Happy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins was the one I liked. I'll update with Amazon link in a minute...
Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Twins: A Step-by-Step Program for Sleep-Training Your Multiples https://www.amazon.com/dp/0345497791/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_Zx-zzbGYE1JYE
Sometimes I go a little extra when we go out. I plan the trips and outfits for each weekend day since we are working parents and our outings are on weekends. Otherwise, all their clothes are just one color palette or specific full outfits so it looks like I put effort into dressing them daily, but really it's just easy that way 😂
Also, for during the week when we're just home and in the yard (I work from home, my mom cares for them), I have about 3 sets of these (the shorts/short sleeves for summer and long sleeved for winter) that we wear and wash. They're super easy, cheap, and still stylish since we definitely don't need to be getting fancy for the house hahaha - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07Q827D7Z/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_asin\_title\_o01\_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I saw these on Amazon awhile back... Costzon 4 In 1 Twins Kids Trike Baby Toddler Tricycle Safety Double Rotatable Seat w/Basket (Green) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XRWL56M/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_SMUrBbG8J42CJ
Not sure if you're interested in baby led feeding but if so I got lots of recipes and help from this book: https://www.amazon.ca/dp/0544963407/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_glt_i_2YHY10RTWEYJ4551HGW8.
It went really well with my girls, and it was nice to not have to rely on spoon feeding both of them at the same time all the time.
I got these from Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07RLFJ933/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_N0ZGD0SYV9RECW14S61A?psc=1
I've been pretty pleased with them. They're quite stretchy and adjustable, plus they're nice and long. I got the same size I'd normally wear, but I could have gone up a size, too.
Foscam FI9821W V2 Megapixel HD 1280 x 720p H.264 Wireless/Wired Pan/Tilt IP Camera with IR-Cut Filter - 26ft Night Vision and 2.8mm Lens (70° Viewing Angle) - Black https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00F3KWZW8/ref=cm_sw_r_other_awd_jDJFwbAB2VH8Q
This is the camera I bought. I mounted it upside down in the corner of the room and flipped the image. It has night vision, pan and tilt and two way audio. The full price listed is ridiculous though.
I bought it Used from Amazon Warehouse Deals for about 60 bucks. My wife and I both use Tiny Cam PRO on Android to monitor it. If you want to view it on your computer I recommend using Opera Browser. I'm not sure of a good iOS app. You can also set it up pretty easily to view externally which is nice. I like when I go into work early I can watch the kids sleep while I'm at my desk. One of the things that's really nice about Tiny Cam is you can make a floating window to watch the camera while you do other stuff on your phone or tablet like this: http://imgur.com/dLIVDPG.
I'm 33 weeks pregnant with ours, so I can't yet comment as a parent, but these are some things that have helped me so far. Like with any baby gear or family, there is no one right answer as to what to buy. I have researched a ton and found it helpful to start at the Lucies List twin page, then modify ideas from there by asking advice from other twin parents and from places like here. We are going minimalist so have definitely not purchased the full extent of gear that mainstream registries recommend, but we have the basics for sleeping, health/safety, and transportation, and we also know there's always Amazon prime and also some nearby stores in case of emergency.
Second, I started reading When you're expecting twins... by Barbara Luke very early in my pregnancy and I found its recommendations on nutrition and lifestyle to be invaluable in getting the pregnancy off to a healthy start and keeping it there. There are definitely some differences from being pregnant with one vs two, and this got me educated and prepared.
Last...well we specifically didn't want cutesy/rhyming twin names, but if you want that sort of thing, Google and Pinterest are full of ideas. Ours are same gender but fraternal, and I fully expect they will be as stubborn and individual as their parents, so I'm not worried about telling them apart. I do expect our hands will be quite full with other challenges. Lord help us.
Our twins also had reflux. I would rotate them through “stations” to make the time pass. Usually I would double feed them propped up in their twin Z pillow, and then dangle toys in front of them or read books for the 20 or so minutes they needed to be propped up. Then, they’d go to their bouncer and I would play music, usually stuff I liked not kid stuff so I wouldn’t go crazy, and they’d play with the dangling toys. Then enough time would pass that they’d be happier to do time on the play mat on their backs. If not, I would set them in the Twin Z pillow in the reverse position for tummy time and bring their playmat hanging toys close to them so they could bat at them. Then it’d be nap time.
Maybe try doing stroller walks first thing in the morning or before bed when it’s cooler due to less direct sun?
