches to another character, any skills you pick up on him get transferred to Ryu.
I'm not sure if going balls out with suave during the whole playthrough is necessary, but it doesn't hurt. Basically, you have to have Marburg's reputation as low as you can manage by both pissing him off and making him not respect you. A few things I remeber that you can do are:
use suave and aggressive to piss him off when you meet him (I'm sure you can find a conversation guide somewhere to help you get the lowest score)
have a positive relationship with SIE (be a dick to her) before meeting him (so go to Moscow first)
murder all the CIA and NSA dudes in that one Rome mission before you meet Marburg
murder the dude during the snipey mission (i think this helps, not sure)
I feel like [going after Madison instead of the bombs](/spoiler) would help but I'm not sure
There may be more. It's pretty tough to goad him into fighting, but I know I've done it at least once before.
edit: I looked some stuff up and using suave more that the other two during the game definitely helps. I also think it's necessary to have a lot of dossier info on Marburg, so try to find all those beforehand. See Sandman100887's comments here.
Knights of the Chalice is a pretty recent turned based game based on DnD.
There's a new game coming out called "Serpent in the Staglands" that's inspired by Darklands
Your mention of Star Traders reminds me of another space game, Dangerous. It's not really an RPG per se, more of a 3D space sim, but it has RPG elements and a storyline, and the combat is not exceptionally action oriented, so it rings a lot of RPG bells for me.
For a short diversion while you're waiting for something else, I liked Glory of Heracles and Nostalgia.
While they're not the best games (Nostalgia is a little weak story-wise, and Glory of Heracles is a touch too linear for my liking), they're fun for a while, and they're often cheap (even new).
I don't have a link, but they said they don't have any plans to do a remake until they create a new FF game that is as good or better than FF7.
Edit: Found it.
Yeah, I saw Fire Emblem in a Wii RPG list, looks pretty interesting. I stumbled upon a review for "The Last Story", a new game that just came out by one of the creators of Final Fantasy. The video review made it look pretty good, although ill probably get something else that I havent played and wait for the price to drop a little.
Keep an eye on EA's On the House they had it for free a few months ago. I don't think they'll do that one again, but you might get something else you like.
U How important are graphics to you. Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures
More fan made quests than you could ever play. One set of quests are all linked together on an overland map to simulate an open world.
Getting it started can be awkward though.
Read the FAQs on GameFAQs. There's no simple explanation, it's a game for hardcore RPG'ers. A GREAT game, I might add. But if you are used to hand-holding, you may be in for a surprise.
It's easily Legend of Mana. It's so simple (pound magical items into your equipment to change it's properties) yet has so much depth. Read the beginner's section on this gamefaq for more info on how ridiculous it is: http://www.gamefaqs.com/ps/256525-legend-of-mana/faqs/8377
The game itself is also a wonderful game. In my top 3 RPGs of the playstation.
Because of his Rage mechanic, Gau is one of the most underwhelming characters for a majority of people. Especially with the abundance of magic and weapon combinations (Genji Glove, Offering, Atma Weapon, Ragnarok).
Gau really begins to shine when you start taking FF6 challenge games: Low Level, Natural Magic, Single Character, etc. During those challenges you start to learn the true power of the characters and how the magic system kinda overpowers them beyond their basic forms.
But that's elaborating beyond your question. It's not mine but the information your looking for will be here <http://www.gamefaqs.com/snes/554041-final-fantasy-iii/faqs/35096>.
Ok so here we go, in their latest update, the team gave away their personal info and past experience. For those who were worried before, you can go ahead and support them now
They have also responded with some other questions people may have had in mind as well
Support the devs ^^
PS: Thanks for the nice comment Blush
I haven't tried it, but there is a website called Roll20 that is online to join players by video \ voice for table top games. They have Spanish and Português language player groups too.
This has probably been mentioned in the thread already, but it's not at all hard to run these old games on PC anymore. Check out Good Old Games (GOG.com). They sell modern games too, but their bread and butter novelty is that they've adapted an enormous library of old PC games and made them extremely accessible with super easy installations, PDF manuals and maps, etc.