Edit to add: I also got these fans to clip on the strollers on warmer days: Limited-time deal: Mini Handheld Personal Portable Fan, Baby Stroller Fan, Car Seat Fan, Desk Fan, with Flexible Tripod Fix on Stroller Student Bed Bike Crib Car Rides, USB or Battery Powered (Dark Blue) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B083HRT9N9/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_dl_RGZ2H2PN6W3D5YF7BZZS?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
I would suggest getting a quad stroller. They aren't much more, they aren't much bigger, but the extra fourth seat is great for extra storage.
We have this one https://www.walmart.com/ip/Foundations-Quad-4-Passenger-Stroller/14957883
This book had great info on nutrition plus recipes in the back. I feel like all my responses on this subreddit include this suggestion. When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy, 3rd Edition https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061803073/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_h8CTub0J7GWYC
You probably will make it to at least that far. Esp if you have di-di twins. This book was helpful for me: When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy, https://www.amazon.com/dp/0061803073/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_DGhTub0ARTDN0. Good luck!
I second renting the hospital pump, particularly at the beginning when you are working on getting your supply up. Definitely not portable though! I used the Medela pump in style that came free with my insurance- it was easy enough to cart back and forth to work, but too loud to use while on a phone call. I ordered a battery pack and car charger adapter from Amazon which both came in handy. I also ordered this tote bag to feel somewhat professional carrying my pump, bottles, cooler, flanges, etc to work - pump tote bag
The Spectra S2 is a hospital grade double pump and is $159 on Amazon. (It was $117 when I bought a second one last summer). Spectra Baby USA - S2 Plus Premier Electric Breast Pump, Double/Single, Hospital Grade https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BLBLR1I/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_Ma3CBb1HB1KP0
I'm a dad of 7 month old girls. There's some great apps for the phone that will help you keep track of stuff. At first we were logging every feed (and how much they ate), every diaper change, every vitamin D drop given, etc, but these days we just log the essentials like milestones, weight and height, and vaccinations. If you're worried that you won't be able to keep track, it's a great tool. My wife and I have Android phones and we use Baby Connect. We're both able to access update the logs for the twins.
Of course, you could just keep a log, but if you find you're on your phone a lot anyway, then why not use an app?
Good luck!
I found a great one in the sporting goods department at Walmart. It is almost like a tactical backpack, with a bunch of smaller compartments built into the front flap, so diaper cream, powder, wipes, Tylenol, eventually utensils, etc. all had their own little compartment. We even fit an extra tshirt for both my husband and I (we had more than one instance of spit up so found it necessary) also had a whole compartment for diapers. We could probably have fit a ton of stuff in there, but didn't want to over do it.
Edit: to include example of one from Walmart
It is really hard when they are sick! But I think there are some basic bad habits that need to be broken and stuck with. We stuck with the recommendations in the 12 hours sleep by 12 week old book and really tried not to go back to bad habits once they are broken. It is definitely time to stop letting the babies fall asleep on you. I am a big believer in humidifiers for sick babies and Motrin before bed for teething babies. If you do have to go in try to comfort while leaving them in the crib. Sing and pat their back to help them calm down and then leave them to soothe themselves back to sleep. Of course there are exceptions for really miserable babies but try not to do it multiple nights in a row and get right back to the routine. Twelve Hours' Sleep by Twelve Weeks Old: A Step-by-Step Plan for Baby Sleep Success https://www.amazon.com/dp/0525949593/ref=cm_sw_r_awd_6DjBub1RTXSFJ
If you're looking for books, When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy is frequently recommended around these parts. (I purchased a copy but haven't read it. Not pregnant yet but, because of the need for assistive reproductive technology in my case, multiples are likely if/when I become pregnant--and I like being prepared 😊)
We have spent plenty of time in the pools and lakes with ours from a young age. I grew up on a lake spend the weekends on boat. Always have them.in life jackets. We use the neoprene ones from HO. For the pools we have some big rings that inflate the outside and have a mesh sitting area and canopy.
These were a life changer. Nuk sippy cup
An amazing transition cup. We made the mistake and only used them for water initially. Start with milk use the high value incentive. Maybe start with one feed, like first thing in the morning. They are hungry but if they don't eat it doesn't ruin the whole night.
We read "What to Do When You're Having Two"
These are the ones we have, and haven’t had any issues for almost a year as long as you check the ties regularly to make sure they’re secure to keep them from getting inverted.
Your big problem is going to be sleep. Twins are much harder than two times one kid. There's a big jump from one kid to twins, then a smaller jump to three etc.