The old games are often super cheap and are a breeze to get running. They have all of the game series you mentioned available, most of them for a few bucks a pop (or collections of several entries, I believe including all of the series you mentioned).
one from me too. Can I post my survey link here too? It takes about 15 minutes and you can enter to receive a $25 gift card afterwards. I need persons ages 18 to 25, and it relates to personal beliefs, identity, and distressing life experiences.
This one Might not be the best but I'm proud of myself for finally having a good job and saving for one :D
Which is really funny because that game is notorious for it's ONE WHITE MAGE CHALLENGE by Edman. It was probably one of the funnest challenges I've ever done.
I'm pretty sure this game is going to rock the world (for those that like the playstyle of Baldur's Gate) and I was glad to back it
But you're right most games on kickstarter are crap.
Q: have you played much/any jrpg's? You have a lot of work to do either way ;) Baldur's gate I/II is amazing along with icewind dale I/II. Also check out pillars of eternity coming out this year I believe being made by the same people.
I used to hear a lot of good things about Pirates of the Burning Sea. I've never played it myself, as I am also burned out on MMOs and typically end up disappointed.
It often gets compared to Eve in terms of its economy and gameplay, though I don't know specifically as to why.
One game I enjoyed playing with a friend was Diablo 3. I didn't play the game til this year, and haven't tried the others, so I had no hype train to crash and kill all my anticipatory passengers.
Additionally, it appears that they have fixed a lot of the issues with the game, but I don't take it seriously enough to rage over minor issues anyways. It's a great time when you're sitting next to each other and you can pew pew magic missiles while your friend hulk smashes baddies as a Barbarian warrior.
Also, it's cheap as hell used if you get the vanilla edition.
Another game I've been playing with friends lately is Card Hunter. It's particularly appreciable if you've ever played tabletop games of any sort, and it's a free game which you can play in any browser so it's painfully simple to LAN (figuratively) with friends. Usually I just bring my laptop over to my buddy's house and there ya go. The combat is similar in some regard to Fire Emblem, but there is gear-based progression and some story as well.
$1.74 right now. Can't really beat that. Oops... accidentally linked DS2, but you can find one from there. 1, 2, 3 and 3 dlc are $4.99 total right now. Great deal.
Not exactly what you are looking for but maybe it can be a nice time waster until you find something more appropriate.
A Dark Room http://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/
Don't let the begging of the game fool you.
Other than that, I would probably go for some roguelike without tiles. brogue it relatively tame with it's graphics. http://brogue.roguelikelike.com/
Perhaps not quite what you're looking for, but check out /r/incremental_games. There are a lot of browser-based games like A Dark Room that should hold your attention for awhile.
Sure. and I spelt it wrong, my bad. Kenshi https://lofigames.com/ Amazingly done game and available as I said in Demo or for purchase from GoG or (blah) Steam (I don't use steam but if you do, that's an option)
Gothic 2 is probably my favorite RPG. It's far better than Gothic 3 (which is still good though). The graphics and such is a little outdated I suppose, if you want something more recent, but there are also fan made patches/mods available for all of the games here. Some improve textures, others and story and stuff.
The games are not quite as expansive as say Elder Scrolls games, but the story is pretty fantastic and the world is beautiful. There are some recurring characters between the games and some story stuff but if you don't want to start with 1 because you're looking for something newer, that's alright (though it is a great game).
tl;dr I recommend starting with 2 if you think 1 is too outdated. It's a fantastic game.
There are many patches/mods that update the Gothic series games available at World of Gothic. They don't make it perfect but I recommend testing them and seeing what you like.
I started DnD last month, now I'm playing 3 campaigns on Roll20. Even then, there are still a few things I don't get, too, but the learning can get fun.
Anyways, I used OrcPub's Character Generator and Roll20's DnD5e Compendium.
They're both free, easy to use, and did I mention free?