The reason for that big jump is that newborn kids must be fed every three hours round the clock. But twins are often off sync of each other, resulting in feedings every hour and a half. So: you only get a 1.5 hour interval of sleep
Optionally (and you'd be insane not to) you can force the twins to feed in sync. But feedings take a long time. In our case, they're breastfed, plus supplementing: all told it took at least an hour when they were young and couldn't suck fast. So: you only get a 2-hour interval of sleep.
In either case, that's not a long enough interval to get any REM. And it's the lack of REM that will do you in.
As to stuff to buy, see this thread.
One real irritation we had was that there are no feeding/pooping logs made for multiples which are worth much. Seriously, how hard is it to make a decent log? So I made one. Here's the version stripped of my kid's names so you can put your own on the underlines. (in PDF -- click on "Download This File" further down in the page, not the fake Download button)
My b/g twins had the same problem and I thought we were surely headed towards helmets. They had some very bad flat spots on the side and backs of their heads.
We went to a children’s speech therapist for my daughter around 4 months due to some feeding issues. While there they commented on the flat shape and brought in a colleague. They suggested we use special pillows in their chairs to relieve the pressure. I found some on Amazon and used them religiously when they played on their backs on the floor and when they sat in their chairs (kept them upright after eating due to reflux so they used chairs a lot).
AtoBaby Baby Pillow,Head Shaping Pillow, Cushion for Flat Head Syndorm... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CRKCBQK/ref=cm_sw_r_sms_api_glt_fabc_5REYMYQECG1YTHN45A1F
We also made sure they were turning their heads in the opposite position by making sure all activity was happening on the side we wanted them to look.
We did as much tummy time as they would tolerate, which increased with age. It was super hard since they had reflux and sat up more than played on the floor.
We always put them to sleep on their backs and only allowed for stomach sleeping when they started rolling over by themselves.
Their little heads are perfect now! I always told myself that we would just do our best and if they ended up needing helmets, then we would just rock them and all would work out one way or another in the end. You got this!
This is very similar to the one we have (but not exactly the same). My toddler likes to be able to put his toys in it and it feels more like a backpack then a leash to him. Most of the time we don’t even use the actual leash part. We just grab the top loop of the backpack when we need to! Good luck!
DB Dinosaur Toddler mini backpack with leash,children Kids baby harness bookbag https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0786ZTP7Q/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_8PVEDEDHVY33T8Q3BRSY
Have you read When You’re Expecting Twins?
It’s all about gaining weight, specifically by eating a lot of protein and greens. They emphasize that it’s important to gain the right amount of weight. Obviously I’m not your docs, but wanted to share.
We had my baby shower at 28 weeks. I’m very glad I didn’t have it later!
We got these ones and they’ve proven great. And you can stack them up if you get a couple packs.
First Steps Baby Food Freezing Cubes (Transparent) https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00IXQWBL4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glc_fabc_FM3H5JGCFZADRDZVYJY9?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
When I had to take care of my 2 mo. reflux twins solo, I had some success getting at least one to sleep in the twin Z ( so their head is slightly elevated) or this bouncer that I can rock with my foot while sitting on the sofa.
They are 3.5 months now. Swaddle or the Merlin suit still helps.
We watch wake windows and have routines, but unfortunately many babies just like to be held or just wake up a lot. Reflux doesn't help. We plan to get our pediatrician's ok on sleep training.
We have the valco snap duo trend! The main seats can be put to almost 180 degrees flat. We bought these head bumpers and have been putting the babies in the main seat since day 4. We had the same criteria as you - light and narrow side by side, and we are very happy with it.
We just wanted to buy one long-term item and skip the middle steps. Like we went straight to cribs without getting any bassinet. We didn't consider any car seat snap strollers.
I’ve always used blankets. I have some thin muslin ones that worked great. These ones: Rajlinen Muslin Swaddle Blankets - Soft Silky 100% Muslin Cotton Swaddle Blanket for Baby, Large 47 x 47 inches - Set of 4 - Night Sky Reverie https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WH3L12N/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_ZWC90QE4J8V8XT3RB2P3?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
They’ve been through 3 kids and held up great.
Ooh ooh! My mom had ordered me these kind of nursing pajamas: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07VPNCHDL/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_fabc_NPZMEFC9Z0TPCABKZ84P
They were amazing for the unknown of postpartum. I'd hold off on buying tanks and just order something like this.
I gained 65+ pounds with my twins and had them at almost 37 weeks. Was a size 2/4 before pregnancy.
Love these tanks. Soft and washed well iloveSIA 3PCS Women's Nursing Cami Maternity Breastfeeding Tank Tops Black+Black+Blue Size M Fit 34BC 32CD 36A https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PRPRS3L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apip_h3f8Rwknhu8xd
How about two single strollers and a set of connectors?
Are any strollers allowed to go in overhead bins on planes? I've never heard of that, I thought they all get gate checked. Unless you have a folding one and use it as your hand luggage.
Do you have an idea of why you might be losing weight?
Without knowing more, I'm going to be the voice of dissent on this thread and say I would be really worried about that weight loss. I highly recommend Dr. Barbara Luke's book on multiples pregnancy. Among other things, it reviews the research showing that substantial weight gain is associated with reduced preterm births, higher birthweights, and healthier babies with shorter hospital stays.
The TLDR is that weight gain is one area where multiple pregnancies are very different from singleton pregnancies. There's a much narrower band of weight gain associated with good outcomes. The recommendation is 40-60 lbs for twins, and the rule of thumb is "24 lbs by 24 weeks."
Some things to keep in mind are that twins come earlier (max 38 weeks recommended for di/di) so there's less time to plump them up in utero. Twins also start slowing their growth earlier than singletons. And gets more difficult physically to eat as much as you need to gain weight the further the pregnancy progresses.
I'm not trying to alarm you! It's just that twin pregnancies are inherently riskier, and weight gain is one thing that can improve outcomes that is entirely in your control. Please bring up your concerns with your doctor. And if you need tips on weight gain, I'm sure we've got plenty!
Here is the link for the wagon we have. I don't think the inflatable tires are available as an addition for other styles of wagons. We were recommended this model as it can go over curbs and such easier and the axles don't break down over time as I was warned the Step2 wagons do due to their low profile. This model does go on sale intermittently on Amazon, I got a scratch and dent one from them for $80. Anyway, it fits our three kids pretty well, two year old twins and a one year old who are all fairly close in size, but ymmv with triplets.
The wife and I sat down tonight and started building our Amazon registry for about 30 minutes until she got too overwhelmed. I was looking at the bottle washers/sanitizers/dryers. I saw this one had some decent reviews and it looks like it could fit a lot of bottles and other stuff. So quick question... is a sterilizer that uses steam also considered a "washer" or do you usually wash, sanitize, and dry?
The NuRoo Pocket says it can be used for twins. This one on Amazon also says it can be used for twins.
I used this one I bought on Amazon. ORT22300D - Medline Curad Maternity Belt sizes 4 to 14 (Medium) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005MT0MD4/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_jzWSzb4HJMJ7G It worked for me. There are many other brands that make similar ones that you can choose from too.
My mom gave me something like this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08B3WC49B/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_bNKfFb8JKRRWT It was amazing and helped me while I transitioned from a balloon back to me.
I'd suggest keeping your bag separate from the baby bag, and then put your bag in the trunk of your car starting now. I mention this because I had a routine appointment, felt fine, but had an elevated BP and won a night's stay at the hospital for monitoring. During traffic hour. My husband was so sweet about it, but he brought me clothes... For undies, he brought my special wedding night panties and a thong. Not kidding. At all.
I travelled a lot when my twins were young, and I liked the baby carrier/umbrella stroller combo for traveling through cities. One of my friends with close in age kids has a city select double stroller that I'd totally have spent the money on, if it had been available.
My wife is 30 weeks pregnant with triplets. We mix her shakes of optimum nutrition gold standard whey (Extreme milk chocolate is the best flavor) and PB fit for extra protein and peanut butter flavor. You can mix them with water, milk, alm milk etc. they are tastey and extremely easy. Get yourself a blender bottle for easy mixing. Mixing yourself you know everything in the shake vs the premade drinks.
I was so nervous about it too, but my twins have loved solid foods so far and had a total blast with them. It’s very messy, but also very fun.
We started out by putting them in high chairs with favorite toys so they could get used to the posture and having fun in the chairs. We also gave them their spoons to play with before we started food. I take the “before one, just for fun” rule very seriously, so mine (10 mo actual/7 mo adjusted) do solid food time like an extension of play time.
We do a mix of purées, mashes, and finger foods. We never put things in their mouths, but we will put food on their spoons for them. Solid starts is a great resource. We started super simple—roasted mashed sweet potato mixed with breast milk—and after a week or so they were just eating whatever we’re eating for the most part, just cut or mashed to be safer for them, plus some puréed food because they like it.
I swear by feeder teethers (link to some below!) because they are like pacifiers that you can add food too—they make excellent teethers and are a great way to get kids used to new flavors without choking hazard. When we’re going to the doctor or something, I always pack some of these filled with frozen fruit and they stave off meltdowns like magic. Good luck and have fun!
I bought this book which may help. I didn't read it cover to cover but if you are trying to get nutrition squared away it should help.