Assassin's Creed Odyssey has those features, except none of them are based on character stats and your options are dependent on your earlier choices. It also has a feature based on the tools the developer used called Story Creator where you can make your own questlines in-game. You control the postures, gestures, and facial expressions (of which there are hundreds of combinations) of your character and the NPCs they interact with. I've been really into it, it's really cool being able to make my own video game built on an existing structure.
I personally loved it. Not only was the battle system unique, but the rpg element was ever present in every battle. Sparing every enemy is a challenge and rewarding in the end :) You can always try it here if you aren't sure.
Battle for Wesnoth might be right up your alley. Pretty great and totally free. And if you are simply looking for some good strategy, take a look at Duelyst. F2P on Steam, it's a card based battler played out on a board. Excellent stuff. Faeria is another good one, too.
Something like this open source turn based project and Open Game Art and its Liberated Pixel games resources can really bring these projects and tools to programmers. Hopefully we can get more games.
Any other open source turned based games?
Sorcery and Sorcery 2 are probably the best that I've seen. They're on Android/iOS. 80 Days is also really good, but it's not a fantasy setting. (It's based on the Jules Verne story).
Then there's stuff like King of Dragon Pass (Android/iOS/Steam) and the "Choice" games (published by "Choice of Games LLC), which are CYOA apps for Android/iOS that a lot of people seem to really like. They didn't really do much for me, though.
It's not really a genre where I've found very much worthwhile. You could check out some Twine stuff, though. (http://twinery.org/)
This is literally the first link on the amazon search: https://www.amazon.com/Daniel-Thron-Chris-Elliott-Shaughnessy/dp/B006M6WJHI
Under $30 including shipping, not bad. It's a great game, totally playable, and the supplement is awesome too. And it's a riot to read.
UnNetHack on Android is always there for me when I'm queued.
I find the text-based glyphs more and quickly intelligible in Dwarf Fortress than any tileset. I'm using Alloy's square version of the default (makes it easier to judge distance vertically and horizontally). Check out /r/DwarfFortress, it's hopping!
I thought that would be the case for all older games too, with the nostalgia being the main demeeming factor. However, having goen back to replay games like Chrono Trigger and Breath of Fire 3 I totally think some older JRPGs really do have a fantastic story and great dialogue.
I have never played Legend of Dragoon, and would love to hear how you feel about it once you are a bit further through your replay. Would you recommend getting it for someone who has never heard of it, but who likes JRPGs?
Check out 'Urtuk: The Desolation' on itch.io and now in EA on Steam. Not exactly what you're looking for, maybe, but I love the art style and apparently it's hugely replayable and does have an ending at this point. Early Access is just for funding development to flesh the game out and add more.
Simplest RPG!! It's a great idle one with nice mechanics. Using the code TK40M gives a bunch of gems right at the beginning of your journey.
Simplest RPG!! It's a great idle one with nice mechanics. Using the code TK40M gives a bunch of gems right at the beginning of your journey.
I agree with all of those. And while it's not my normal cup of tea, I'm looking forward to The Diviner too; which was kickstarted awhile ago.
If you're into the comic book dark Spawn-esque visual style, Darksiders is a good series. DS2 had a lot more RPG elements, it's probably more up your alley and enjoying it doesn't require having any knowledge of the first game.
Of Orcs and Men was decent, though get it on sale because it's more of a $25 game rather than $40.
I second the Deus Ex suggestion, and you can get it for less than $8 as well as a bunch of other games at https://www.humblebundle.com/ since it's part of their current bundle. But I think that's ending any day now, so you might want to get on that ASAP.