When You're Expecting Twins,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/0062379488?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I had all these thoughts when I found out I was pregnant with twins. I had a 3yr old and was terrified of nicu and managing so many kids.
I stubbornly made it to 38wks and needed a csection (baby girl was breach). Recovery for the first few days was rough with twins, but they are now 4wks and it is has gotten much easier. We got them eating and sleeping at roughly the same time.
They sleep better than my first child, which I attribute to the fact that they sleep well as long as they are in the same crib. They talk to each other untill they fall asleep, which is just the cutest thing.
I'd strongly reccomend the book twins triplets or quads
It got me through pregnancy, and gave helpful information for how to have bigger babies that are less likely to be born small and need nicu.
Take medela steam bags to easily wash bottles/pacifiers/silverware/toys/whatever.
If your kids are in the awkward, drinking whole milk but only warm whole milk (just my kids?) stage...find a coffee shop and buy warmed milk! Starbucks even does "kid temp" but be forewarned their set temperature for that is still too hot, so if the person prepping it is going off the "rules" instead of common sense, you'll still need time to let it cool. For flying we would buy once we got past security and then put it in a thermos so that we would have warm milk on the plane.
Travel magnadoodles are the perfect drawing toy for toddlers (just take the magnetic stamps away, they are too small). They can draw endlessly, no caps to lose, the pen is attached to the doodler aaaaaaand they can't draw on anything else with it.
Baby wearing is amazing.
If you are going to stay with family/friends you can both drop ship (diapers, wipes, food pouches, snacks, etc) and rent gear (baby gates, pack n plays, strollers, high chairs, ride on toys, beach toys, etc) from local baby gear rental places.
Again with the airports, if you are taking carseats for them to sit in on the plane, spring for the rolling carts. They are pricey but worth every penny. The kids can ride in them like strollers, you don't have to take the car seats out of them to load them on the plane, and if the kiddo wants to walk/be carried you can throw the diaper bag/carry ons in them instead. We paid $60 each so this is a good price:
I don't know anyway to tell if this was the best strategy, but what we tried to do was generally avoid using food as a way of calming them. (note: we did 100% bottles so not sure how this translates if you nurse and cannot measure volumes. Also, we have identical girls who were pretty similar in weight so we might have had it easier generally.) We couldn't avoid all cluster feeding, but really did our best to stretch them to their next feed to keep them in sync. It was a lot of rocking and looking out the window at the light through the trees.
Also, the truth is that many afternoons things would just fall apart when they were that age. Instead of making sure they were exactly in sync everyday, we sort of lowered the bar and tried to not let them get so out of sync that it would screw up the next day. It was a little bit of a mind shift switch that helped me at that age. And then it just slowly got better as cluster feeding subsided, we got better at reading their queues and they got more organized themselves.
BTW, for the vomiting, we got one of those small carpet cleaners. Probably not your biggest concern, but it somehow brought me a little stress relief to know that I wasn't also ruining the carpets in the middle of the chaos.
Best of luck!
I was all anti-this when I had only one child. With my twins, it all changed, and humbly suggest the podee bottles for the moments you need them. Game changer for us.
Chances are you will need compression socks by 3rd trimester. My advice is buy the nice ones, they're worth it. I ended up buying more of these because that's all I wore for months. https://www.amazon.com/Pregnancy-Compression-Socks-Guaranteed-Motherhood/dp/B01JL0SJ4S/ref=asc_df_B01JL0SJ4S/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=309770208664&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=8721126455721407325&hvpone=&hvptwo=&...
Our twins were born in June, we currently use baby trend and put the nuna car seats in directly. It's very convenient when they're little. It's easy to bring them into the house with they fall asleep in the car.
When they're shit 9 months we're going to upgrade them to the Balcony snap duo trend. We like it because it lets then see the world while we're driving the stroller and also it's easy to maneuver
We ended up using something like THIS.
One of the biggest benefits is that these types of strollers can fold down smaller than the more 'fully featured' strollers. This becomes more important if your vehicle has limited cargo space.
As for swings we went with 2 of these with a bunch of rechargeable D batteries.
If you have a stroller that car seats clip into, check that with your other checked bags. Then get two of these to use in the airport: https://www.amazon.com/Airport-Stroller-Travel-Child-Transporter/dp/B078Z3WM9C
Best money I've ever spent. The kids can ride in their car seats through the airport and you can gate check them (the car seats ... not the kids) without having to pay extra.
I would get privacy film for the windows. Also make sure any blinds are taken down.