The trello board they used for roadmap, under the long term active (Update player model & tileset). It was discussed in the early weekly update videos. They were not thinking about doing it, but it got a lot of requests and I guess the profit was high enough to allocate the resource
It is important to know that the game "Age of modern war" is of extreme quality, due to its creative elements, such as maps, modern military units and technology proportional to time, in addition to its extraordinary gameplay. to different military units from other countries, armies such as the USA, RUSSIA (USSR), China, NATO, United Kingdom and some others. your enemy in a battle. The game also has maps that recount battles that happened in history such as Vietnam, North Korea and also some alternative maps in which you face enemies and much more. This game was produced by the company Zero Touch Group, that has several game catalogs and that demonstrates a vast experience when it comes to producing high quality games, in the end this is a great game for those who want to discover new airs in strategy games. ias and themed of a modern and also challenging war https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.zts.ageofmodernwars
Just today I am releasing Dungeon Ward
An old-school dungeon crawler mixed with action RPG from an unusual (for this genre) third-person perspective. You can give it a try!
I found these documents.
Relevant paragraph is para5 on page 4.
I see lots of things such as "frat boy" culture, "cube crawls", "inappropriate behaviour", and "rape jokes". None of this stuff means anything clearly illegal and are all highly subjective. Is there soemthing else to believe?
On the subject of medieval open-world rpg games. I have been working on a medieval open-world game in which you can explore and conquer the 1200 A.D. world from Greenland to Mongolia. It is now available on the play store for pre-order and it will be fully released when I have fixed some minor glitches. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.FlyingPenguinProductions.TwelveHundredAD
You could give this a try, a lot of the results will not fit your requirements, but a good number of them will, worth giving this a calm look
If you get the Steam version, the unofficial patch should be all you need. Like the other guy said, the GOG.com version is pre-patched.
The modern Shadowrun PC RPGs are free right now on the epic games store if you grab them before September 3rd US time. https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/bundles/shadowrun-collection
I highly recommend Shadowrun: Dragonfall, the second game of the Shadowrun series. You do NOT need to play the series in order; it's all completely unrelated. I didn't like the first game, but I loved Dragonfall. I haven't beaten the third game, Hong Kong, but I got pretty far. I stopped playing because I got to a mission that kicked my ass. Better than the first game but not as good as Dragonfall, in my opinion.
Torment: Tides of Numenera is also on sale. It's writing is similar to Planescape: Torment, but I wasn't as attached to its characters and overarching story. There's still plenty of fun, bizarre, quirky ideas. It's thoroughly original, with the same kind of weirdness you saw in Planescape. If you're familiar with (and enjoy) the sci-fi writers Gene Wolfe and China Miéville, you'd probably enjoy it.
And last but not least! It's not on your list, and not on sale on gog, but the game you're ACTUALLY looking for is Disco Elysium. It's mature, incredibly well-written, and philosophical: lots of quirky metaphysics, existentialism, and political theory. If I had to compare it to any of the games you've played, Planescape comes closest. But there's no combat (arguably one or two scenes). Doesn't matter though. Just proves that you can have a great RPG without combat. Best writing I've seen in an RPG. It's also really fucking funny.
Not on sale on gog right now, but it looks like it's 25% off on Epic Games.
Just wanted to say good luck! I bought this on itch.io back at version 0.3+31, and decided to wait until the final release to avoid spoiling any more of the stories. Looking forward to getting back to it!
Patch notes that don't mention anything about English localization: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/734608-sword-art-online-hollow-fragment/69913901
See comment by /u/atomic_rectum here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/734608-sword-art-online-hollow-fragment/69913901
So yeah.... sorry. Confused the patch notes with what that fellow redditor thought. That said, this patch looks massive. And the patch notes are for the Japanese version so until English patch notes come out, we won't know.
The Tales series immediately came to mind. I was pretty put off by Xillia and most of the series by this forum thread. Is this not accurate? The consensus seems to be that Tales games are easy and Xillia is one of the easiest.
Dragon Quest is honestly one of my favourite RPGs. I've always had a soft spot for free low-budget games made by one person only, and this would be my favourite of the bunch. If you can get past the facts that its not 3D, has a cartoony artstyle and practically no good story at all, then it's a good way to spend thirty minutes if you're bored.
Too bad, I recently got into OpenMW for Morrowind and it's really good. The game is perfectly playable and moddable with it. Hopefully some day one of these Gothic engines gets to that point.