We got the Amazon basics metal bed frame and the milliard trifold mattress. The thickest version. It’s great because the frames slide under our downstairs couch and the mattress doubles as a play couch for the oldest!
We’re all about the dekor. Keeps the smell out of the room, and since the bags are adjustable to whatever size you need, if somebody has a really stinky diaper we can just empty the dekor right then without wasting an entire trash bag.
We’re big fans. Amazon link for those wanting to know more.
You buy a self-feeding "pillow" for each, then use those (while supervising the entire time). Here's the one we use for our twins.
I got a Fawn diaper backpack and love it. They have a couple styles, I got the square one. It doesn’t have a ton of pockets but I got a bunch of toiletry pouches to organize I side. These : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PNKKTP2?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I have this pack and love it. I’ve actually fit 4 8 oz bottles in the front pocket. Works great for our twins
Really unconventional idea here, but I have this chair and it’s the only thing I can sit in comfortably these days.
My husband and I are both really into gaming, so I have a top notch chair and desk set up- all of which pales in comparison to using this seat with a tray on my lap.
until they're able to sit up on their own in a high chair or seat, you shouldn't be doing solids yet.
>Experts agree that you shouldn’t start until your baby can hold his or her head steady, and can sit upright in a high chair or infant feeding seat.
In addition, high chairs are cheap if you get them used. I really liked these because they fold for space saving and I got 2 used for like $20 each at Once Upon a Child.
I would also be worried this could stretch out and wreck the Baby Bjorn.
I found a universal cup and phone holder accessory for my push air on Amazon, maybe that would fit on the handlebar?
Stroller Cup Holder, Gusieapue... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0897GGD4F?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
There are probably others , but this works for me
We got these for our twins since they kept climbing out of their cribs these nets might prevent the biting KinderSense® - Baby Safety Crib... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WHDGN2Y?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
I plan on using this one when I have my girls.
I used this simple one. It managed to hold everything up and it didn't get super sweaty and gross, plus it was easy to put on by myself
If you have a middle seat with a headrest you can get a camera for like 40 bucks off Amazon. It's way better than mirrors because you see back there at night too.
Our twins are our 2nd & 3rd. They are 2.5 months old (1.5 adjusted) and still in the bassinets. They were born under 3rd percentile.
We actually have the My Snuggly Inserts. Which I totally recommend. Our first would not sleep in the bassinet at all. The twins spend ~70% of their sleep in them and I think it's because of the insert.
Our one twin is about to outgrow the insert but the bassinet itself is still large enough. We have the Sniglar cribs that they will transition into. Along with that we have the three drawer Hemnes dresser as a change table, the Hemnes nightstand, a rocking recliner and we shoved a cot in there. It's super tight but it's working.
I think that I will likely hack the Sniglar crib into floor beds once they are big enough.
This pillow Magnesium pills, Unisom sleep melts and Breathe Right nasal strips usually do the trick for me.
Yes, you just need to confirm the year of your stroller. I have the same stroller and was able to buy them off Amazon.
Also, UppaBaby customer service is fantastic and will help you finding the correct parts.
Oh ouch - you’re in a tough spot, and that is a TOUGH age for getting them to sleep. First off - remember you’re just one person, loving them and doing your best for them. You’re going to make it through this, so any time you can, take a breath and remember that your best is enough.
As far as tips…we would not have lived through this period without a bouncer seat and a swing. We have little fisher price bouncer seats (these, but I think we only spent like $17 each https://smile.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Babys-Bouncer-Explorers-Bouncing/dp/B08GYX8NWG/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?crid=1K0UDFASLJ2TC&keywords=fisher+price+bouncer+for+baby&qid=1660318957&sprefix=fisher+price+bouncer%2Caps%2C89&sr=8-3)
The bouncer seats let me feed them at the same time safely without propping bottles (I pushed the chairs against the wall so they didn’t bounce while eating). Then whichever child needed more rocking for soothing got rocked, while their sibling went in the swing. There were DEFINITELY still tears, but it let me get them calm so I could put them down drowsy and then soothe in the cribs with chest rubs and lullabies.
I know every baby is different, but that’s what worked in our house. And then eventually they got older, and all the in-crib soothing became self soothing, and the pressure eases a bit. Good luck!!
Yep. I always thought of it as a very itchy feeling. I felt itchy under my skin. I nearly bit my husband's head off so many times when our girls were little because I was so touched out for like 2 years.
Best thing I purchased was this: https://www.amazon.com/States-Superyard-Ultimate-Suitable-months/dp/B073W874J2/ref=sr_1_13?crid=ZNWCTY1R7FVF&keywords=playyard&qid=1660000876&sprefix=playyar%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-13
It kept them safely contained and I could sit on the couch for a bit without being climbed on.
right around that age we got them in swings a lot. The ones that can go side to side or front to back.
My girls are now about 19 months but those swings saved us. Would highly recommend. They are on Amazon, but we found two on facebook for pretty cheap and resold them ourselves.
Early intervention is key. Don’t hesitate to try and get services now. Speech, OT, maybe ABA (read up on this first), PT. If you live in the US, your county should offer a free assessment and free services that come to your home. I also recommend this book: An Early Start for Your Child... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B008BT1CTU?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
It has snaps on the back, which do make it tough to get off if they fall asleep, but seems to be one of the better ones out there.
So I have a W4. I suspect the wheels and weight plus kids and it would be miserable to pull on the beach. Just like a big, awkward brick.
It’s great, don’t get me wrong. The beach (deep sand) just strikes me as inappropriate use.
I do have this beach wagon: Mac Sports Heavy Duty Collapsible... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KQH575E?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
And it’s glorious! Pulls like a charm. Seriously, moves super easily even loaded. My eldest (3, almost 4) was able to pull it from our spot at the water line to the dunes the other day. It is multifunctional in that you can use if for other things. It probably isn’t the best kid hauler for long day at the beach but I see them all the time at ballparks.
Anyways, my two cents. Get a wagon with wide wheels. You’ll be happy you did.
I have a different minivan but I got this to go on the back of the last row of seats. There's velcro on it so it sticks to the seats rather than flapping around, and you can zip it into sections if you want to be able to fold or move a seat. I like it for backup supplies of things like wipes, burp cloths, sunscreen/hats/gloves depending on the season, a few extra diapers, etc. Stuff I don't necessarily need access to right when we're driving, but I want to have somewhere in the van.
yes, I had a horrible cough when I went into labor and had and emergency C. Def get a cough suppressant so you aren't coughing in the first place. And the pillow splint on the incision like others said. I ended up crying to the overnight doctor the first night in the hospital because it hurt so much and they wouldn't give me more pain meds. They gave me an over-the-counter cough suppressant, which did help a lot. And some throat lozenges . I also wore either c-section support underwear like these ones or a faja/support belt thing and that helped majorly too.
My wife and I are one month into mono/tri triplets (shared placenta and separate amniotic sacs). The shared placenta is what makes them identical. We found out fairly early on that they were identical (6-8 weeks I think via ultrasound).
I understand what you’re saying about wanting to return to work to maintain your career but one of you will definitely need to be at home to care for the kids (at least for the first little while). In my situation childcare would be more expensive than my wife makes in a month so it wasn’t a hard decision for her to take a few years off. This will be different for everyone, though.
I would also strongly encourage you to stop working as early as possible in your pregnancy or else the stress/physical strain could lead to early bedrest or even prematurity. My wife went on sick leave at 24 weeks and I’m glad she did because she grew so fast I couldn’t imagine her working much longer. At 28 weeks it was literally like having a beach ball attached to her.
I’d recommend the book: “When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 4th Edition: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy”
It is very comprehensive and covers everything from diet/supplements to childbirth to breastfeeding and beyond. We didn’t follow the diet plan to a t but the general guidelines of sticking to a high protein version of a diabetic-style diet then just eating as much as you want really helped our kids get to a healthy birth weight despite being very premature.
For us, the Baby Mambo is the greatest pool device for infants. Our twins go to the pool almost every day (the weather is nice year-round out here), and they LOVE the Mambos. They can twirl and spin around on their own.
Everyone at the pool always asks us about them. I totally recommend them. 🤙🏽
(Also- we decided to not order them from Amazon and instead order direct from the company. DO NOT do that. Just order from Amazon. Trust me: they’ll arrive MUCH faster from Amazon than if you order direct. Ours literally took months to arrive and when they finally did, they were shoddily wrapped in only a black trash bag with a label slapped on. Just get it from Amazon and it’ll arrive faster and in better condition. Plus, Amazon has a way better return policy.)
Love the ChooMee toppers for pouches. My twins could feed themselves the pouches without it ending up everywhere.
ChooMee SoftSip Food Pouch Top |... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ERZ4AUA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Also love this Squeasy for yogurt on the go. With the valve insert thing (that it comes with) they can’t squeeze it everywhere. You could also use it for homemade smoothies or purée.
Aqua 3.5 oz Squeasy Snacker Spill... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00QJU1EKA?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share
Try Dr Luke's book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 4th Edition: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy". She lays out really clear, specific guidelines (even recipes!) for how to eat so you're not starving and so your babies will be healthy and have good birthweights.
The key is protein, and she shows how to get the enormous amount needed in.
I will also suggest (which I have so many times) trying the Isopure protein drinks- the water-like ones with zero sugar and 32g of protein a bottle. I could drink those even when I had bad morning sickness. Blue raspberry was my favorite but there are like 4 flavors.
Oh! And this book was amazing: https://www.amazon.com/Youre-Expecting-Twins-Triplets-Quads/dp/0062379488 It has all sorts of amazing evidence-based advice (like eating a lot) & how to actually do it! Worth the $$ to fill in all the gaps and know what questions to ask at the MFM.
My bad I was supposed to add to the tow hitch comment. My mistake. The cage below is nice for long trips to open some space in the car. We can fit our 100 lb dog on the lay down third row seat while kids are in the other three
Max & Lily Twin over Twin Low Bunk Bed, White https://www.amazon.com/dp/B079PG6VMW/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_6QM256WRPF9ZTSZF8FBF?psc=1
We moved our twins into these around 3.5 years old and they love them ! They are lower bunk beds. I know higher bunk beds are not recommended for children under 6 but these ones are not too high and we waited until we felt they could appropriately follow our safety rules. Definitely a space saver.
When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads 4th Edition: Proven Guidelines for a Healthy Multiple Pregnancy https://smile.amazon.com/dp/0062379488/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_NMFAADDWXVEWKQCMFQSQ
I wanted to recommend this book to you also. I'm sure there will be other recommendations from other folks, but I thought that being diabetic, the nutritional part is going to be even more important for you so I thought this might be helpful.
"The Magical Land of Hearts" book is so fun for kids, it's a rhyming bedtime story in a magical Heart-themed world! It ends with a sweet goodnight hug, and also includes a bonus of a few coloring pages - highly recommend! :) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09Z7SQSHW
We used these from 12 months to 24 months: Halo Innovations Halo Early Walker SleepSack Wearable Blanket Micro-Fleece - Cream With Fox, Medium https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B07C53HXGW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_QVFS5820T6X2EBR2Y36X?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
Little Tikes Activity Garden Playhouse for Babies, Infants and Toddlers - Easy Set Up Indoor Toys with Playtime Activities, Sounds, Games for Boys Girls Ages 6 Months to 3 Years https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00C2P6VWW/ref=cm_sw_r_apan_i_3AMSJJQ46JJ2S3SK9EE8
I also just bought stuff to do that too! With plastic tools of course lol
Something small that made a huge difference for us was color-coded wake/sleep night lights. Ours are 3 and were waking up, yelling for us at all hours. We got these and made it clear that if panda bear's face is orange, it's not time to wake up. At bedtime, we even say "I'll see you when panda bear is green!" Fortunately, they've really taken to it.
The other thing we did was split them into separate rooms because they'd just feed off each other's energy and be total hellions. Once they were apart, that was done and dusted. So, if it's an option and you haven't already, may be worth a try.
Good luck!
It was semi portable in the sense that it all broke down into a manageable size I could technically take in a duffel on a plane, but its not like a tear up and down quickly scenario. I only took it on one vacation where we were in the same house for a week and it had a lot of dangerous scenarios (steps, pool, etc.) that I needed to keep them contatined. the one we had is no longer on amazon, but this is similar....
search for extra large playpen
I use infant optics and bought a second camera. There is a scan feature where it will automatically switch cameras every seven seconds or so.
Infant Optics DXR-8 Video Baby Monitor with Interchangeable Optical Lens https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ECHYTBI/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_MEEVFZ0BTHDDD5F8XMGZ
Infant Optics DXR-8 Add-on Camera (Not Compatible with DXR-8 PRO) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00ECH5ARA/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_8AV1SM2H1FBG9BPQDG6X
I got mine on Amazon from a brand called maymom.
I prefer pumping into bottles so I know how much is going into each bag. The measurements on the bags are super inaccurate.
The book “12 hours sleep by 12 weeks old”
And then if you can afford them: 1) Two Snoos 2) Baby Brezza 3) Night nurse for the first few months 4) Day nanny to watch one baby
The Snoos seem expensive but there’s a really healthy resale market out there. They have been worth their weight in gold.
Father here. What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Just touch them right back on the same location.....maybe have some ketchup on your hands to make it even more gross.
Sorry for sarcasm.
You could....
1) say sorry the baby tends to cry when touched by others/strangers
2) doctor doesn't want strangers touching them due to chance of unknown germs
3) https://www.amazon.com/Touching-Stroller-Sign-Mommy-Thanks/dp/B07GSNX54Q